Everpixel Valley

Everpixel Valley

Action RPG meets farming simulator.

You’ve inherited a dusty plot of land. With your trusty axe, you set out to establish your pixelated dominance. Can you turn your farm into a bustling empire? It won’t be easy - you’ll have to fight off hordes of enemies seeking plunder. But you won’t have to do it alone - raise an army of tutu-wearing dinosaurs , obese unicorns, and sharks with friggin' laser beams on their heads to take the fight to your enemies.


  • Turn your dusty plot of land into a bustling farm! Sow crops, raise critters, and gather materials. But be careful - you’ll need to build defenses. Invaders will seek to pillage your hard work.

  • Hack n' Slash ARPG: Defend your farm - wade into the fray and make your enemies regret coming to your turf.

  • Character development: Over 24 perk trees to choose from! Choose carefully - you can only choose one primary and three secondary trees!

  • Dynamic Landscape: Specializing in a tree changes the farm around you! Pyromancer’s farms become grow hot while Toximancers poison the very land around them! Choose your crops accordingly - not every crop enjoys fire; not every crop is hydrated by poison!

  • Crafting: Everything you grow, every material you gather from your foes can be used for crafting. Forge slime swords, gem-infused chainmail, or tools to accessorize your buildings. The materials you use determines the enchantments you get!

  • Critters: What farm is complete without dinosaurs, wiener dogs, and walruses? Raise your livestock from eggs into your greatest allies! Bring them into battle or use them as mounts. Your critters eat different crops and produce different materials, so experiment to find the combination that suits your taste!

About Us:

Doom Dino Games is currently a one-man show. I am a professional software engineer that never forgot why I became a software engineer in the first place - I wanted to make great games. Eclectically inspired by games as varied as Diablo 2, XCom, Stardew Valley, Super Mario, Battle Brothers, Dwarf Fortress and Baldur’s Gate 2, I am passionate about making games that I want to play myself.

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Hack and Slash Games.

Everpixel Valley on Steam

ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

dont read or watch anything people say about this game or company there all lying and you will get lots of spoilers and make you play the wrong way even most reviews will be spoiling and tutorials or almost any youtube video except this one

this review is objective all im doing is laying out the facts if i got something wrong tell me


a story driven pve sci fi rpg about a mysterious island and you must find the mystery of the island and escape


unbelievable amount 100s of hours of content and you can replay countless times because each time you play will be completely different a long story lots of areas to explore so many items(over 1000) and so many enemies(over 100 not counting bosses)

Real player with 4302.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Open World Games.

When the game was released, this game was my favorite survival game, maps, jungle, tame dinosaurs, crafting, almost everything.

But since they created the TEK tier and the new maps, everything is gone.

It looks more like galactic fights than a survival game with dinosaurs. The essence that made it great has been lost.

Now when fighting pvp, either you are in a tribe with 5 friends or more, with a lot of tek or you do nothing. I recommend playing it in the Primitive Plus mode or else on PvE servers

Real player with 2754.0 hrs in game

ARK: Survival Evolved on Steam

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

This exceeded my expectations, and was very satisfying to play. For a free to play demo, I think this is great for a sim. A nice backstory, and a great taste of the full game. The idea of going from GPR to dig, encasing the fossils, shipping them, THEN cleaning the bones and building the displays was the entire spectrum, and it’s hands-on, not teleporting to the site. You have to drive there, set up the perimeter, and dig that stuff out yourself! Inspect what you dig, encase it in plaster, put it in the case, ship it, it’s the entire process, and that’s what I want in a sim. Also, you get achievements for a demo! One of them is still vexing me, but I’ll get it. Photos in the slideshow have images not in this prologue, but there is plenty here for an afternoon of fun, and I’m going to purchase day one. There’s a bit of noise about the lack of an avatar driving the car, but that is not an issue for me, and will likely be fixed in the full release of the game. Perhaps if/when gender and identity issues come up, but honestly there is no spoken dialogue, and gender-neutrality should be important in a game like this. Put tinted windows on the dang car, with a shadow, and it’s not an issue. There is enough depth and flexibility in gameplay for me.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Building Games.

Nauseatingly bad.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s a good idea for a young children’s game here. Visually it’s interesting and there’s an attempt at adding variety with mini-games.

Unfortunately everything about it is just done poorly. The controls are slippery with a terrible lag even after turning up mouse acceleration. The camera is nauseating and just kind of floats and drifts, not always in the direction you wanted to go. I can’t go more than a few minutes without a glitch either visually or functionally, with something getting stuck on something or something falling through something. I’ve seen amateur games with more polish and less problems.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue on Steam

The Sapling

The Sapling

Very reminisce of Spore, but focus on natural selection and ecology which Spore seriously lacked. I completed all the current scenarios. So a 4 out 5 for me, and must buy for anyone who want an ecological game.

In a world filled with in-your-face tutorial, Sapling tutorial teach to basic and then allow the player learn the rest thru trying out all the functions and hover-over information. A serious plus.

The scenarios are both pleasing and challenging puzzles, and as I said before the scenarios teach the player how to use the game thru experimentation over in-your-face hand-holding flood of pop-up tutorials that plague the gaming world. Even once you completed all scenarios, the sandbox is actually challenging and very satisfying despite the fact everything is unlocked. With mutation and time-skip for sand-box, it allow you is more accurate natural selection.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

I really love this game, I also love creating creatures to play as, or to just simply observe them evolving! Its fun to see how they would do in the wild trough a simulation. Though, this game is small and all, I’d want to be able to use a brush tool to change moisture and temperature of places, with it automatically changing the color and creating puddles or mud, maybe even a coloring tool to give the ground some color! *With this there should be an option to make the lakes not be automatically created. But also, we should be able to create our own lakes, so we can make a swamp-like environment for our creations to survive in! But really, overall I’d rate this game an 8.5/10 , one of the problems I have is lag, even with a good pc and low settings, probably due to many things moving at once all the time and the crashing. Another issue is the time cap I encountered, everything froze and I could only get past it trough a time skip, which took a whole 7 minutes to be done. But I enjoy this game alot, despite the issues. Hope you guys can develop this game to be one of the best simulation games ever!

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

The Sapling on Steam

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

This game saved my life.

I am 55.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiralling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 4234.2 hrs in game

Have you ever imagined what it would it would feel like to jump off one of Gandalf’s eagles, use a parachute and begin to lob some 10-15 grenades at a terrifying assortment of Giant monkeys, Stegos, and T-Rexes awaiting below? Neither had I, which is what makes this game so very fun!

But in all seriousness I’ll preface this review by saying this is an excellent game that i’ve thoroughly enjoyed and will continue to enjoy playing, but like any game, it has its pros and cons, and i’ll try to point out the aspects of the game here that i’ve found most enjoyable or sometimes a bit frustrating.

Real player with 783.9 hrs in game

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest on Steam

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time

As its two predeseccors, it is a nice simplistic adventure and survival game. It is a little bit more complex. I enjoyed it very much and hope for more in the future!

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Fun casual crafting adventure

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Survival RPG 3: Lost in Time on Steam

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2)

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2)

I really did once support this game and its developers. It’s true, read my old Prelude review, it’s still positive. I was heavily invested in Trek Industries' first title, Orion Prelude, having unlocked 99% of its achievements. I was happy to see an expansion of the Orion universe away from the limits imposed by Prelude’s systems, and it’s always nice to see indie devs improve upon their vision of an ideal game.

The game itself is not bad, per se. It has a good foundation, easy-to-learn mechanics and addictive gameplay. I spent many long hours, almost 300, happy to play it, eager to explore the gradually developing content and new systems. The game has lofty ambitions, and that in itself is, again, not intrinsically bad. The way the developers went about implementing the change is where crap hits the proverbial fan:

Real player with 474.5 hrs in game

Introduction: Guardians of Orion or also previously known as just “Orion” and also “The Orion project” is a pretty interesting and ambitious game which will probably include everything from PvP and PvE to space and planet exploration in the form of individual modules. As of writing this the PvP module is the latest module which was added besides the PvE module which existed for a while.

So besides the PvP module at the moment this game is pretty much like Orion Prelude (developed by the same developers) remastered in Unreal Engine 4 except that this game features more guardians or classes with more to be added but at the same moment it is missing vehicles which might be added at some point. Now I will mention regarding the various gameplay aspects.

Real player with 258.2 hrs in game

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2) on Steam



Dynopunk is an ironic visual novel that combines a unique repairing simulator with the ability to directly influence your clients' attitudes.

Imagine there was no asteroid hitting the Earth and millions of years later dinosaurs created their own society. Chris is the last surviving T Rex and all he wants is to open the repair shop of his dreams. It also wouldn’t hurt to build a time machine and travel to the past to find himself a girlfriend. Isn’t it a bit much, Chris? Just don’t throw your paws up!


Your friend came to you worried? Talk about his problems and give him some advice. But beware, he will listen to you. Or maybe a moody but rich client came to you? Just give him a drink he likes and be nice, it will pay off. On the other hand, you can badger him to see how mad he can get!


For a successful gadget repair, you need to find out the breakdown causes by talking with the client, choose a suitable chip with an effect, and make it as high quality as possible. Your profit depends on your skills.


A 3D printer that can print chips which give an object any effect. How will you utilize this? A client brings you a broken robotic vacuum: do you install a chip with internet connection to fix the navigation system, or install an intellect chip so the vacuum takes over the owner’s house?


Sip a cup of your favourite tea, listen to a lo-fi soundtrack, dive into characters' stories, and make your choices. Play your own jokes on customers as well.


World filled with history, subtext, dinosaurs, and futuristic gadgets. What more could you ask for?

Dynopunk on Steam



I would not recommend this game to play, solely based on the fact that the game has quite a few cheaters and corrupt GM’s.

TLDR I have over 1000 hours played on official PvP servers and will share what happened to make me not recommend this game. In the last week before this review me and my one other tribe member encountered 2 players from china that we caught using ghosting to kill our tames, pixblocks (that had end-game creatures high lvl), and generators. We logged on and seen all this destroyed and caught them using the cheat to kill stuff through our multi-layered tek and steel base without having to blow through the walls and making an opening to get in.

Real player with 1075.1 hrs in game

I’ve also got this game on my Xbox. Was tempted to get it for the switch too. But def not worth the price you gotta pay for it. I’ve played Off and On since launch. Xbox and PC. Let me tell you about how Xbox went first. (I’m also leaving this as a review for the game too)

Back then i didn’t know this was a Chinese IP until i did some digging. Little did I know this is what it would lead to. Launch on Xbox had it’s problems. Constant Dcs and crashing. There was a point where you couldn’t fly anywhere because you’d go over maybe 5 blocks and freeze in place for a second. My guess is because the server couldn’t keep up with your dino speed (back when it was a thing) You could also use the dino speed as in advantage on Fury server to see peoples bases on the bottom of the floor. That almost ruined PvP. But what really ruined it was the fact that Dinos and structures were super super weak against players. IDK if it’s still like it now. But you could almost break into any base with a bone sword. So flying slowly started to destroy the playerbase.

Real player with 124.6 hrs in game

PixARK on Steam

Reptiles: In Hunt

Reptiles: In Hunt

An adventure game with the story of a hunter who tries to find his lost son, set in a post apocalyptic world ruled by dinosaurs and reptilian humanoids.

It’s content is very nice for an indie title. The playtime is about 4-6 hours.

The story is quite simple without decisions, still enough to keep up the interest.

The graphics and the map design looks fine.

There are even some really beautiful places which can make the player to stop and simply enjoying the view. There are some graphical bugs, but none of those are serious.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

TLDR: Reptiles: In Hunt has more bugs than dinosaurs, but despite its many failings there is a gaming experience worth hunting in this indie title…it just needs a lot more evolution before we can call it a ‘clever girl.’

I completed Reptiles: In Hunt today - in total, it took me a little under 10 hours (9.8 hours). Looking at other reviewers time with the game, I suspect I might be one of the few people to leave a review who’ve played this game to the end (at least, at the time of writing), so I want to offer some thoughts.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Reptiles: In Hunt on Steam