BE-A Walker

BE-A Walker

Be warned, im gonna include a few spoilers here and there in the review, if you dont want to see them, skip this review

I saw some gameplay from a youtuber and i was immediatly attached to this game, i played the demo and had a ton of fun, even just being 2 missions, it was still very fun (but i did have my problems with the overheating, however it has been fixed with the patch so i guess it can slide) i did have my problems with the walking since it had a QWOP feeling but i learned it after a bit and slowly started to master it and it wasnt that bad to learn.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Experimental Games.

BE-A Walker is a sidescrolling re-enactment of the plot of James Cameron’s Avatar. You pilot a bipedal mech across the surface of an alien planet blasting and stomping on the natives as you go. Except you do that exact same thing…. repeatedly. For the whole game.

This game is definitely fun for a bit, but every mission is pretty much the same, broken up occasionally with a ‘walk through the base without stepping on the blind scientists’ mission or ‘walk through a minefield’ mission, which mostly just slow the game down, without improving it much.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

BE-A Walker on Steam

A Quiver of Crows

A Quiver of Crows


_Les mouches bourdonnaient sur ce ventre putride,

D’où sortaient de noirs bataillons

De larves, qui coulaient comme un épais liquide

Le long de ces vivants haillons.

Tout cela descendait, montait comme une vague,

Ou s’élançait en pétillant ;

On eût dit que le corps, enflé d’un souffle vague,

Vivait en se multipliant._

A Quiver of Crows game. You, as a flying being, ‘a crow’, shooting with some lasers into some relentless ever-respawning undeads of various sorts.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Local Co-Op Games.

This game needs some reviews, so I want to do a 2-hour first impression. The art in this game is astoundingly well developed. It wordlessly creates a lot of ambience as you fly your way through abandoned playgrounds and discarded remnants of civilization as a new dawn approaches a terrible day…

You play a freaking bird with laser weapons. If you’re still reading this, you want this game. It’s hard. Quite hard, but it can be enjoyed in bursts of 10 minutes or a whole rage inducing hour. The controls are extremely tight, and the weapons and enemies are all interesting. My favorite are the basic enemies, which I call the “Dental Association” as they chomp me to bits.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

A Quiver of Crows on Steam

Contract Rush DX

Contract Rush DX

Originating on Newgrounds as the short run n' gun “Contract Rush”, Contract Rush DX is a full fledged sequel with new levels, bosses, and playable characters! Explore large levels and collect upgrades that power you up immensely, all culminating in massive boss fights!

Upgrades will prepare you for the boss battle at the end of the level, collect as many as you can!

Multiple playable characters, all with unique play styles

Read More: Best Difficult Shooter Games.

Contract Rush DX on Steam



This game has become one of my favorite games to date, to be completely honest with you. I hope so much the developer continues work on this game. It’s addictive, fast-paced, and rewarding once you finally get far enough to “become devil”. It’s worth playing.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

boss game

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Goinund on Steam

Top Gang

Top Gang

Top Gang is a very chaotic platform game for up to 4 players cooperative. In Top Gang you have to eliminate all the enemies in the level to be able to advance at the same time you have to rescue the “Nuggets” and take them safely to the exit. Your friends can be a great help or a stumbling block because while the game is cooperative it is also competitive who can rescue more “Nuggets”?

Elemental advantages and disadvantages

Each character has their own element giving them advantages with their respective elements.

Use weapon recoil to your advantage

It is possible to escape situations or do some maneuvers using the weapon’s recoil.


The Nuggets are a peaceful and friendly race but also very tasty, tired of being captured all the time by the black mask gang they made a magical ritual that ended up going wrong and freeing the elemental ghosts that instead of helping them joined the gang of black mask. With no way out they went to the Top Gang firm to ask for help, Shack Joe being the leader of the company accepted the request and gathered his group to rescue the captured nuggets and destroy all the elemental ghosts.

Top Gang on Steam

Airscape - The Fall of Gravity

Airscape - The Fall of Gravity

Airscape: The Fall of Gravity is an action platformer game about an octopus lost in a strange and dangerous world, where regular laws of gravity simply don’t apply, and it’s sure to attain decent amount of attention from platformer genre fans. This indie title was developed by students from around the world, and its simple premise allows for the focus to be solely on the gameplay, rather than the story of a platformer game that really doesn’t need one.

When you hit solid ground for the first time, after a some kind of a movement tutorial, the feeling is surprisingly familiar. As you may guess, you don’t stay there for too long. Soon enough you start floating around and defying the laws of gravity. Your little octopus is able to sprint, run and jump its way around the level, and even backtrack or spin around itself in all possible directions.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

I first came across Airscape when I volunteered to help test Linux builds. Without being aware that the game had won Best Use of Game Physics in Intel’s Level Up competition and was selected to be showcased at GDC, PAX Australia, PAX East, PAX Prime, and the Boston Festival of Indie Games, my initial impressions were that it would be a widely loved game.

I assumed that its gorgeous graphics, orchestral soundtrack and cute characters would bring people in, and its difficulty curve would make sure it would be offering players months and years' worth of well designed challenges to explore.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Airscape - The Fall of Gravity on Steam

Beekyr Reloaded

Beekyr Reloaded

I’m not used to make reviews for a game but I guess this game deserves a better visibility! So that’s why I decided to write a short one! A cute shmup with a decent learning curve but where the game shines is when you try the bullet hell and elite mode! That’s where the true game begins! Don’t let the cute graphics get you! You have to learn the enemy placements and patterns if you wish to be able have a good score in these modes!

The game also have a couple of secrets for you to discover and also have a coop mode for you to try with a friend! Me and my friend really had a blast with it! Very fun!

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

So who wins the reward for best “skill based” horizontal SHMUP on STEAM? It’s a really tough choice between Beekyr Reloaded and Super Hydorah. And NO the award cannot go to a CAVE shooter. The award must go to a well rounded shooter that requires both aiming skill as well as bullet and enemy dodging skills. :-) With that said lets dive into what makes Beekyr is so amazing.

Where do I begin with Beekyr.. Perhaps it’s the fact that this game harkins back to the precision aiming based gameplay of the horizontal shooters from the 90’s? … or maybe its that the game is overspilling with style, charm, and a unique setting? … A big YES to both of those as well as the large abundance of developer love which has been thoroughly applied throughout the game. This love and attention to detail first becomes apparent when merely loading into the title screen. You will see an angry little bee hovering on the main menu buzzing its nicely animated wings. It’s a beautiful prelude to the treat that will follow. So Beekyr’s story is simple. Wasps attacked your hive, killed your queen, and now its up to you to retrieve the pollen and inact revenge on your winged adversaries. To your surprise the enemies of you and your fellow bee brethren are not only winged but land based insectoids as well. Beetles, spiders, cockroaches litter the ground as various winged insects fill the sky. Their numbers as well as bullet attacks increase drastically in size and speed as you make way through higher difficulties (Arcade mode is where the real challenge starts). The score mechanics are simple and old school which is a plus. The main weapon is skill based (no super easy full screen spread available, sorry folks!) and you actually get a larger point bonus NOT wasting shots. A far cry from the most popular Cave SHMUPS in which you continuously fire laying waste to enemies before they enter the play area. The game is beautiful, fun, exceptionally challenging, and feels almost perfect. I whole heartedly recommend this title. Beekyr Reloaded deservers more recognition than its received in the 2 months since release on STEAM. THIS is 90’s skill based shooter heaven.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Beekyr Reloaded on Steam

Crisis Wing

Crisis Wing

Crisis Wing is an standard shooter experience, great music, great sound effects, great pixel art, and great for playing short and long sessions.

+The scoring system is fun, by collecting medals which can be chained in order to get more points.

+The power up system is interesting, to upgrade you need to collect 2 power ups of the same type, it adds challenge but also frustration, because you need to pay attention on which type you are going to pick up, it’s easy to screw up.

+It has Caravan mode.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

lots of cheap moves, hard pressure when power ups drop leaving you in bad positions. yes you need them, so restart from last check point severely under powered. very very difficult opening sequences on the last 2 bosses (before you get to the boss) making you loose a life and start over and over again. bosses have a level of randomness the will kill you half the time. the power-ups have a level of randomness giving you bombs when you need power-ups, start over again. this game is a long slog of praying the stars align. Oh, and don’t accidentally exit out while getting frustrated on the last bosses, but you will, unless you can 1cc Dodonpachi or some equivalent.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Crisis Wing on Steam




Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


How do so many enemies and bullets fit into such a tiny (16 MB) download? This game may not be an ultimate masterpiece, but it’s a damn fine bullet hell shmups with tight controls, really fast bullets and challenging levels. Enemy variety is high, the bossfigts are well orchestrated, the pixel art is rather detailled, and of course the story is cheesy as hell. Capture the souls of your slain foes and transform them into monsters to fight with you. Although there are 3 difficulty settings, I already struggled to finish on the lowest - there are so many bullets on the screen, it is like HELL. Fortunately you unlock the 7 levels permanently and can restart from your last unfinished level.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

MOM I NEED MORE QUARTERS! This game is fantastic, The game really is the whole package when it comes to a good arcade game, It has great music, Great art and solid gameplay! I have spent almost 3 hrs in it and still have 2 levels left to beat due to the challenging nature of old school shmups and bullet hells. I can promise you that if I saw this in an arcade, I would be feeding it my quarters! For the price of a beer and some quarters you can have a killer game with multiple modes and difficulty settings. Keep up the great work and cant wait to see what the future brings for this game!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Demonizer on Steam

Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster is a game that was suggested to me based on my ongoing search for run and gun shooters. It was created by Pixel (Daisuke Amaya), the same man that brought Cave Story to the world. Anyone looking for something like Cave Story should turn away immediately. This isn’t to suggest Kero Blaster is a bad game, but rather that it’s not an action platformer in the same vein as Metroid. It’s a linear platformer somewhat closer to Mega Man and Contra, but not notably similar to either of those series.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Kero Blaster is a side-scrolling action game, which constantly tries to fool you that it’s shorter than it really is. At first it wants you to believe that there is only 4 levels in the game, then bam, it’s actually 7, and then you find out that there is actually 7 more levels waiting for you in Overtime (or Zangyou) mode. If that’s not enough, after beating Overtime mode you will also unlock New Game+, called Bonus (or Omake) mode.

The story of the game is pretty simple - you’re a field technician who maintains teleporation devices throughout the world. Unfortunately, these teleportation devices are subject to some interdimensional parasites, which disrupt their work. So you have to reach a disrupted teleporter on foot, going from the nearest working teleporter, always through a very hazardous environment. It all starts simple, but things start to go downhill after your boss decides that having an interdimensional parasite as a pet is a good idea. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? That’s the plot for the first part of the game, the second part has its own plot, which is focused less on saving the day and more on the characters themselves, but I don’t want to spoil it here for you.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Kero Blaster on Steam