

If you want a game to play for relaxing, I recommend this game.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

Yeah it’s released finally and I like this game! To build up my tower with all this different parts is fun and to see how it works against gravity and natural forces is also great. The defend could be challenging sometimes but after a while there is always a way :)

Of course I am not yet through every level but so far I would clearly recommend it.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

ChaosTower on Steam

Poly Bridge 2

Poly Bridge 2

Hell on Earth. But good!

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

I’m a dummy and even I am learning something about engineering, get yourself some help with hrydrualics though, they suck

Real player with 58.1 hrs in game

Poly Bridge 2 on Steam

Chuck’s Challenge 3D 2020

Chuck’s Challenge 3D 2020

I had previously downvoted this game, citing many bugs and frustrations with the control scheme and the GUI. But after an incredible show of dedication from the developers in addressing and fixing (nearly) every one of my complaints in the “massive invisible” patch, I’m finally giving the game a thumbs-up. Very impressive, guys! Previously, I felt that this game might have perhaps gotten more attention and understanding as an “early access” title, but now it has earned its status as a finished product, one which can be built upon. I’m confident that the small number of remaining issues left will be addressed, and even if not, they do not detract too much from the game’s quality.

Real player with 60.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Difficult Puzzle Games.

Huge nostalgic trip for me. When I was young (can’t remember when, when I was 8 years old or so I guess?), I used to play this game called Chip’s Challenge . It was a timed puzzle game with Sokoban elements. I never quite got to finish it as the levels grew too difficult for me near the end, but I remembered it fondly as one of the most favourite games I used to play. Hell, I remember being incredibly jubilant when my father helped me to beat Blobnet. Yeah, that infamous level with all the blobs.

Real player with 24.5 hrs in game

Chuck's Challenge 3D 2020 on Steam

Office Simulator

Office Simulator

covid does not start up to work. Although you can work here) I hope the developers will add an output to paypall? so that I would withdraw my money :) but if without humor, the game is worth the money, I gave my son to play, he liked it, I will probably support the indie developer and buy a couple more games. there is variety, there will be something to do in self-isolation

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

This is a Steve Jobs simulator game. From a small garage and a small company, you become an empire. The main rule is hard work and work done on time. A good timekiller for a couple of nights at a good price. I liked this game, I did not notice how I killed 7 hours of my life on it.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Office Simulator on Steam

Poly Bridge

Poly Bridge

Good things about this game:

  • Requires you to think

  • I love the graphics

  • Extremely challenging

  • Great soundtrack

  • Extra workshop levels

  • It’s actually quite educational on how physics work, if you really take your time to analyze what goes wrong when the bridge breaks. You can also watch someone explain how everything works and you’ll be able to pick up some basic strategies, like replacing steel beams with “double-wood” and etc.

Bad things about this game (these are only minor things, nothing big):

Real player with 231.2 hrs in game

Now that I have reached a total of 100+ hours clocked into this game, I feel that now I must write my own review.

This is after my first review, but for the most part, it is the same.

Down to the core, Polybride is another bridge building game. Place road, then support it. The difference is the presentation. This game is beautiful. Its scenery across the 6 worlds are very nice to the naked eye, They have added more tracks in the game so now, there is more calming music for you to enjoy. There is a nice community, which also happen to give you challenges that make you want to pull your hair out, and even make things that are above just creative. It’s sandbox has been fixed, a lot of the bugs have been fixed, and the difficulty curve is nice, and truly gets difficult. Honestly, If you think it is a bad game, give it a few more hours, and look at the community tab before giving a rash decition. Well done, and still more to come, as this is still a game in Early Access.

Real player with 163.6 hrs in game

Poly Bridge on Steam

Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker

Circuit breaker is a strategy simulation game where you build electronic devices. Design circuits using batteries, resistors, capacitors, LEDs and more. Unlock more advanced components as you progress and build more interesting devices.


Build complex electronic devices by designing their circuits down to the individual components. Determine the current needed for each component to make sure they don’t explode, but also ensure that they receive enough that they keep working.


Test your circuits and see if they meet the requirements for unlocking new components

Upgrade and Unlock

Save space on your circuit board by unlocking more advanced components that can do the work of multiple components in one package. Build more circuits and make more complex electronic devices.


Put down components anywhere on the circuit board

Click and drag wires to connect components

See the amount of current and voltage the components currently have

Remove components anytime


  • Put down components anywhere on the circuit board

  • Click and drag wires to connect components

  • See the amount of current and voltage the components currently have

Circuit Breaker on Steam



The game is really seemed cool and fun but that idea left quite quickly…

The graphics are fair at best, very cartoony so it has that going for it.

The background images are decently done and fits nicely with the rest of the game.

a Few playable levels, The game has some achievements and they arent too hard to complete given the type of game, it is tagged difficult but it really isn’t, it lacks QOL features and gameplay mechanics with finer tweaks , if some more effort went into the game it would of been a lot better and more fun. Don’t get me wrong the game has a difficulty cure but it would of been much more fun to climb it if the game was somewhat better than what it is.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

I found this game to be pleasantly surprising. At the very worst it could have been too flash game like, which I was afraid of (even though there are some amazing flash games out there).

Graphics: Actually quite nice, crisp and clean, cartoony, with a almost angrybirdsy-like feel. Bright but not blindly so.

I think I like the chicken graphics the best. yeah.

Achievements: Pretty straightforward, and based on the level designs, some can be hard to get - but nothing that is crazy insane intense.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Castle on Steam

Contraption Maker

Contraption Maker

I used to like this game. A lot. I won firts place in one of their contests, and second place in another. For which I received reward in the form of steam games. Contraption maker is a great example of a game that never stops growing. Even now, they keep adding new content to it.

But… things havetemporarily changed.

Top Meadow and Game Dev Castle took over the development and publishing of the game, and I get the feeling that they don’t really care about the game itself anymore. They look at things from a rather business perspective which is bad for this type of game’s health. I am talking about DLC packs, and the fact that they ruin this game’s fun of uploading and sharing contraptions, puzzles and mods.

Real player with 205.6 hrs in game

If I think about my earliest days of video gaming, back before I got into my classic platformers like Sonic the Hedgehog, the title that stands out to me the most (amidst many education-focused games) was The Incredible Machine. A game that tests your ingenuity to solve puzzles, and your imagination to create them. Many of my fondest gaming memories from those days came from T.I.M. I got this game when it was in alpha, and the fact that I got to play any part in this game’s development, even just by messing around with the parts and reporting bugs, is something truly special to me.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Contraption Maker on Steam

Kingdom Rush Origins - Tower Defense

Kingdom Rush Origins - Tower Defense

If you’ve played either of the other two Kingdom Rush games, then you know what to expect with Origins. That’s not to say that this installment isn’t accessible to newcomers, but with all of the references to the previous games, veterans of the series will certainly get more out of it.

The big change this time around, other than the brand new assortment of towers, enemies, heroes, and maps, is a new hero specific major spell. It sits right next to Reinforcements and Thunderbolt (this game’s panic button) on every map and recharges the same way they do. Where they differ is the hero specific spell varies in effect depending on the hero, with some mimicking Reinforcements, some mimicking Thunderbolt, and others acting as more direct damage like Reg’son’s one-shot-one-kill Vindicator. This improvement adds a new level of complexity to choosing a hero as that unique spell can completely change your approach. I also found the heroes to be better balanced in this game than in previous installments. Switching heroes is now more about adapting to each one’s strengths and weaknesses than it is about upgrading to better heroes as those become available, at least so far.

Real player with 52.9 hrs in game

I never did play the first game so I can’t compare (I am now going to tho), but I have to say this is a brilliant game for those into tower defence games.

There is not a great deal to explain here about gameplay, Its a typical tower defence like every other but its fun, smooth and really well balanced for a change, I didn’t come across any performance issues at least which is nice.

As for the maps themselves, they are fairly small, it would have been nice to see much bigger maps just to make things more challenging but they are all still fun to play and still require tactics at times when things get hectic.

Real player with 42.4 hrs in game

Kingdom Rush Origins - Tower Defense on Steam

Super Mega Zero

Super Mega Zero

Miss Undefined has been whisked away by the dastardly Kill Screen. Go from Zero to Hero in this fast-paced platformer, chasing time, the high score and eventually the Kill Screen itself.

Super Mega Zero is a tight precision and puzzle platformer with shoot ‘em up elements. Simply touch an upgrade and switch forms to go from classic, straight-forward platforming to the more puzzle-like action number system or Shoot’ Em Up gameplay. Stick to one or mix them together all in a single level!


  • Challenge hundreds of handcrafted levels with a mix of platforming, puzzles and shoot ‘em up gameplay.

  • Arcade esthetics that bring you back to the 80s

  • A banger chiptune soundtrack

  • Collectable Pi:s (aka the tastiest number)

Super Mega Zero on Steam