Fallen World

Fallen World

Fallen World is an Survival-Horror Adventure Dinosaur game inspired by the original Jurassic Park film. Like the original 1993 film, the game explores both the wonders and the terrors of dinosaurs. You are left stranded in a mysterious remote island, left no other choice but to venture into it. You soon find out the island is inhabited by dinosaurs, some of which are carnivorous and craving to hunt down preys. You are left with very few defense mechanism against these carnivores, instead, you must opt for hiding and running away. Experience this Survival-Horror Adventure in Fallen World.

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Stealth Games.

Fallen World on Steam

Lost Eden

Lost Eden

A game I loved so much from my childhood years has returned. Lost Eden was one of those classic games I could play for hours and never get bored. You play as Adam, the son of a king whose empire is threatened by an evil lord named Morkuus Rex the leader of the Tyrann. So you set out on a quest with various friends some are dinosaurs, some are humans and some are weird and fantastic creatures. Now let’s talk about the game. Even though the graphics may seem out-dated but to me this game still holds up well and despite the graphics from the 1990’s the animation is impressive for it’s time. And there are puzzles to solve during the game which requires a bit of brain power but none are too impossible to solve. Video-gamers should try out this 1990’s gem. And another thing I loved about the game was the fantastic soundtrack, It gives the game a sense of adventure and mystery. Playing this game was a nostalgic blast and it kinda reminded me of Dinotopia in a way. I know people are going to disagree, but Lost Eden would make a great Big-Budget movie from hollywood if done right. So do yourself a favour, give this game a go it’s a really relaxing and fun game.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Strategy Games.

When I was young, my brother and I received a game from our godmother that we had no idea what it was about. All we saw on the case were the words “Lost Eden” and a pterodactyl flying over a jungle. We booted the game up and we started playing. AND THEN THE MUSIC KICKED IN. My brother and I were freaked out and imeadiately turned off the game. We had nightmares for weeks.

Flashforward a decade later, we start replaying the game with our cousin and we braved through it.

Flashforward another decade and it’s finally on Steam and still one of my favorite games from childhood!

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Lost Eden on Steam

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

  • Environments are beautiful. The game doesn’t feature more advanced technologies like volumetric lighting, but still it offers some beautiful sights. The graphics options don’t offer many options for tweaking the performance - most importantly you can adjust the detail drawing distance and turn on/off Advanced Grass. The Advanced Grass is basically a richer ground foliage. While it didn’t seem to significantly affect the performace, I used to have it turned it off for practical reasons - so I could see the animals farther while I was stalking them crouched. The environment still looks very nice even with basic grass. Drawing distance setting has a bigger impact on performance, but most contemporary computers shouldn’t have a problem running it fluently even on maximum setting. Alas the quality of the textures is variable. While some are sufficienlty detailed, some others as if came from the past era of 16-32MB VRAM graphics cards.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Hunting Games.

Carnivores 2 and Carnivores: Ice Age was the first games I got on my PC back in the day, and I played them to death. I even got my original copies somewhere…

I even got mobile versions of both games on my android phone and play them from time to time. Those versions are actually superior to PC, since they both run extremely well and got some new creatures thrown in for free (18 in mobile version as of time of writing this review compared to PCs 9).

So how does this hold up?

P.S. For short version, see TL;DR/ Conclusion at the end

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn on Steam

Dino D-Day

Dino D-Day

This game is absurd, and fun to play… usually. Pitting the Allies vs the Axis in an alternate history where Germany clones dinosaurs to fuel their war effort, the Axis forces have a near monopoly on the Dinos. This doesn’t mean that the Allies are any less fun to play though. Trigger, the Allies sole dino is one of the better ones, with a charge ability, and a solid machine gun to use.

Playing at the Allies is more a straightforward FPS, with relatively standard classes. There is an assault, a sniper, a medic, all the regulars, and they do quite well against the dinosaurs, to the point that with a competitive team, the Axis forces have a bit of a harder time of things. Shotguns end dinos, sniper rifles end dinos from a distance. The Allies have a clear advantage on range in general. With a female french resistance medic, and a female sniper, I am also happy to see that I can play as a woman for once in an FPS. One that isn’t merely relegated to a healer or noncombat class. This is pretty rare, and most people won’t care, but I think it is pretty cool. Also of note is that several classes have area of effect buffs, such as accuracy or healing, allowing small squads to become even more deadly.

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

This game is fun. No matter your skill, no matter your system, no matter the class you choose. This game embodies the ultimate dream of all young boys and I can assume many young girls. WW2 mixed with Dinos I mean it’s magic! I awaited this game from the moment I heard of it. It’s surprising a game like this took so long to come out. But the similarity to UT is what really makes this game fun for old school gamers. Let’s be honest ever since Halo and CS ruined gaming forever people have been waiting for a game that isn’t realistic. If I wanted to crouch and steady myself before every shot I’d go play paintball. I want to jump and flip like a jackass while some poor sap tries to shoot the ball of rubber I’ve become. It’s simple the matrix was cool that’s what I want from a game… any game. That said the graphics are ok at best but the gameplay more than makes up for it. The only real problem I have is getting hung up on walls and corners it’s sort of the one button mouse of gaming. A nearly unforgivable sin since it was fixed in most games long ago. All things considered it’s a great little number I’ll be playing for years to come. -SEF

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Dino D-Day on Steam

Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage is a game I can entertain myself for hours on end. Whether you’re in it for the killing or just to mess around and role play (rp). I Recommend this game. It’s true this game hasn’t been updated in months or maybe even a year now but even so it makes a great game none the less. If you want to feel a realistic dinosaur game then this one should be on your list of games to try.

The gameplay is quite smooth if you have a decent connection to the internet, it only gets laggy if there is a player with a high ping or your internet is just slow. It’s a very smooth game and this is why I prefer it over Primal Carnage Extinction. The “improved” primal carnage (Extinction) is just too choppy for me and it just doesn’t have the same feel that Primal Carnage gives. When I fly as a ptera I feel free, I could spend hours just flying around a map doing tricks and going under/over hard to reach places. Bonus: Pteras can actually speed up in this game by diving, wheras in Extinction you’re basically just looking to get killed if you’re a ptera. The movement of the dinos feels realistic, for example the raptor pounces at what seems within logic (in game it looks to be around 15ft). The rex doesn’t vacuum you up into it’s mouth, you actually have to aim to eat the human. Dilos are a much harder class to play, so if you like challenges then you should play that class and try to get atleast 5 kills without dying. Another thing that I like about the gameplay is the accuracy in aiming, it seems very realistic although the bullets don’t slow down, they shoot the same speed as far as you want. Even still this game is quite fun.

Real player with 1153.5 hrs in game

Yes, this game is dead. None the less, I wanted to give this game a review, since it’s one of my most beloved games ever.

I’ve bought this game back in the day when it was still supported and not that long released on Steam yet. It was kinda an early early acces game, so before Steam’s EA-phase. It was released, but still very early in development, it still would get more dinos, maps, more modes etcetera. But man I loved it. I love dinosaurs, I love shooting the place up, what could go wrong? Well, long story short; an abandoned game does the trick.

Real player with 501.3 hrs in game

Primal Carnage on Steam

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

This exceeded my expectations, and was very satisfying to play. For a free to play demo, I think this is great for a sim. A nice backstory, and a great taste of the full game. The idea of going from GPR to dig, encasing the fossils, shipping them, THEN cleaning the bones and building the displays was the entire spectrum, and it’s hands-on, not teleporting to the site. You have to drive there, set up the perimeter, and dig that stuff out yourself! Inspect what you dig, encase it in plaster, put it in the case, ship it, it’s the entire process, and that’s what I want in a sim. Also, you get achievements for a demo! One of them is still vexing me, but I’ll get it. Photos in the slideshow have images not in this prologue, but there is plenty here for an afternoon of fun, and I’m going to purchase day one. There’s a bit of noise about the lack of an avatar driving the car, but that is not an issue for me, and will likely be fixed in the full release of the game. Perhaps if/when gender and identity issues come up, but honestly there is no spoken dialogue, and gender-neutrality should be important in a game like this. Put tinted windows on the dang car, with a shadow, and it’s not an issue. There is enough depth and flexibility in gameplay for me.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Nauseatingly bad.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s a good idea for a young children’s game here. Visually it’s interesting and there’s an attempt at adding variety with mini-games.

Unfortunately everything about it is just done poorly. The controls are slippery with a terrible lag even after turning up mouse acceleration. The camera is nauseating and just kind of floats and drifts, not always in the direction you wanted to go. I can’t go more than a few minutes without a glitch either visually or functionally, with something getting stuck on something or something falling through something. I’ve seen amateur games with more polish and less problems.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue on Steam

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter

Play a free prologue version now:



Dinosaur Fossil Hunter is a storytelling simulator where you live a real paleontologist’s life. Explore different lands, search, uncover and study uncovered fossils, and prepare the skeletons to build your own museum. You will learn many interesting facts about these extinct creatures that walked the Earth millions of years ago.

Game features:

  • Drive off-road vehicles in locations inspired by U.S. landscapes

  • Use various exploration and excavation tools to search through deformable terrain

  • Prepare fossils to showcase in your own museum

  • Learn about numerous dinosaur species while studying their detailed skeletons

  • Follow an intriguing storyline


Hit the road to search for fossils of extinct species that once ruled the Earth. Enjoy diverse landscapes across the United States, where you’ll force your way through mud, water, and various environmental hazards. Destroy rocks, drain bodies of water, and search for your prize in a vast terrain.


Collecting fossils is not that easy, especially if you have to dig by yourself. Use your georadar to search for clues and discover the remains of extinct species, adding to your insight of the Earth’s distant past. If you think all you have to do is find the right area, you’re wrong. It’s just the beginning! Use multiple tools, such as a chainsaw, shovel, or pickaxe, to achieve your goal. But, be careful! These bones can be very fragile.


Precious fossils are very delicate, so you need to carefully clean the bones to ensure that nothing gets damaged before assembling a complete prehistoric skeleton. Manage your know-how using the portable in-game tablet and become a world-renowned paleontologist.


After your dinosaur skeletons are complete, it’s time to customize your museum. Arrange the interior, grow plants, and decorate the building with various displays. Design your own prehistoric diorama. Choose all the elements for the set, from small plants to rocks and even types of soil. Arrange dinosaurs to create thrilling, dynamic settings and give them life to stoke the imagination of your visitors. Become a truly brilliant curator of your own private museum!

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter on Steam

Robinson: The Journey

Robinson: The Journey

HTC Vive Review

First of all they put so much love into this game with so many details. The world is just incredible. The jungle just feels alive and you are guided quite well by your friend, the flying robot, which explains the controls bit by bit when you need them and he is also very entertaining and tells you what to do next.


They are ok at best. Only the climbing part feels very nice. You dont actually use your hand in terms of grabbing stuff. You have your device in your hand which lets objects move. Thats absolutly ok, it’s just different. I personally like it because you have longer range and you can easily pick up things on the floor.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

This game is a hidden gem buried under negative reviews. It’s not devoid of negative points (I’m gonna get to that later on), but it’s a game that really takes advantage of what VR has to offer. First off, the graphics are incredible. I was amazed by some of the environments, and had to stop more than one time just to enjoy the scenery, because you really feel the sense of scale in that game, it’s really impressive. And the dinosaurs are so realistic, you feel so tiny when the long necks are walking near you aha. Then there is the climbing part, which add even more to the experience. When you’re in the Jungle climbing these huge trees and you look down - you REALLY don’t want to loose your grip and fall. I got my fair rate of stress at certain times aha. I really liked the story too, and the ending was really nice.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Robinson: The Journey on Steam

Digital Zoo Gallery

This is a pretty amazing concept for an art gallery. There are three sections: the dinosaurs, the aquarium and the art gallery. The dinosaur exhibit was awesome, like Jurassic Park, only with added art. The jungle was lush, the dino animations were pretty cool, and it’s tied with the aquarium as my favorite.

The aquarium starts you off in a smallish exhibit room with some animated and static artworks. You can then explore the aquarium room and tunnel to your heart’s content. Honestly, this looks amazing and better than some diving games I’ve played.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Beautiful, relaxing and uplifting.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending 30 minutes exploring the 3 different areas today.

My only criticism at this stage - please add some more music for each environment; although the tracks are a very good fit, because they are short they quickly become repetitive, and even in my short visit today were starting to become irritating which really detracts from the experience. Adding just a few more tracks to each area would solve that.

I hope that you continue to expand the art and areas.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Digital Zoo Gallery on Steam



Oakwood is the survival horror game I’ve been waiting for. And you know what makes this game even better…..IT HAS MOTHERFUCKIN DINOSAURS!!!!!! Finally! A Horror Game with dinosaurs. And Oakwood delivers the suspense, the horror and the tension. This game had me on the edge the whole entire time, because I didn’t know what was going to jump out and rip me to shreds. I’m so surprized that they finally got around to making a horror game with dinosaurs. The graphics are impressive for an indie game but there are some people that might be put off, don’t let the graphics fool you, you have got to play this game. Is there nothing that gets the heart beating like hearing raptors rustling through the long grass, or hearing the thundering footsteps of the greatest predator that ever lived and getting chased by these awesome creatures sends chills down your spine. Also the music really gives this game it’s atmosphere, and makes the forest environment a creepy place to be by yourself, and it gives the feeling of dread and fear as well as isolation. The company that created this game deserve praise. I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves dinosaurs or Survival Horror or even both. Oakwood is what all the Jurassic Park games should’ve been like, and to be truthful this game has a Jurassic Park feel to it. So what are you waiting for! Get ready for a survival-horror adventure 65 million years in the making.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Update #2: I’ve added an “All Totems and Secret Door” video guide to the Oakwood series I did on Youtube. Just go to the playlist I’ve already included in my review. You will find 5 videos. The 5th video is the guide. The first 4 are just my regular playthrough.

Update: I finally completed the game and although there were a small number of frustrating parts (mostly related to the game telling you to do one thing and then within a minute you’re required to do the exact opposite of what the game just said to do) it was still an amazing experience. This game is what all the Jurassic Park games before it should have been. I absolutely loved it. It was tense, it was terrifying, the atmosphere was great and there’s not much more to say than that. If you think that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out my series on youtube or better yet - buy the game and try it for yourselves!

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Oakwood on Steam