Out of Oblivion

Out of Oblivion

Showed a lot of promise, there is a a part of the game where you have to survive a horde of zombies - which seems near impossible to accomplish. Save your money.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Horror Games.

I can recommend the game. Good horror atmosphere that keeps you in suspense. The story could be a bit better but it is quite fair for this price.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Out of Oblivion on Steam

Hide Seek Survive

Hide Seek Survive

Strange for this short game eats 17gb storage , but hey it has few days , looks decent for new gameplay. Anyway , need many improvements….

1. Setup " Esc " to get a menu for some adjustements " audio video"

2. Make room’s little more smooth lights or modify npc texture with some fluorescent

3. Obstacles will be a funny thing here if you can pickup them

For sure list can continue , but step by step this game will grow up if dev really wanna push it up !

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Horror Games.

Don’t waste your time trying this; it doesn’t run properly. Absolute dog poop performance. This game is 17 GBs, for one, and is made in Unreal, and is totally completely not optimized at all, and will turn your computer into a fried potato. The lighting rendering is literally the worst thing I have ever seen in a game, especially coming from Unreal. The concept woulda been neat if I could fricking play the game. All I could do was walk into the first closet in the room, and then I could not even tell where the monster was based on its sounds. The locational sound system is poop and unhelpful and inaccurate. Overall this was a disappointing experience. I was actually looking forward to try this silly game, but oh well. PRO TIP: Don’t use Unreal to make your first game. I’m imagining this was a game jam project - props to you, but like.. don’t post this on Steam when it can’t even run at 1080p. You don’t even have graphics or audio options in the menu. There is no ESC menu, lol.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Hide Seek Survive on Steam

Renditions of the Awakening

Renditions of the Awakening

In active development since 2016, this is a first-person strategy game about summoning demons and toppling a civilization one castle at a time in order to re-live the story of the man who already did that. Gain the trust of that man - your jailor - by embellishing the details if you wish but the one thing you must do is become the new king while taking no lives with your own hands.

Some demons are stealthy; others not so much. Summon an army, manage them well and control the flow of information across the battlefield to catch Keeps and Castles unawares or poorly defended. But beware, the summoning process compels them to follow you around but that’s all - they still retain their own fickle personalities and will quit your service in the worst way possible if ever they stop having enough fun.

Read More: Best Demons Artificial Intelligence Games.

Renditions of the Awakening on Steam



A brief overview:

A group of young people set up a tent camp on the shore of the unpopular (but, nevertheless, beautiful!) altai lake. But they were not allowed to rest in peace: soon the camp was attacked by religious fanatics who settled in a dilapidated village nearby.

Ilya Zheleznov, who arrived at the place later than everyone else, found that everything was scattered in the camp, and there were no friends in place. Ilya finds Ivan’s smartphone, on which the young man recorded an audio message in a frightened voice that Marina found some strange amulet in the forest and then she disappeared. Ilya sets off on the tracks that lead the main character into a world full of death and madness

Mystery on Steam

Santa Claws

Santa Claws

Give the perfect gift

Even Santa can have a mental breakdown. Let’s face it our modern world is becoming too much for the old guy. He is just one cookie away from….(find out in the game). This season give the perfect gift to your Steam friends. Sure, this game is cheap and devoid of substance, but its entertainment value is unmatched for its price. My son, after playing, is no longer looking forward to seeing Santa this year. I’m kind of glad because it costs a ton for pictures with him at the mall. Enjoy

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Had a lot of fun playing this game, can’t beat the price and its festive for the time of the year! I got on the naughty list just by eating the candy canes, now those gingerbread men will forever be the ones that got away. Here is my play through, the maze took a little bit of time but I figured out a way to dodge Santa:


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Santa Claws on Steam

Squeaky Clean

Squeaky Clean

This game is really good. It has a basic UI with easy to get used to game play helped with initial level tutorial texts. The controls are responsive and fluid, making the challenge of this title about you and what you are doing or not doing in some cases.

For the jump scares, it does the job well. While playing, a constant feeling of dread is present, an uncomfortable unease that won’t go away. While cleaning up, it is always random if you are pestered to near insanity or practically left alone, both of which only add to that unease you feel, keeping you anxious. This I personally feel when far into any Day of any Victim and my eyes fall onto the number of what I am finishing up on for wash area. Seeing 53 of 100 you would think would make you feel awesome that you are near done, but it really just adds more stress to your brain as you start thinking you will get really harassed by the baddies during that last time.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Tried this out for a spoopy stream and it didn’t disappoint! Carrion Wave was nice enough to provide me with a code to try it out and, IMO, I’d say it’s worth the $4.99! It’s a bite-sized game that should run you about 2 hours according to the devs, but RNGesus is never on my side when it comes to horror games of this variety, so i’m clocking in nearly 5 hours on it (that, and I got into a debate with my stream about how long one should take to bathe and wash their hair LOL). I’ve played the FNAF games, so this is definitely right up my alley! I’d say give it a go if you’re a fan of FNAF-esque games, give this a shot!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Squeaky Clean on Steam



Kickstarter supporter here. No spoilers in the review!

Phew, it’s a long wait between the moment you decide to support a crowd founded project, and the date when it’s finally out. Agony was founded 2016 November 14th, so it took 1 year and 6 months for it to release 2018 May 29th.

I’ve completed the game for the first time yesterday, it took me ~9 hours to go through the campaign.


Art / Environments

The design of the various landscapes in hell is both detailed and unique. It’s a simple concept to have an underworld, with some skulls and lava, but Agony went deeper then that with many layers of environmental styles. Just a bit of surreal touch the likes H.R. Giger dreamed up on a colorful spectrum and dreamy atmosphere. They went the extra mile to distinguish the major areas with their own unique flavor. Perhaps, there are good news for those waiting on ‘hell freezing over’ after all…

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Short Version

I am actually quite mixed on this game.

Whilst the setting, mood, etc. are very unique and well done, there are a lot of bugs and glitches left in the game.

So I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and recommend this game, hoping they’ll fix these.

Long Version

The setting is just done perfectly. You always feel the discomfort of being in a place, that you really don’t want to be.

Whilst the story is … tbh I really don’t know. You’re told that everyone is somehow drawn to the Red Godess and at least for me they managed to pull that off. Although you read in a lot of memos, that she’s literally the worst hell has got, I really wanted to get to her. But other than that, there’s a bit more of motivation later, but that really is it.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Agony on Steam

JAAHG: The Crows Cry

JAAHG: The Crows Cry

I figured I would check this out and give it the benefit of the doubt since it only had one review and it was negative. I played about 25 minutes and it just wasn’t that great. Sure if it was a free game I would sure check it out it can’t hurt to try it out but for $5 I would say save your money. The premise is standard so you have to find 5 boxes of evidence to see if you are in the location of the missing children. Great, but there isn’t any dialog or papers or anything that explains and expands on a story. It’s just 5 brown boxes that say ‘CLUE?’. Sure that’s fine but is the monster scary? Nope. It’s a scarecrow that will randomly appear and you have to just walk around it.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

JAAHG: The Crows Cry on Steam

Locked Up

Locked Up

So, this was a game that I didn’t hate but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I loved the game, but I did enjoy playing it. The story itself was pretty good (given that it does play on the usual horror storylines). It was one of the games that doesn’t tell you but rather has the player rely on finding hints and notes that flesh out the story for you. And it was done well enough to understand the story. It did throw me off for a bit, since the game did jump around in points of time, which makes it a bit hard to get what’s going on in the beginning. I assume this is done intentionally. The game is a walking sim horror game, so I didn’t expect to get scared as the player can’t actually “die”. That being said, because it is only a walking sim, it relies a lot on jumpscares and tension to create the scary atmosphere. Most of the jumpscares were lacking, though some were done pretty well (not that it made them any scarier). The game is set in a very small enclosed area (a house with a handful of rooms that you can sometimes enter), so there is a LOT of walking back and forth (even intentional moments of walking back and forth just to trigger the next event).

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

I waited a few days after completing this game to fully absorb what I had just experienced. Also, I had ants on my keyboard. But that’s neither here nor there. :P

Locked up certainly has its flaws, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I play a lot of PT inspired games. The more I do, the more I see why it never really made it to print. :(

80% of this game is walking up and down a hallway waiting for changes to trigger. There are some puzzles which aren’t too bad. And no combat, which is fine.

The story was a little confusing for me. I understood the core of it:

! a family moves into a house and an evil spirit finds a way to manipulate them into turning on one another. I think. It was a little hard for me to follow why things were happening or how the beginning or the end were connected to the middle.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Locked Up on Steam

Midnight Ultra

Midnight Ultra

If you’ve seen the screenshots, then you already know the main attraction of Midnight Ultra: its grainy, washed-out, grindhouse visuals. Coupled with the sparse, twanging guitar soundtrack and knowingly corny use of occult symbols (the melee crosshair, for example, is shaped like a pentagram for no other reason except that it looks totally awesome, dude ), there’s a uniquely gutbucket sensibility to the game that makes the first thirty minutes or so a memorable dive into the bowels of the Steam bargain bin.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game


This is a masterpiece I’ve been waiting for for years. And I never thought that anyone can be capable of creating something like this. Three-color blinding noir palette, obscure visuals, western riffs playing in background, occult symbolism, witchcraft, horror, over-exaggerated american feel, mad dream-like storyline. This excellent mix forms a solid, psychedelic videodrug.

The flaws of the mechanics which people seem to complain about are actually complementing everything pretty well, as the game doesn’t waste any time on something that is unnecessary. Not a single pixel.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Midnight Ultra on Steam