Book of Beasts — The Collectible Card Game CCG

Book of Beasts — The Collectible Card Game CCG

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Book of Beasts is a free-to-play Collectible Card Game. It is nothing like Hearthstone, Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and the likes. It’s more like a Puzzle game.

Your Deck consists of 20 cards. Each turn you draw up to four cards. You can play all of them on the field. Each card has (a) different element(s). There is fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. A card can have different elements on each side which means you will have a card you can connect to another fire card and have a connection to a water card at the same time. You can’t play a card if you can’t connect it to another one.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Board Game Games.

First Impressions:

I learned how to play the game after just the first introduction match. That is impressive!

The game is so simple to learn, I think I can get others who would be intimidated by other card games to try this out. I REALLY hope a Mobile version of this is on the way, because this game has great potential for a strong scene.

Also I was curious on how they monetize the game. It appears to be SUPER generous. I mean, 15 bucks for the ENTIRE first season of cards? Insane value!

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Book of Beasts — The Collectible Card Game CCG on Steam

Card Crawl

Card Crawl

Card Crawl is a really good casual, card based video game. It’s easy to learn and enjoyable to play. There are two things that make Card Crawl great: First, playing a full game doesn’t take long. A full game averages maybe five minutes. Second, this is a game that is a lot more tame when it comes to the difficulty. This is not another frustrating/rage inducing game. Success in Card Crawl depends on what cards you are dealt, and how you choose to play them. There is some strategy involved and you do have to think about how you want to play your cards. There are also a lot of special ability cards that you can unlock as you continue to play and get better. The game’s randomness with regards to what cards you are dealt, and which special ability cards are also randomly chosen for you, provide tremendous replay value for Card Crawl. There are also extra gamemodes and characters that can be unlocked as well. This is a game that can be enjoyed in both short play sessions and long play sessions. There’s also a mobile version available for Android (on Google Play), and for iOS (on the App Store). Card Crawl is definitely one of the very best card based video games that there is. For a game that costs so little, you get so much in return. Card Crawl is great if you like casual games and/or card games. I highly recommend it!

Real player with 120.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Dungeon Crawler Games.

Very fun, well crafted, simple game hampered by its unnecessarily grindy quest/unlock system.

You play against a random deck drawn from a fixed set of cards 49, and you get to choose 5 “ability” cards to mix in for a total of 54. The ability cards are fun, but you’re heavily reliant upon the luck of when they show up.

You unlock more ability cards with credits you earn as you play. Credits earn decently fast and you can read card descriptions before you pick which one you want to unlock, so earning them is not bad at all.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

Card Crawl on Steam

Deck Adventurers - Origins

Deck Adventurers - Origins

Good game, if you don’t play it you might fail at life.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding 2D Fighter Games.


What is this game about?

Pleasantly surprised with this one. Considering its size, it packs a solid punch.

So, the gameplay:

You are a hero that is tasked to overcome evil. You go unto linear missions each consisting of a few encounters. In those encounters you fight several enemies with special abilities that form a sort of puzzle of deciding who to prioritizes first.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Deck Adventurers - Origins on Steam

Mystic Vale

Mystic Vale

It’s a great rendition of my favorite card game, and always a fun play due to the nearly-unique card crafting system (I’ve only seen one other game, which both isn’t in video game format and is a product of the same company). It’s fast-paced and the automatic counting of resources is very nice.

That said, there are a few issues (all minor):

EDIT JAN 28: 1 was asking for clarity in cards remaining (counting on-deck or not). It’s apparent enough after checking once or twice and sticks with you; as of this edit, it’s cards under the on-deck

Real player with 481.3 hrs in game

I recently downloaded this digital adaptation of the card game Mystic Vale having never played the physical version. I can say I love the game so far, and recommend it to anyone from fans of casual card games to more serious board game geeks. Essentially, It’s a well-balanced deck-building game with a theme of fighting the corruption of a sacred landscape through the cultivation of nature, and in my view is very relaxing, yet mentally stimulating, to play.

Those who have played the card game Dominion or other games of the deck-building genre will recognize the mechanic of purchasing cards from a center tableau, adding them to a deck of initially underwhelming cards, and slowly increasing potential of combos and synergy as the game progresses. However, the mechanic in Mystic Vale of crafting each card by adding components, or “advancements” in in-game terms, to each card’s top, middle, or bottom zones is unlike Dominion or any other game I’ve played. In my opinion, this concept alone sets Mystic Vale apart as an island of true uniqueness in a sea of ripoffs in the board/card game sphere.

Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

Mystic Vale on Steam

The Last Hex

The Last Hex


Several months ago, I reviewed this game and gave a generally negative review mainly because of difficulty. This was before the developer made substantial and significant changes to the game. I am pleased to announce that the developer has made this game much more playable with multiple difficulty modes (which all games should have) and added a lot more content. There is an element of strategy with this game, and by playing it many times, you can pick up on the cards and the gear that you really want to keep that will give you maximum success. After the develop made the necessary changes, I have logged in over 200 hours to this game. If you play on Initiate level, the potions don’t really matter too much until you get to the boss camps and the final boss where you can use as much potions as you want.Thanks to the developer’s earnest in making this game better, there is new content every month. Overall, because of these changes, I do finally recommend this game if you have an hour or two to spare.

Real player with 312.2 hrs in game

Getting close to 20 hours in right now, and unlocked about half of the heroes to play with. So I wouldnt be surprised if this game will amuse me for 40+ hours, which is very good considering its current pricepoint and that its still in early acces. However, i believe the game is 90% complete so it’ll prob leave EA soon.

Anyhow, its a slay-the-spire-like deckbuilder that is easier at some points, and harder at others.

For example, in here you can take your time to build your char before you fight the big boss, no set path to take. You can actually go back to shops to buy specific cards or items.

Real player with 131.3 hrs in game

The Last Hex on Steam

Astral Masters

Astral Masters

One of the first online card games and still very unique and entertaining. Most important features:

  • Game is easy to understand and games don’t take long (though some might, which is also interesting)

  • No endless monetization - you buy it, you have everything.

  • You still have a feeling of progression as with levels you gain more points to increase the power of cards you can have in your deck.

  • Proper drafting experience where you actually have table where people draft from same pool and play against eachother.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

This game is amazing!

I love the cards, the synergy, the deckbuilding possibilities. The artstyle is unique and amazing. The gameplay feels a bit off, but once you get used to it, you realize how the game has been built with the “less is more” philosophy in mind.

You have quick duels with pre-made decks. You have “League” mode, which is a tournament versus nine AI opponents, all of which are unique both visually and in gameplay style. Trust me, after the 3-4 league play, you will have distinct favourites and most-hated opponents.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Astral Masters on Steam



Always heard about the boardgame but never had the chance to play it and now that i did I can see why it’s so popular!

The DA is very well done: plays smooth, good sfx, AI feels solid (haven’t tried Hard yet though). The game has already -I think?- all of the the expansions available that can be played in a 1v1 against AI or with another player online.

I must say this is very polished already for being EA for less than two weeks!

As per how stability goes, ​I played 3 games with a friend yesterday and we only got two freezes/crashes but we could keep playing by simply restarting the game: no game-breaking bugs found yet.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

A very faithful adaptation of the famous evolutionary card game. The first one that found the concept of deckbuilding during the game. Many other games followed this inspiration, such as Star Realms, Ascension, War of Omens, for the main ones. If you know of any others, please respond.

This is a concept not to be confused with these two:

  • Deckbuilding before the game, the player builds a deck (example: Magic the Gathering).

  • Deckbuilding during the game, without being able to swap cards, during a quest (example: Slay the spire).

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Dominion on Steam



I have many hours in this game before it came to Steam but I did put some hours into the steam version before writing my review to check for any changes, added or missing features, performance issues, etc. Spellstone is a very fun game that you can enjoy as a f2p player but just be prepared to hit a paywall like in many other mobile games. There are monthly individual events as well as weekly guild events or individual events to participate in. The best part of the game for me is the guild aspect and events which can be alot of fun especially when you find a good guild that is active and helpful. There are also BGE’s that add a special ability to a particular tribe for a certain amount of time which make the cards from that tribe more powerful. Now for the negative stuff. Cards are split into a standard set (cards that anyone can get) and a premium set (cards that must be purchased with real $) which creates a huge power gap between f2p and p2w because the premium set cards are much stronger. The huge issue which you should notice pretty quickly is that the prices in this game are RIDICULOUSLY expensive. The cards come in the usual common, rare, epic, legendary variety and two cards can be combined to make a dual version or four cards can be combined to make the top level quad version of the card, so as an example the in game store sells boxes which contain 4 copies each of 6 legendary cards and 8 copies each of 6 epic cards. To buy out the whole box and guarantee yourself 6 quad legendaries and 12 quad epics will cost you just over $300. The cards in the box will be mostly from the tribe that are currently part of the bge so while this will make your deck stronger for a while, once the bge ends most of the cards you bought won’t even be playable anymore. While the bge effects are interesting and fun to play they are also meant to make players purchase more cards from that faction to compete within the bge. Powercreep is also a serious issue, cards that you pay money for will be overpowered by new box cards usually within a few months. There are also chance packs which give you 1 of any card in the pack (but with no set amount of each card) so you could spend hundreds of $ and not even be able to quad one of the cards that you really wanted. There is also an emporium that has 4 slots with each containing one item for sale, however this is only available to vips and each slot unlocks at a certain vip level (based on how much $ you have spent) but to have access to all 4 items you will need to spend THOUSANDS of $$$$, and after all of that 4 copies of a legendary card from the emporium to make a quad will cost you $100. My least favorite thing though has to be that you can purchase refills with real money for some of the “competitive” individual and guild events, so say that you’ve put together a really good deck and played awesome during an event and you’re in a good ranking that will land you a decent reward, well someone can just open their wallet right at the end and buy their way past you….. really? This is a fun game and can be enjoyable for f2p players but make sure that you know what this game is all about before spending your money here and if you’re looking for a good f2p game that you can spend a few $ here and there on to show your support, this is not it.

Real player with 1469.4 hrs in game

Put it this way:

The paywall you experience in this game can dramatically vary depending on the event available.

I started playing about a week ago. All I had to do is score 1 point on the PvE event to get 1 epic prize. My cards were too weak to do that. So at that point it looked unpleasant.

But I was 100% sure there are other events and they would treat me better.

Events prescribes a specific condition, either accumulating bounties, playing an event pve map, guild war or something else. Then everyone get prizes according to where they rank. Much like the good earlier years of mobile gaming, spearheaded by Blood Brothers in my experience. I dunno why this form of competition dwindled, other than that it was maybe too spammed at a time.

Real player with 852.8 hrs in game

Spellstone on Steam

Dungeon Rollers

Dungeon Rollers

Dungeon Rollers is a turn-based dice game, where you and the enemies act depend on the dice. In every fight you and your enemy roll the dice, you can react to the situation by rerolling some of your dice. Dice contains offensive and defensive sides, so you can react to enemy action with the right choice. With the right combinations you can also cast powerful skill which helps you in the battle.


▪ Turn-based strategy

▪ Lots of dice

▪ Relaxing music and graphics

▪ Easy to learn

Dungeon Rollers on Steam

Runespell: Overture

Runespell: Overture

Runespell is a RPG card game that follows similar rules to poker. Each fight requires you to deplete your enemies hitpoints by collecting 5 cards together that give you a score. Since the rules are based on poker, a pair is the least amount of points and a royal flush is the most amount of points. You can also collect cards along the way to use your special ability points that you gain during each fight. These cards can be used to shield yourself, attack using spells, or call in allies to help you with your fight.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

Runespell Overture is a card game with kind of original mechanic, blending the combinations from poker with tactical moves from Arcomage - where you collecting some points to use them on some spell, which will either attack your opponent or defend yourself better.

Point one is that it is NOT a Role-Play Game, it is only a card game with “health points” on you and your enemies, and some grades of combinations to win the hand.

Point two is that Arcomage - and many games alike - are still Much Better by the terms of gameplay.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

Runespell: Overture on Steam