Warspear Online

Warspear Online

EDIT: Game is still good, they are adding new content, it became a LITTLE easier to find friends and guilds, but its still mostly people who know eachother and it will be hard if you start anew but it is possible.

Things arent overpriced anymore and its not that hard to grind gear and stuff anymore (It is hard, but not as hard as before, because with addition of new content you can make some nice gold)

Players started realizing how it is and are helping A LITTLE bit more, at least on US and EU servers where i play, i cant speak for others.

Real player with 2468.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Multiplayer Games.

Highly recommend this game if you are into mmorpgs, it had received an award for the best mobile MMO RPG game in 2015.

The gameplay itself is very attractive with its 2D top down view and the artwork of the characters, gear and locations. It can be considered similar to Runescape and World of Warcraft.

Characters can be chosen from 4 different factions, Forsaken, Mountain clan, Chosen and Elves. Each faction has 4 different heroes to choose from which range from supports, damagers and defence heroes. Each faction starts at their own first map and after completing the quests in all zones you will proceed to the second map. The factions will then merge but into two. The chosen and elves and then the Mountcain clan and Forsaken. This map will have many quests, bosses and dungeons to complete until you proceed to the next map Ayvoldil where you will proceed to level up your character more.

Real player with 563.9 hrs in game

Warspear Online on Steam

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore

The world of Irumesa is filled with countless dangers such as creepy swamps, unexplored caves, and dungeons. Immerse yourself in this hardcore MMORPG and play the way you want to.

You live in a world called Irumesa. You start in the Solitary Isles and make your way through to the mainland, where you will traverse tundras, deserts, swamps, and more. Explore hundreds of interesting locations, each filled with a story, quests, and beautiful scenery.

One essential thing to us with this game is developing a game with a high risk to reward ratio. The game will be difficult, and the risks are high in general. We are trying to implement content for all types of players, both casual and hardcore RPG gamers, but the main focus will be on the more hardcore. With great risks comes great rewards!

Dying in Ethyrial will be harsh and punishing. We can guarantee that you will get frustrated at times. But we believe that this is also one of the things that makes a game fun to play. Knowing that death is so nasty and the stakes so high will increase the rewarding feeling when accomplishing something difficult. Death will result in irreversible experience loss, and items will be dropped at random. Players may pick up items again if someone else doesn’t get there first!

Teamwork will be an important aspect of Ethyrial, and leaving teammates to die will not really be an option. We want to enforce teams to really work together during instances, and boss fights to implement a “Party-loss system.” If a teammate dies, the entire party will share that players experience loss. If the rest of the team survives and manages to revive their teammate, some of the lost experience will be given back to the team.

PVE will, of course, be a big part of Ethyrial gameplay. You will encounter many boss fights and will be able to party up with your friends to clear the harder bosses. Instances (Dungeons) will come in plenty and with different difficulty. We will also introduce a Colosseum-style arena, where players, either solo or in a party, have to fight their way through different bosses in an arena.

You can’t have a great MMORPG without a good PVP system, where people can put their skills to the ultimate test against other players. We have plans to implement several different PVP-arenas where you are free to roam as you please, with ratings visible for everyone.

We have implemented a bounty system in the world to increase the risk of killing other players. Player killing will be mostly unrestricted but risky in the way that a bounty will be placed upon you. This will make you a target to other players looking to make some money. In the future, bountied players will also be restricted access to some areas, as a high bounty will make guards and other dangerous NPC’s very interested in you. Maybe you’ll find friends in darker places? In Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore, nothing is written in stone, and you decide who you want to become.

We plan on allowing you to be able to build your own houses, workshops, trading posts, castles or whatever you want. We will not feature an instanced housing system, as you will be able to buy a plot of land almost anywhere in our open world. You may team up with your clan to build a massive clan mansion or gather enough money and resources to build yourself a small cabin in the woods. What you do is up to you, although these benefits won’t come cheap.

Like with many other MMORPGs, we want to provide a solid crafting system. The crafting system will also have a higher risk/reward than what most players are used to, as items are varied in quality, wear over time, and not guaranteed to be crafted successfully - this is dependant on your skills. Basic blueprints are made available to the player through simple means such as vendors. However, more advanced blueprints can only be obtained through means of exploration, questing, and other types of content.

Our game will feature many different spells, but we are also creating a spell-crafting system, where players can further specialize their character by creating spells fit for their game style. A crafted spell starts blank and gets more powerful as you add abilities and powers to them. But be careful, as tinkering with some of these ancient powers may cause it all to go away. This system will be very high risk, but very high reward!

The community will be a large part of the game, whether you are alone, in a clan or a part of a small group of friends. We will have a system that facilitates this game mechanic, like your clan buying up land and making a new town on a trade route or you and your friends picking up bounties and hunting down criminals. We are working on more as well that we will share in the future.

(We will release more info as we develop further)

Read More: Best Difficult Exploration Games.

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore on Steam

Naval Action

I have almost 6k hours and belong to a wonderful and very successful community in the game. I actively played and tested almost all content in the game. You can assume that I might know what I am talking about.

I am fan of historical simulation war games. Enjoying Totalwar series for years and particularly attracted to age of sail games thanks to Pirate of Burning Sea. Naval Action is the only successor in the market for this genre now. That is the main reason I had big hopes and enthusiasm toward the game and still playing till another come, mainly sticking with my friends.

Real player with 6996.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Naval Games.

As much as I would love to see a game like this succeed, I must recommend that you avoid spending money on this game right now. If you are interested, I suggest you wait till it releases and watch the reviews then. Let me explain why.

I have many more hours in this game then is posted in my steam information. I was a closed alpha, pre steam, tester. At the time their was a small group of Russian or Euro testers that numbered, less than 50 as far as I can tell. The second batch of testers, another 50ish, included many Americans. I was one of those testers. I believe that was in early 2014 or 2015. Either way, I have been involved in this game from closed alpha, to early access, to sea trials, to open world going on years now.

Real player with 2762.1 hrs in game

Naval Action on Steam

Albion Online

Albion Online

You will notice a large amount of people posting negative reviews are the ones who complain the game is too unforgiving. They’ll say it’s unpleasant dying to groups larger than them, and how if they can’t play solo, the game therefore sucks.

Let me be crystal clear in case the store page isn’t clear enough: IT’S A FULL-LOOT PVP MMO.

Full loot: When you die, everything you’re wearing and anything in your inventory is dropped or trashed. It’s written on the doorway outside, if you don’t like it don’t play it. If I’m allergic to fish, I’m not gonna go to a seafood restaurant and order trout, then post a bad google review saying it almost killed me.

Real player with 2973.7 hrs in game

THIS GAME IS GOING FREE TO PLAY IN APRIL! Just so if you’re interested in the game, but not willing to shell out $20 / $30 (off-sale) I don’t understand why people are hating that this will be f2p, if youwait you’ll miss out on the rewards.

($20 is a really good price imo. You’ll get a mount (Specteral Wolf), some gold, and another thing (forgot) when this becomes free 2 play.

[Long review because I see many negative reviews that baffle me, will put 3 sections for this game. Informative, Good, and Bad.]

Real player with 2702.7 hrs in game

Albion Online on Steam

EVE Online

EVE Online

I can no longer in good faith recommend this game to anyone. It boasts of being a sandbox with ‘player-driven economy’ yet the devs keep putting their thumb on the scale with their artificial ‘resource shortages’ and contrived ‘loss mechanics’. I joined in 2015 during Citadel. They went from ‘we want you to own structures’ to ‘we want you to lose structures’ to ‘we want you to lose everything you own and be happy about it.’

EVE had been on my ‘to do’ list for years but I’d never gotten around to it before being busy with other games. I tried it, played the tutorial missions and, having done crafting for guildmates in previous mmos, almost immediately fell in love with industry. I’d dabble in pvp and missions from time to time but mining and building gave me the greatest enjoyment. I used to love building ships for friends. I’d GIVE friends ships. I started getting into reactions but stopped when every base I tried moving to kept getting blown up.

Real player with 11351.0 hrs in game

Just recently uninstalled, and boy was it tough to do. Like many people have already said, this game is not for everyone. I feel this game could’ve been for me, (And boy did I love it while it lasted…) but the devs and I just have different ideas… Which is what leads me to give the negative vote on this.

Here’s what’s been going on these past few updates:

If you’re not aware already, ganking is the art of attacking and killing unsuspecting people. So, EVE’s developers really like gankers. I don’t think they have ever made an official statement about it. Still, their updates and practices appear to reflect the theory. (Someone, please correct me if I’m wrong btw)

Real player with 2705.5 hrs in game

EVE Online on Steam

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

I’ve been playing this game since it was on browser back in 2011, so I’d like to think I have some experience or at least enough time put in to give my opinion on the game, so here it is:

The game has come a long way, and I still remember having the time of my life back then - dying and learning from my mistakes, getting excited from T5 items, and being proud of myself for soloing snake pits. It was a simple time, but time moves on and to live in the past and say it was a better time is just false. A lot has changed from then, and most of it was for the better. Exalt is the most recent example of the game forever changing for the better, but I still have a few problems with the game. First, I feel the game is just one big grind. Don’t get me wrong though, I think the nature of white bags and the idea of perma-death is the games biggest strength, but I also feel the sense of teamwork and coordination is long gone. So many times do I see a server full/crowded, but the realms themselves are empty. Where are the people you ask? Sitting in nexus waiting for someone to throw money at the screen so they can pop a dungeon, just for everyone to sit in spawn room waiting for one person to rush to boss so that it can be steamrolled and the process can repeat. I have had multiple friends try the game out, and almost all of them have lost interest fairly quick, but my most recent friend said something that stayed with me when I asked for his opinion. He said that the game wasn’t bad, but it felt very brain-dead not giving him an objective other than shoot monster. This leads into my next point: The game is horrible for new players. The tutorial has be revised, but I feel it doesn’t do enough to give new players direction. Sure, you could say that the fun of the game is finding out for yourself, but after he asked when he should move on to the next area it was clear the game didn’t really set a scene for him. All he know at that point was he was a guy who shoots enemies to gain XP, and possible loot. He didn’t know where to go or how things worked, which is fine until I asked him if he was having fun and responded with: I wish there was more progression than kill enemies and move onto next area. Things just became more clear that he was lost when i had to explain to him how to teleport, something I dont believe the tutorial tells you about. Just like every other new player, he was also greeted with spam in the nexus about external websites and instant 8/8, which he didnt even know what the concept of potion maxing was at the time, because once again it isnt mentioned in the tutorial. Finally, my biggest problem with the game: pets. I was very excited when I found out pets were finally going to do something other than follow you around and look cute, and im not going to lie I was a huge fan when they first introduced pet abilities. This was, however, very shorted lived when I found out the grind nature of pets. First, you have to randomly be dropped an egg, use the egg in the pet yard, and hope it has heal and magic heal - the only 2 abilities that matter other than electric. That find an dandy until you realize you have to use fame to feed the pet, then you have yo use fame to upgrade the yard in order to further feed it, and then use fame to fuse the pet. But heres the catch: if you don’t feed the pet fully, or fuse properly you could screw up and get something useless to you. Pets are such a big part of the game, so big that there is literally a status effect that disables your pet. So the fact that they are locked behind so much grind (or a pay wall), baffles me. Gone are the days of being able to play realm without a pet, and if you do play without a pet you have to be in a big group to compensate for your lack of heal and magic heal. I don’t wish for the removal of pets, they are way to integrated into the game for removal. I do think they should be either nerfed, or easier to obtain. My big complaint with the game is that we focus so hard on end game stuff that the beginner stuff is lost. Maybe allow new players to start off with a half maxed common pet with heal and magic heal, or make it so players have to rely on team work over a Divine pet.

Real player with 2247.4 hrs in game

Ok after 10 years and thousands of hours of playing (imagine think i only played 2k hours), I would not recommend this pile of sh*t to anyone in its current state (which persist since years).

At this point i just want to quote an user of the rotmg-reddit since this is exactly my point of view and i would def write the exact same.


“I feel like noone really cares enough or talks about the actual state of rotmg game health in 2021. Sure you see people complain, but as players there’s so many unacceptable things which we just tolerate and let Deca get away with instead of pushing for them to fix it.

Real player with 2233.4 hrs in game

Realm of the Mad God Exalt on Steam



There’s something about it. the fighting style and technique is well done. I like the soundtracks the most. Looking at the ruins you feel like a part of it.

Real player with 379.4 hrs in game

Its not always about victory.

Its about the mets baby, cmon baby love the mets. Lets get a home run, love the mets.

Real player with 52.7 hrs in game

Absolver on Steam

Gabe Newell Simulator

Gabe Newell Simulator

Please… Please… Someone put me out of my misery.

This is two broken games in one.

Some sort of clicker game that doesn’t work, and a 3rd person shooter that is buggy beyond belief.

The game doesn’t even capture the mouse, but it rotates the screen around no matter what has focus. So if you click outside the screen because you can’t point Gabe in the right direction, then the game loses focus, you can’t move nor shoot. Until you click back in the game, but then you’re facing the wrong direction.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

All of the reviews I saw about Gabe Newell Simulator said that it was awful.

But I thought “No worries, at least it will be a bit of a laugh”.

Boy, was I wrong!

I should have paid heed to the wise advice of the reviewers who told me to keep away from it.

But did I listen to the voice of experience? No, I did not - and I suffered for it.

There are two modes of play: “Story Mode” and “Steam Mode”.

The “Steam Mode” gives you a number of click options, as if you are running the Valve company.

Release Half Life 3 and your money count starts to go up.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Gabe Newell Simulator on Steam

Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

This game is to this date the most beautiful monster hunter game, with amazing and fun iterations of the usual weapons. It is so much fun playing with friends and random people, the community surrounding this game is great, helpful and a lot of fun. I would reccomend to play the base game first without the DLC, because some of the new features from Iceborne make aspects of the base game easier. Also don’t use the defender gear, it is akin to cheating yourself out of a great experience. Learning the game and building your own armour from slain monsters is more rewarding than picking the cheat armour when creating a new character.

Real player with 2918.1 hrs in game

Finally finished the first mission, so time to leave a review!

It’s good.

Real good.

The absolute mechanical intricacy of combat in the MH series has no peers, and World continues to uphold and expand on weighty, meaty walloping of monsters. Every weapon category has it’s quirks, secrets and an unbelievable amount of depth tied to their mechanics.

Not one weapon is ‘simple’; there is ALWAYS something a little bit extra to it (even spread 3 HBG or ZSD spam).

You can doot.

You can do aerial acrobatics with a hammer.

Real player with 1115.4 hrs in game

Monster Hunter: World on Steam