Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a sequel of the underrated first-person shooter Red Faction from 2001, taking place exactly 50 years later after the events of the first game. The original Red Faction had a revolutionary concept - the player could destroy nearly everything - something the developers were sadly not fully able to accomplish. It only had a basic story, but shined in gameplay (in my opinion it was better than Half-Life): we had to battle our way through the ranks of the evil Ultor Corporation that terrorized and experimented on the miners working on Mars, through non-stop combat, including vehicles and the use of environmental destruction.

Real player with 199.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Physics Games.

Steamworks is here, the great tyrant GFWL is dead and gone! A round of applause is in order for Nordic Games for reviving this wonderful game. Now, on with the review.

Red Faction: Guerrilla is an insanely fun game, let’s get that out of the way right now. The open world nature combined with the destructable nature of almost every structure in the game makes for one of the most enjoyable, destructive romps you’ll ever have in a game. While you play through the story mode you’ll have a wealth of options for how to deal with objectives, many of which involve the destruction of key buildings. Perhaps you’d like to get up close and personal with your hammer, maybe you’d rather hop in a truck and send it flying through the side of a building or you might just hail it with rockets from afar, all of which are perfectly viable options.

Real player with 166.4 hrs in game

Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition on Steam

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered

A Great Game

Red faction Guerrilla is an awesome game which features an amazing destruction mechanic through the Geo-Mod 2.0 engine which allows for the free-form destruction of buildings and other structures. This means that instead of Shooting a rocket at a building or setting an explosive charge and having it play our an explosion animation then showing a pre-set damaged building, it calculates the amount of damage one of the different and unique weapons would cause and destroys that part of the building in a way that reflects that damage. Using the game’s unique physics engine, the structure breaks apart in a spill of debris, falling to the ground all around and even damaging the building itself enough to where the whole building can collapse in on itself altogether. This makes for different types of destruction every time. -Set a charge on all supports holding up a structure and watch it fall down as a whole collapsing in on itself as it hits the ground. - Or shoot rockets at it one wall at a time to really play out and savor the destructive possibilities. The main weapon - a sledge hammer that can break its way through almost anything really gives you a sense of satisfaction over and over again until you’ve destroyed a whole structure one swing at a time. I honestly can’t express the awesomeness and satisfaction from the destruction of every building you decide to destroy (which is a big part of the game).

Real player with 54.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Physics Games.

Read the full review over at Save or Quit!

Welcome back to Mars!

Have you ever wanted a game that lets you destroy ANY building in the world? With most games that say everything is destructible, it’s usually pretty limited or scripted, but here you truly can and you can do it however you want to boot. Whether it’s with a rocket launcher, using C4 explosives, mini black holes, or your sledgehammer, you can demolish it all! There honestly hasn’t been a game like this in recent years that has managed to pull it off to this scale, and even after almost 9 years, it’s still a gorgeous and glorious romp on Mars fighting for the freedom of the people. Since this game has already been out for years, I will mostly focus on the Re-Mars-tered parts (OK I get the joke, but good gawd that just does not roll off the tongue and really sounds dumb) and touch on anything that I feel really needs to be addressed. Let’s return to Mars for another fun adventure full of explosives!

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered on Steam

Just Cause™ 3

Just Cause™ 3

Love it. Bought it back in 2016/2017 and had a really fun time. Even nowadays I come back to play it. Rn I try to get all Achievments because I like the game so much. Yeah, it also has it flaws like strange physics and Crash The Bomb Missions are really a pain in the arse. But it´s so fun to take out the outposts, free cities and a most of the challenges are also fun imo. And i don´t even want to start with the DLCs. So great. Bavarium Wingsuit so you can move around more freely and be a human attack helicopter, the boat with really strong guns and a cool look, Mechs for more fun on land. And the stories of the DLCs are maybe not the best. But they have their own charm and fit well in the story I guess. 20€ or 3€ for the next few days, it´s a really good deal

Real player with 310.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Singleplayer Games.


☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Human

☐ Lizards

—{PC Requirements}—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☑ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer


Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Just Cause™ 3 on Steam

Just Cause 4 Reloaded

Just Cause 4 Reloaded

Just Cause 4 is the video game equivalent of Junk food. It’s fun in small doses but after a while everything feels like a chore. I know looking for plot in Just Cause is like watching a porno for the character development but the story is really bland , the villain generic and the entire game is bogged down by an ungodly amount of mini events that genuinly becomes a chore after a few hours. That said flying around the world using the jet-powered wingsuit is still fun. Also two of the DLCs (Los Demonios and Danger Rising ) are pretty fun.

Real player with 74.0 hrs in game

Got this at 90% off. It’s a cash-grab sequel to a game series that reached its natural narrative conclusion, but for $15 I’ll pick it up, sure. Basically Just Cause 3: Another One.

Real player with 70.9 hrs in game

Just Cause 4 Reloaded on Steam

Megaton Rainfall

Megaton Rainfall

Megaton rainfall is truly a game of the ages and fits two genres: Do you want to be an all powerful psuedo god who can literally go to the ends of the universe if they wish, or do you want to be a superhero who saves the world from the damned ufos? well this is the game for you, although at first when you only have one power the game can feel pretty slow, but as you get more and more the game combat starts to feel truly fun.

! Once you have super luminal speed (8 trillion times the speed of light) leave the galaxy and then look at the galaxy, follow the white light (not the blue one, thats earth) and stand in front of the monoliths/signs blue ray until you get a narration sequence, listen to what they say as this is half of the storyline, then use heat ray if you have it to destroy the monolith once its done, and then a new light will appear in a different galaxy, repeat this until you reach sign 7 This game was made perfectly that even something as simple as the enemies going to a different city gives you chills, the soundtrack goes from intense combat dubstep to a beautiful singing voice during transitions and It was done this was intentionally, because the author knew it would be beautiful. Although there really isnt anything in the universe aside from planets, stars, blackholes, pulsars etc (i mean no intelligent life except for invaders and humans) there is just something so satisfying about crash landing on the moon at mach 523534635894674563059467, kinda makes me feel like saitama. Or flying trillions upon trillions of lightyears to a distant galaxy, going to a star in said galaxy, and launching nukes at a planet and then landing in said crator. Another thing on the combat is that although you cannot die, you can fail if a city loses too many people aka “casualties” and the game teaches “with great power comes great responsiblity” because most of the time, you actually deal more damage to the city itself than the enemies ever could, just by missing with your most basic attack. There is only one mission i’ve seen where the enemies could do more damage than you in a shorter amount of time. And when i say more damage than you I dont mean you going on a full assault of the city, as i stated above, i mean just missing with your basic attack. There is so much more that i could probably say about this game but im terrible at writing reviews. You should most definitely play this game, even if its not necessarily your genre this game just slaps awe all over your face quite a few times.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game


UPDATE: 6/20/2018: A recent update nerfed the speed tremendously for no apparent reason. Your character now moves about 50% slower now compared to when I wrote this review. This seriously hurts the fun of the game and if you’re a new player, you’re going to be spending a lot of unnecessary time moving around now that speed is crippled.

UPDATE: 6/26/2018: Another update that seems to show the dev is ruining his own game. You can no longer float downwards and “walk” on the surface. You’re forcibly gridlocked now and if you keep trying to descend, your game will crash. I can no longer recommend this game.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Megaton Rainfall on Steam

Excidio The Kaiju Game

Excidio The Kaiju Game

from the moment i saw this game i was interested because there aren’t many games like this so it was nice to see a fun monster game on steam the game is pretty fun and destruction is pretty satisfying but the one problem that this game suffers from is lack of content but that can be excused because this game is still in early access but if there are some things that could improve are the enemy types and the city i wish it could be bigger but hopefully future updates will help the lack of content overall this is 8.5/10

Real player with 158.8 hrs in game

its the best kaiju game on steam! (espetioly because there aren’t many kaiju games on steam)really the destruction is close to as good as teardown there isn’t much at the moment but of course that’s to be expected and what there is the dev did really well!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Excidio The Kaiju Game on Steam

Brick Rigs

Brick Rigs

ATTENTION: Brick Rigs is NOT a Lego game.

If you are here looking for a ‘Lego simulator’, then this game is not for you. It used to be like that, but the game has changed a lot since it launched. The currently posted trailers and screenshots are several years old and no longer accurately represent the game. Since the introduction of clipping (ability to build creations with intersecting bricks) and scalables (generic geometric shapes without the iconic Lego-esque notches which can be stretched to any size), the community has shifted towards a generic blocky aesthetic more akin to Roblox or Stormworks. Take a look in the most popular section of the workshop to see for yourself.

Real player with 3728.8 hrs in game

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☑ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☑ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☑ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 107.8 hrs in game

Brick Rigs on Steam



Everyone who likes demolition in Just Cause and Red Faction will be satisficet.

Best “allahu akhbar simulator”!

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

This isn’t The Witcher 3 but also is good. According to credits, this game made only one guy! Game has the coolest graphics style!

Just buy and play!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Destructions on Steam



I got this game back in 2013, so I’ve had this for awhile. Today though when I decided to look back on this game, there was an active server, but with only like 2 people on it. Unfortunately, the game is pretty much dead. But, when it was still alive and getting updaes, it was a blast. Sometimes people would just muck about, destroying everything, or each other. Or fly helicopters on the crashed jets, which would launch the helicopter way high into the air. Or fighting over who would get the spaceship. Maybe even just fly the huge airliner as wildly as possible. Then whenever you did have someone spawn in as Omegalodon, it’d be one hell of a fight. If someone can at least bring the game back, then that would be amazing. If the developer also does ever come back (and that’s a pretty large if), then maybe the game could become even greater.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

This game is one of the best games ever made a I mean in what other game cn you do a 360 with a 747 bowing (or what ever its called) This is just one of those games were you cant realy hate and/or not like it could but not to a point were you wont play it.

All and all its a great game but no one realy seems to play it its one of those games were its a joy to play but realy no else plays it (ulness you get maby a lucky sever with 24 people of you just plan it) this is a great game and I recemend it to anyone who will ask.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Omegalodon on Steam

Ridge Racer™ Unbounded

Ridge Racer™ Unbounded

Great game, tons of fun… but also frustration. I managed to finish it today after installing it at least 3 times since I got it. somehow along the way I remeber I lost all my progress for some reason, I’m not sure what happened.

Anyway. The game still looks pretty and is still a blast to play, especially the domination races. The domination races are basically normal races where you race through city districty and drift to gather turbo points.

You get turbo points even when you are near an opponent, you gain them even quicker when there are many opponents around you. You also gather turbo points by smashing things. Gathering turbo points is the same for every race mode, and there are several.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

Ridge Racer: Unbounded was, to me, a very fun, yet repetitive racing experience.

(Be prepared to read a VERY descriptive review. TL;DR is at the bottom.)

The game’s introduction is very simple, and explains to the player how Shatter Bay came to be, only to turn into a urban playground for the Unbounded. As a beginner, the player is convinced by the hashiriya master to join the Unbounded, and seeks higher recognition by moving up the ranks.

Now, if you’ve played any of the Ridge Racer titles preceding this one, you’ll find that this particular title mostly leaves any traditional aspect of the older games in the dust. However, do note that Unbounded was produced alongside major game developer Bugbear Entertainment, the same folks behind the Flatout series and, most recently, Next Car Game: Wreckfest. Bugbear’s role in developing Unbounded was one of the major factors in producing this game.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Ridge Racer™ Unbounded on Steam