Run Jump Rabbit Turtle

Run Jump Rabbit Turtle

Really fun and addicting, I have very few complaints about the game. Like others have said, it’s mainly the level varieties that seem to be lacking and art, but that’s not really that important, and I like how you can start off at a check point to memorize the layout of the level to ensure the perfect run is achieved. Controls are very smooth and getting those kiwis within a specified time or the perfect run, enables one to experience “true hard” mode once progressed far enough. Clocked in ten hours so far. Looking forward for more updates!

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

The movement feels good mechanically and is fun to improve at. The levels provide a good bit of challenge naturally and with timed objectives that challenge only increases, but its rewarding when you finally get all 3 ripe kiwis on a level. The game includes a built in speedrun mode, which is always a bonus. As well as separate profiles so you can have different save files for different things. There’s also some good dialogue scattered throughout that made me crack a smile. The level variety in terms of art is lacking a bit, leading to levels being hard to distinguish between one another at times. But that’s a minor issue to me, A fun gameplay loop Art. But I can understand how people would find that unenjoyable, or how it could take away from the experience.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Run Jump Rabbit Turtle on Steam

Frog Space

Frog Space


Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Third Person Games.

Frog Space on Steam

Big Tower Tiny Square

Big Tower Tiny Square

My first imperssion was, that its a good game and quite a good challenge.

BUT, sry to say that, it’s to hard at the end. Stage 10 & 11 are way to difficult for a usual player.

You need a lot of timeluck, which leads to many many deaths which leads to big frustration espacially for impatient player like me :)

I made it now several times up to the tower and back downstairs but as I said, stage 10 & 11 should definitely be revised. Especially the canons are annoying as hel but after time you can pass it easily!

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Minimalist Games.

I love this game!!! It is not too long (around one to two hours) And has great speedrunning potential. If you could add a remastered big ice tower tiny square to this game or make it a seperate game that would be brilliant! If you have a spare 3 dollers lying around i definitely reccomend buying this

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Big Tower Tiny Square on Steam



gameplay is perfect but a bit lacking in other areas. otherwise great game

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

A challenging game, but that’s the point. Glad to see the dev is constantly working on improving the game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Gatlin' on Steam



To be honest, through all my playtime of this game I noticed how inferior the actual GTAV was to this masterpiece. Firstly, this game is extremely cheap compared to the still expensive GTAV. I can even buy copies of this game for all my friends and it would only cost a fraction of the actual GTAV. Secondly, this game is extremely accessible to all computers unlike GTAV with its high PC standards to not have your eyes burn. Thirdly and lastly, NotGTAV shares all other aspects of GTAV such as the nudity, gore, police chases, story, etc. In the end, I realized that I wasted money on the actual GTAV when I could have got this game for far much cheaper and with more playablility. Thank you NotGames for bringing all this enjoyment!

Real player with 129.4 hrs in game

  • Quirky, endearing soundtrack; good for keeping a goofy smile on the player’s face as they play through the abstract experience

  • Audio design, both sounds and voiceovers, is infectiously charming and funny

  • Hand-drawn visuals fit the rest of the game like a glove; adds immesurably to the droll atmosphere

  • Gameplay boils down to obstacle avoidance, timing, and tail management; mechanics are simple, but the difficulty increases gradually, just enough to keep one on one’s toes

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

NotTheNameWeWanted on Steam

Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster is a game that was suggested to me based on my ongoing search for run and gun shooters. It was created by Pixel (Daisuke Amaya), the same man that brought Cave Story to the world. Anyone looking for something like Cave Story should turn away immediately. This isn’t to suggest Kero Blaster is a bad game, but rather that it’s not an action platformer in the same vein as Metroid. It’s a linear platformer somewhat closer to Mega Man and Contra, but not notably similar to either of those series.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Kero Blaster is a side-scrolling action game, which constantly tries to fool you that it’s shorter than it really is. At first it wants you to believe that there is only 4 levels in the game, then bam, it’s actually 7, and then you find out that there is actually 7 more levels waiting for you in Overtime (or Zangyou) mode. If that’s not enough, after beating Overtime mode you will also unlock New Game+, called Bonus (or Omake) mode.

The story of the game is pretty simple - you’re a field technician who maintains teleporation devices throughout the world. Unfortunately, these teleportation devices are subject to some interdimensional parasites, which disrupt their work. So you have to reach a disrupted teleporter on foot, going from the nearest working teleporter, always through a very hazardous environment. It all starts simple, but things start to go downhill after your boss decides that having an interdimensional parasite as a pet is a good idea. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? That’s the plot for the first part of the game, the second part has its own plot, which is focused less on saving the day and more on the characters themselves, but I don’t want to spoil it here for you.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Kero Blaster on Steam

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

I’d like to start by saying the genre of this game is one of my favorites and this entire review is simply my humble opinion of the game, which means it’s probably going to have at least a little bit of bias in it. So please be smart and read reviews from many different people with many different taste/backgrounds, okie dokie? Good. Great. Grand. Wonderfull. NO YELLING ON THE BUS!


The most precise and satisfying 2D platformer controls ever! No slippery bullcrap, lightspeed falling after walking off a ledge or slow movement either. You have infinite ammo and you can hold the aim button to stand still and shoot in 1 of 7 dirrections. To shoot downwards you need to jump and aiming downwards. You can change characters on the fly by simply pressing a button on your controller/keyboard. You can also duck by pressing down, and believe me, although the ducking movement is very subtle, there are some instances where you can avoid damage simply by ducking.

Real player with 40.9 hrs in game

(This game was a birthday gift supplied by TAPbagan. Thanks!)

I saw the reviews…I heard the rumors…they were all true…

Well…almost all true. James Rolfe’s a good guy and an obvious inspiration for my reviews, but he does exaggerate the difficulty of this game in several areas. Don’t get me wrong, this game simply is “hard as balls”, but I’ve played harder games out there. Worse games, too. Heck I can’t even beat the first level of Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts…but that’s getting off track.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures on Steam

Freedom Defender

Freedom Defender

This game sat in my library unplayed for 18 months because I though it was just going to be a tacky, novelty joke game. It’s actually very well made and a lot of thought and effort has gone in to it. The music is particularly good.

Other than being a Lane Tower Defense it is nothing like Plants vs. Zombies. There are 35 levels which can all be done again in New Game+, 7 Mini-Games and Survival Mode. Throughout the 35 levels the goal is to prevent the Hexicans, Burubs, Commies and Aliens from crossing your border. There are a lot of different enemy units and units to battle them with however you are restricted to only picking 6 at a time and I found myself pretty much sticking to the same ones.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Well, what can I say?

Young me played ‘Plants vs. Zombies’ (a game which you can find as a comparison / reference in 90 % of the reviews here, since it was / is the most popular tower defense game) when it was published years ago - and I loved it. Then, I tried out Freedom Defender after a recommendation and my long lost love-feelings for tower defense games have immediately been evoked once again. I loved every minute of this game.

I can say, that it’s the best tower defense game i have played in the last couple of years.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Freedom Defender on Steam



Oh man oh man. What can I say about this game?

Overall, I would say this is the Dark Souls of horror escape room games, with their well thought out game design and intent. Each checkpoint gets harder and harder, as it becomes more demanding of your attention and memory (and patience too). Every time you die, you will become frustrated, and may be tempted to rage quit, and yet you find yourself wanting to just try it “one more time” to beat this hellish game. But you will become better and better at it (whether it’s avoiding those doll-obsessed zombies or rolling doctors who turn into logs), and ultimately, when you finally finish it, you will feel a deep satisfaction.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

One of the most, original, challenging and fun games I have played in a long time.

DEDstress is a very fast paced single player game with very high energy. Having to solve puzzles and use my brain while being chased by some crazed nurse is something I have not felt playing anything else. It isn’t horror, but it comes close to a panic attack simulator.

This game has given me heart problems.

69/10 would panic spray again.


☐ It’s free!

☑ Worth the price

☐ If u have some spare money left

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

DEDstress on Steam



12/10 best game i ever played my whole life I have waited for a standing and shooting simulator forever!!! UwU XD lololol

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

shit gaem don’t reccomned cant even do 420 quicksopes 69 XDDDDDDD and can complete all the 69 achievemtsn in teh gaem

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

AREA 51 - DEFENCE on Steam