Spirit Island

Spirit Island

(My biases up front, I am a backer on Indigogo, a beta tester, and a fanboy of the developer. I’ve also played a little bit on physical)

The game is an excellent recreation of the physical game. The creator of the physical game was involved in the development of this port and it follows the rules very well.

It should be noted that this game is very dense. There is a ton to keep track of and many rules to keep in mind. The physical game has this problem too. Experienced players will not have too many problems but people new to the game will have to spend some time figuring it out. As of now, the full rule set is available but a full tutorial is slated for the full release. And yes, the rule book is something one would do well to read carefully.

Real player with 220.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Understand first and foremost, this game is complex, and will melt your brain. A traditional play of this game is done with 2-4 players working together, talking back and forth to help people push back the invaders and win the game.

This doesn’t have online multiplayer [aside from remote hotseat via Steam’s remote play]. So you’re probably going to be playing 2-4 characters yourself.

Suddenly, your options are immensely increased. Playing just 2 characters is much more difficult than just 1 – and 4 player games will melt your brain with the amount of decisions that you’ll be asked to make individually. It’s not an uncommon move to have one character play a card to allow your second character to have enhanced range to move something into range of your third character being able to defeat it along with two other enemies they were going to destroy already.

Real player with 153.4 hrs in game

Spirit Island on Steam



Really fun strategy game with an environmental twist. This premise has you doubting between going all-in for the win and playing more conservatively to preserve the environment. I played beta for the past two years and the final version is even more polished! Server issues on launch day aside, great game and I certainly recommend it.

Extra fun when playing with friends, the AI is a decent matchup for beginners but can be predictable at times.

Update: Even better with the map editor and workshop update. You can now play with your friends on maps that you created yourself.

Real player with 54.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Tactical Games.

I would rate this:

Overall - 7/10

Strategy - 10/10

Graphics - 7/10

Originality - 9/10

Replay ability - 4/10

This game is great fun and it seemingly has the perfect balance of R.N.G. and strategy. I have never found myself in a spot where bad R.N.G. couldn’t have been avoided. Playing with friends is great if you can, but the AI are a good challenge. (The AI NeuralNewt on hard can put up a great fight.) This game isn’t really complete yet, I heard of some additions and maybe a campaign being added later on but the game as it is is fantastic- in concept. As I said don’t let its retro graphics fool you. It can drag out and be a bit and become, well, less nuanced to state it simply, and after playing it for a while, both through playing many rounds and/or long games.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

Epicinium on Steam



nice world/weather/civ simulator.

Enjoyable to just watch

Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Casual Games.

For a couple of dollars it’s a worthwhile experience. Just turn it on and let it go while you are working or doing something else and occasionally note how the world is changing.

I would like to see some more options to adjust the frequency of events or even turn some of them off, but even without them it’s fairly entertaining.

Quick warning: If you set the tiles to 40x40 it can take a toll on your frame rate. If that bothers you for this type of game (slow panning, laggy gameplay, etc.) you’ll want to keep it below 900 tiles^2

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Ardarium on Steam

Terra Firma

Terra Firma

Well here we go. First some background I love such water/ geography simulations: Just had +100h in From Dust, Sim City 4 (Editor: Erosion) and in the editor of Cities Skylines. Just watching the water flow around :)

And I’m working as an engineering draftsmen in building construction, civil engineering and hydraulic engineering. We are just a too small company for something like Flow-3D Hydro, etc. but this software here, as a free thing is just enough to play endless hours around.

I would love to see the following things:

Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

First: a caveat. It’s not got a lot of content- yet. However, the roadmap looks pretty satisfying. The developer is responsive, and the game is quite detailed already. Like many simulation games, it is a simulation. In addition, unlike most simulation games, it works on a mediocre computer like my own. I’ve seen games half the size I could never consider playing, but I can play this. It has a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. it’s pretty fun to watch and try to direct rivers, lakes, mountains, and forests.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Terra Firma on Steam

Zenko: A Fox’s Tale

Zenko: A Fox’s Tale

Would be a lot less frustrating if the clouds that are supposed to disappear if you stand on them too long let me stand on them at all– I keep hopping onto them and half the time I fall through instead, even though they reformed at least a minute ago and I’d land right in the center. Especially infuriating when I have to jump on multiple clouds in a row, as I land on the first one(s) and then fall and have to start over from the beginning.

It would also be nice to be able to adjust the camera sensitivity, because it’s a little too fast for me to feel in control.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Edit: For those with issues with the camera this game may work better with an Xbox controller due to the camera or turning your mouse sensitivity down

This might be one of the best completely free games out there. I have payed for games that where not as good as this and would have gladly payed for this one. I did make some of the fun for my self as well by trying to get places that where not required and likely not intended just to challenge my self and because it was fun playing with the jump mechanics. The instructions are a little broken for the controller where they got the analog sticks backwards. There are also functions listed that seem to have not made the final game. Those two things are more an observation than a criticism. Over all I had a heck of a lot of fun playing this game.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Zenko: A Fox's Tale on Steam

Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻

Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻

I have more good things to say than bad things about this game so let’s get the one bad thing out of the way real quick first.

The controls. There’s sadly no controller support; which would really help. It is playable with a mouse and keyboard but (at least for me) took a lot of key rebinds to find something that;s comfortable for me.

If you can get past that, the game is pretty fun. It’s silly, it’s straightforward and there’s something about senselessly smashing buildings, stomping on people and wrecking rocks, trees and cars that helps me kill an hour or so when I don’t feel like playing much else.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Ever wondered, “I wonder what it would be like to be Godzailla?” This is the game for you.

Destroy buildings, cars, streetlights, telephone booths, dumpsters, park benches and bollards with a swipe of your left and right paw. Cackle with glee as you use your mutengenic powers to level city blocks or turn hapless citizens, police and members of the national guard into puffs of confetti, grow large before exploding or into cute rubber ducks.

This game is great to kill an hour or two.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻 on Steam

Unnatural Disaster

Unnatural Disaster

sandbox mode is the best

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

good game

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Unnatural Disaster on Steam



About This Game

Jack is a humble bear with a simple dream: to return nature to its former glory with the help of his trusty axe and his animal friends. Slice and dice through machinery, slap some sense into wasteful humans, and work with wacky woodland critters to thwart the sinister plans of up-and-coming industrial giant Evil Works.


  • Play as a bear with an axe!

  • Chop your way through forests, construction sites, and more exciting locations in a variety of puzzles which utilize elements in the world around you.

  • Solve puzzles by tinkering with the environment around you

  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle waste to upgrade your chopping capabilities

  • Save a quirky cast of animal friends and team up with them to save the day

  • Take down an evil corporation dead set on destroying nature as we know it

Meet the Team!

FinalBoss Games is a team of experienced game developers from across the globe making seriously professional games that are seriously fun to play. Their previous games include the robot arcade puzzle game Vesta and musical sports game Dodgeball Beats.

LumbearJack on Steam



You’re going to spend 30 minutes playing all the levels and then hit a brick wall of waiting for 10 minutes for lava pools to drain then die when you touch a single orange pixel.

10 out of the 12 hours of this game were watching lava move out of the way to get to an exit.

There’s waaaay too much lava that just takes so long to get around. Characters are pretty one sided. you’ll use Ninja, Esper, and wizard almost every level. Farmer is an absolutely useless character. He can’t angle his pick upwards so i can only go down when mining. Robots useless because he can’t jump worth shit and any level you would use oil to get yourself up there’s lava to burn it. his mining style leaves him totally exposed. alchemist has NO mobility and there’s no level that you need to turn anything into lava. Geomancer has no mobility either and his abilities are slow to effect and only has like 2 good uses if you want to turn a large area cold or hot. Also his mining leaves him exposed to any lava.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

If you like exploring and puzzles, I would recommend this game. I took around 8ish hours to 100% the game.

Good things:

  • Lots of variety in characters. Each character has their own playstyles. I used Esper the most, the teleport ability is helpful (and might be a little bit OP).

  • Exploring and finding secret paths is fun. In some stages there is more than 1 exit, so it presents are further challenge to find these hidden exits.

  • Object physics is great. If you burn grass or oil, then it will burn away or if you freeze water or lava, they will turn to their solid countertypes. This makes the puzzles interesting and fun to figure out.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Agartha on Steam



Jump into the cockpit of the F-16 as Jeff the pilot!

JEFF-16 offers a fun and challenging obstacle course.

You will fly across cities and mountains in an attempts to destroy the evil army who attacked your beloved city.

Your main goal is to fly through the hoops without touching the yellow rings. At the end of each level you will receive a FLYING SCORE.

While flying your way through the landscapes ENEMIES will try to shoot you down and distract you, but don’t worry.. You have MISSILES!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Based on the real life war experiences of Jeff “Jeffy” Jefferson, this game will both amaze and astound you in equal measures! Using “state-of-the-art” graphics and sound fidelity this game puts you right into the centre of the action.. And when I say “action” I mean “ACTION”, you fly up, you fly down, you roll left, you roll right, while at the same time trying to destroy enemy targets AND fly through the very same green Hoops that all pilots know, but only speak of in hushed tones around camp fires, late, after dark, when drunk and vulnerable (the very same hoops that The Pentagon still denies the existence of!).. After about the first 4 missions you start to feel at one with the aircraft, your fingers dance across the keys as she move as smoothly as a sea otter (but one with wings that can fly and is made of metal with guns) under your control.. It becomes almost a religious experience at times, and at other times you miss a hoop and explode.. BF2042 isn’t out for a few months yet, but who needs it when you have Jeff-16?!? This is probably the most fun I’ve had while playing this particular game that someone else bought me..

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

JEFF-16 on Steam