Killer Inside Us

Killer Inside Us

A 3d rendition of a popular 2d game that works quite well. Support for up to 10 players at once and the ability to wear a duck on your head as you spook those who aren’t dead yet… Sus.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Detective Investigation Games.

when the killer is questionable

















Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Killer Inside Us on Steam



A fun mafia-inspired game to play with a lobby of friends.

The different roles and ability unlocks give way for a TONNE of play styles and strategies.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Detective Werewolves Games.

An interesting take on the social deception genre, the various equipment unlocks you get from completing quests (or on game start depending on settings), add a lot of depth to the game.

Quests have their own minigame which on completion give you equipment points that allow you to unlock things such as smoke screen, invisiblity or boots of speed.

One of my favourites is the ability to impersonate another player entirely for the round.

I have always enjoyed each game of this I have played, and it is only in early access!

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Nightfall on Steam

1, 2 BLAME!

1, 2 BLAME!

better than amogus

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Detective Psychological Games.

40% of the time you meet kids that rip your ears apart from the inside but other 60% when you meet actually normal people , you can have the best murder mystery ever. Really good game for the money , not at all repetitive unlike some other games of the same genre. I really like murder mystery in movies , books or games and this was exactly what i expected. If only the games lasted longer or there was a bigger map , perhaps other maps.

For the money , it’s worth to atleast try the game.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

1, 2 BLAME! on Steam

Project to Escape

Project to Escape

Project to escape is suitable for you to play with friends! This is a multiplayer game with up to 10 players support. In this game, your goal is to escape the area but someone will try to prevent your escape so, be careful!. As for now, we will start with launching the first episode with a unique mechanics that comes with it!

Your goal is to escape from the office by coorporating with other Innocent and your very useful Spy friend so you can escape succesfully or find and execute the Psyco



As an Innocent(bold), Teamwork is the main key to escape. Innocents have to find clues and share them to each other to build your escape plan. There is also money to be found as Innocents for you to buy equipments on Black Market that will spawn on random spot. Then with your escape plan and resources, you will have to find and activate generators required for you to finally escape


Communication is the key for the Innocents to plan their escape! There are several ways to communicate with other players:

  • proximity-based voice chat

  • private voice chat radio channels,

Roles :

  • Innocent

Your main goal as an Innocents is to escape the area safely. But just like real life, there will always someone to stop you from reaching your goal. In this case, Psycho will be disguised among you as they try to ruin your escape plan. Innocents cannot execute Psycho but with money you can gather, you can buy protection from Psycho’s attack from the Black Market

  • Psyco

Your main goal as a Psycho is to prevent any Innocents from escaping the area. Explore the area to find weapons to execute as many Innocents as possible, but you should be careful with your action as Psycho should avoid getting detected because there is a Spy among Innocents who have the ability to execute you!

  • Spy

Spy is the important key for the Innocents survival. As a Spy, you can buy a handgun and execute Psycho if detected. But make no mistake, if your detective work concluded with the wrong person as a Psycho, and you shoot that person, the sound that you make by shooting your gun will make a very loud bang and the Psycho can easily spot you and might target you so no one can protect the innocent no more. As they say, with great power, comes great responsibilities!

Project to Escape on Steam



The luxury cruise liner Animals Star just set off on its first voyage and all of the animals are having a great time. However, the crewmates have no idea that there is a conspiracy afoot.

The animals invited aboard by the scientists have no idea that they’re about to become guinea pigs for a new experimental serum. The scientists take the first subjects through a tunnel and into the lab, inject them with the serum, and write down their reactions: “Increased physical function, slightly increased intelligence, decreased eye sight, gradual increase in irritability, increased aggression… the first experiment’s failed! The subjects are out of control!” After losing their minds, the subjects break through the observation chamber, kill the scientists, and take over the ship’s remote control and the keys to the tunnel.

Peekazoo on Steam



Okay, so I never ever never write game reviews on steam. Until now, because SpyParty is such a great game, and I want to maybe get some people who treat the game like a party game to view it from a different angle, and to briefly sum up what the game is, and what it isn’t.

The gameplay/content:

The spy is hiding in the party, while the sniper tries to discern them from the innocent partygoers. So far, so easy; especially since when booting up the game for the first time, you will be presented with a severely simplified experience, as to not overwhelm a new player. Then new missions for the spy to complete, as well as fresh venues to play on will be unlocked after a certain number of wins, to gradually deepen the experience.

Real player with 1278.3 hrs in game

So I never really played video games until I found SpyParty. And what a challenge. At first glance, its EZPZ. You’ll jump into a mode where you learn 4 missions and play other people with just about the same number of games and play. You’ll play until you kind of figure out what you’re playing and then your world expands; A LOT. You get access to 4 other missions and the sniper has to look for more.

The more you play, the more you realize you need to be like the AI to succeed. Yes, you need to do missions but it takes SOOO much skill to know how to be an AI and not get shot by the top players of this game. I have 9000 games played and it still doesn’t cease to teach me new things about the game each time I die.

Real player with 930.4 hrs in game

SpyParty on Steam

Killer: Infected One of Us

Killer: Infected One of Us

I think this game is too incomplete for it to be released. There is a lot of bugs and things missing. I understand why the release happened, to get content on what needs to be added and such. But there is simple things that this game should have stayed in beta testing. Not only do I see many problems, it is also is a pay to play when in 25 minutes of “playing” I cant even stay in a lobby with friends, nor can I actually stay in a game. I do not know why this game was created based off Among Us and yet there are simple things needed that would just make 10x times better release if they did at least one more month of testing and fixing and adding in little details for friends to actually stick together. I am not saying its a bad game, I just think it should have stayed in the incubator just a little longer.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Hi, I’m a streamer producing content in Turkey. At the same time, I want to produce content related to this game on my Youtube channel called “Barding Games”. I shot my first video with a team of 6 people and we didn’t have any problems. The scenes, tasks, locations are very creative and beautiful, but when it comes to playing with 12 people, some of us entered the game invisible at the beginning of the game and we could only see them with tiny pixels. No matter what we did, we couldn’t solve the problem. (we closed and opened the game, restarted steam, etc.) Another issue, the difficulty of the missions is too much to be discussed. If you insist on playing the game, you solve the tasks after 6-7 games. However, people who are new to the game and trying to observe never understand the tasks and have difficulty continuing the game. The tasks that we spent minutes to do are endless. Even when the infected person is sluggish, we find it difficult to complete tasks. instant monitored streamer of 3000-4000 in Turkey, I saw they were trying to play in; While watching their past broadcasts, I realized that they could not be patient with the second game. Although the game has great potential, it needs immediate change. Please hear our voices and improve the game. We want to play this game.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Killer: Infected One of Us on Steam



In a game of one versus up to six other players both teams need to use observational skills and planning to succeed.

There are 12 objectives spread across three floors. You have 30 minutes. There are 6 Security Forces and the Saboteur only needs 6 objectives to win. Play too passive as Security and you lose.

Play too aggressively as the Saboteur and you’ll give yourself away.

Security has to be careful though, kill a scientist and the Saboteur wins. Kill the Saboteur and you win. If the Saboteur can’t get enough objectives in time Security wins.

The Saboteur

  • You have to achieve your objective of sabotaging enough critical areas while blending in with the AI controlled scientists. Don’t draw any unwanted attention. Observe and mimic the scientists.

  • You have several tools to your advantage, like the ability to sabotage lights and doors among others.

  • With greater mobility you can outmanoeuvre Security Forces if you play smart.

Security Forces

  • Deduce the identity of the Saboteur by observing the scientists.

  • Patrol and defend the critical stations from sabotage.

  • Work together with the rest of the Security Force, communication is key.

Saboteur on Steam

Suspects: Mystery Mansion

Suspects: Mystery Mansion

Игра с ужасным, конченным, токсичным RU(даже не CIS) комьюнити; редикми обновами; дорогим донатом но ска родная и все равно классная. Рекомендую, но только если играть через эмулятор. А если понравится то только тогда брать на ПК. ZAKARxROXIE.

Real player with 184.7 hrs in game

only the hardest mode unlocked can be played

now i cant have fun playing this

(Edit) found out you can lower your iq for a easier game

but its still annoying

Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

Suspects: Mystery Mansion on Steam



Hello, I’m writing a review for this game since I feel like it is in need of good reviews, and no, I haven’t played for 31 minutes in total, I am a alpha and beta tester, who wants to give this game a good name.

Firstly, I’ll be going over 4 things and rating them, Difficulty, Availability, Replayability and Community, these 4 things make a game good, so of course, first of all


The game is overwhelming in the first couple of games, getting used to it would be hard if there isn’t an experienced player who is willing to help, I’d say it take around 6 games to actually learn most things going on, and to get a feel for the roles, as you’d most likely get an Agent, a Hacking Netsec, Neutral and so on, however strategy is hard, its social deduction and meaning that the game will definettly rely on your social ability to lie, and make up a good claim which would be hard for the first games, and could still even be harder games onwards, strategies form in your mind, they work and they don’t, overall

Real player with 360.0 hrs in game

Untrusted is a Social Deduction game with a hacking theme. The Social Deduction genre has seen a recent resurgence with the success of Among Us. In this game, a hacking group called NETSEC is meeting in an online chat room to coordinate their hack progress through a number of computers and servers in order to hack one specific target node that will win them the game. Every group, however, has been infiltrated by two agents, and a number of independent operators known as Neutrals.

The premise of this game is fantastic, and the lone developer has done some of its implementation well. NETSEC has a variety of skills to verify its own people. The Agents have some ways of blending in with the NETSEC operatives. The fun of the game is not found in the hacking (as there is nothing even closely resembling real hacking), but rather in the fact that you’re actively playing against the minds of the other players as you prove people true or false, or if you’re an agent, you’ll quite possibly find your thrill in lying your way to victory with hastily formed arguments as you place the blame on others. You have to be quick, since there’s not much time before NETSEC has to decide which member of the chat must be sent to their death, and your arguments must be good and to the point.

Real player with 289.9 hrs in game

Untrusted on Steam