Vairon’s Wrath

Vairon’s Wrath

old school late 80s JRPG like adventure game. The team with just 2 persons spent 3 years making the game.

at least 20 hours or even longer gameplay for casual playing.

The game is for you, if you want feel that kind of old school adventure game.

content is really rich, npc conversations, main quests, side quests that reward you with travel improvement, and the creative puzzles you need to solve to advance

BGMs are so great.

The gameplay and story will surprise you, the team added new ideas into it.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Exploration Games.

Here is my full review of it. If you like action RPG’s, this game won’t disappoint. It’s definitely worth the 13 dollar asking price.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

Vairon's Wrath on Steam

A Plunge into Darkness

A Plunge into Darkness

Not wild about ending and last boss battles were a long slog but i liked it . Fun game

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Dark Games.

As typical for Aldorlea Games, this is an RPGMaker-built game, but with pronounced survival horror elements: Your party spends the entire game trying to escape a haunted mansion, with no stores, a limited supply of items to acquire, and no inns or other cheap ways to restore HP (though skill points recover during battle, and some skills can heal HP).

The gameplay offers quite a bit of fresh air. You have the usual leveling up by getting experience points from battles, but you can also choose a special upgrade from a selection after defeating a boss, such as increasing a certain stat or increasing a skill to a different tier. The skills themselves are delightfully oddball while also useful. For instance, one does extra damage if the enemy is afraid, and another does a whole onslaught of hits to randomly selected foes.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

A Plunge into Darkness on Steam

Sanguine Melancholia

Sanguine Melancholia

I’m really enjoying this game. Currently, though, I have one major complaint: I can’t figure out how to save! Please, help.

Edit: Got a tip on how to save. Thanks!

Real player with 54.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Strategy Games.

I had high hopes and high standards for Sanguine Melancholia, having played some of MollyAvast’s previous game, I Am Still Alive.

This game took my expectations and blew them out of the water.

Every party member eventually grew near and dear to my heart, I felt true anger and sympathy towards the villains. I had the pleasure of being able to stream this game on Twitch and absolutely had the time of my life, marveling at every small detail that brought so much life into the world of SanMelon.

The extras that are unlocked at the end of the game, as well as the small lore/interaction cutscenes you can unlock throughout the first playthrough, add so much to the game, as well. There are so many scenes I’d love to see between these characters which feel so real and genuine, and being able to watch them play a game of cards or hear about what they were going through before our story started was a real treat.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Sanguine Melancholia on Steam

Soul for two

Soul for two

It’s bad

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

I wish liked it more than i actually did. I like rpg maker games and i dont mind grinding that much. Though i still have to say this game is not really good. Especially with ending that shows ya big “To be continued” in the middle of the story. I wont dwell into plot too much.

Game starts with you and your mighty party fighting a dragon. I’ve fought it over 10 minutes until i’ve died only to realize that ya should die to progress with story. Later you’ll be fighting swarm of enemies in groups of 5 that will deal ya 0 dmg after ya level two or three times and they only take your time away. Also npcs will not really react to almost anything ya do in the world. Visiting the other dimension was simply boring. Especially “video game” ya had to endure there. Eh. I cant say it’s all bad but in the end it fell short. Unpolished and unfinished. (Unless there is more than one ending and i took some wrong path). Yes.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Soul for two on Steam



The stage where the story takes place is atmospheric and scary, and the diary in the game is also terrifying. There are also various riddles and gimmicks to solve, making it fun to explore. And Eve is so cute. The way she hides from enemies is Eve-like and very good. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is my first impression of the game since as of right now, only Chapter 1 is available while the rest of the game will come as time passes. Once the game is complete, my opinions may be subjected to change and then and only then will I give a grade.

When I read that this game is inspired by Ib and The Witch’s House, it made me want to play this game for this October as I already planned on reliving all my favorite RPGMaker Horror games on said month; And that’s what I did, saving LIRE for last. As I played LIRE, it was a treat seeing some similarities with the other games I recently replayed.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

LIRE on Steam

The Lightbringers

The Lightbringers

I am sure that if you look this game up in an dictionary it is a synonym for boring.

Just a few moments ago I left because of the DUNGEON. It is a 4 part Dungeon. Each part is split also in 4 parts till at the end you must fight the boss.

Now, many games have those dungeons. But let me tell you: a) there is no map. Each part is one hose with endless death ends. You’ll fight the same bunch of enemies and gain next to nothing (1 level up…around 40+ fights). Most chests have the same content.

The only good part is that mana potions are cheap.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The Lightbringers on Steam

The Warriorlock

The Warriorlock

This game is an old-school RPG game, with a big and well-made story behind it.

Here are the pros I found and my recommendations to turn the game better:


  • Low System Requirements, which nowadays almost any computer has those;

  • Cool soundtrack;

  • Well-made story and dialogues;

  • Nice graphics and images;

  • Can walk in the diagonal, which is rarely found in RPG´s;

  • Drops steam cards, which for a card collector like me is pretty cool.


  • Hidden Monsters could attack when in contact with any party member instead of just the player;

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Initially when I started to play this game, I’d imagined it would be another classic RPG with only a new story, but at the beginning of the game it already indicates that it will be a different experience and so it was till the point from the game before doing this review.

The game is funny, with a story based on humor, bringing laugh and fun while accompanying the misadventures of Harry. A highlight of the game is the way the scenarios are built and how the characters interact with it - in my opinion a great hit. The soundtrack is also great, without excess of music or unnecessary audios in some scenes, which I found very good since it made the experience of the game more immersive.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The Warriorlock on Steam

Midnight’s Curse

Midnight’s Curse

This wasn’t a bad game, but it wasn’t necessarily good one either. This looks like a high school project that could’ve gone through a bit more polishing before attempting to sell it. Here’s some good and some bad points that I’ve experienced while playing:


  • Art is pleasant on the eyes

  • Gameplay is simple and easy to understand

  • Overall balance is spot on

  • Story is unique and intriguing


  • Not enough character interactions! I’d like to see more between this odd party of people. Perhaps make inns/rest points have little cut scenes periodically when resting at one.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Very lazy & poor effort at an RPG Maker game and it makes me angry that lazy developers such as this one give the engine and the genre a bad rep. Unbelievable that publisher Aldorlea Games are selling this, did they even play the game before deciding to sell it?

A good RPG Maker Game starts with a compelling story, interesting characters and sharp dialogues. An interesting plot makes you want to continue playing. This game has none of that: bland characters, very little dialogue and endless grinding. On top of that grinding there hardly is enemy variation, leveling up takes ages abd characters have hardly any abilities. Just everything about this game is bad. A very lazy effort that is just a shameless attempt at grabbing some money.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Midnight's Curse on Steam

The Dream of Shadowlands Episode 1

The Dream of Shadowlands Episode 1

A fantastic, dialogue-filled

horror adventure!

You wake up in an unknown place,

desperate to survive. Luckily you

soon find an adventuring buddy…


  • Main characters are full of charm.

  • Story is interesting.

  • Freakish enemy design.

  • Great 90s art, well animated.

  • Puzzles! Just the right amount!

  • Not too difficult, just right.

  • RPG: Your strength improves, fears lessen.

  • Frequent entertaining conversations


  • Bullet-hell style boss like in NieR

  • A few secrets to uncover…

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

It is not bad for a free game but there are some issues.

1. No map.

2. Not many hints. I am stuck at a certain part of the game and I do not know how to move forward.

I like the game and I’ve been playing for about an hour. This is my first time playing a game like this so maybe it is standard for there to be no map and a way to save.

Edit: I figured out how to save, you have to talk to a strange rock.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

The Dream of Shadowlands Episode 1 on Steam