Saint Kotar

Saint Kotar

It’s an interesting game, and has many excellent points. But all in all I can only give it a weak recommendation.


–Excellent, dark art style.

–Very atmospheric.

–Subtle but fitting music, with a couple of tracks that are so good that I find myself excited for the soundtrack.

–Extremely dark, in a way that few games are willing to go.

–I played through it twice and generally enjoyed the experience both times.


–Extremely thin story that often doesn’t make sense. A huge chunk of the game is spent wondering why your sister would have ever had you all come here. Having played through the game twice, I find myself still unable to answer that. Possibly the answer is, “Actually, she didn’t.” But if that’s the correct answer, a HUGE amount of story that fleshes out how the character who did knew to do that and why they’d want to just isn’t in the game (but absolutely should be).

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Detective Lovecraftian Games.

Full disclosure: I backed this game’s Kickstarter and have reviewed it for the Croatian gaming portal FFA. You can find the Croatian review here . This is an abbreviated version of that review.

Saint Kotar is a traditional p’n’c adventure game trying its best to fit in with the rest of the adventure greats. It plays like most standard examples in the genre - you explore a variety of locations, examine and interact with objects, talk with people quite a bit and try to piece together what exactly is going on.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Saint Kotar on Steam

Blacksad: Under the Skin

Blacksad: Under the Skin

Blacksad: Under the Skin is a good game, but a rather unpolished one. It plays very similarly to the Telltale style and is reminiscent of The Wolf Among Us due to its grimy New York crime setting and visuals. You can expect a choice in dialogue options, free exploration of larger areas to find clues, making deductions by linking together your findings and examining characters (like in recent Sherlock games) and some quick-time events (QTEs) scattered here and there in the action cutscenes. As far as I know, the game is an interactive adaptation of a comic book series and features a brand new story not seen in the comics.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Detective Noir Games.

Blacksad: Under the Bugs

TLDR: Great story, great characters, nice music. Bad gameplay, bugs and other things that will turn a lot of people off.

Ok, this will be a tough case to crack. I will tell the problems so people interested in this game be wary, but in the end I recommend it. Basically… this game won’t be for everyone, not because of the story and themes nor because it’s a bunch of antrophomorphic characters in a noir setting…

But because the gameplay is quite bad.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Blacksad: Under the Skin on Steam

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived, is an amazing Visual Noir Novel with a compelling cast of characters that complement the rich story-driven detective-noir experience really well.

Playing as a lead detective trying to solve small-time crimes, gathering evidence, interrogating suspects and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, it seems like just another day at the job.

*– [Real player with 50.0 hrs in game](*




Read More: Best Detective Noir Games.

--- Okay so first, let me be clear. I ABSOLUTELY love nearly every aspect of this game! However, due to strenuous replays and a little bit of lack of guidance, the tediousness has far outweighed my enjoyment which is saying a lot as I've really enjoyed everything else. This review is spoiler free aside from game mechanic discussions (fail conditions) Pros: Story - The story is truly engaging. Nothing's worse than a visual novel with a bad story. Interrogation gives you the sense of every character whether you've met them briefly or if they're your go to partner on the task force. *– [Real player with 15.4 hrs in game](* --- ![Kid Detective]( "") ## Kid Detective ABOUT THIS GAME Kid Detective is an Open-World Murder Mystery Role-Playing Game where the player can prove any suspect guilty in a Court of Law. Designed to fit the parameters of Game Maker's Toolkit's video on "What Makes a Good Detective Game", Kid Detective aims to make the Story and the Mechanics indistinguishable from one another. Inspired by narrative driven games like "Undertale" and "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney", detective games like "The Return of the Obra Dinn" and "Outer Wilds", Kid Detective aims to take discovery, mystery, and that Eureka! feeling to the next level. --- ![Disjunction]( "") ## Disjunction I'm thoroughly enjoying my experience with Disjunction. You play as three separate characters whose storylines intertwine and run parallel to one another. Despite being advertised as a stealth-RPG, the game gives you a plethora of options to customize your gameplay. You can play non-lethally with melee, lethally with different guns, or use a combination of both. Your choice in lethality affects the dialogue, characters, and endings. The game can also be quite challenging depending on your playstyle. *– [Real player with 21.0 hrs in game](* Hmm… I don't know if recommended is really what I should place this game under. But it's not bad and it's cheap ! This game is quite weird because the story is very mature, It can also be quite bloody if you go full rampage... The music is awesome and could be described as some kind of dark ambient, the pixel art graphics are fantastic though repetitive. But the gameplay is childish... The game consist of small levels divided in two floors each time with a save point located on each floor which you can use at any point but you can use it only once... The game would be perfect for a kid to learn how to handle stealth games, it is a very good introduction to the stealth genre. *– [Real player with 16.2 hrs in game](* --- ![Disco Elysium - The Final Cut]( "") ## Disco Elysium - The Final Cut ### It is not a game, it is an experience. A very special one and totally unique. And it can be the best one you had in a lifetime of gaming. _I have finally reached a THOUSAND HOURS playing this game._ So I guess it is time to review it. Every viable choice and path, probably saw all the dialogues, I dare to say. I really did everything possible, researched all the alternatives, even explored the most grim and absurd outcomes, just to see how far your freedom goes. I did it all. And it really gives you the most absurd amount of choices and risks to take. All the perfect choices, all the wrong ones on purpose. And usually, there is no wrong path to take. **What kind of cop do you want to be?** *– [Real player with 1003.0 hrs in game](* SUGGESTION [Moderate: Success?] — "The first time I played this game, it filled me with a sense of nostalgia, which is weird because it was my first time playing the game. The music, the art style, the amnesiac protagonist, all contribute to that feeling… which has now turned into _real_ nostalgia. A few times, I've remembered the theme of the city proper, and had literal tears well up in my eyes, and loved every second of it. That feeling has made me come back to the game three or four separate times now, to try new skillsets, thoughts, and world views. The Final Cut update makes this process even better, as the writing and voice acting are really fucking good; even uncovering tiny new bits of writing triggers _substantial_ dopamine hits in my brain at this point. *– [Real player with 111.2 hrs in game](* --- ![I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem!]( "") ## I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem! it has an among us reference AND the impostor gets ejected. good game jokes aside, its a really nice game. ill absolutely replay it, because i got the good ending first try lmao (this game has multiple endings!!! how swag!!) another awesome game from the sigyaad team, keep it up also, please check your spelling, mr sigyaad :cirnu: *– [Real player with 2.9 hrs in game](* I think the concept of the game is great, the writing is good as I would expect from this developer, and the characters are fun! Good tunes too. My main issue is that this game is wayyy too buggy I'm not sure what it is, but I've had several issues where the game seems to lock up, the skip function is broken (I had to use it because I had to restart the game over a dozen times), character sprites can be the wrong size and other perspective glitches like that, and the game now for some reason slows to a crawl when it didn't before, making it pretty much impossible for me to look at the other ending (I got the good ending) *– [Real player with 0.9 hrs in game](* --- ![Pathologic 2]( "") ## Pathologic 2 I had a very hard time thinking of what I'd write for Pathologic 2\. Despite the fact that there are so many reviews, this one got some attention, and I really appreciate that. I feel compelled to write something because it's deep into my bones and it's not showing any sign of leaving. It just feels like it deserves a review. Having gone through it now multiple times, I can honestly say it's become one of my favorite games and that's against a lifetime wasting time on them. First and foremost, is this a horror game and if you don't like horror games will this be too intense? The first answer is "kinda" and the second answer is "no". It's a horror game in that the tone and mood are quite dark and the general feeling of the game is eerie. There are certainly spooky things you're going to experience here and there. Is there lots of gore, jumpscares or terribly intense horror movie moments? No, not really, and if you can get through the average episode of the original Twilight Zone then you're brave enough for Pathologic 2\. Tension is there, fear is often present, but it's the kind of fear and tension that is trying to teach you something, not just give you nightmares. I recommend wearing headphones when you play to get the full experience of the atmosphere, or taking them off if you are feeling yourself getting too creeped out. *– [Real player with 241.5 hrs in game](* I would rate this game 9/10, but it may not be a 9 for everyone. Let me over-explain. Pathologic 2 is a bit of a mash up of a survival game and plague doctor simulator. The game is both a remake and a sequel of the original Pathologic that was released in 2005\. You don't need to play the original game as it references the original as having happened, but retells the story with big alterations and new plot points. The original game had three characters you could play with different views of the story, but this one only has the Haruspex at the moment. However, even just this one route will give you a full, complete game with an average of 30+ hours of gameplay. The developers are planning to eventually release the other two routes in the future, budget willing. This game was made with the idea that a game doesn't always have to be fun, sometimes a game can stretch you out and make you question what it's asking you to do. You will get stressed, you will get frustrated, and you will start to doubt whether you can even do everything the game is asking you to do, but that's the point. It will take well known tropes and rules of gaming and break them in an attempt to break you. It tries to make you feel as if you've actually gone through the experience of trying to save a town from a disease and how crushing, frustrating, and heartbreaking it can be to try to do that. This in turn makes the joy from the moments when things go right that much sweeter. *– [Real player with 213.4 hrs in game](* --- ![Corridors of their memories]( "") ## Corridors of their memories In the world of criminal justice, violent cases are a maddeningly high statistic. The commitment of a crime with no answer or reason is especially damning to the people assigned to the case, and those who are affected by the shock waves of the act. With each passing year, expanding technology has given officers the chance to limit these cases. But technology has not achieved its true end goal: having the opportunity to see and understand these crimes in detail through the victim's eyes. At least, not yet. *– [Real player with 2.8 hrs in game](* I liked the game. Nice art, music, story, writing, and the choices are meaningful. You get to solve a mystery and there are multiple endings. The story seems like a sequel might be planned and that would be fun. It's under two hours but I'm keeping it because it's good. You should play it! It's fun and pretty dark at times. *– [Real player with 1.6 hrs in game](* --- ![Heavy Rain]( "") ## Heavy Rain 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐧? I can't believe it's been almost 11 years since this game's been released. I love this game from the bottom of my heart. I always had interest in story driven games, the moment I saw this game's trailer I knew it was meant for me. It's one of those games that defined my personality through my teenage years. How can you not love a game like this. It's the game that took motion capture to the next level back in those days. Tragic drama thriller movie like game where your choices do actually MATTER. Main characters can die or get injured during their encounters. Every choice you make feels like it will have an impact on your experience. It offers a lot of content and replayability. The action scenes are very intense and gets you locked onto the screen. You can listen to your character's thoughts that gives you more insight and adds depth about the situation the person's going through. Which I have missed a lot of them when I was playing 10 years ago even though I've played this game more than like 500 hours now I'm discovering new things. To me, Quantic Dream games are really good in terms of creating and establishing scenes as well as writing story with characters and multiple different possibilities. And not to mention the unforgettable magnificent score. It sends shivers down my spine when I hear that Ethan Mars' Theme. Lastly, I believe Quantic Dream company really cares about the content that they're making at least as I've seen from the behind the scenes and artworks. *– [Real player with 72.8 hrs in game](* ### -How many cliches do you want mr. Cage? -Yes I love narrative games so my opinion in this might be a little biased and I obviously recommend this game. It doesn't come without flaws but we get so little of such games that i'm happy even if it's not perfect. Heavy Rain is an interactive-drama thriller. The Origami killer is kidnapping children and drowning them. One of the main character's son disappears and father who's name is Ethan gets a message from killer demanding him to take tasks in order to save his son. Killer is testing Ethan's courage and Ethan must decide how far he will go in order to save his son. *– [Real player with 30.2 hrs in game](* ---