The prisoner of the Night

The prisoner of the Night

Certainly an interesting experience, feels almost like something I would’ve found on the Xbox or PS2, has a nice surrealist art style, solid level design, and although the platforming has a few issues it usually feels tightly controlled. If you like the demo, the full title is absolutely packed with content, definitely worth the asking price. I wouldn’t play this with a controller though, the control scheme is absolutely foul for controllers.


Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Side Scroller Games.

I haven’t finished the game yet, but I don’t know how long it is so I’ll give a quick untidy review now (I think I must be halfway through)

-The theme is very charming. The closest thing I could compare it to is a brazilian version of Little Nemo. But beware of the childish look. The game is rather gory so I wouldn’t actually recomend it for children.

The story and ambiance are very poetic. But I have a little problem with the music that is simplistic and repetitive. I discovered there’s a nice song in the credits but the devs didn’t use it in the rest of the game. They should have used some royalty free music to complement the rest of the music that seems to be original production.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

The prisoner of the Night on Steam

Milli & Greg

Milli & Greg

Lovely little platformer in the spirit of Celeste, Super Meat Boy and Kaizo Mario Romhacks, super charming and original.

Each level is a one screen precision platforming challenges to rescue the kitty (Save the Animals!). Beautiful artwork and the soundtrack is a banger.

The difficulty is a little all over the place. Hard levels are followed by easy ones and vice verse. But the game never became repetitive thanks to a wide variety of obstacles. I hope to see more!

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Side Scroller Games.

Sure at first look it reminds you of Celeste, but don’t get fooled, it’s entirely its own thing. The level mechanics and physics makes it feel unique. I’m loving the art style and music, will definitely finish it!


Just 100%ed the game. What an experience! The last episodes are a thrill. So satisfactory. If you’re a platformer fan do yourself a favor and play it!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Milli & Greg on Steam

Umihara Kawase BaZooKa!

Umihara Kawase BaZooKa!

“Area Battle Action & Crossover Characters! ヽ(=´▽'=)ノ”

[1] Intro

Umihara Kawase BaZooKa! This is an esports anime game produced by Studio Saizensen and published by SUCCESS Corp. As you may know, this publisher also developed a pretty well-made SRPG named the Rondo of Swords. The game characters are based on the Umihara Kawase series and publisher’s other games. The main character designer is Kondo Toshinobu, and this project has been carried on with the name of the protagonist girl called Umihara Kawase. The subtitle BaZooKa represents the core system in the game.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult 2D Games.

I love the Umihara Kawase series a lot, but I cannot in good faith recommend buying this at 30 dollars.

You can 100% the single-player content in less than 3 hours and I REALLY doubt you’ll be able to find anyone online, like, ever.

A reasonable price for this game would’ve been 10 bucks, at this price it’s pretty much dead on arrival.

As for the gameplay itself, it is nothing to write home about - what you see on the trailer is exactly what you get. The first three worlds of the singleplayer felt trivial, the fourth one can be pretty challenging. Did not get to try online, because there was no one on (shocking I know).

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Umihara Kawase BaZooKa! on Steam

Hope Trigger

Hope Trigger

This is a beautiful country, where people always have a smiling face. It is also a high-tech country with world-class alchemy and magic. But it had fallen on the night of the barbarian invasion, they betrayed the oath. I’ve lost people and country and was imprisoned in the dark.

The story started a thousand years ago, an ancient prosperous civilization ended overnight, leaving nothing but ruins. Today, after a thousand years, a girl comes here and meets another girl who claims to be the queen of the subjugation. They will discover the secret of the subjugation, but all this only happened in….


1.Equip two different combos and switch between these combos in battle,use different weapons in combinations to fight various monsters, and experience a

refreshing battle.

2.Special magic system-get red elements from monsters, convert them into magic power and use more powerful and gorgeous magic to attack monsters.

3.Enchanting equipments through various production systems. By defeating monsters to get items and using them to make enchanting jewels, equip them to

increase status or get special skills. You can create your own playing style.


We highly recommend playing Hope Trigger with a controller.


First phase:

The picture above is the screen of development


Hope Trigger on Steam

The Narrator Is a DICK

The Narrator Is a DICK

Because I voiced the narrator in this game, I am going to attempt to stay as unbiased as possible. Again, ATTEMPT!

The Narrator is a ♥♥♥♥ is your standard difficult platformer that, as quite a few have mentioned, is very similar to games like Kaizo Mario and I Wanna Be The Guy. Right from the very start, I rips a page right out of the I Wanna Be The Guy playbook. With a set of spikes on one side, and a apple that comes down on you like a great god above and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ destroys you, and every fibre of your being. And in the title, it already tells you what the game is about, and what it has; an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ narrator.

Real player with 588.3 hrs in game

The Narrator is a DICK

From a single playthrough perspective I think most people who have viewed the trailer and perhaps read reviews of “The Narrator is a DICK” before purchasing it will be left satisfied with the game. The game is exactly as the trailer portrays. A challenging unfair platformer with an often lude and sadistic narrator who accompanies your player from start to finish. The comedy and gameplay catered to me perfectly.

Now, I enjoyed my first playthrough enough to play it again.. and again and again until I finally earned all achievements for the game. Having played this game a lot (probably more than I should have) I did notice that this game is not very friendly to the other masochists out there that are willing to torture themselves until they too earn the “HOW?!?” achievement (for those who do not already know, this achievement is unlocked after completing the entire game without dying).

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

The Narrator Is a DICK on Steam

Wings of Vi

Wings of Vi

Watch my VIDEO REVIEW here!

After watching the PAX Prime coverage of The Binding of Isaac Rebirth six months ago, I only recently was compelled to check out the host’s Twitch stream, MANvsGAME. I tuned in to him on his 1500th-or-so attempt to defeat “Supreme Jeh’Oul” in some game I had never heard of called Wings of Vi. What I saw floored me. The perfect pixel art and smooth animation with video-game-ass presentation, the fast-paced action of a true boss battle, the kickass sound design matching the sound effects to the boss theme… I was blown away. “What game IS this?” I said, “I see the name, but WHAT IS THIS GAME?” I could only watch for a few minutes before I had to buy the game on Steam and play it for myself.

Real player with 282.6 hrs in game

After playing Wings of Vi for a good while I decided to do a proper review.


Usually I’d mention gameplay first, but I think the difficulty this presents will be the largest single deciding factor on whether you’ll like it or not.

Wings of Vi is a very brutal experience, you’ll likely find that the difficulty ramps up faster than you can learn the game, meaning you’ll have to crank out repetitive grinding to overcome some areas, boss fights especially are showstoppers, as they’re both tanky and spammy, so you’ll need to dissect their patterns to nigh perfection if you want to progress. However Wings of Vi never pulls cheap shots, everything is approriately telegraphed so the amount of foresight required to beat obstacles is sparce, however if it’s a laid back sunday platformer you’re looking for, I’d look elsewhere.

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

Wings of Vi on Steam

Yissa Deep Realms

Yissa Deep Realms

To begin with, Yissa Deep Realms is my final addition to complete the PixelGreeds games collection. And I must say, this 2D platformer game isn’t really a walk in the park, but rather a punishing one. This game proved to be very challenging that essentially required both a strong mind to handle the frustrations and the stress as well as the experience in platforming games. Trust me, you need both of that. Also, unlike the other game titles that came out after this which were enjoyable, this one was in the middle line of likeable and unlikeable.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

I am the «gameplay first» type of guy so I will be talking more about gameplay as I really liked it. This game is a mix of two genres. The action side will remind you of Megaman games – the aiming system, different guns that suit the situation (I found third weapon to be most useful against air-type enemies, while the default weapon is mostly for situations where the enemy is exposed to you all the time), even the slide is here. Another side of the game has more common with games like They Bleed Pixels or The End is Nigh – the precise platformer with a lot of environmental hazards that will be killing you at a constant rate (the game is really hard if you don’t play on «story» mode). The most beautiful thing in this game is the feel of controlling your character. It’s smooth and it doesn’t have much inertion (so you can overcome precise platforming challenges). So the gameplay consists of intense jumping (including walljump), sliding, and shooting. Another thing I found fascinating is that every encounter is different. There is always a new mixture of different monsters, or the enemies themselves a situated in different way and complimented with some environmental dangers. So there is no filler or dragging. You will always wonder what encounter will happen next. There are also mechanics like wallhopping (and wallsliding) (you can also shoot while sliding) and hand-grabbing. These mechanics are more advanced so they’re used to their maximum by 1/3 of the game. Don’t get me wrong. They’re here from the start, but they become mostly important by 3th or 4th level if I recall correctly. By that time player is comfortable with more obvious and basic mechanics and is ready for the new challenges. The grabbing thing reminds me of Shovel Knight Specter of Torment main mechanics. Your Hand (basically it’s your gun and your companion with big mouth) can grab other hands (it sounds weird when you type it) that are located all over the levels. This mechanic makes you feel really awesome. The whole game is about feeling cool. I recommend you using second weapon as it has another built-in mechanic – i-frame dash that will make you feel like Yasuo from League. Btw every weapon has a secondary use – often times it’s completely unique mechanic – shield that absorbs damage, summon that helps you killing thins, heal, dash, etc. There is also a weird weapon – the last one that is called Vindictiveness – Predator. It’s basically a boomerang but when it’s coming back it also hits you – so you create the enemy yourself. I found it to be a nice touch. It reminds me of all the weird weapons from other games like Nevan from DMC3. There also bosses at each level – half of them is concentrated around bullet-hell, and the other half deals more with platforming.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Yissa Deep Realms on Steam

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Mostly Boring

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a platforming game where you play as a pair of characters that can switch on the fly, changing the environment, the enemies, and in a lot of parts, the available collectible crystals. Crystal collecting and switching are at the core of this game, and not much else.

Don’t expect much of a story. I’ll be honest, I found none myself, so this is really just pure game. The problem is that the game it is isn’t very good.

Navigate levels by jumping and either spinning, which turns the character into a kind of cannon ball that can break walls or attack enemies; or twisting, which allows the character to descend slowly and with more control after a jump.

Real player with 54.7 hrs in game

Personal rating: 8/10

What about Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams?

This seemingly cute and unambitious platformer will prove that you should never judge a book by its cover. It sports increasingly challenging level making use of the core mechanic; dual world that can change how enemies and the environment behaves around you.

The game is so cutesy, it must be easy! Hint: It is not

Although the game starts simple and easy it soon becomes one of the most difficult platforming games with long levels full of secret paths leading to more gems, which you will need to explore if you wish to earn the best rank.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on Steam

Kaze and the Wild Masks

Kaze and the Wild Masks

Although not quite innovative per se, it does manage to excel at doing things.

To start things off, the game just “feels” great from the get go. The controls feel great (although the devs do need to fix the input for Jumping Stomp Attack, it caused me many frustrating deaths)(What do you know? The devs already fixed Air Smash input just one day after my review!), the visuals are great, and the audio is great.

I love how the levels were designed, it feels like every level has its own “gimmick” and with the Wild Masks, they never feel boring. I also love the devs' decision to remove Lives.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Friends of classic platformers have reason to rejoice - this is a top representative of the genre. An ancient curse turns the peaceful vegetables of Carrotland into deadly monsters. You play Kaze, a young rabbit lady who must save her friend Hugo. Hugo has been sucked in by a collar while exploring an ancient temple together with Kaze. Grave robbers live dangerously, Indiana Jones or Lara Croft already had to learn that! And background stories in action games are almost always stupid, so what the hell.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Kaze and the Wild Masks on Steam

Reflection of Mine

Reflection of Mine

I was just skimming through my Steam library trying to find something new to play when I stumbled upon this interesting-looking game.

You play as a girl with multiple personality disorder who is trying to piece together her broken memories.

I expected this game to be an adventure game where you fight enemies and solve riddles, but this is a pure puzzle game. The screen is usually divided into two (or more) sections with one personality (character) in each section. Both personalities will (usually) move in the same direction. You press up, they both go up. You press right, they both go right.

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

In short: DON’T BUY THIS GAME! It’s not worth 8.00 at all, if you want my summarized synopsis-keep reading.

The puzzles are interesting enough to keep you going, the music is nice…but the development and overall depiction of DID is both irresponsible and completely tone deaf.

Not only does the game put forth a common misconception regarding DID and how people who have it handle it, it’s also not properly rated. There are several triggering topics discussed in the game including but not limited to self-h@rm and telling someone outright to go k!ll themselves. There are also no warnings for photosensitive/epileptic players and we are completely blindsided by the jump scares, annoying screeching and irritating glitching effects.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Reflection of Mine on Steam