

Build a glorious civilization in less than an hour!

Hexarchy is a fast-paced strategy game. It takes the consequential decisions of a multi-hour 4x game and packs them into an action-packed hour long game. Play multiplayer online with up to 10 players or customize your single player game.

Easy to learn. Deep strategy

  • Feel right at home with familiar 4x game concepts

  • Explore to find other civilizations in a procedurally generated world

  • Build cities, armies, wonders, and improvements with your cards

  • Research technologies and adopt civics to access new units, buildings, and abilities

  • A full game takes less than an hour

Play online or single player

  • Join an online game with up to 10 players with our one click matchmaking system

  • All players take their turns simultaneously to minimize down-time

  • Play single player and customize the game to fit your style or to try different challenges


  • Simple, compelling combat system

  • 10 Civilizations with unique abilities

  • Trade resources on a global market

  • Customize your units using promotions

Limitless strategies

  • Use your military units to capture any hex

  • Strategically destroy cards to tailor your deck to the situation

  • Is an enemy city too well defended? Take their food supply to starve them instead

  • Can’t defeat an invading army in the field? Try cutting off their supply lines

Read More: Best Deckbuilding War Games.

Hexarchy on Steam

Survival Draw

Survival Draw

I think this game might be a good one, its not great at the moment but can be fun. I palyed it till day 113. I tried to kill me with cards at the beginning of day 100 and that was somehow hard. So i found it not that hard, im sure i could play the game with no end ( meaning that its not a challange). the hard mode becomes very easy with the possibility to creat a custome deck.

There are a lot of tweaks needed (Like the layout, the card giving system (the cards bonfire and more cards are basicly usless after day 20), there should be levelup options and funny interactions for discarding speciale cards. Also more random diasters/blessings, maybe a funny story or a sidestory in form of a sketch after some days. More cards (diffrent one) and it needs to be alot harder as you go on.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Casual Games.

Survival Draw is a card game where you have to keep your stats up - you have health, hunger, water, sleep, and sanity, as well as whether you’re sick and/or injured. cards can either raise or lower your stats (or raise one while lowering another). a cool game in concept, but it quickly gets boring; rarely is there any strategy as to which cards to play and which to discard, and I found I could easily raise all stats back up to max within a few turns.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survival Draw on Steam

Spirit Island

Spirit Island

(My biases up front, I am a backer on Indigogo, a beta tester, and a fanboy of the developer. I’ve also played a little bit on physical)

The game is an excellent recreation of the physical game. The creator of the physical game was involved in the development of this port and it follows the rules very well.

It should be noted that this game is very dense. There is a ton to keep track of and many rules to keep in mind. The physical game has this problem too. Experienced players will not have too many problems but people new to the game will have to spend some time figuring it out. As of now, the full rule set is available but a full tutorial is slated for the full release. And yes, the rule book is something one would do well to read carefully.

Real player with 220.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Understand first and foremost, this game is complex, and will melt your brain. A traditional play of this game is done with 2-4 players working together, talking back and forth to help people push back the invaders and win the game.

This doesn’t have online multiplayer [aside from remote hotseat via Steam’s remote play]. So you’re probably going to be playing 2-4 characters yourself.

Suddenly, your options are immensely increased. Playing just 2 characters is much more difficult than just 1 – and 4 player games will melt your brain with the amount of decisions that you’ll be asked to make individually. It’s not an uncommon move to have one character play a card to allow your second character to have enhanced range to move something into range of your third character being able to defeat it along with two other enemies they were going to destroy already.

Real player with 153.4 hrs in game

Spirit Island on Steam

Fight with love - deckbuilder datingsim

Fight with love - deckbuilder datingsim

Go into fights and use word cards to construct sentences of love that damage your opponent if you do it right, maybe… there was no tutorial, so you just had to… work it out. I like the art though.


Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

This game sounded interesting at first. An unusual slay the spire type game. The problem is, it still feels like a barely playable demo even after being released from early access. It fixed the problem where the cards in your deck didn’t shuffle, but removed inventory, making the bar, theater and nightclub “date spots” all the same (Before, one sold healing items, one sold cards, and the other sold permanent buffs)

Also, the story is barely translated, and a lot of the cards had been rediculously censored. If this is a game about dating and sex, why can’t the cards swear?

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Fight with love - deckbuilder datingsim on Steam

Kwarn Armada Tactics

Kwarn Armada Tactics

Kwarn Armada Tactics (aka KAT) is a unique mix of strategy and action.

KAT’s gameplay is focused on an ingenious system of units formations : each of your units has lines of action that can strengthen allied units or destroy opposing units. Place smartly your units to create powerful formations which will counter your opponent’s assaults !

Choose among 6 generals the one that will lead your troops on the battlefield. The general defines your armada’s general strategy : massive assaults or fast attacks, impenetrable defence, ruses or diversions, guerilla warfare or destabilization…Each of the 6 generals has 3 powers able to turn the battle to his advantage : powerful drones prototypes, opposing units capture, camouflage, speed or power boosts, etc.

Choose among 27 units the best combinaison according to your strategy ! Heavy units, equipped with shields, allow to crush a defence formation !

Light units are able to dodge enemy’s attacks and are perfect for harrying your opponent! Medium units are balanced and will form the core or your armada ! Transport units allow you to bring units to the heart of your opponent’s armada or to create a diversion !

Customize your units with equipment to caught your opponent by surprise and take advantage! Equipments can be installed on some of your drones and can be used at any time during the battle : the bomb transforms a unit into a suicide bomber, the teleporter transports a unit in the middle of the enemy defense, the virus sabotages the enemy defenses, the bastion turns a unit into a fortress, …

Fight your opponents in ruthless duels ! Each battlefield is full of surprises: whether it is a violent snowstorm that immobilizes your units, asteroid fields that threaten your troops, or pirates capable of capturing your units: each battle promises to be unique and surprising ! The AI of the game has been the object of a particular and constant work in order to make it redoutable : able to choose among dozens of tactics and hundreds of formations of units, the AI represents a real challenge and makes each general really different.

Finally, quick play allows you to set up an immediate battle through 14 game modes, against the AI or another player on the same device.

KAT’s visual aesthetics is inspired by comics and turns the gaming experience into a real journey into a dark and captivating science fiction universe.

Features :

  • An absolutely unique, simple, tactical and nervous gameplay

  • Large tactical possibilities : 6 generals, 27 drones and 10 equipments

  • Long game length : a campaign mode , 14 game modes and quick play against a challenging AI or two players on the same device

  • A unique and captivating universe told with a comic book style

Kwarn Armada Tactics on Steam

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Warhammer Underworlds: Online

Disclaimer: I got this game for free like the rest of you all this week. I am only writing this review because I see so many uniformed reviews. You’re welcome to dislike this game and find it boring, but leaving a negative review because it is exactly what it claims to be seems petty.


This is a pretty close clone of the Age of Sigmar tabletop game by the same name. Tabletop combat can be clunky, time consuming, and even boring if your army has been wiped out or you’re waiting on your opponent to make a tough decision. So just like the tabletop game, this game has similar quirks.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

I have mixed feelings about the current situation of the game. I am hoping that by the time this game goes past early access I will have only positive reviews!

I’ll start with the good stuff:

  1. This game is implementing the mechanics of the table top version of Underworlds - Shadespire perfectly and I have faith that the developers will do the same justice to Nightvault and Beastgrave.

  2. The game looks great for early access. the Visuals are great and the models look fantastic. I would like to see the background change from game to game and make it feel more like a changing city but it should not be a deal breaker in my opinion.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Warhammer Underworlds: Online on Steam

Dominus - Multiplayer Sim Turn Based Strategy

Dominus - Multiplayer Sim Turn Based Strategy

Dominus: collect technologies, troops, and heroes with unique abilities as you build up a powerful tribal civilization and out-think your opponents in 4 player simultaneous-turn-based battles.

  • Simple and quick to learn, even if you have no experience in turn-based games

  • Set in a lush fantasy world of floating islands, savage tribes and raw elemental magic

  • You are the warlord of a tribe bent on survival, expansion and ultimate domination

Revolutionary Simultaneous-turns system:

  • All players plan their actions at the same time

  • Then watch the results unfold in a cinematic action scene

  • Skillful play is about predicting enemy moves and actions

  • This leads to a lot of suspense, crazy bluffing and mind games!

  • Also makes combat highly skill-based and tactical, without being overly complex

We’re currently in beta, keep track of us on Discord and be the first to find out the exciting features we have planned- taking this insanely fun core gameplay and transforming it into a huge multiplayer world of clans, empires and adventure!

We’re racing to deliver the game on steam as quickly as we can, don’t forget to add us to your wishlist to stay updated!

Dominus - Multiplayer Sim Turn Based Strategy on Steam

VIP Rebels

VIP Rebels

" The horn sounds…, the gate opens,… YOUR RUN STARTS NOW! …"

How to play

You will start each game selecting three VIPs, each with their own unique special skill. After you select your VIP, you start your run. Whenever you start a run, you’ll choose how many villagers you use to collect resources like wood, food, and gold. The villagers drop resources at your treasure wagon and look for new sources automatically throughout the run.

When the gate opens, you will enter the procedurally generated lands of the Red, where you’ll need to get as far as you can in order to claim the best rewards. Venture further and further and more secret rewards and treasure will be granted.

You’ll have VIPs such as King Midas who has the ability to turn enemies into gold, the Viking, a dragon-summoning Nordic god, Blackbeard the pirate, ordering deadly cannonballs to obliterate enemies, or the Rocket Man with the power to land two rockets simultaneously on top of your enemies. These are just a few of the 25 VIPs that you’ll encounter along the way. More are planned and I’m looking to bring this number closer to 100.

There are big pirate armies that lie ahead of you, with bands of rebels hidden away in bushes and villages to slow your progress. Whether castles stand in the way or not, you will need to overcome the odds and create an army with the right mixture of units to counter the enemies ahead of you. Will you pick archers to mow down the slow infantry and risk them being charged down by cavalry? The choice is yours.

Once you finally get stopped, you’ll collect treasure and rewards, unlock, and upgrade more VIPs and return to the open gate once more.

So in short:

  • Select unique VIPs giving you strategic advantages.

  • Collect resources and build your army.

  • Take control of dragons and transform sheep into bloodthirsty warmachines

  • Win & lose big battles in your fight for loot.

  • Claim big rewards, unlock and upgrade new VIPs as you progress.

Quick note of the developer

_Hi there,

I just wanted to say thanks for showing an interest in the thing I’ve been passionate about for the last 3 years. We’ve made this journey together and I hope that you’re as hyped about this project as I am. :)

I started out wanting to create an RTS game for the Age of Empires fan inside me that doesn’t have the ability to sink hours into playing a game. The game is a bunch of quick fun runs, intertwined with big battles and resource gathering. On average, each run should take between 10 and 15 minutes.

If you like what I’m doing here and want to keep updated, please add the game to your Steam Wishlist to support me.

I will always love you for it!



VIP Rebels on Steam