Ladder Box

Ladder Box

Ladder Box is about a courier box in the recycle center which does not want to end up being normal trash, so with the help of other boxes, it travels a long way to become something better than normal trash.

Pass levels with mesmerizing level mechanics!


  • 120 levels.

  • mesmerizing moving mechanics.

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

Ladder Box on Steam

Colorful 3D II

Colorful 3D II

Why not have coconut? hate this

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Building Games.

How about making mission to make and contest over other player?

And the game itself makes my inner child feel please. Nice .👌

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Colorful 3D II on Steam



If you want a game to play for relaxing, I recommend this game.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Building Games.

Yeah it’s released finally and I like this game! To build up my tower with all this different parts is fun and to see how it works against gravity and natural forces is also great. The defend could be challenging sometimes but after a while there is always a way :)

Of course I am not yet through every level but so far I would clearly recommend it.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

ChaosTower on Steam

King Rabbit - Puzzle

King Rabbit - Puzzle

Imagine if in portal 2 they set all the exit doors in the community levels to be permanently open, and kept all the levels published. It would basically kill many of the community levels right? that is exactly what happened to King Rabbit. It breaks my heart. If you play this game just know you are playing a game full of broken community levels that are now completely worthless, including my own. I wish I could recommend this game because I have played it so much and loved it but now with the community breaking update… I dont think I will be playing what was one of my favorite games anymore. If they simply unpublished all the current community levels and let people re-publish them as they fixed them it would be ok, but not like this..

Real player with 225.8 hrs in game

There aren’t a lot of games that I keep playing. So if there is a game that I continue playing, it really means something.

King Rabbit is a free to play puzzle sandbox game with cute rabbits and their bloody deaths. Even if it’s bloody, its meant for all ages. And it really isn’t that “horrible”. It’s actually quite funny. (and sometimes frustrating)

The point of the game is to complete puzzles, collect gold, find gems and to buy rabbit skins. Each rabbit skin has only a limit 100. After the 100 is reached, you can’t obtain it anymore. However with the recently added marketplace, you can buy and sell these limited edition skins. Also a big part of this game is, that you can create your own levels and puzzles or play the levels the community has created. The fun is endless. (until you get bored)

Real player with 204.0 hrs in game

King Rabbit - Puzzle on Steam

Puzzle Light: Connect

Puzzle Light: Connect

Fun little circuit builder game. Requires a bit of thought but not frustrating. Limited undo of 9 moves, which is better than nothing. No unfair achievements, nothing inconsistent, just good little puzzles.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

The difficulty gradually increases during the game, it is challenging with interesting mechanics, worth every penny.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Puzzle Light: Connect on Steam

3D Math - Ultra

3D Math - Ultra

Better than expected and more enjoyable after longer play. I’ll write what I personally liked about it and compare it to other games. Since there seems to be no other game like this on Steam, I’ll compare it to something like Lumosity and similar games.

The game would have been worth a higher price. It makes the math, logic, and other training games more interesting than normal. Training arithmetic probably doesn’t sound like a game, but it’s kind of nice because you start to feel it’s a challenge and have a motivation to out do yourself. Plus, unlike other games, the skill is transferable outside of the game.

Real player with 437.4 hrs in game

This is something I appreciate very much. There aren’t many enjoyable math programs created by people that want to improve a learner’s comprehension of mathematics. I really enjoy the brain training section as it has some exercises I like, such as: N-back(memory), grid(pattern recognition), and matches. Thank you for creating this program!

Real player with 67.6 hrs in game

3D Math - Ultra on Steam

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight

It’s essentially mini lego RTS game. I had more fun with my actual legos though.

Some ways this could be vastly improved

  • building paths is a nightmare of spamming the 1 key. Producing warriors is also a headache. They each have their own purpose so simply make default builders/warriors from the mother cube

  • Along with this you could make path building a heck of a lot easier by simply click dragging a desired strip of path and have the builders automaticially build when they are created.

  • Paths that are created should be permenant (nothing worse than accidently misclicking a path to be luminencent and having 20+ cubes slowly fall into the abyss).

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight is an abandoned early access sandbox game ripoff of Lego™ Worlds which should probably get sued by the Lego corporation because it’s a pretty blatant ripoff.

The game was abandoned shortly after Early Access launch and will likely never be completed. The game is unfinished and features minimalist Lego bricks, with only minimal effort put into shading and so on. The gameplay and interface are equally unpolished, clunky and unpleasant.

The developer is charging a whopping $10 USD for this garbage, and they’ve unethically sold keys to the game in bulk to bundle sellers, as if it was complete. What a train wreck. Obviously I can’t recommend this to anyone.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Box Nation [] Lets Go Build and Fight on Steam