Ball of Doom

Ball of Doom

This game is a good game it offers a huge map, almost unlimited replay value, and the difficulty makes the game a little rage inducing but it makes you come back to get revenge every day.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Indie Games.

you die really easily and the load time to get back into something very mediocre is not worth it

many other games have offended me far worse than this, so theres that

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ball of Doom on Steam

Explosive Jake

Explosive Jake

it’s a great game and the soundtrack is very good

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Indie Games.

Неплохой клон Бомбермена, убить время, провести лампово пару вечеров под добротный чиптюн - самое-то. Однако, игра имеет ряд минусов, о которых нельзя не сообщить:

  • Главным минусом является управление. Персонаж очень медлителен, неповоротлив, а вместе с местными хитбоксами иной раз погибать приходилось очень глупо.

  • Уровни не генерируются рандомно или процедурно, они заранее заготовлены, соответсвенно, все поверапы лежат на одном месте. Так что можно просто запоминать где они, и при случайной гибели, пытаться пробираться уже сразу к ним.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Explosive Jake on Steam



Thumbs-up love for indie game artists, but could have improved on a lot of things. As has been observed, two people was never really necessary beyond prolonging repetitive actions. There was no button-holding or anything to necessitate the second guy, so all it did was frustrate the timing-based bits near the end.

Also the story felt a little shoe-horned in at the beginning and the ending. I was hoping the elevator would go down, you’d get a cutesy game-end splash with a shot of some cthonic city, and there-ya-have-it. Instead the wee bit of narrative felt a little pushy if anything. Sometimes less is more.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Physics Games.

A great first entry in what looks to be a series of these light puzzle games. Half way through I was like “Why do some challenges make you save one guy and you always start with two?” But, there’s kind of a Spooky Narrative Reason by the end!

If you like this game, certainly pick up the second one, it really expands on the concepts and introduces new elements!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Underland on Steam

Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb

Underland: The Climb introduces moving enemy sprites as a resource on the map which you have to avoid or manipulate around the maps to press buttons, etc. In addition to that, a pickaxe takes the place of the saw wheel from the first game and overall the layering of the puzzle elements both as a factor of timing and sequencing is kicked up a notch!

A fun and short game, with a few maps that really take a few tries. It seems like the dev was really expanding the concepts shown in the first game and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next! This game’s puzzles really feel cohesive and like the game teaches you how to think and play.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The BAD:

  • No separate music volume slider.

  • You can’t create any save points or quick saves during a level. If you make mistake, you must restart the level. This inflated the playtime and made some levels tedious rather than a joy.

  • The main character, EVERY time you click them, will either say; (most of the time) “What’s up” (though it sounds more like “What the”) or “Hey” or “Hi” in an upbeat manner as if oblivious to nearby danger. I don’t need the character to greet me hello yet again seconds or minutes apart just because I needed to click them again. Became annoying after a while.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Underland: The Climb on Steam

Trench Run

Trench Run

Trench Run is a 2D multiplayer shooter that is exclusively about shooting people, blowing them up, and having fun in the process

The gameplay is very simple: you control your characters using only only 2 buttons and direction keys (you could play with a NES controller), the maps are small, there’s no story, no base-building, no leveling system… You can immediately buy the game, join a server and blow stuff up. The game is very fast paced, with explosions all over the place, corpses flying across the map, buildings getting blown up, it’s very hectic and hilarious to see.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

I got a pre order key of this game and have been hyped all the way. And lets just say it met my expectations.

It is a fun and a very fast paced game. Every round can last a minute, and some of mine have lasted a just two seconds. The unpredicatable mechanics turn every sniper shot into a cross map scenic flight, grenades into trick shotting basketballs and rockets into ridable objects of mass destruction.

Some people may be put off by the ‘aim with wsad or arrow keys’ for sniper shots, rockets, grenades, basketballs and flashbangs. It takes a while to get used to it, but once learnt makes the games so much more enjoyable. Heated battles are ensured when a commando is running up behind you, and your sniper aim is pointing the other way. Who will win?

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Trench Run on Steam

Blast Rush Classic

Blast Rush Classic

It’s a wonderful twist on the shmup genre.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

I’m very excited for Blast Rush Forever

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Blast Rush Classic on Steam

Stress explosion

Stress explosion

10/10 would throw all my stuff out the window again

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Stress explosion on Steam

Terror of Hemasaurus

Terror of Hemasaurus

Play as a giant monster and wreak havoc on humanity in this retro city smash ‘em up! Punch buildings, slap helicopters, eat humans, kick cars – enjoy multiple ways to cause carnage! Satisfying arcade action and mindless destruction for up to 4-players!

Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe! The Church of the Holy Lizard hatches a dubious plan to save humanity from its own reckless disregard of the planet – unleash a monster to kill, destroy, and inflict terror!

Embark on a rampaging trail of total devastation across multiple stages as one of four recently defrosted monsters. Roar with delight as you stomp terrified citizens and pulverise buildings in an apocalyptic, retro arcade blast of awesome monsters, satisfying destruction, and farcical fatalities!

Terror of Hemasurus is the latest game from Super Blood Hockey creator, Loren Lemcke.


Hemasaurus! Clocksloth! Salamandrah! Autonomous Hemasaurus! Four terrifying (but also kind of adorable) beasts, each with their own killer moves!


Explosive pixel devastation and mayhem on a monstrous scale! Reduce buildings to dust. Topple skyscrapers. Destroy everything!


Hurl humans into helicopter blades! Butt slam into crowds of terrified citizens! Eat people for nourishment! Smoosh them all to save the planet!


Do what the game tells you across a variety of levels! Kick cars into buildings! Rescue the cats and dogs! Total a tower in record time!


Got buddies? Good for you! Put them to use by getting them to join you for some local co-op carnage! Up to four friends can cause terror together!

Terror of Hemasaurus on Steam

Give Me More Pills

Give Me More Pills

Johnathan overdoses on various pharmaceutical consumable prescriptions and proceeds to complete the most painstakingly difficult, yet unbelievably satisfying to complete, levels. Very interesting puzzle game. Would recommend if you’ve got some extra time and money.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

I think who create this game took 3 pills of Creativafeno! Amazing concept and idea! Love it!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Give Me More Pills on Steam

Purplis Sandbox

Purplis Sandbox


Please add more metals, also let us melt and mix metals

Also make it so you can damage the cooled metals

Add more entities, humans might be hard but I’d like to be able to cattle

Let us cook meat from cattle and feed it to (If you add) humans

Add a boiling mechanic

Oh and PLEASE make it easier to move the camera, it’s just annoying and the middle mouse button is good at it

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

There needs to be a feature saying “Are you sure you want to leave?” I spent hours of work and tried to press the button to open the tab to save it. Pressed the wrong one and lost hours of work. Hate it.

Edit: OK, onto the real review

Its actually really fun. Like people playground but not violent at all.

I love to build in this game, i like making garden machinery.

Actually great!

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Purplis Sandbox on Steam