Dino D-Day

Dino D-Day

This game is absurd, and fun to play… usually. Pitting the Allies vs the Axis in an alternate history where Germany clones dinosaurs to fuel their war effort, the Axis forces have a near monopoly on the Dinos. This doesn’t mean that the Allies are any less fun to play though. Trigger, the Allies sole dino is one of the better ones, with a charge ability, and a solid machine gun to use.

Playing at the Allies is more a straightforward FPS, with relatively standard classes. There is an assault, a sniper, a medic, all the regulars, and they do quite well against the dinosaurs, to the point that with a competitive team, the Axis forces have a bit of a harder time of things. Shotguns end dinos, sniper rifles end dinos from a distance. The Allies have a clear advantage on range in general. With a female french resistance medic, and a female sniper, I am also happy to see that I can play as a woman for once in an FPS. One that isn’t merely relegated to a healer or noncombat class. This is pretty rare, and most people won’t care, but I think it is pretty cool. Also of note is that several classes have area of effect buffs, such as accuracy or healing, allowing small squads to become even more deadly.

Real player with 247.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

This game is fun. No matter your skill, no matter your system, no matter the class you choose. This game embodies the ultimate dream of all young boys and I can assume many young girls. WW2 mixed with Dinos I mean it’s magic! I awaited this game from the moment I heard of it. It’s surprising a game like this took so long to come out. But the similarity to UT is what really makes this game fun for old school gamers. Let’s be honest ever since Halo and CS ruined gaming forever people have been waiting for a game that isn’t realistic. If I wanted to crouch and steady myself before every shot I’d go play paintball. I want to jump and flip like a jackass while some poor sap tries to shoot the ball of rubber I’ve become. It’s simple the matrix was cool that’s what I want from a game… any game. That said the graphics are ok at best but the gameplay more than makes up for it. The only real problem I have is getting hung up on walls and corners it’s sort of the one button mouse of gaming. A nearly unforgivable sin since it was fixed in most games long ago. All things considered it’s a great little number I’ll be playing for years to come. -SEF

Real player with 230.6 hrs in game

Dino D-Day on Steam

LEGO® Jurassic World

LEGO® Jurassic World

5/10 Quite the bug fest there, Tt Games

Due to Steam’s 4000 character limit, this is a strongly edited review from Gao Li Occasionally Reviews

Childproofing Jurassic Park

While LEGO is famously kid-friendly, Jurassic Park flicks are monster movies where giant lizards devour unsuspecting victims, which is why many of the more violent scenes were toned down to make them family friendly. For example, the death of Donald Gennaro – the lawyer who gets eaten by a t-rex on the toilet – is still shown here, but he’s spat out after apex predator’s fight against a raptor. Zara Young, meanwhile, stays devoured by the mosasaurus & plays cards with other characters in its belly. That said, even though the developers managed to elude graphic scenes, they failed to edit out the “adult” language.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Open World Games.

NOTE: I noticed a few comments on this review. Please note that this is an old review. I have not played this game in a long time. It was in an unacceptably dire state the last time I played, and I don’t plan on coming back to it. Some have claimed that the issues mentioned here have been fixed. I can’t confirm if this is true or not, but I did say that if this game receives a patch, then I’d recommend it. So keep that in mind, please. Thank you. 3

Anyway, here’s my review, still intact and unchanged.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

LEGO® Jurassic World on Steam



Okay, so I’m a huge fan of zoo-based park management games, right? I’ve spent a good portion of my childhood pretty much wasting away on them. Zoo Tycoon, Wildlife Park, Jurassic World Genesis, Zoo Empire, you name it. But I’ll be honest, when I first saw Parkasaurus, I really did not think I would enjoy this game all that much. Probably because it’s been so long since we’ve had a really good zoo management game (ZT2 Ultimate Collection is still considered the best by many zoo management fans, myself included, and that was released in ’08, so 10-11 years ago now), coupled with my own initial dislike for the ridiculously huge-eyed goofy art style and the fact that it’s solely focused on dinosaurs. Personally, I just didn’t have high expectations here.

Real player with 319.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs City Builder Games.

☆The Old(est) Fashioned ‘Zoo Tycoon'☆

Parkasaurus has been on my wishlist for I dont know how long.

Right now, it’s the steam summer sale and I’ve been looking at games to distract me during the long heated summer hours.

I’ve been interested but I never really wanted to put £20 on it, like, it looked fun, but it’s…isometric? …Ehhh….

What I hadn’t realised was that the game is actually full on, low-poly style 3D! It’s not completely isometric art, and I appreciate that so much for a reason I’ll explain down below. I have played 4.5 hours so far, definitely going back for more, and this has let me play through two campaign levels (there’s loads left to do!) and the tutorial level.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Parkasaurus on Steam

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase

Great game to play when you are looking for some time to kill or are just looking for something new. The story line is simple and easy to follow and there are a lot of easter eggs that exist that are a challenge to find. Really worth the money for a simple game.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase on Steam

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

On some rare occasions, a game is found which seems not only close to flawless but proves an absolute joy to play. A game like this stands up in a crowd and says, “Hey! You remember fun? Try this, maybe!” The Deadly Tower of Monsters is such a title. In perfect honesty the author nearly feels an aversion to publishing any opinion on The Deadly Tower of Monsters, as it feels like it would fall short of doing the game justice.

To summarize, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is effectively a platforming video game incarnation of Mars Attacks: a perfectly satirical nod to the greatness that was the pre-3rd millennium sci-fi B movie. Looking at it, one gets a vague notion that the developer ACE Team may have originally intended a slightly different product, and partway through the life cycle decided, “You see these stitches? That faulty lighting? Yeah, we do too!” and ran with it in a new direction like it was out of style. Every cliche and trope of 19xx’s science fiction makes an appearance while the indomitable protagonists Dick, Scarlet, and… Robot, in the interest of saving the downtrodden population of an oppressed planet of ape-people, try to overthrow a maniacally space-evil space tyrant in space.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

I very rarely write reviews for games, but this is, by far, the most unique, enjoyable, humorous experience I have ever had playing a game. I believe I played for ten hours, and I didn’t play a single other game until I finished this one. Moreover, I will most definitely be revisiting it soon.

Usually, when game journalists say a game has a unique story, they’re just compensating for crappy gameplay and trying to elevate games to the “true artform” they wish it to be (even though every game is already clearly art). This game has it all: a story that is unheard of in the gaming universe; humor to please you endlessly; fantastic gameplay that ramps up in difficulty when you’re ready; 24 different and upgradeable weapons; and a look that you just won’t find anywhere else. The only thing I would note is that the combat isn’t very tight, but the game makes up for it in varying the gameplay and weapons as the game progresses, allowing you all sorts of unique and creative ways to kill stuff and solve other problems.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

The Deadly Tower of Monsters on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

I do so enjoy these quirky little stories! Oh and I totally am not even slightly biased at all about the cast of this one all being dragons ; p

What can I say if you have played any of the games by Stegalosaurus and enjoyed them, this one will bring you more of what you have enjoyed in the past. Humor? Check! Strange unexpected plot twists? Check! The option to take things seriously and try to make the right choices, or say to Hades and blow it all up on purpose? You bet! Opportunities to meddle in other peoples lives and relationships, while pointedly ignoring your own? lol of course! hmmmm here’s a new one, love triangle???? Well some one does mention the idea…. But I havnt found it yet (although the two who “play” brother and sister would really make for an incredibly confusing one! lmao I can see it now….. but yeah that doesnt happen).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons! on Steam

Primal Pursuit

Primal Pursuit

Primal Pursuit is an indie animal racer that supports up to 12 players and is a heap of fun with friends or in one of its offline modes such as the single player tournaments (against bots) or time trials (competing for leaderboard positions). It has an impressive art style with a nice selection of maps and unique animal’s to choose from. Each racer has their own set of abilities and playstyle, not to mention that the roster itself is made up of a pretty interesting, non-generic selection of species.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Followed Primal Pursuit through early development and managed to snag a tester key! (Have now Purchased)

I Played this game with my Niece and Nephew, both them and myself had an absolute blast playing this game!

The animal racing style and themes are an awesome spin on the the classic arcade racer, with each animal (A total of 8) having a set of 3 unique and interesting abilities of their own. These abilities each of the animals possess, alongside the diverse range of maps that contain tricky obstacles such as the big boulders thrown from giants and hefty spike traps, really helped make our races more interesting and broke that monotony you’d have in most other games in this genre. My niece was smitten with the ‘chubby walrus,’ and wouldn’t change from him all afternoon.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Primal Pursuit on Steam



not funny and not fun. even if it was free i’d say hard pass.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

ZooSim on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator


Real player with 315.2 hrs in game

it is cool

Real player with 131.4 hrs in game

Animal Revolt Battle Simulator on Steam