Odium to the Core

Odium to the Core

This game if f….n awesome. I love what they do with the music, at times it feels like you are in an interactive audio visualizer. You die a lot in this game, but you are thrown right back in, and when you finally manage to cross that crazy section that seemed impossible, it feels great. In some ways, it’s like A Crow in Hell on steroids (it’s a flash game where you also have to navigate narrow corridors and avoid all kinds of contraptions, but the mechanics is a bit different). I like this game more, though.

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult 2D Games.

A great runner-type of game with an excellent presentation, tight controls, and awesome music. What i can say about this game that makes it different from the others of his genre, is that the levels are very narrative. I mean, you dont play this kind of games for his argument, but the levels evolve in some great narrative ways, like if they were telling you a story, and this accompanied by the execellent music, makes the progression through them very intense and epic. Its a weird feeling considering the genre it belongs but its truely what i feel and i think this is amazing.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Odium to the Core on Steam

The Long Gate

The Long Gate

The first thing you notice about this game is the grandeur and mystery of its environment, and it doesn’t ever let up; as I moved through the different sections of the game I marveled at the design of the machinery and rooms. The soundtrack provides an excellent backdrop to levels that are variously organic, mechanical, dark, and alien. The puzzles themselves are unlike anything I’ve seen in a game before. Built on the simple (and very much real) principles of electricity, the puzzles quickly take you from clicking on/off switches to troubleshooting gigantic electromechanical computers. Sometimes the goal is clear, other times not so much. This forced me to experiment and learn the principles before I could really solve anything complicated. The learning curve steps up quite a bit at some points, but not unreasonably so. A very satisfying challenge with plenty of those “oh I get it now” dopamine hits. Highly recommended.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Atmospheric Games.

Ok, so I’ve just finished the game for the first time (replaying soon because I still need that sweet, sweet 100% engineer mode achievement!) but I wanted to get my immediate feedback at 14.4hrs in onto paper :P

Firstly, a bit of my background. I’m a researcher in Computational Chemistry, and have a keen interest in quantum computing and electronics. I mention this as I think I’m not your typical audience, as not every gamer will have my experience with these kinds of things.

Onto the review! Spoilers abound from here on out so don’t read on if you care about those!

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

The Long Gate on Steam

Open Hexagon

Open Hexagon

this game SUCKSin fact its so bad, i ended up playing it for hours0/69 bad game, too addicting :c edit: actual review though, this game is great, the simple fact vee decided to pick himself/herself/themselves back up is kinda motivating in a way, not so much for me, but it really does show that death iisnt always perm!chapter 1: gameplayfeels good! certainly plays well, however the gameplay on this game in terms of levels is… impossible, because levels are user created and more are always coming, but in terms of vee’s own creations, they are pretty bad… in terms of showing complex ideas, HOWEVER vee’s level’s are amazing in another way, showing… how the game works no shit, its great though, the first 5 levels are simply just getting harder, more patterns more rotation speed, all that, but then the game’s first pack will start showing what the fuck is possible, from octagons.. TO CIRCLES, to spirals! the second pack is a little rough, lucky thanks to the discord im aware its getting balance changes, but for now its kinda rough, its mostly just going through differgent ideas, nothing muchchapter 2: stylei love the style of this game, im always a huge fan of ridiculously simple styles, and this pretty much hits that exactly, the hexagon in the centre, the arrow, the walls, and the background, thats all you need for the open hexagon style, not to mention the ability to spawn custom walls or use accel walls to create covers that further enhance the already exist style of the game, of course thats not for everyone, its a preference for me to love simple shapes on the screen, its fun either way, not to mention the 3D layers in each style, and the ability to pretty much use those 3d layers to their LIMITS, like making the 3d effect visible, but the actual layer invisible, and making that layer move up and down, the posibilities are ENDLESSchapter 3: user created levelsoh did i mention that this game allows you to make YOUR OWN LEVLE? yeah i kinda do that, at the time of writing this my next pack is pretty big, all by myself, it takes a bit of coding knowledge though, but once you have the basics its super fun to just change shit, and replay your own level, however this isnt about my levels, the community of this game has made plenty of packs, back in version 2.0… no one used 2.0 and stuck with 1.92, and there were.. well a lot of packs by people, so many amazing ideas by such amazing people, most of the really well known ideas originated from the packs of exschwasion, who created levels like distraction, the fisrt level- or atleast first really well known level to contain walls covering your view, the existence of FRACTALS was made in 1.92, and brought to 2.0 thanks to.. well my own garbage can coming soon, sadly this was also the time vee dropped the game, but they came back, and glad they did!chapter 4: problemsthis game may be good, but it aint without its flaws, the obvious lack of a menu is one of those, but thats bound to be fixed later on, theres also the whole problem of having lost 1.92, which as i said was used most often for a while, and thus we lost so many good packs, like somename by alpha, or sensationality by metrono ivernan, and 2.0 packs from the non steam version also have some problems, tho are easier to port, the big problem here is that we had like 200 packs… and now we have 20, quite a difference, at a sudden point in time, however packs are still being made, who knows what the fuck could happen! the fact that custom walls are so changable can give way too… honestly too many ideas! chapter 5: welcome back vee!no seriously, welcome back! how’s it been? hope ya’v been doin well :DDDthanks if you read this, i doubt you will, just wanted to give a more realistic take o n the game, hope yall have a great day

Real player with 549.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Minimalist Games.

A deceptively small price for a game so great.

There are only but a few games that I wish I knew how many hours I actually spent playing them.

This is one of those games XD

A gem that has been just out of the public’s eye has miraculously found it’s way to steam!

And this is no mere port mind you.

Vittorio Romeo has pleasantly surprised fans of the game like myself with not just the inclusion of long-been Beta content to the base game but optimized it beyond even the original’s performance.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Open Hexagon on Steam

Rad Rocket

Rad Rocket

Hear ye, hear ye! Hear the news… and despair! For the robots have acquired rockets!

This is very much a fun, although frustrating game! The style is pretty memorable and reminds me of Borderlands. Controls are somewhat tricky in the beginning though I picked ‘em up quickly enough. The collisions/mouse are sometimes a bit finicky still, though maybe this is more of a ‘git gud’ aspect than an actual complaint :P

I’m definitely failing/falling often, most of the times by attempting to grab the collectible hats (which are very cute!) but the smooth smooth soundtrack helps rein in the frustration… No, seriously, the jazz is smoother than a baby’s bottom. Each time I go up again, though, I get a little bit better, a little bit faster, so I’d say this game also has lots of speed run potential! All in all, a pretty great game for a solid price!

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

60 minute review (in-depth review will follow after 10 hours)!

This game! It’s funny, it’s frustrating but mostly it’s frustratingly funny!

First experience:

After 60 minutes all I can say is: “FFFFFFFFFFuuuuudge” since I dropped down again after a brutal climb where I eventualy panicked from making the right move/jump!

And what do you get for it as a reward? A hat and a 300 meter drop back to the start.

Silver lining: Atleast you will develop the needed skills for that first part pretty fast.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Rad Rocket on Steam



Basic Info

Genre: Non-Combat Skill-based Platformer

Difficulty: Medium-Hard

You play as a silent, masked man whose job is to light lanterns. Who you are and why you do what you do is what you will discover in Shio.

There is no combat in Shio, your only enemy is the environment. Nearly everything will kill you in one touch. You can only do two things, run and jump. While that sounds simple enough, the architects of the towers you have to traverse have placed all sorts of obstacles in your path, such as, but not limited to, spikes, lava floors, fireball cannons and swinging pendulums. At certain points there is also gates which has to be opened by lighting certain lanterns. As if the tower itself was not enough to be in your way, the weather will also try to stop you, from sun-beam lasers to razor-leaf-carrying wind-canons.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

actually i don’t really want to recommend this game but its still worth a buy in sales

the things i want to clarify about this game, as a 2d platformer game, the difficulty is balanced and not even hard at all, i don’t know why most of the dislike review said its too hard, since this game is easier than most of the hard 2d platformer in steam

the game have 2 difficulty, easy and hard mode, i never tried easy mode, but already completed all the total time achievements in hard mode, so i think this game is friendly enough as a 2d platformer

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Shio on Steam



Amazing game that is great for anyone who loves platformers and a must buy for anyone who likes the outrun style. I have to admit having the best level first mayyyy have not been the smartest idea but i enjoyed the game all the way through and the ending was great! I hope to see sequel if this game does good and am looking forward to returning for the time trials and possibly the DLCs (wink). 10/10 would and have recommended.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Deeply atmospheric & inscrutably mysterious in a ruined world,Spectrolite is a first-person platformer that aims to test our skills.Great visuals,amazing soundtrack,precise controls,highly satisfying.

Steam Curator : ==  [u][i][url]Right to the Point![/url][/i][/u]  == Follow

[i]If you want to discover new games that you are unaware of or just want to explore our recommendations![/i]

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Spectrolite on Steam

Where Cards Fall

Where Cards Fall

Wonderful little puzzle game. Very satisfying to complete, and a neat story to tie it all up in.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Blaseball brought me here, but I’m always down for a comforting little puzzle game. You can’t die, you can’t lose, you just guide your little man through a maze of fragile buildings you knock down on a whim. This is your life.

The final scene is just exquisitely timed and edited. I love when a game or show can pull that off.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Where Cards Fall on Steam

Balloon Flight

Balloon Flight

A fun little game, somewhere between parkour and sandbox I guess.

It could use some more objects or some ways to connect parts togeher, as right now you effectively only have 2 different vehicles you can use, a small one and a large one. On the large one you could place some objects losely, you can’t connect them however so its not truely a sandbox-like “Build your own vehicle and then fly it”.

I hope something along those lines will be added at some point in the future, as beeing able to build your own craft from scratch to master the skies would be even more fun for sure!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

It’s a good game overall. Have a few collision issues (Specially issue when the platform should take your boat while you take more time and when you return IT HAS STUCK ITSELF ON THE FUCKING WALL AND RUINS A MAJESTIC RUN). But it’s a good game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Balloon Flight on Steam

A Way Back

A Way Back

Clean the islands from nasty plastic by solving challenging puzzles and help a little penguin finding A Way Back home!

  • Cute hand-drawn art by Jenya “lodfu” Kuzmenko

  • Challenging puzzles by Timur “haze” Chanturia

  • A lovely original soundtrack by Tom “TKIMUSE” Kinsella

A Way Back on Steam



A novel experience that more people should have, it’s good. Clapping to get enemies to shoot each other is a satisfying activity, and the standard top-down shooting benefits from the enemies being sometimes tricky to detect.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Neat game. Echo is not a game mechanic used enough.

The environment sound is pretty good, the shell hitting the floor, clock beeping, you can have a good idea of what most of the things are pretty easily.

The AI is a bit questionable sometimes. I can kinda understand what’s going on with the normal enemies shooting each other, but grenadier blowing himself up is kinda weird.

But overall it’s a nice little game. Running around like a mad man or luring and gunning are both rather enjoyable.

PS: Found a bug, if you tab out then go back, the blood texture will disappear.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Blindia on Steam