Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Genuinely good. Multiple ways to play through, interesting conceits and brutal treatment of mistakes. A player really gets the feeling that their choices matter to their future and no decision is taken lightly, whether in the scripted events or even in just where to go. Great game to replay using different builds and goals, which adds longevity. A really good strong start form the devs, they should be proud of their product. I hope they continue to build and improve.

Real player with 496.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Story Rich Games.

Vagrus is for particular tastes. Do you want an open world trade-simulation oriented RPG with a lot of content, almost all of which is delivered through text? Are you ok with playing a character that never appears in the game except through choices and effects you make on your trade caravan, your companions, and the factions you fight or ally with? Are you ok with these choices changing the course of the overall story only in a limited way, so the bulk of your player effect is in how you choose to advance your caravan and companions and not how you destroy an enemy or change the world? Most of the big moments in the game are finding out about something that is going on, but being unable to completely stop it. Sometimes you can’t effect it at all. But, you learn, and in almost every way in Vagrus, knowledge is power. The user interface is wonky, the gameplay is deep but takes a long time to get your head around, and currently the Internet will not answer all of your many questions about how the world works. You’ll need to figure quite a bit out for yourself. Does that sound fun? give Vagrus a try.

Real player with 286.4 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms on Steam

Dark Sauce

Dark Sauce

Its like a beta game.After some levels you dont know where you need to go. So you need for exaple jump from something down and Hope that there IS a Platform.Its also Impossible to finish a later Level without getting damage.

The positive Reviews are positive,because the peole played this game for only 0.2hrs

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult 3D Games.

One of the worst platformers I have ever played. This game tries to be fun but ends up being a painful and unpleasant experience due to poor level design and ridiculous trap/enemy placements. Also not being able to see what’s below you often results in jumping to your death multiple times over. Save yourself the headache. Do not buy this mess of a game.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dark Sauce on Steam

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue

When I read some of the negative reviews about Vagrus on the store page for the full game, I was hesitant about buying it and so I decided to try out this demo. One thing I’ve gotta say is that you HAVE to be in the mood for reading if you want to fully experience and enjoy this game. The first time I launched, I was not in that mood, and boy, I was really having my doubts. After getting bored during the first few dialogues, I decided to put it down and try again another day. Second time launching, I got ready to embrace the adventure ahead of me, no distractions, and it was FANTASTIC!

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult RPG Games.

KENSHI in heavy text mode and turn by turn battles?

A book where you are the hero/leader as a video-game?

Conclusion in comments!

Demo offers 2 game modes:

-A tutorial campaign titled “Pilgrims of the Wasteland” which is in fact the first part of a story-driven campaign.

I completed it in 3 hours or so, taking my time to read tutorial hints and lore texts.

-5 turns in a free campaign, open-world setting.

I didn’t try it, 5 turns (days) seems too low for me to enjoy, also the tutorial has been enough of a test for me, i’m hooked.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue on Steam



this one is in need of Speed…..havent played very long yet but, it is in need of some speed. looks good. so far, so good for early access. havent had any tech problems with it and, havent found a bug yet. just slow, thats my only problem so far. worth a look but, i would wait for a few more patches/updates. see what happens. will amend as we go

been a while, still needs a lot of work. still slow, i understand that items boost speed but wow is this slow going. also, whats up with not being able to start a mage ? you are stuck with sword and bow. the skelly’s lvl up fast. now dodge until you put points into it. the troll is still a grind. way to slow.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

early look at game.

Great graphics. Looks like planned for LONG term play.


Absolutly NO information given. NONE!!

movement is low, aiming is slow and blatently off. the first quest is definatly going to use all your gold and potions and even then you have to be lucky. dont bother tryign to be a mage as you cannot until you get to mid game. and to survie to mid game you have to focus vitality defence and physical. if you kite something, it runs back and heals so kiting not working.

Overall: not a good showing so far. I will play some more to see if it improves, but so far not impressed with the plot thought.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Deadsiege on Steam