Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

Honestly my first time writing a review on Steam. I’m taking time out of my life to tell you how wonderful this game is. So. It’s wonderful. Go play it. Like. Right now.

In all seriousness this game is a lot like those shooter arcade games I grew up playing in the arcade room. It’s very simple - you run back and forth and shoot as many dinosaurs as you can and rack up your points. It’s a time killer. It’s made me competitive.. with myself.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game


The Glassfire Amulet

The Glassfire Amulet

The Glassfire Amulet is a solid fantasy adventure featuring demon girls, feral cat girls, sexy barfly dark elf guys, and of course–most importantly–aloof dragon girls. It also features dungeons and classic rpg battles with dozens of monsters from the depths of the world.

Take it from Gibb the Platonic Tentacle Monster -

“Why are you quoting me? Don’t quote me, stop it. I’m going to my library.”

Game features:

  • A cohesive and original story from start to finish

  • Sidequests helping cute girls and guys withs stuff they should probably be able to do on their own

  • Lots of battles including elemental systems and enemy weapon weaknesses

  • Tons of skills and customizable party members! Want the tank to also heal? Can do!

  • Estimated Gameplay Length: 2 to 10 hours unless you’re achievement farming!

  • Achievements to farm!

  • Tons of dumb and dirty jokes

  • Replay Value (Hidden quests and romances)

  • Most importantly there is a wet t-shirt contest featuring only tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Nudity Games.

The Glassfire Amulet on Steam

Dinosaur Hunt Puzzle

Dinosaur Hunt Puzzle

If you don’t like simple sliding puzzles, move along, there’s nothing else to see here.


This is exactly what it looks like, a very basic sliding puzzle game. You pick the size to adjust the number of tiles you want to solve and then select an image. The game lets you pick from the basic story images from Dinosaur Hunt or create your own (or use others from the workshop)

The music is relaxing and the freedom to use any image you want makes this mildly interesting, assuming you like basic sliding puzzles. Overall there’s not much to rave about, but also nothing to really complain about. It’s simple, it’s functional and it’s free.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Psychological Horror Games.

5000 Achievements, constantly dropping (whether you’re doing anything or not). Perfectly competent randomised slide puzzles, which are presumably fun if you’re any good at them (I’m utterly hopeless, and take f-ing forever). Pleasant pictures, pleasant music. And, perhaps most important of all: it’s FREE.

So while it’s nothing to get very excited about, it’s also nothing to complain about. Avid slide puzzlers will presumably be in slide puzzle heaven.

Oh, and for some odd reason there’s even CARD DROPS. On a free game! Can’t say I’ve seen that one before. (Though they are worth crap-all on the market, so might be best saved to build badges. Unless you really wanna work for that extra ten cents or so in your Steam Wallet.)

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Dinosaur Hunt Puzzle on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure is beyond Terrible. A really lame VR game. Now where do I begin, first off this game only goes for 20 minutes, and for a 20-minute VR game the asking price is a bit much. So who would want to pay that much money. Also there are no hand animations and reloading animations as well, and the game is so generous that you have infinite bullets, you heard me correctly Infinite Bullets. I feel the developers could’ve made the game a bit more challenging in having to reload but the fact that you’re giving unlimited ammo makes the game so much easier all you have to do is hold down the button and fire away. The only good thing about the game are the graphics despite a few bugs here and there. The enemies are meh, and the boss fights are lame. The dinosaur models look like they were ripped out of a Jurassic World game, don’t believe me take a real good look at the raptors at level one, I swear those raptors look exactly like Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo and the T-Rex looks like the JW T-Rex, don’t people make decent dinosaur models for video games anymore. Also there’s not much AI to the enemies they just run towards you and you mow them down like a bloodthirsty killer, the developers should make the enemies more strategic, for example have raptors attack the front while the raptors ambush the player from behind. Also there were times when I glitched out of the level while fighting enemies no joke I was for some strange, unknown reason thrown outside the pre-determined path of the game and I had to restart.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

My recommendation is ONLY for VR arcade centers

This Game has good potentials for VR arcades however, they need to fix the sound, it is just too scattered and you don’t know what you are hearing.

Te sound of the truck is absent

the sound of the lady speaking is absent

Background sound is noisy.. too noisy

the sound of the gun is very low

This game is just good for commercial VR arcades

360 standstill and 3 DOF not 6DOF


I will refund for now until these and some other issues other reviewers will mention is fixed

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Atlantis Adventure VR on Steam




To play this game, the first and most important thing is to create a custom character. This DIY character can be created from photos. And can be saved for DIY Worlds.

Select the DIY Face button in the upper left corner first, to generate a header.

After selecting a photo here, you can add many effects. Such as cartoonize, or changing age, or even changing gender!

Then there are ~20 kinds of bodies to match/attach to. After connecting the body with the head, a lady is created.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game

The game has a lot of nice features and a few weakpoints.

First of all, the KI communications are very funny and the KI has a lot of answers for your questions which

even makes sense a lof of times. And even when the answer is nonsense it is funny. So the KI communikation

is in my oppinion the best part of this game. In english it is even possible via microfon.

Another big pluspoint is the model, because she is very cute and you can place her on your desktop.

I also like the dance moves and the music even when there are just a few options.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

DIY MY LADY on Steam

JumpJet Rex

JumpJet Rex

Hardcore indie retro platformers and time-attack games have been a dime a dozen for years now, but I’m extremely pleased to share that JumpJet Rex is among the very best I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.

To save the Earth from a deadly asteroid, you’ll find yourself loose in a number of (mostly) bite-size levels in which you, a space-faring, rocket-boot-wearing T-Rex, must propel yourself through low gravity around obstacles and enemies, passing through a set number of golden rings to unlock the exit. You can combat enemies (and interact with some obstacles) with both Rex’s spin attack and, cleverly, the emissions from your rocket boots. You earn stars by completing the level and, optionally, by doing so without dying and/or doing so within a challenging time constraint. The progression scheme is reminiscent of Super Mario 64 - you choose non-linearly from an assortment of levels until you have enough stars to unlock the boss battle, and beating the boss unlocks a new assortment of levels, and so on. Coins scattered around the levels can be exchanged for a plethora of cosmetic items and color schemes for Rex, and easter-egg-style “treasures” encourage pushing the envelopes of the level designs and finding ways to explore out of bounds. Couch co-op (!!) is available if you don’t wanna go it alone.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

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Nepiki’s Stats

| Overall length |

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

JumpJet Rex on Steam



Dynopunk is an ironic visual novel that combines a unique repairing simulator with the ability to directly influence your clients' attitudes.

Imagine there was no asteroid hitting the Earth and millions of years later dinosaurs created their own society. Chris is the last surviving T Rex and all he wants is to open the repair shop of his dreams. It also wouldn’t hurt to build a time machine and travel to the past to find himself a girlfriend. Isn’t it a bit much, Chris? Just don’t throw your paws up!


Your friend came to you worried? Talk about his problems and give him some advice. But beware, he will listen to you. Or maybe a moody but rich client came to you? Just give him a drink he likes and be nice, it will pay off. On the other hand, you can badger him to see how mad he can get!


For a successful gadget repair, you need to find out the breakdown causes by talking with the client, choose a suitable chip with an effect, and make it as high quality as possible. Your profit depends on your skills.


A 3D printer that can print chips which give an object any effect. How will you utilize this? A client brings you a broken robotic vacuum: do you install a chip with internet connection to fix the navigation system, or install an intellect chip so the vacuum takes over the owner’s house?


Sip a cup of your favourite tea, listen to a lo-fi soundtrack, dive into characters' stories, and make your choices. Play your own jokes on customers as well.


World filled with history, subtext, dinosaurs, and futuristic gadgets. What more could you ask for?

Dynopunk on Steam