Bombing!!: A Graffiti Sandbox

Bombing!!: A Graffiti Sandbox

If you are the type of person who will just doodle in empty spaces, I think you will enjoy this game. There are a few things I think could be improved, but nothing that has stopped me from enjoying it.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Design & Illustration Relaxing Games.

I really love this game. I think this is maybe one of the only good non VR graffiti games. I like the mechanics and the art style a lot but it still needs a ton of work.

Some things I noticed are

1.there are holes in the spraycan texture so you can see through it in some spots

2.there is no way to jump so you have to get the ladder for small details

3. the color selection is kind of limited and there are no normal variants of neon purple and pink

One more thing I would like to see is some kind of paint roller for painting big backgrounds.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Bombing!!: A Graffiti Sandbox on Steam



A lovely free game set in Ancient China with sokoban puzzles and a bit of nifty platforming. A delightful environment with zen settings as you search for relics whose history are very interesting. The richness of the Chinese culture and history are very prevalent in this short prologue and are enchanting to see.

As you travel up the Maiji mountain as Princess Wencheng, you encounter a fierce wind which causes difficulty in platforming and it is challenging to reach some relics. This game requires you to use strategy, skill and lots of patience to activate the temple!

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Design & Illustration Sokoban Games.


美中不足的是物品的信息不够完善,有的英文字母打错了,有的欠缺信息,其中一件甚至有 fatal bug。


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

藏梦:序曲 on Steam

Neo Art Space

Neo Art Space

Neo Art Space VR is a wow-inspiring immersive art experience. Traveling through space and time, you emerge in a new universe as an explorer of dazzling moving colorful light art, planets, stars and galaxies. You explore over 30 experiences orchestrated with gorgeous music to help you move from the everyday 3D experience to a transcendent 5D consciousness.

You can create your own experience via teleporting wherever you want to go on pathways through glowing light caves, into planets, through vibrantly alive forests, inside zinging energy fields, or out into space observatory see an eclipse. The array of experience and the levels you can go are as boundless as the universe you are in. You can even create your very own interactive geometric art.

Sharing the experience with others only amplifies its effect. You can meet family and friends inside and experience the sense of awe and wonder in the Neo Art Space VR together, making unforgettable memories that are as unique as the environment you are in.

Read More: Best Design & Illustration Colorful Games.

Neo Art Space on Steam

Virtual Rides 3 - Funfair Simulator

Virtual Rides 3 - Funfair Simulator

More then a review but a history of my kirmes hobby and kirmes video games…

Since my folks took me to Wildwood NJ at the age of 5, I’ve been a huge fan of portable amusement rides. I remember being in my stroller and seeing the HUSS “Pirate” on Fun Pier for the first time and I was a-gasp at the vision of this thing. I couldn’t believe an industrial sized version of a kids boat toy could exist in real life. Discovering other rides from a childs perspective was just as awe inspiring such as the next year I was in Wildwood I saw what looked like a gigantic carousel however this thing rose into the air and then started tilting around like it was going to fall over. I couldn’t believe this thing. It turns out it was a swing ride, the Zierer Wellenflug / Wave Swinger. Wildwood was also the first place I saw the Chance Zipper, another machine so weird, it’s amazing that it exists at all.

Real player with 356.6 hrs in game

this is a really good game to play with great graphic … would be nice somewhere in the game the game you could deside if you want to have a traveling carnival ..or stay in one spot…and would also be nice to have a .carousel.rides.& .sizzler rides &. the dubble ferris wheel ride & a ferris wheel ride & the tilt- a -whirl ride & the rocken -n tug ride& the spider or the octopus..ride & the giant slide ride& the flying bobs ride & the himalaya racers ride & the fire ball.. & therainbow & the gravitron ride & the roundup ride & the bumper cars ride & the geneisis ride & the sea ray ride & the quasar ride & a fun house ride& a hunted house ride & some kides rides & the gator mini roller coaster ride & get picks shows and events with a timelines to when to be at your spot or fair grounds set up and tear down when you need to be at the next spot or fair grounds …to keep a book show…till the end of the season

Real player with 149.3 hrs in game

Virtual Rides 3 - Funfair Simulator on Steam

King of Retail

King of Retail

TL; DR: A great concept that has been executed pretty damn well. There are a few bugs and complaints, which I detail below. But, I don’t think there’s any issue that should prevent you from enjoying this game if you like simulation-type games.

The devs, or dev, has put a significant amount of sweat equity into making this game. It’s not a AAA game, its an indie dev. This goes to show you that even with a limited budget, games such as this are possible to make and we’re all the better for it.

Real player with 108.8 hrs in game

Okay, 101 hours in and I thought I should leave a review as this game deserves it. It’s been a while since any game has captured my attention as much as King of Retail has and always gives me that urge to really want to play it at every opportunity. My niece has been watching me play and now has a store of her own too, she’s only 10 and has understood everything really well. I really need a second PC now! lol

It’s currently in Early Access but has plenty of playability and I really look forward to future updates. The next one apparently brings a ton of new female clothing.

Real player with 104.5 hrs in game

King of Retail on Steam