Rebound Raver

Rebound Raver

There are currently 5 Stages each with a specific design and each Stage has 10 levels to complete. There are also lots of PinBall features.such as flippers, popup targets and bumpers.

The players paddle called a Rebounder also has flippers but these can be kept in position by keeping the left or right mouse button pressed. This is good to give a slightly different bounce angle on the ball when required.

The light FX on the borders and the lazers in the corners all react to the music that is playing, which makes the music feel more immersive and keeps with the atmosphere of the game.

Real player with 85.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Singleplayer Games.

Wow what a great arcade game with great music. I love all the elements; the Arknoid/Breakout bat and ball game with power ups and the pinball elements with flippers, bumpers and buttons you have to hit to unlock sections of the level. Love the banging music that goes with this game. If I had to make any complaints it would be the bloom effects at the bottom of the screen sometimes make it hard to focus on the paddle; other than that I would love more music and levels (level editor perhaps to much to ask for)

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Rebound Raver on Steam

Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer

Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer

I never knew I needed a genre fusion of Pinball and Platformer until I played this game. Executed brilliantly, Super High Ball gives the player an amazing sense of control through each level and provides a great challenge (diamond rankings) on top of fun and unique gameplay.

Real player with 63.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Parkour Games.

This game is fantastic. It’s definitely not a typical precision platformer and doesn’t feel like one, but is more… adventure pinball for speedrunners? Something along those lines. Regardless, it’s fantastic. If you like precision games at all, get this–it’s worth full price.

Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer on Steam



The concept is cool, but not the execution. To be able to perform in this game, i needed 16k dpi + unlimited fps. And the thing with unlimited fps is the game doesnt cap them so you get to 2700 fps and your pc is burning since its not optimised well (2060 i5 9600 etc so not bad specs) If you try to cap the fps with nvidia setting for example, You won’t be able to control the ball at 16k dpi and it just won’t work.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Singleplayer Games.

BallClimbing on Steam

Hard Rock Pinball

Hard Rock Pinball

PLEASE NOTE: This game is still being developed! So this is more or less an early access review.

Hard Rock Pinball as the name implies is a pinball game with a hard rock music theme. Each of the present 3 tables are themed accordingly and the developer is actively working on this title. The game itself plays okay and some of the recent additions make the game more palatable as his work continues, however, at this point the game is playable and may be enjoyable to some, but without rule sheets and achievements (which don’t appear to be working), it may be a little hard for some to take. The music in the game can get a little grating for long game players. Color scheme is still feels to old school for me, but everyone has a preference. I personally say give it a try, for the current price it is very reasonable, but who knows if you will like it, maybe you wont.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

-Gameplay is boring.

-Ball is more like a pea than like a metall ball.

-Strengths of the Flippers is very weak.

-Power of the Bumpers and Slingshots is just not existing.

-The main music is a simple short drumloop which start to get nerving after a short period.

-The advertised sounds of guitars and synthesizers are just short one shot samples on bumpers and targets.

-No pause mode available

-No settings menu to change controls.

-Cutting half of the points just by bad luck is a no-go (even 2 times on a single ball)

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Hard Rock Pinball on Steam



The Developer has proved that the impossible can be achieved; to actually refine an already perfect game and make it even better with every subsequent update. Pinball goes back decades and the game that Demon’s Tilt is based on is actually around almost thirty years old. The Pc Engine hosted some amazing shooters (including it’s almost arcade perfect version of R-Type), Gunhed and the aforementioned Devil Crash, which was the best occult themed pinball game ever created and nothing could ever come close UNTIL Demon’s Tilt emerged nearly three decades on the heels of Devil Crash. Three decades is a very long time to wait for a worthy successor and surprisingly, nobody tried to replicate or improve on Devil Crash until now…first enter the developer of Demon’s Tilt and later the publisher who came on board and the game went from being pretty special to nigh-on-perfect with scaling, rotation, tons of large hand drawn sprites, shmup elements and the occult. Wow, this is like winning the lottery and every time you play this utterly stunning pinball game you are constantly rewarded with more discoveries and higher scores. The table is good stretching up three screens high and the mood is dark but when things liven up it does get hectic and very colourful. The music is straight out of a Megadrive/Genesis but the core game remains true to the Devil Crash formula. Occult pinball just got better and gets better with every update, the developer has to be seriously applauded for making the impossible happen, can you get better than perfect? He has proved that you can with a resounding YES. Every update of Demon’s Tilt either tweaks or adds something new. And we haven’t even left EA yet. For the price, you get the best pinball on Steam and for your time, you get happy memories created in seriously wanting to beat your high score again and again. Going retro with Occult Pinball with hints of Saturn, Neo Geo, and Playstation thrown in. The epitome of the perfect video pinball game 100/100 and it just keeps on getting better.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game


DEMON’S TILT is a retro-stylized pinball on a huge 3 sections table. I’ve played with Xbox controller and I believe it’s much more comfortable than keyboard for this game.

I can say only positive things about DEMON’S TILT:

  • Gameplay is very addictive and the game is a great fun for short playsessions

  • Cool music/sound effects

  • Game looks really good + there’s plenty of settings to adjust visuals/colours

  • I’m not super impressed by bosses in a current state, but the whole table in general is absolutely awesome.

Real player with 22.6 hrs in game


Zeke’s Peak

Zeke’s Peak

Last year I saw a digital Ice Cold Beer in a video of SpaciesArcade. I didn’t think much of it but soon after YouTube showed me an old mechanical cabinet version of the game and I got interested since it has some similarities to pinball which I love. I watched a few more related videos which YouTube remembered because it suggested the Zeke’s Peak trailer to me a few months ago and I put the game in my wish list. I bought it the day it was released in Early Access.


At this moment there are five worlds, a beginner world to get familiar with the controls, an arcade themed world, a jungle themed world, an ice themed world and the final world is an expert world. Each of the first four worlds have one or more classic levels based on the old mechanical cabinets, the other levels, 69 of them, are obstacle courses. The expert world has endless versions of all the classic levels.

Real player with 142.0 hrs in game

Normally I shy away from Early Access games from past experiences, but having played this as a child in arcades when it first came out in 1983 I could not wait for this game to come out. It’s early and doesn’t have much yet but it’s off to a great start-essentially you have 4 play modes-a series of tutorial levels culminating in unlocking the original arcade version, 3 other themed series of levels and the alternate original version called Ice Cold Beer, which I didn’t know even existed (but then again I was 5 when it hit arcades).

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Zeke's Peak on Steam



Here’s a new original reinvention of the classic Arkanoid/Breakout game from The Netherlands. It has the paddle, blocks and multiple power ups with plenty of new features to make this more fun and challenging than its predecessors.


At any time you can charge up your paddle with your lmb (left mouse button) for one power shot but the catch is you can’t move while charging up. When you release the lmb before you’re fully charged, the paddle’s energy level starts dropping. Once your paddle is fully charged you can let go of the lmb. With a powershot you can make the ball shoot through regular blocks and special blocks that can’t be destroyed with regular shots.

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

“So much more than a game…..CAROMBLE! IS ART !!!!”

For Christmas, 1973 I was fortunate enough to receive the very first console game system available in America….Odyssey by Magnavox. Though it advertised as having about a dozen games, in reality it was just a dozen forms of PONG with plastic overlays for your TV set to create slightly differing game effects. (Not a criticism…PONG was a great game!) Who would have imagined that over FORTY years later, the most exciting new game I’m playing currently is actually just an unbelievably amazing new version of the original master, PONG…..Caromble!.

Real player with 78.4 hrs in game

Caromble! on Steam

Gravity Balls

Gravity Balls


Real player with 14.4 hrs in game


Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Gravity Balls on Steam