Lilith Was Dead

Lilith Was Dead

First off. I would like to share my experiences with prior visual novels. Such as Doki-Doki Literature club, Hoonie Pop, and the fate series which while I have not played, I am a huge fan of the story line and overall game play format. Regardless, you do not need experience with visual novels to enjoy this game. Very quick and enjoyable game and the music fits extremely well with the overall atmosphere increasing the impact of moments in the story. The story itself has a very…exciting twist and for the first project Heat Waves Games has developed I am excited to see what the next and the route they take and hopefully add some black people in their next game. I really enjoyed the voice acting as well and cant wait for what comes next.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Investigation Games.

A short about one hourish visual novel murder mystery. It was simple but I liked it. It entertained me while I played.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Lilith Was Dead on Steam

Harmless Demons

Harmless Demons

1 creature, bug where the mushroom house doesn’t go away when deconstructed (giving infinite research). I thought there would be more to it.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Investigation Games.

Really cool!! These creatures are super interesting and they make you play with curiosity.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Harmless Demons on Steam

Lucifer Within Us

Lucifer Within Us

Normally I operate a £1/hr to determine if a game is worth playing, and I’ll admit that I was worried about “Lucifer Within Us” when many were seeing short play times in the demo. However, I had enjoyed the demo so much that I gave it a chance knowing that it was very doubtful the game would be very long.

Having completely finished the game with all achievements, I feel the game was worth it.

The story is very well written and pulls you in with the voice acting adding that touch of atmosphere to convey the character emotions perfectly, particularly during confessions. My personal favourite was the second investigation where, despite having worked out what was going on, I was still shocked by the outcome and confession. The little touches with the voice acting delivery and graphic choices were key to creating that atmosphere. Well done!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Demons Investigation Games.

I’ll start with the good things. This game has an interesting style and setting. The color pallet doesn’t hurt the eye and the graphics are passable if you don’t scroll too close. A strange mix of high-tech and theology would make an interesting setting for a bigger game. The mysteries themselves are pretty good and may take some time to solve on the first playthrough.

But the problem is, you will only play it once. Now, to the bad stuff.

1. The game doesn’t allow you to lose. You can’t accuse the wrong person, you can’t frustrate the suspects to the point of angry unresponsiveness. In fact, you are encouraged to do so, based on achievements. The absence of failure allows you to just play dumb and spam every possible combination of clues and statements until it clicks, making the whole detective part meaningless. Even when performing the exorcism, you are safe. Wrong daemon name? Well, just try another one!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Lucifer Within Us on Steam

One Day in London

One Day in London

I haven’t played many Visual Novels, but I’ve been experimenting with a few to get a feel for the medium. Of the ones I’ve played, One Day in London is probably the best. It features an inventive setting, strong characters, and a well-constructed story, but is unfortunately hindered by a few technical issues.

The Good:

  • The handling of demons and demonology is very interesting. It combines common mythological tropes with some original ideas about demons and the demonic world. Setting everything in the 19th century is also a good choice

Real player with 44.9 hrs in game

This review was written after finishing the first four out of five planned episodes.

The strongest point of the game is undoubtedly the visual art. Both London exteriors and interiors, as well as protagoinsts of the game are painted very competently, and the overall exceptional quality of the graphics certainly contributes greatly to the atmosphere. What few animations are in the game (rooftop chase, the beheading, etc) look like something from a comedy animated movie, however, and clashes stylistically with the rest of the game - which is no big deal since there is only a handful of animations in the whole game.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

One Day in London on Steam

Solomon Division

Solomon Division

Solomon Division is a 2 player online co-op psychological horror where you and your friend are employees of an agency that hunts demons breaching the border between our world and Hell. You are paranormal investigators and hunters who will enter haunted locations to find the type of the invading demon, find the object they possess, and banish him to Hell with a special ritual. Technicians will use your advanced equipment to search for the demon, and the Medium will banish the demon to Hell with her rituals.

You will choose one of the playable characters, playing either as a Technician or Medium each of whom have their own strengths and weaknesses. Technicians use their equipment to locate the room the demon is causing trouble in, while the Medium finds the name of the demon, and exorcises it. The demon gets more and more powerful the longer they remain in our world, so you have to be in haste, and prepare the ritual as soon as possible!

  • Co-op multiplayer: Play by yourself or alongside your friend in this co-op horror where teamwork is key to your success. It is a combination of co-op mechanics with intensity and addiction of horror games.

  • Core Gameplay: Incredible graphics on a level that is beyond the other games, and minimal user interface will keep your eyes open (or closed if you are a scaredy-cat). The core gameplay is based around searching and exorcising the scary supernatural being that haunts the place.

  • Unique Locations & Demons: The creature, and location type is randomly generated in AAA quality. Three haunted locations that are familiar, but still scary, and over 5 different types of Demons all with unique names and requirements to banish them.

  • Investigate: Use your advanced equipment to gather evidence, and find the demon as soon as you can.

  • Full Voice Recognition: The Demons are listening! Use your actual voice to interact with the Demons.

Solomon Division on Steam

Adam Wolfe

Adam Wolfe

Adam Wolfe is a hybrid between Hidden Object and Adventure genres. You play as a paranormal investigator that has to solve 4 strange cases.


In this game you control the eponymous Adam Wolfe, a private detective that solves other people’s problems, whilst trying to look for his missing sister. The core gameplay is solving puzzles and looking for useful items that are hidden within the game world. Most puzzles are very simple, and can be solved within a minute, yet there are a few ones that can take longer to figure out. I was very surprised by the amount of interaction within the game - you are in control of almost everything. For example: using the fire extinguisher doesn’t just consist of “combining” it with flames, you also need to manually spray it to extinguish the ongoing flames one by one. It’s a very welcome change from all the “stiff” HOGs that I’ve played before.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Overall Rating: 8.5/10

Really interesting HOPA, fairly unique in the more Narrative driven game, with a decently good story. A bit odd for some people perhpas, dark and occult themed. But I really enjoyed the blood, violence, occulty theme and bizzare goings on, and hideous demon type characters.

Definitely not for kids. No nudity, but the subject matter is not light-hearted, and the story does have a somewhat somber ending. People sensitive to paranormal, occult, dark themes that invlove violence, blood, death (lots of death), simulated gunfire and demonic energies… yeah. May not be for you.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Adam Wolfe on Steam




  • Nice ambiance at times

  • some decent puzzles

  • A couple of ok scares here and there


  • No Save Game

  • it’s very short

  • No Save Game!

  • The english translation dialogue on the notes and other text you can find in the game is pretty terrible, to the point of it being amusing


Final thoughts

  • if you can get it cheap and set asside an hour or so to play it through in one (due to there being no save game - I think I mentioned that), then it’s an ok little horror game. Not really worth the time unless you’re really bored and it’s very cheap though.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

So in a one hour game there are 4 out place jokes, one ad using Qcode, and 2 personal pictures of devs/friends. This is ok in other genres, but in a horror game it totally ruins immersion. In what is supposed to be a dungeon there are an ad and a picture of the devs saying “Its just a prank bro”. Literally all immersion is lost at that point, no fear factor, no hope left in any decent story.

The game is bad and plays like an immature joke. Sadly it had alot of pros, but with horror genre immersion is everything. Seriously devs, update that stuff out.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Harts on Steam

The Sin

The Sin

This game has an incredible sense of mood. The translation to English was pretty wonky but this did not stop me from enjoying the game at all. Loved it.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Oh man, this needs a proper translation badly, it deserves one.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

The Sin on Steam

Why Not?

Why Not?

waste of money

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

its not a bad game the one thing i dont really like is how quick the monster spawns so offten all i did was hide when i really wanted to look around

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Why Not? on Steam

Endless Fables 4: Shadow Within

Endless Fables 4: Shadow Within

Honestly one of my faves of the genre. Sure, as per usual some solutions, motivations, reactions etc require alot of suspension of disbelief, but so does being able to take several bullets to the face and regain health by ducking in a corner for a couple of seconds.

Nice artwork, music, decent voice acting. And you get to ride a pink sheep-cloud, which you also later get to dress up like a giant bee. A PINK SHEEP-CLOUD DRESSED UP AS A GIANT BEE. Think about that for a moment.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Endless Fables 4 offers a fun hidden object adventure for all. Similar to all Artifex Mundi games and the genre, you are given a mix of simple to mediocre difficulty puzzles with approximately a dozen hidden object scenes for you to find select objects.

As par for the course, the graphics are cartoony, but detailed. The voice overs are cheesy, but work for the game genre. The storyline is easily forgotten and achievements are simple to obtain. If you are into the genre, this game will fit right into the mold that you are used to enjoying.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Endless Fables 4: Shadow Within on Steam