Ball of Doom

Ball of Doom

This game is a good game it offers a huge map, almost unlimited replay value, and the difficulty makes the game a little rage inducing but it makes you come back to get revenge every day.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Pixel Graphics Games.

you die really easily and the load time to get back into something very mediocre is not worth it

many other games have offended me far worse than this, so theres that

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ball of Doom on Steam



Robo-Worms is a fun PVP Battle Royale game to play with a group of friends. The PVP is intriguing and nothing like any Battle Royale game that I have played before. I’m excited to put some more time into this game and become more experienced in the unique PVP Robo-Worms provides.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Battle Royale Games.

NEVER GOT TO PLAY PLAIN SIGHT?.. WISH FOR Robots (2005 film) TYPE GAME? Play this, it is fast passed insane chaotic destruction power up pick ups you can use as fast as you want.

There is digging and you can put walls up too It gets intense VS another human. Add me & i will gift but u HAVE TO PROMSIE TO play atleast 1 round with me & my friends BECAUSE ITS SO FUN!!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Robo-Worms on Steam

Castle Demolition VR

Castle Demolition VR

Looks like it could be a fun little game. The problem is, whenever you make a shot you are flung out with the cannon ball. This is very unsettling. I could only play for a very short while before becoming dizzy. I strongly suggest making that feature optional. Maybe have a little screeen in the launch area that you can view to shot from or have a playback.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Destruction Casual Games.

Castle Demolition VR on Steam



This is imho 36 Tower defense or assimilated games i played sorted by interest :

Some people might find this list useful for discovering unknown TD.

Legend :

(TD) - pure Tower Defense

(ATD) - Assimilated Tower Defense

(FPSTD) - First Person Shooter Tower Defense

(S) - Solo

(M) - Multiplayer

1- (Warcraft 3 & Starcraft’s TD \o/) (TD) (M)

2- GemCraft Chasing Shadows (TD) (S)

3- Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (ATD) (S)

4- Dungeon of the endless (ATD) (M)

5- Defender’s Quest : Valley of the Forgotten (TD) (S)

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game


CastleStorm it’s all fun and engaging until you step into the viking realm and you learn to swear as if godzilla is trying to chew off your head while playing angrybird in a tower defense game. What did i get myself into?!


CastleStorm (CS in short) is developed and published by Zen Studios. The PC version was released on 29 July 2013. It is also available on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Switch, Wii U, Xbox 360 & Xbox One. According to Metacritic ( ) it has:

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

CastleStorm on Steam

Crash Wheels

Crash Wheels

This is a pretty good game. Of course there are the frequent freezes,(You really should get working on that devs) but I was able to make the freezes less often by putting all the settings to the lowest. I’m glad this game is still in beta, because there is a lot of stuff that would help this game really get somewhere.

I have a few suggestions.

1: Online and local multieplayer would be a blast!

2: More variety to the levels. Like boost pads, loops, chain saws/lasers that will cut your car in half, rockets, or maybe even bouce pads.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

As much as there is to hate about the game, for some reason it just hit the spot for the mood I was in and I enjoyed every pathetic moment of it. Whilst I won’t disagree with a lot of the negative comments, this is still a fun (very short), mindless game to play …so long as you don’t expect too much and are willing to leave your brain at the door. I paid pennies for it, and to be honest, I’m glad I didn’t spend any more than that. At the end of the day it is what it is, but it’s still a stupidly fun way to waste a few minutes that you’ll never get back. It’s definitely not a game for serious gamers' or those that want a decent driving game; this is a game where even if you completely trash your car you can still win so long as it still moves and steers. You probably won’t play it through a second time so don’t pay more than you have to for a half-hours' worth of pointless insanity.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Crash Wheels on Steam

Danger Zone 2

Danger Zone 2

Danger Zone 2 In-Depth Review

Note: For this review, I will refer to the original Danger Zone as DZ 1.

I meant to change this review a while back after replaying Danger Zone 2, but with the release of Dangerous Driving, I’ve been reminded of the issues, and unpolished nature of Danger Zone 2. Three Fields Entertainment left Danger Zone 2 in an unfixed, unpolished state in order to work on Dangerous Driving. With this, I will be turning my review to negative as TFE fails to address these issues, and these very same issues are now rearing their ugly head in Dangerous Driving.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game


This wannabe nostalgia trip plays so much worse than the Burnout crashmodes, controls and driving physics are weird and not reliable enough for the high speeds the game wants you to drive, so you crash too easily on the way to the crash sites because of that, unfair traffic patterns and overly sensitive collision detection. Replayability should be the main focus but many of the intersections are just boring with only a few cars (where’s the complete chaos and madness of the Burnouts?) and the run-ups are seemingly endless and annoying so replaying the levels over and over again is a drag. I want to spend my time crashing, not driving to the crashing, realizing I missed everything because of almost no cars in the crash zone and starting over again.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Danger Zone 2 on Steam

Demolition Engineer

Demolition Engineer

It was ok but i think it would be easier to throw a hand full of Lego in the air and get the same feeling.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Unlike what I read in some other reviews, the controls are trivial enough (although indeed never explained): move with WASD or arrows, swing the boulder with the mouse.

However, I keep losing within 45 seconds to 2 minutes, and I have absolutely no idea why. The game provides no explanation and I haven’t found wtf can be the cause for this loss. Doesn’t seem to be a time limit or some kind of collision. Just the game randomly screwing me. Unfun.

Edit: wow I finally understood what was the problem. You need to destroy specific buildings, identified by color. The main difficulties of this game are then:

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Demolition Engineer on Steam

King Kaiju

King Kaiju

I’d love to recommend this, and I’ve thought hard about if I should review it at all. But at the end of the day it just isn’t a game and the fact this is the 1.0 version out of early access seems to imply the dev is happy with it as it is which really isn’t right. There is potential but its woefully light on content and gameplay right now.

The premise is fantastic, play a huge godzilla like monster (well the head and hands of one anyway) and rampage around a city area smashing up buildings. But sadly that’s where the gameplay stops, you just smash buildings for essentially no reason. There is a target level of destruction at which point you unlock the next of the available 5 levels. But beyond that nothing happens, nothing challenges you, you simply cannot fail. Even the planes that show up form level 2 onward to strafe you with machine gun fire don’t actually do anything as you can’t die, or even be hurt.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Okay… I’m going to be upfront. This game was a silly bit of fun, though I’m not sure it’s worth £4. I got it in a bundle with a few other games for about £5 and at that price point, it’s fan-goddamn-tastic.

The destruction, the freedom, the ability to pick up and throw/smash/eat anything you want is great. I took a great amount of pride in realising you could smash the helicopter containing your scoreboard out of the sky. There just isn’t all that much to the game. You teleport, you pick up, you throw, you punch, you breath fire. That’s about it. Okay, there’s a hidden kitty mode that gives you laser eyes and cat sounds but that’s the only real appreciable difference.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

King Kaiju on Steam

Oik 4

Oik 4

📂Oik 4


    └ Excellent ☐, Good ☑, Medium ☐, Bad ☐, Horrible ☐


    └ Excellent ☐, Good ☑, Medium ☐, Bad ☐, Horrible ☐


    └ Excellent ☐, Good ☑, Medium ☐, Bad ☐, Horrible ☐


    └ Hard ☐, Medium ☑, Easy ☐


    └ Endless ☐, Long ☐, Medium ☐, Short ☑, Very Short ☐


    └ Excellent ☐, Good ☑, Medium ☐, Expensive ☐, Very Expensive ☐


    └ None ☐, Few ☑, Medium ☐, Much ☐, Only ☐

└📂Few more words

    └ Great game with great achievements.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Very easy to binge this unless you get stuck on a level. I personally think it’s the perfect difficulty; you can breeze through some of the levels, and some may take you a little longer, but overall I wouldn’t say this game will make you want to rip your hair out of frustration.

Doesn’t really require too much thinking as I find myself repeating the same actions over and over again. I kind of just click stuff and watch the animations unfold, but it’s very satisfying when I complete a level. You can play it mindlessly or you can choose not to – it’s pleasant either way, especially with the music.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Oik 4 on Steam

Oik 5

Oik 5

I really like Oik 5! With the DLC I have 9 hours of playtime, which is a great value. I find it very relaxing and it feels good to solve some of the more difficult puzzles.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

### Full Game Video Walkthrough here

If you’re reading this you’ve probably played ZUP or the previous OIKs. Yes, it’s still the same GameMaker physics game that unlocks quintuple achievements per level. While there is nothing new to the series here, I am voting this one up because the levels are actually challenging for a change. Time and consideration went into the design, and it shows.

As for the negatives, well, 1-2 hours tops gameplay. Little to no replayability. Some people say that the games have RNG. This isn’t true in my experience. Once objects are in momentum, fractions of a second can completely change the result. If you use a stopwatch (or landmarks), you will produce repeatable results.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Oik 5 on Steam