Cosmic Express

Cosmic Express

If this game appeals to you, chances are you’ll like it. It’s a delightful puzzle game. I like games like Divide by Sheep and Dungeon Warfare, and this scratches a similar itch.

WARNING: The puzzles are not unlocked in order of difficulty. You’ll have easy puzzles and impossible ones right next to each other as if they’re on the same level. This can be disheartening if you get stuck because you feel like the puzzles are only going to get harder and that’s not the case.

My suggestion is to forget about any particular puzzle that’s pissing you off and move on. Don’t spend hours on one puzzle or you’ll start getting upset with the game. For example, Andromeda 14 is one of the earlier puzzles that gets unlocked, so it seems like you should be able to beat it in the beginning. IT IS THE HARDEST PUZZLE! At least it was for me and lots of other people online (which I found out when I looked up the solution; something that killed me inside but I had to move on with my life because I was having dreams about that damn level).

Real player with 160.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

I think I have to give a thumbs down (Though itd probably be a neutral), because of some of the later levels.

Id get stuck on them for hours, I tried literally thousands of paths, worked on the logic of which routes could or could not work, and finally had to get an answer to the level in the game I simply couldnt do.

So I guess Im doing this out of spite? Well, I thought about that, but I dont think so. I believe its because ultimately there was no trick. There was nothing special going on, no deeper logic I was missing, I looked at the solution I put in and there was nothing at all in there that gave me any idea of what Id been missing for all that time, it was just a raw path finding task which is inherently tough to complete if you cant just pluck it out.

Real player with 100.6 hrs in game

Cosmic Express on Steam



wow… this is the best $7 I ever spent on a video game. I didn’t expect I would love this game so much, I love all the puzzles, and how interactive everything there is. There’s so much stuff in the game to interact with, and lots of dialogue to get from interacting from Puro or things around the room. The setting of this game is also really cool to me, it’s a post apocalyptic world where everyone has turned into furries, and when you get “transufurred” there’s artwork and scenes where you get to watch it all happen, dying in this game is like art, there’s something new with each death, I really liked that. I love Puro, getting to talk to him and make a bond with him going through the game. I highly recommend this game, it’s only a few dollars and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

This is a really fun game! Do NOT play this if you don’t like furrys, or do, its about trying to survive and NOT become a furry. Anyway, its a fun, difficult, angering puzzle game that I’ve have meltdowns about several time! its great and I would fully recommend this game! Also, Try not to destroy you computer while playing this game.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Changed on Steam

Brian the Brain

Brian the Brain

This game is good in my opinion, it’s like a flash game.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Singleplayer Games.

Brian the Brain is truly the Dark Souls of platformers.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Brian the Brain on Steam

Shutter Nyang

Shutter Nyang

WOW this game is really awesome! Bought this game after watching the livestream yesterday, and I do not regret.

The art looks cute and that is definitely a plus for me, but don’t be deceived by the cute kitty and adorable comic book art. This game is HARD. Like, really hard. Might give Celeste a run for its money. But there is a “slow motion” mode that makes it much easier so don’t be scared lol.

It’s actually a pretty fun game. The unique ‘camera’ game mechanic challenges me to think outside the box. Don’t take yourself too seriously with this one, go into it preparing to mess up a lot, and enjoy :)

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Wow!!! Unique, refreshing and challenging! Seems a little difficult. But whenever clearing every stage, feel a sense of achievement. Cute characters. Creative objects! Likely to be a game changer itself ‘cause it features the very characteristics that most of other games do not have. No destructive. No men-killing. Never disastrous. Fun, Imaginative and Lovable. Are you a cat lover or a peace lover? Sure you’ll love this game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Shutter Nyang on Steam

Cat Jumper

Cat Jumper

The game is quite fun and cute….but’s it so hard that I can’t event reach a first check point…Haha

it’s worth it compare to the price

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Cute cat but same energy as get over it.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Cat Jumper on Steam



Glyph is challenging and relaxing platformer. That’s a rare combination to see but in this case it really works well. There are multiple different level themes with their own personal soundtracks to create nice and relaxing atmosphere. Some are darker while others raise you above to clouds.

The learning curve in this game has been balanced well with the levels. At the beginning you feel like you can collect everything quite easily and you get in to nice mood. Then levels get harder but you don’t really notice it that well because you start to be in control of your character and it does what you want it to do.Even harder levels won’t feel impassable because you’re not forced to collect everything and the mechanics are simple to learn. What you need is little creativity to reach harder places.

Real player with 88.4 hrs in game

One of the smoothest platformers I’ve ever played. It can be a bit frustrating when you first are learning, but once you get the hang of it, you literally start to fly. The world is your oyster- er… scarab!

  1. The levels are condensed, short and mostly unique, providing amazing replay value after hundreds of attempts. They’re also in a 3D space, so optimization becomes more of an interesting challenge! (I definitely haven’t played Broken Road 1000 times, what are you talking about)

  2. You can choose the levels you want to play and which ones you don’t, providing relief if a level isn’t your speed.

Real player with 77.0 hrs in game

Glyph☀️ on Steam

Swing Lord

Swing Lord

This is a game that understands why games like Jump King are so great. It’s not about the frustration of falling, but the achievement of climbing and making areas you struggled with in the past feel trivial due to your increased skill. Currently I’m approaching the end of the game, but felt like giving a review after the amazing and terrifying mechanic that happens at the end of the second world [won’t say what it is of course]

There has only been one jump where I have wondered if I did it the intended way [some long sideways jump in world 1], everything else has felt buttery smooth. Really great game, I will do my best to spread the word about it! I even hope we get some continued support for it if it gets popular enough. More worlds perhaps?

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

ive gotten softlocked on the third world three times but i still keep deleting my save to play it please help

lime palette best palette

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Swing Lord on Steam

The Way Home

The Way Home

crazy challenging driving game.

Enjoying music give you chills. but many, too many obstacles wait on the way to home.

recommend for guys who want to challenge.

PS. ppl in ROR are blind. so be careful while driving.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

I couldn’t stand it for more than a couple of minutes. The game is ugly, repetetive and looks horrendous, it plays out sluggishly and boringly. The music that starts playing when starting up the game is some stock shreeking that stabs into my brain.

It is a great, A-Grade worthy programming project for a highschooler. But it is not anthing more. It is not worth asking money on steam.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Way Home on Steam



a game about a fox making food and going through dungeons i dunno

fine game, just real overpriced.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game


Tax Fugitive

Tax Fugitive

Difficult but really nice 2d platformer! I really like it! I’m not very good at it! But I still really like it! No real complaints about the game!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Nice pixel styled 2d platformer. Cool character and lot of levels 16 and most levels are enough difficult at least to me. Very cool 2d platformer and also with very affordable price. I hope more achievements but otherwise this is great way to spend few evenings

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Tax Fugitive on Steam