Goop Loop

Goop Loop

During the frustrating first play-through of this game I was convinced that it was not a game where you would eventually be able to consistently get past obstacles but I immediately proved myself wrong in the second run. Don’t get me wrong it is still hard but it is definitely a lot more manageable. I definitely recommend it if you like foddian games and if you aren’t afraid of a challenge.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Physics Games.

Physics platformers are notorious for being insanely hard.

This one’s no exception. But it does have some quirky/clever vocal (English only) tutorial, that only really speaks up if and when you’re having trouble. I was actually quite amused by how the game knew when to say “You should slow down”, versus pretty much pre-emptively telling me I screwed up when I passed a point of no return.

It’s like having the developer commentary from Half-Life (But more quirky/punny), the goopiness of Gish (With more freedom of movement), and the jankiness of, well, basically every physics platformer out there. My hand started hurting after about an hour, so I had to take a break, but I’ll definitely be trying to finish it after I take a break.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Goop Loop on Steam

BH Trials

BH Trials

This game feels like learning to walk after suffering a stroke. At first your movement will be uncontrolled and you will flail your limbs about the place helplessly. But soon you’ll get the hang of it and instead stumble about like a drunken toddler. Great fun!

There is quite a bit of content and extra challenge, as each level offers a collectible and a highscore list where you can try to beat the times of your quadriplegic fellows. Some levels are insanely hard and the highscore lists at later stages have very few entries. I really wish this game would be more popular, it would be well deserved.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Physics Games.

I absolutely love this game.

I have always wondered how these sorts of machines are controlled in real life so when I saw Northernlion playing this, I bought it pretty much instantly.

BH Trials is an obstacle course game, where you navigate a “backhoe loader”, as I’ve learned these are called, through a path riddled with all manners of different obstacles. The only problem is, that the only way of movement is manipulating the loader and the backhoe arm. The wheels roll but that’s about it, you can’t actually drive or steer the machine in a normal fashion.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

BH Trials on Steam

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled

The choices are simple, picking is hard.

In “Dialogue Box: The road less traveled”, you will navigate a whimsical landscape while failing to keep your sanity.

The controls are extremely unintuitive and the humor is cheesy to a fault.

I am a great salesman.

  • Original physics-based challenges

  • Dynamic story that adapts to your actions and choices

  • Secrets with extra challenges for the completionists at heart

  • Minimalistic yet charming visual style

  • Way too many endings

  • Puns

I hope you won’t hate me by the time you get to the other side.

Have fun! TomerSSH.

Trailer song:

Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Read More: Best Difficult Funny Games.

Dialogue Box: The Road Less Traveled on Steam

Anti-Grav Bamboo-copter

Anti-Grav Bamboo-copter

The game uses the jet hole of the jet pack to control the direction of flight, and fly toward the destination.

On the way, you need to evade a variety of different obstacles and traps.

After reaching the finish line, accept the evaluation and unlock the next level.

A total of 61 levels.

Left mouse button / left arrow: Activate jet pack jet to the left..

Right mouse button / right arrow: Activate jet pack jet to the right.

Shift: The aircraft accelerates forward.

Anti-Grav Bamboo-copter on Steam

Bound Up & Squirming!

Bound Up & Squirming!

Bought it during a sale, and what seemed like a joke game turned out to be quite the challenging platformer.

It starts to get a bit frustrating in some levels around midway through the campaign - just when I thought I got good at it, the game whoops my ass.

It’s good in short bursts as a side activity while listening to/watching something, otherwise it might get a bit too frustrating (though, obviously, your mileage may vary)

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Its a fun, simple, polished little game where what you see is what you get. It’s made by the same guy as Mount your Friends and Mount your Friends 3D and the similarities are obvious like the non traditional platforming and character design. I’ve been spending a fair amount of time with the game while listening to streams or podcasts which it has been perfect for. Bound Up & Squirming has offered me strong simple gameplay mechanics and fair challenge I’ll probably play it all the way through which has become more of a rarity with the large amount of games being released every month. If you have Mount your Friends 3D you should have automatically gotten a coupon for the game that takes off a dollar or so to the games already small price point. The game is far beyond worth the price of admission especially since it’s $5.69 Canadian. Check it out if you want something simple and fun to play while consuming other entertainment or are interested in weird platformers.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Bound Up & Squirming! on Steam

Cranked Up

Cranked Up

Initially found the game didn’t have enough content, but with the lava versions of levels, secret levels, and the challenge mode, there’s a surprising amount to do. Game feels fun to play and explore through, story is pretty basic but still fun, and the challenging ramps up pretty gradually. Definitely recommend to give it a go and see if it’s for you.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

The game is really fun and can be very challenging to complete all levels in all modes, especially in “Floor is Lava”. Very dynamic and the songs are really good. Can’t wait for the new modes levels !

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Cranked Up on Steam

Probably Archery

Probably Archery

I’ve played this game since the 7DFPS version and trialed the demo when it was on Greenlight. The concept of the game is unique and interesting, but the execution of the full release leaves a bit to be desired and seems to be a stray shot.

Getting the hang of the controls is half the fun. However, once you understand how the bow and the arms work (as a veteran of Probably Archery, and probably a real-life archer), the challenge is significantly diminished since repetition of the correct technique is not at all difficult. Unless you’re going for pinpoint accuracy and high scores, you can beat all the minigames within 20 minutes.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

MY GOD THIS GAME! It took me almost two freaking hours to complete target practice, eight simple still targets. I can’t even think about ADVANCED targets where they actually move around.

The controls are god awful, half the time you’re struggling to nock the friggin arrow because even though my hand is right on the string it says my arrow is too far to nock, because apparently your balloon head can’t send the appropriate brain signals to your sack of potato body to complete a simple task! Then if you miss (witch you will, many many times) it’s such a pain in the butt to draw your arrow and line your arms up correctly, and make a sad attempt at shooting. I could keeping going on on how bad the controls are but, for the sake of this review I’ll leave it for you to experience. The game was meant to have bad controls after all.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Probably Archery on Steam



Spingun is a 2D retro pixel “spacewar/moon lander” ripoff with a gimmick. Instead of reasonable controls, the developer decided only left and right arrow will work. Left arrow gives a little thrust to the left, right to the right. Alternating this will propel you like a fish. Tapping both left and right shoots your weapon. Collect weapon upgrades and shoot the baddies.

It’s a massive failure in game design if, lacking the competence to create decent graphics, compelling story or gameplay, interactive content, or any of the elements that successful games bring to the table, you instead decide that you should rip off games from the late 1970’s but make the controls worse, because you think players like bashing their hands on two keys like demented chimpanzees. The retro pixel graphics are lazy and bad enough, but this game gets a thumbs down for the developers sheer misunderstanding of the correct species attributed to PC gamers.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

First impressions: This is worth more than $1.99

EDIT I am now addicted

Do yourself a favour and buy this

Then do yourself a favour and buy this on your phone

It’ll cost you less than a fiver for both

ANOTHER EDIT Long train rides and boring waiting rooms now get me excited, just an excuse to play more spingun! The game seems to make more sense on a phone as the controls are well placed and ultra responsive (no travel time for buttons). Also the look and feel of having everything so tiny on a phone is also super cool imo. Some way for your acheivements and scores to cross over between the phone and computer versions would be great.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

SPINGUN on Steam

Surgeon Simulator

Surgeon Simulator

Oh Surgeon Simulator. It is one of those games that you will either love or hate with a passion.

This game is famous for many reasons but the main one is its controls. It makes the game incredibly challenging and it is why a lot of people are finding this game frustrating and not enjoyable.

The physics on everything is overly exaggerated. Combining this with the hilariously awkward arm controls means every movement you make is a recipe for disaster and some great laughs.

Since the original version, more surgeries were added, offering you a much more polished experience. They’ve also tightened the controls enough where the surgeries are actually beatable. Many secrets and Easter eggs were also included, my favorites being the Alien and Donald Trump surgeries that I found hilarious and fun. I’ve played for multiples hours already and the laughs haven’t stopped.

Real player with 129.7 hrs in game

Long spoken of as myth, fairy-tale or merely the raving delusions of a mad man, an ancient and mysterious evil has awoken and proven itself a very real and dangerous threat to all in the once pleasant land of Infirmary. But there is yet hope as a band of unlikely heroes unite to vanquish this foe and send it back to the vile domain from whence it came. Play the roles of plucky Pinkie, the young but eager son of a blacksmith, Ring, the exiled princess trying to win back her rightful place as heir to the throne, the short-tempered Middle with a past shrouded in secrecy and an apparent score to settle, Thumb, the stoic and noble paladin sworn to defend the realm, and their brave leader Index, who together form the brotherhood of The Hand of Nigel, as they set forth on adventure in a world filled with peril at every turn.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Surgeon Simulator on Steam



A beautiful and addictive addition to the asldfj;oaisheouhigoiu genre. Highly recommended.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

I like the game. Happenlances approach to teach things is like how it was done back in the 8bit days. Levels are designed in a way that you have to learn to do new tricks in order to continue, and you don’t get any annoying tooltips or small videos that show you what you have to do. You really have to figure things out yourself. And oh boy it gets challenging and fast.

Only thing that i would add, is somekind of collectibles in hard places. That way when you get better in the game, you would revisit some maps to get those collectibles that you couldn’t get before.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Happenlance on Steam