Monster Monpiece

Monster Monpiece

Monster Monpiece is a highly flawed card game that still manages to be enjoyable.

The core gameplay is pretty solid. You get 3 Mana every turn, and you can use this Mana to play one of the cards in your hand (all creature cards) each round, placing it onto a small board. The goal of each battle is to get your monster girls across the board and into the enemy HQ, which will cause the unit to be lost but the enemy to take one point of damage. Typically, three points of damage will defeat your opponent. The enemy AI is extremely stupid and quite predictable, so the game usually compensates for that by giving it superior cards.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Anime Games.

Monster Monpiece, or as I’ve come to call it, maybe another month’ll do it because this game can’t be played all at once without losing your sanity. That’s a bit of a mouthful though, so we’ll shorten it to “unless you really like card games and monster girls, you can skip this one.”

Alright, that wasn’t much better, but my point is this game drags on for way too long for how little depth there is to it. After the first few battles you have basically mastered the game, from there the only thing that changes is getting new cards that do new things that the old cards might not have done, or they do better, or etc etc card game mechanics until you realize two things. Nothing matters but the main stat which is used to summon a card, and that skipping the first few turns has 0 downside and lets you stack your hand to summon whatever you want anyway. Unfortunate first hand draw, didn’t get a 3 mana monster, doesn’t really matter cause next turn you can draw one of those 4, 5, 6 cards anyway. To help you understand, this would be like Yugi summoning Dark Magician on his second turn, it’s really dumb, and it’s how the game is actually played. The second thing you learn that makes almost any other card in the game irrelevant, is that some cards get a + mana bonus, in particular, they tend to give mana when you summon them, and when they are destroyed. Whenever you first get access to a card with this (Nekomata), the game completely changes because you skip your first turn, summon nekomata, she casts her ability to give 3 mana, instantly dies to whatever monster you put her in front of, on your 3rd turn now you have basically 3x as much mana as you would have in any other battle up until this point. From there you stack your deck with Nekomatas, and congrats you have beaten the game. Also don’t bother with healers or buffers, they are just dead weight in comparison to putting another combat ready card on the map that can stand on it’s own, seriously, you might think that’s just a min-max kind of statement, but no really, it just works out like that with how the game is built.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Monster Monpiece on Steam

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

The best Card game on Steam!

This review does not contain any spoilers for any Witcher Games


When it comes to card games the most important thing is without a doubt gameplay and balancing. The gameplay of Gwent is quite simple and very familiar to anyone who has played Gwent in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Each player must play one card each turn from a deck of at least twenty-five cards. Each deck belongs to a faction that offers different play styles. Each faction has different “leaders” who each have individual abilities. As Gwent does not use a mana system like most traditional collectible card games, card advantage is often what wins the game.

Real player with 3570.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Free to Play Games.

An incredibly unique, and fundamentally great card game, ruined by months of incompetence lasting since the release of the Way of the Witcher expansion.

A list of issues plaguing the game right now:

-The game was struggling with balance before, but the meta was never as annoying as it is right now. Ever since the release of WotW, even though diverse, the meta is incredibly binary in the sense that some decks just beat others on paper if luck of the draw doesn’t incredibly favor you. This makes for a really bad “rock-paper-scissors” kind of feel to the game’s matchups.

Real player with 694.9 hrs in game

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game on Steam

Magic of Autumn

Magic of Autumn

This game has its high points and low points, it’s a good value for the cost but not everyone will enjoy it.

The card battling is interesting, you don’t get to re-use cards so you have to carefully build your deck and choose how you play. I found it very thought provoking and a fun challenge, but you cannot expect a traditional deck shuffler here.

The atmosphere is very nice, I liked the art style and the story snippets contributed nicely to the feel of the world.

The system of learning spells (cards) by interacting with things made the world feel alive, although it was frustrating to figure out I had missed something and have to go back and find it. Also some stuff moved around frustratingly out of reach, it took me about 10 minutes of patrolling a corner waiting for one thing to pass close enough.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Turn-Based Combat Games.

It’s a shame such a wonderful game goes unnoticed.

It’s a little adventure game about conjuring everything you find on your way and creating cards from it. You’ll face enemies with a lot of different strategies and you’ll have to adapt your deck accordingly.

The graphics may look simple, but they work really well all together.

And the music. Oh, the music. Simple, same as the graphics, but astoundingly charming. If the developer releases the soundtrack as an extra, I’ll buy it, no hesitation.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Magic of Autumn on Steam

Shadowverse CCG

Shadowverse CCG

I come from a very strict family, and I always like card games, especially the Japanese ones.

But, my parents always get angry at me for wasting my money at these real form card games.

Not after this game was Introduced to me few months later from a feed on my social media where some weebs shown off their legendary card gacha pack.

I was intrigued by it and search it from google, and I found this hidden gem. The moment after passing the tutorial, I already fallen in love with the game.

But I was a bit too late, since it’s already on Darkness Evolved expansion pack and I’m missing many free stuffs. Nevertheless, I still enjoy playing the game until this day..

Real player with 1620.2 hrs in game

This CCG has its own cancer deck(s) of course, but it’s still good enough to recommend, since my experience is: a tiny bit of frustration, which quickly goes away, and a whole bunch of fun, that you won’t forget any time soon. Most of the following is very subjective, so that’s an other reason to try the game, but of course reading different opinions might help you decide if the game is for you, so here we go! (I’ll try to stay objective, where I can. Tl;dr: check the “OVERVIEW” part.)


Real player with 1119.8 hrs in game

Shadowverse CCG on Steam