Deck Adventurers - Origins

Deck Adventurers - Origins

Good game, if you don’t play it you might fail at life.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Turn-Based Combat Games.


What is this game about?

Pleasantly surprised with this one. Considering its size, it packs a solid punch.

So, the gameplay:

You are a hero that is tasked to overcome evil. You go unto linear missions each consisting of a few encounters. In those encounters you fight several enemies with special abilities that form a sort of puzzle of deciding who to prioritizes first.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Deck Adventurers - Origins on Steam



A brilliant game with friends. I must have played 200+ matches and no two have been the same. Great balancing system and a sprinkling of luck built-in to ensure matches are competitive while still giving the edge to the more skilled players.

Real player with 50.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Fighting Games.

TLDR good game though modding makes it even better

Base game.

If i had to choose a game that i will play and is pvp 1v1 this is almost always one of the best choices to make.

This game has all of the greatness of stick fight but with little to none of the issues.

Simply put this game is pretty good by default.

Modded game.

Do you have slight issues with something then why not try playing without it.

Would like to try some thing wacky go for it.

Would you like picking 5 cards at the very start and at the end of EACH round you got it. (can get 25 cards in 1 match).

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

ROUNDS on Steam

EndCycle VS

EndCycle VS

Picked this up earlier, and found it to be quite fun. It’s similar to the old Megaman Battle Network series for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance, a series I used to love a lot. It’s fast paced with unique mechanics, as well as mixing in some old ones with a unique twist such as the CRUSH system(Think guard break from other fighter games). It’s a bit different from Battle Network 6 in terms of combat pacing, but you have a lot more weapons you can use to control the battlefield as well as your deck being more consistent since you have access to all 12 weapons in your deck all the time, with cooldowns for differing levels and weapons.

Real player with 535.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Deckbuilding Grid-Based Movement Games.

If you want a game that plays similarly to Battle Network, then EndCycle VS is the game for you. I know I’ve been having a blast with it in the 109 hours I’ve already clocked in at the point of this review.

First and foremost, this game offers a very unique twist to the Battle Network “grid fighter” formula, by replacing the Battle Chips you would burn through with VOC’s that you can keep on hand at all times. Sure, you’re more limited when it comes to how many you can use during a battle, but that’s why you have three different sets you can shift through in the middle of the fight and change up your play style on the fly. It takes some getting used to, though. Even now, I’m still trying to get used to it, though that’s due in part by most of my time being eaten up getting into modding rather than the competitive scene, but I’ll get on to that subject later.

Real player with 129.2 hrs in game

EndCycle VS on Steam