Dark Existence

Dark Existence


The year is 2036. You are a survivor living in an underground bunker alongside other survivors. The bunker is home to an organisation of scientists who conduct research and experiments on unknown phenomena related to the extinction event. It is your job to ensure that supplies are brought to the bunker as well as test subjects for the scientists to operate on. This requires going to paranormal sightings and capturing whatever objects or creatures you come across.

The world is full of these creatures and it is up to you and your friends if you choose to go with others, to make sure that you successfully capture one of them.


The underground facility where you currently live is classed as the ‘Multiplayer Hub’. All players spawn here together when hosting/joining a server. In the bunker, you will have the freedom to explore and investigate cases. You will also see the creatures that you have previously captured.


One of the first places you will travel to from the bunker is the Old Manor, located a few hours away. There are reports of paranormal activity within the Old Manor from passing survivors. They have reported a strange figure staring out the window, and strange sounds coming from inside. You have been tasked to go inside and investigate the cause of this activity.


In Dark Existence, you will play as a survivor who is trying to fix some of the damage made from the extinction event. You will be checking out places close to the bunker to see if anything of value can be resourced. Your main task however will be investigating paranormal activity which will involve a lot of stealth within dark and dangerous environments.

In the Old Manor, there is an old woman that has had her body taken over by an evil presence, she is smart, she can see very well. But she doesn’t hear very well. So stay out of sight.

As you work through the stages of investigating, you may find she becomes harder to evade. Discover her weakness. You must find a way to capture her, just be careful; she doesn’t react well to being hurt.

You can play alone, however, this is not recommended. You may play with up to 3 other friends that dare to enter the halls of hell with you. Look out for wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, anything with a door as you might just find something that will allow you to progress further.


  • Play Alone

    A chapter-based singleplayer mode where you will play through the chapters of hellish nightmares.

  • Cooperative Solo

    Deciding on helping out the world by yourself? You sure can, but bear in mind, this will be extremely challenging and terrifying alone. Grab a team.

  • Cooperative Mode

    This would be the smart choice to make, play with up to 3 friends to help you, but don’t let your friend get you killed! Work as a team.

Read More: Best Difficult Investigation Games.

Dark Existence on Steam

Lorn’s Lure

Lorn’s Lure

Lorn’s Lure is an atmospheric narrative first-person platformer with novel climb-anything mechanics and modernized retro 3D graphics.

Leaving his home colony while tracking a mysterious glitch, an android finds himself in the midst of a vast and dangerous structure, completely hidden from his people’s knowledge. Unable to go back, you must keep going to find out where he is being led… And why he left in the first place.

  • Dark foreboding atmosphere

  • Retro 90s PC graphics, with a modern flair.

  • Uncover mysterious lore as you travel into the depths.

  • Jump, climb, slide, and scan your way around difficult challenges, using simple mechanics.

  • No “Parkour Ledges”. Climb almost any vertical wall face using your pickaxes!

  • It’s a tough game, but not frustrating! Mistakes are not punished by redoing lengthy sections.

  • Play fast or slow. Take in the sights as you traverse, or play as fast as a speed runner.

Read More: Best Difficult Singleplayer Games.

Lorn's Lure on Steam

Stick Nightmare

Stick Nightmare

This is a quite good game if you love challenge (timing plataforming) and good level design. Expect to die a lot, but at the same time you’ll be learning and mastering the layout, to the point where things won’t be so hard anymore, which is a lot rewarding in the end!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Singleplayer Games.

I reviewed this game for Two Credits. You can see the full review, the score I gave it, and some neat screenshots from my time playing the game here: http://twocredits.co/review/stick-nightmare/


I could have forgiven the lousy aesthetic, the repetitive music, the lack of resolution options, even the clunky control scheme. I could have forgiven all of those things to an extent if only the gameplay were good - but it’s just not. The game is definitely challenging, but not in the way that classics like Super Meat Boy or some of the older Mario games are - it’s a challenging platformer because it handles awkwardly and will repeatedly test your patience with its bugginess and condescending tone.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Stick Nightmare on Steam



It was about time I write a proper Review of one of my favorite Video Games in Existence.

‘Kay here I go.

NOISZ is a Masterpiece.

I love 99.99% of it.

But with the upcoming 2.5 Update, it shall be over 9000%, hahahah funny meme.

Alright more details.

Story is very well-written and engaging.

Though when you gather absolutely all the Events of both NOISZ and re:||VERSE and analyse, there can be some oddities in the Continuity.


The Origin of it are Plot Twists, obviously.

At least, we don’t reach Kingdom Hearts level of Absurdity.

Real player with 1316.8 hrs in game

The description pretty much explains about this game: this is a mix of bullet hell and rhythm game. Now, a similar, much more popular game of “avoid these things that come out in sync with the music” is Just Shapes & Beats, but there’s a fundamental difference between NOISZ and Just Shapes & Beats. Just Shapes & Beats is just a plain bullet hell game that happens to have good music; you don’t need to have a sense of rhythm to excel in it. On the other hand, NOISZ is also a rhythm game. In NOISZ, you can only take an action every beat, which means despite all the bullets coming at you, you must maintain that rhythm in your head.

Real player with 285.6 hrs in game

NOISZ on Steam

Albert and Otto

Albert and Otto

Mixed reviews are a pretty accurate description

Overall I have to say I do like this game. It’s hard not to like it. With a beautiful soundtrack and graphics to boot, the game compliments it’s self well. Along with that, I would say the first 3/4 quarters of the game plays well and the mechanics are decent enough to get by. If you’re looking for a short game to run through, this game only took me about an hour to beat (7 hours were spent practicing to beat parts without dying, and to get achievements). This could be a pro and a con.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

This is a game I really want to like. The art style, and even the puzzle elements, are pretty reminiscent of Limbo, but presented in a longer format that lends itself well to developing a deeper story. Yet, after the completion of Episode 1 (a 2.5 hour adventure) we know very little, if anything at all, about the story or the world it is set in. I find myself with more questions than anything else, and not in that intriguing “oh man I can’t wait to see what all this stuff is” sort of way, but in that “seriously why am I even here” manner.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Albert and Otto on Steam

Blade of Darkness

Blade of Darkness

As it is the case with many other people, Blade of Darkness brings a lot of good memories from my childhood back to me. However, at the time I didn’t understand the game too well, since I was just a child. I remember my cousin explaining to me how to do combos, but after I tried to do them a couple of times, I would just proceed to spam-click the left button. Now, after so many years I finally picked the game up again and, oh, boy, did I have a blast playing through it and beating it at the end! I would say the bosses are quite a challenge, but once you get the hang of the combat, you will have no problem with butchering them. All of the classes are unique and fun to play around with. At first the weapons seem basic, but each and every one of them has its strenghts and weaknesses, depending on the character that’s wielding it. Besides the base damage and defense the weapons and shields have, there are a lot of other different “hidden” stats like range, speed, hitbox radius and so on. And there are so many different places, secret rooms and hidden areas, containing all sorts of goods - food, potions and the best of all - special weapons with unique powers and moves you can perform with them! The enemies have patterns and at first they are a bit difficult to follow, but around the mid-game you are bound to be hacking and slashing body bits left and right. There is nothing more satisfying than dismembering Orcs and leaving their remains in a puddle of blood!

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game


  • Расчлененка

  • Много оружия и навыков

  • Отображение урона на герое

  • Противники с хилками (почувствуй себя на месте противников)

  • Френдли фаер с переагром - крутая механика

  • Сохранения в любой момент (советую установить мод на быстрое сохранение)

  • Не очевидные решения загадок для открытия путей, один раз пришлось на ютуб зайти, чтобы узнать, что я мог столб сломать


  • Ужасные хитбоксы, анимация четко проходит по картинке, но урон нет

  • Игра состоит из серо-желтых коридоров, поэтому легко заблудиться

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

Blade of Darkness on Steam



What Dark Souls is not:

  • the hardest game of all time

  • in any way polished (even in the remaster)

  • remotely functional as a game

What Dark Souls is:

  • one of the most interesting, inventive, atmospheric action RPGs ever created

This is my favourite game of all time, but it’s not for everyone. It’s less about tight, high-octane action and flashy spectacles and more about atmosphere, exploration and trying to make head or tail of a game that does a lot of things and refuses to explain any of them. That or just breaking the game’s mechanics until you ascend to godhood.

Real player with 510.9 hrs in game

The first dark souls game. ‘Remastered’ Note, I don’t agree with them taking down the prepare to die edition.

Pretty good PVE and fun but imbalanced PVP.

PVP is a backstab fest and heavy armor/poise is meta. You’ll sometimes see Mask of the Mother, Havel/Giant armor and great club using tryhards who will kill you in one backstab. Backstabs are very latency and connection based. However the PVP is still a blast when fighting people with more normal builds. It’s flawed but good fun.

PVE is the more well done part of the game. Only complaint really is that you start off in New Game plus once you kill Gwyn, you don’t have the option to not go into new game plus like in Dark Souls 2.

Real player with 223.7 hrs in game




Game Key provided by the Dev for review!

ODIA got my attention simply from it’s graphics. Invoking the old school aesthetic, I knew this was a game I had to get a hold of and give it a go, and boy was I not disappointed! I don’t think I’ve quite played anything like it. ODIA focuses more on a slower combat and movement to force you to plan out your attacks and pay attention to enemy projectiles. Using your shield to try and block some shots, or using a short dash to get out of the way or behind cover. Inching your way forward through enemy lines to reach the next checkpoint.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Odia is a game about purple demons descending from a spiky sky starfish to murder a bunch of World-War-One-ish steampunk knights…

OK, I’m going to recommend this game, but that comes with one big caveat, as I feel it needs to be pointed out that this game doesn’t feel like the “early first-person shooter games” which Odia’s store description evokes. Yes, it’s got minimalistic, maybe even downright crude graphics - but old-school shooters used to be fast-paced, offered many different weapons for any given combat situation and typically had a more thrilling or tongue-in-cheek tone.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

ODIA on Steam

The Altered Lands

The Altered Lands

early stage but alot of fun for souls like fans, i see great potential in this and will continue playing to see all the advances itll make, yes there will be bugs and issues but nothings perfect at first and i see this game becoming big

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

The Altered Lands is a graphically beautiful indie RPG with enjoyable combat. This game is being developed by one person and is currently in Early Access and thus has some areas that need some adjustment/improvement, but nothing that makes the game unplayable or unenjoyable by any means.

To see an analysis of specific pros and cons, you can view my brief, yet in depth, review/gameplay here:


Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

The Altered Lands on Steam

The Hell Hives

The Hell Hives

Highly recommend ! Yes, its buggy in some areas and the third level is a little laggy sometimes, that doesnt set me off from not loving the game, for 5 bucks, it’s a pretty cool concept game with a unique art style and the research lab is my favorite level ! Just love those graphics, amazing, you dont see ridiculous stuff like that very often, and this game is awesome for 5 dollars ! Hopefully, Adam will add more levels and stabilize the game in the future. That new survival mode he’s talking about sounds awesome ! Should make a research lab map/level survival mode with co op or online co op play, would be awesome !!!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Great game - a lot of game - well worth £3.99! Developer seems pretty proactive re. bugs/fixes and listening to feedback.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Hell Hives on Steam