

As game; which is built to give you fun; this game is quite hard to get into intianlly due to its ww1 and you can get shredded by the other side with mg13 spray the drops you body with weight of enough lead you now have scrap value to buy a new watch. But as simulator of WW1 warfare, probably it is the best you can get.its Extremely historically accurate, But this certainly is NOT battlefield 1 clone.

The maps are basically a mix of trenches and vegetation; there are no props, no embellishment; it is purely a wasteland with corpses, burned vegetation and relics of horses and tanks. In the middle of all of this; you and your team advancing toward objectives with no easy way to distinguish who is who.

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Shooter Games.

Was almost dead for a while but it’s back to glory now. A lot of stuff got reworked, mechanics work more smoothly, and it’s just too much bloody fun. Get back in the trenches, cowards!

Real player with 61.6 hrs in game

Verdun on Steam

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg!

Simple little simulation. NOT going to test an Avalon Hill fan. Wait for it to be on sale, as it has no scenario designer so you only get what it comes with. Limited replayability. A few minor glitches where the game wont let you attack or even move into a grid that you should be able to. So sometimes, you cant eliminate an enemy unit.

Real player with 110.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Grand Strategy Games.

just got the 4 game bundle was looking for a break from high stress turn base games the bigger devs make .

wow was this a surprise a lot is packed into the game some is not , so will not be for everyone .

but looking for a good shot out game with minimal supply planning this can be it .

One thing I like is no max turns just objectives But you have to keep going since you will run out of supply but collecting objectives or Parachute drops gets you more . I played on normal and a few battles had to restart .

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Frontline: Panzer Blitzkrieg! on Steam

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game

This game looks unfinished, big time! It has so many flaws that I can’t even know where to start. Gameplay is awful. The whole idea of the game is great (and it’s built on an awesome franchise) but it feels… slow. Really! It’s a SLOW car game, and not in a good way. I know it’s aimed for kids mostly (I actually play it with mine, the only reason I bought this thing) but yet, I cannot avoid yawning a couple of times once I get into a straight part of the circuit… soo slow.

Immersion is next to not existent. Sounds effect aren’t there (engine’s noise anyone?) Again: yawning. And I don’t want to even begin to talk about the scenarios. The tracks themselves are ok but… yet again, this is NOT FINISHED. One of the tracks has this big stands for spectators… and even though there are a couple of NPCs there it feels so EMPTY. Who would want to go and watch a boring slow race anyways?

Real player with 126.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult NSFW Games.

What can I say about the 571B Banana Slicer that hasn’t already been said about the wheel, penicillin, or the iPhone…. this is one of the greatest inventions of all time. My husband and I would argue constantly over who had to cut the day’s banana slices. It’s one of those chores NO ONE wants to do! You know, the old “I spent the entire day rearing OUR children, maybe YOU can pitch in a little and cut these bananas?” and of course, “You think I have the energy to slave over your damn bananas? I worked a 12 hour shift just to come home to THIS?!” These are the things that can destroy an entire relationship. It got to the point where our children could sense the tension. The minute I heard our 6-year-old girl in her bedroom, re-enacting our daily banana fight with her Barbie dolls, I knew we had to make a change. That’s when I found the 571B Banana Slicer. Our marriage has never been healthier, AND we’ve even incorporated it into our lovemaking. THANKS 571B BANANA SLICER!

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game on Steam

Hearts of Iron III

Hearts of Iron III

This game lets you play as any country during World War 2. I played the base game plus all expansions (SF, FtM, TFH).

You can manage every aspect of the war, from diplomacy to espionage to research to actual combat. You can even try to stay neutral and sit out the fighting if you want, but what fun would that be?

There is an enormous amount of complexity - casual gamers beware! If one part of the war is too tedious for you, it can be set to be automated. For example, rather than personally overseeing every trade deal you can check a box and let the computer handle all of your trades. The computer is not as smart as a person and it can’t metagame but in most tasks it does an adequate job.

Real player with 755.9 hrs in game

The King of Grand Strategy

Most of you who visit the shop-page for Hearts of Iron III probably already know what this game is all about. It’s a hardcore (as hardcore as it can get, actually!) Grand Strategy Game by Paradox Interactive. That one sentence really says it all.

This review is intended for those who don’t yet know what Grand Strategy (the capitals are there with a purpose!) is all about. Simply put: Grand Strategy games are the best, but also the most complex, pc gaming has to offer. They are immersive, complex, and very addictive. They are not for everyone, that’s for sure. You don’t play them for the graphics, nor for the sounds or some great level-design, but only for the gameplay, which can also be very, very difficult to master. There are tons of stats, of units and/or provinces to be controlled and only one person who has the power to control them: you.

Real player with 408.6 hrs in game

Hearts of Iron III on Steam

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

My Personal All-Time Favorite Game

Hello All :) Yeah ive played this game from Beta days as a Half-Life Mod on the old WON days. This game is like the grandfather of WW2 games , Before COD and all other WW2 games there was Day of Defeat. I have a major love for this game. I also made alot of good friends amongst my battles along the way :) {“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”}

The game play is a bit older and slower then its predecessor of the day Counter-Strike.The Capture the Flag gameplay and Objective Play enforce strong team work and communication game play. The game has aged a bit of course but the key gameplay is still relevant today.

Real player with 3828.8 hrs in game

Day of Defeat for the PC is a World War Two multiplayer mod of Counter Strike, that is a lot of fun. There are lots of levels and even though the overall gameplay is just capture checkpoints just like in Battlefield 1942 this game has something that Battlefield does not, and that is a real sense of realism. It maybe the recoil that the weapons have or the envirmonets, this game just seems to work better than Battlefield.

The graphics are kind of bland, but they do a good job making them look somewhat like the envirmoents look like. There are tons of places to go and take cover and just like in counter strike after you play for a while you really get a hang of it. I will admit though, one thing that I did not like was that you really couldnt look down the sights of any weapon other than the sniper rifle that is about it though, well the British weapons suck, but this is a very fun multiplayer game that is free via steam and a must play if you like World War Two shooters or Counter Strike.

Real player with 2489.7 hrs in game

Day of Defeat on Steam