Spirit Island

Spirit Island

(My biases up front, I am a backer on Indigogo, a beta tester, and a fanboy of the developer. I’ve also played a little bit on physical)

The game is an excellent recreation of the physical game. The creator of the physical game was involved in the development of this port and it follows the rules very well.

It should be noted that this game is very dense. There is a ton to keep track of and many rules to keep in mind. The physical game has this problem too. Experienced players will not have too many problems but people new to the game will have to spend some time figuring it out. As of now, the full rule set is available but a full tutorial is slated for the full release. And yes, the rule book is something one would do well to read carefully.

Real player with 220.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Nature Games.

Understand first and foremost, this game is complex, and will melt your brain. A traditional play of this game is done with 2-4 players working together, talking back and forth to help people push back the invaders and win the game.

This doesn’t have online multiplayer [aside from remote hotseat via Steam’s remote play]. So you’re probably going to be playing 2-4 characters yourself.

Suddenly, your options are immensely increased. Playing just 2 characters is much more difficult than just 1 – and 4 player games will melt your brain with the amount of decisions that you’ll be asked to make individually. It’s not an uncommon move to have one character play a card to allow your second character to have enhanced range to move something into range of your third character being able to defeat it along with two other enemies they were going to destroy already.

Real player with 153.4 hrs in game

Spirit Island on Steam

Silent Storm Gold Edition

Silent Storm Gold Edition

Since I wrote the original copy of this review more than 2 years ago, I played through the game again and decided to update and correct some things about this review. This review will focus on only Silent Storm since I don’t like Sentinels and never bothered finishing it. If you disagree with it, feel free to message me why you feel that way. Finally, there will be SPOILERS so read at your own risk.

Silent Storm is an old 2003 tactical turn-based shooter set in 1943 during the height of WW2. It is very reminiscent of the older XCOM games UFO Defense, Terror From The Deep, and Apocalypse. However, I’ve found this game to be much easier and less complex than all three of the original XCOM games.

Real player with 355.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Tactical Games.

Silent Storm is an old game with dated graphics and a limited character customisation pool. But its appeal was never on its looks, no. Detail and weapon variety, an interesting alternate universe plot, and a completely destructible environment all mixed together to make this a great game, if niche. My account below is purely for the Steam version, without any outside patches.


  • Tonnes of weaponry (pistols, rifles, grenades, knives, etc.) to find (read as “collect”) and unleash on unsuspecting enemies. From interwar to late WWII, you will be spoilt for choice as your arsenal grows.

! Do take note of the IRL historical weapons and calibres used by the Axis and Allies. If you were partial to the Colt 1911 for example, choosing the Axis story may result in you having difficulty acquiring ammo for your preferred sidearm, as the .45 ACP was not a calibre made outside USA at that time.

Real player with 168.1 hrs in game

Silent Storm Gold Edition on Steam

Scuffed Tower Defense

Scuffed Tower Defense

A must play game. Scuffed Tower Defense is genuinely a lot of fun to play, and I’d recommend picking it up if you’ve got the money. Buster.


  • Buster.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Grand Strategy Games.

When I first saw this game, I had high expectations, mainly because of its resemblance of the hidden gem New EPIC SCUFFED BHOP SIMULATOR 2023 (POGCHAMP). After playing it, I can gladly say, my already high expectations were blown out of the water by this modern masterpiece. Most triple A games cannot even compare to the work of art that is this game. From the aesthetic design, to the gameplay, everything about this game is the definition of groundbreaking.

When it comes to aesthetic design, this game is perfect. Menus are simple, yet effective. The background of the main menu in specific shows gameplay that makes you pumped to play. The sound design has real bangars that always get you hyped for the next wave. The enemy design is minimalistic, but charming. The levels in the game all have a charm to them in a different way. From the dark lighting of the asteroid, to the minimalistic style of the fall, every level feels different from the last. The voice acting has tons of personality and sets a tone for the rest of the game. Even the towers all shoot bright bullets that feel really satisfying to watch tear down the enemies. Also the doggo is really cute I wish I could pet him.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Scuffed Tower Defense on Steam

Slaves of Magic prelude

Slaves of Magic prelude

To sum up:

1) Fluent flow: intuitive & detailed user interface, streamlined gameplay, clever AI,

2) Satisfying tactics: many tactical decisions to make (split up, sneak through buildings, flanking etc.),

3) Neat RPG elements: the different character skills leads to cool combos

4) A great indie team: the developers are really open to community feedback & completely remastered the in game combat.

Although it is just a DEMO, it is clear at this stage that the game has limitless options for further content

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

I really like the remastered combat system. It reminds me to the board game Eclipse Second Dawn for the Galaxy: first getting the movements all done, and then dealing with the action phase is a great mechanism!

The basics of the game are working well, and I’m really looking forward that state of the game, when many unique character skills will be available. And I’m looking forward when it will contain the campaign map as well, not just this tactical combat episode, that is currently in the DEMO.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Slaves of Magic prelude on Steam

Cartridge Monsters

Cartridge Monsters

i love this game, for being a pokemon style game with mythical creature twist makes the game more enjoyable!, i played from start to finish and from the visual attacks to the BGM for the regular fights and the bosses is very enjoyable, plus the visuals wasn’t to overbearing to the eyes, so for players just getting into vr i would say this game would be a good start, with it’s go at your own pace story,to taking the time to grind your monsters, so it doesn’t make you feel rushed to beat the game. it also really gives you the time to see the hard work put into a simple but enjoyable vr game.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

The voice recognition was great the last time I played this. Instead of just saying “Earth Nova”, you could say “Earth Nova that b^#&*!” and it would still work.

Tip I wish I knew: You have to actually aim and hit stuff when shooting magic bullets. Shooting in the general direction of something won’t work if the bullet doesn’t actually hit it.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Cartridge Monsters on Steam



Really fun strategy game with an environmental twist. This premise has you doubting between going all-in for the win and playing more conservatively to preserve the environment. I played beta for the past two years and the final version is even more polished! Server issues on launch day aside, great game and I certainly recommend it.

Extra fun when playing with friends, the AI is a decent matchup for beginners but can be predictable at times.

Update: Even better with the map editor and workshop update. You can now play with your friends on maps that you created yourself.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

I would rate this:

Overall - 7/10

Strategy - 10/10

Graphics - 7/10

Originality - 9/10

Replay ability - 4/10

This game is great fun and it seemingly has the perfect balance of R.N.G. and strategy. I have never found myself in a spot where bad R.N.G. couldn’t have been avoided. Playing with friends is great if you can, but the AI are a good challenge. (The AI NeuralNewt on hard can put up a great fight.) This game isn’t really complete yet, I heard of some additions and maybe a campaign being added later on but the game as it is is fantastic- in concept. As I said don’t let its retro graphics fool you. It can drag out and be a bit and become, well, less nuanced to state it simply, and after playing it for a while, both through playing many rounds and/or long games.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Epicinium on Steam

Ballistic M.A.D.ness

Ballistic M.A.D.ness

Fun little game where you shoot nukes across a planet to blow things up doing your best to adjust for things like distance, gravity, and spin of the planet. Also it’s only $1, would recommend.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Honestly this game is so rad! for £0.79p it’s a steal! You’d be stupid to not buy it.

Tactical blowing things up with nukes, and also a global leaderboard? Oh yea. You know i’m trying to get the top spot!

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Ballistic M.A.D.ness on Steam

Gem Wizards Tactics

Gem Wizards Tactics

Ok, I don’t know how to write reviews so I’ll just tell you an experience I had with the game wich shows why I think it’s great.

My small team of Potato soldiers were about to be wiped out by an overwhelming force of soldiers from the Azure Order. I had already captured three of the four flags I needed to win the battle, but I was getting swarmed and pushed out towards the northwestern corner of the map. And my leader, Andromeda Robin, was already dead. My only chance to get the last flag was to kill an enemy squad leader. Unfortunately the squadleader was behind a ton of spearmen, knights, archers and catapults.

Real player with 381.3 hrs in game

Exceedingly good and long-lasting gameplay value for those with limited time–each match lasts anywhere from 20-30 minutes at most. The player factions are varied and fairly balanced from my limited exposure of each. Gameplay is simple at first glance, but the synergies among units adds deep, tactical and surprising complexity to the Advanced Wars-like formula.

About the only thing that would add value to an already enjoyable game would be at least two or three more player factions, but the developer has already hinted that this is a possibility. Could we get a robot faction please?

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Gem Wizards Tactics on Steam

Everyone Must Die: A Western Standoff

Everyone Must Die: A Western Standoff

Everyone Must Die: A Western Standoff is a new and exciting puzzle game set in the Wild West. The puzzles are a series of Mexican standoffs where the goal is to make sure all characters kill each other. However, you can’t control any of the characters directly. In order to succeed in your task you have to change the environment around them.

You accomplish this by manipulating the environment directly or by the use of different items provided in your inventory.

These include but are not limited to:

A frying pan, a mirror, bullets, maybe an EXPLOSIVE barrel or two and much more!

The ultimate goal remains the same: leaving no one alive!

The gameplay is split into two phases: the planning phase and the cinematic action phase. During the planning phase time is frozen and you, the player get to use your items and adjust the environment in a way you think will result in the death of every character on the screen.

When pressing play your attempt is then put to the test! The action phase sets the camera into cinematic mode and lets you watch the carnage unfold, ultimately seeing if your attempt worked or not. Should you fail, you revise your attempt and try again!

Remember the objective!

Everyone Must Die: A Western Standoff on Steam

Give Me More Pills

Give Me More Pills

Johnathan overdoses on various pharmaceutical consumable prescriptions and proceeds to complete the most painstakingly difficult, yet unbelievably satisfying to complete, levels. Very interesting puzzle game. Would recommend if you’ve got some extra time and money.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

I think who create this game took 3 pills of Creativafeno! Amazing concept and idea! Love it!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Give Me More Pills on Steam