Bean Battles

Bean Battles

My In depth review and analysis of Bean Battles.

How would i describe Bean Battles?

I would describe Bean Battles simply as a master piece, this game is far far ahead of its time and i foresee the game becoming more popular than fortnite.

What is Bean Battles?

Bean Battles is a game that follows the trends of the battle royale genre, an unoriginal idea executed in a way that is so unique, it beats out any up and coming battle royale game (such as Minecraft Hunger Games) It puts up to 16 people in a battle royale scenario but is far different from any current battle royale. In a typical battle royale game the aim of the game is to survive and be the last one standing, this often leads players to play incredibly passive and finish games with few kills. Bean Battles changes this by introducing a scoring system, each player is rewarded for their winning and becoming the last player standing but also rewards for kills, two kills is better than one round win, this makes the player play smart, but also agressively to beat thier opponents.

Real player with 62.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Action Games.

Once in a lifetime you’ll come across a game that truly captures the history and cultural distinctions of the modern world the way a person can subjectively perceive it through our guided field of perspective. I have to admit, I had my doubts when I first learned of the game. After all, Bean Battles? Will this game even be good? How ignorant was I to even have these thoughts. Little did I know I was about to indulge in what may have been the best 1 hour and 21 minutes of my life. The game started out strong. The maps enticed the audience with a captivating enigma. I was so taken aback from the next-generation animation that I almost didn’t even realize the underlying symbolism in the ongoing games. It wasn’t until my twenty sixth game where I finally got my bearings together and was able to focus on the gripping and labyrinthine stratagem. The underlying analogy for 19th century distopianism and the evangelical deviation of typical orthodoxy was enlightening to say the least. Just when I thought the game could not get any better, the increasing conflict before the climax began. I could not believe the complexity of game as the bean protagonist. My bean struggled with the everyday endeavors for a quintessential bean such as the consistent up- hill altercation of the fight against misogyny and the fiscal synergy of opposing interplanetary dynamisms. There I was, gripping to my chair as the conflict of the game began. I was so enticed by the game that I felt as if I was both practically and relatively apart of the game. This is a special kind of high that not even the strongest of drugs can give you. Was I part of the game? Am I inside the game right now? This game will leave you questioning existential nihilism and the objective skepticism of our perceived valuation of anthropological existence. At this point in the game, I was fully intoxicated by the avant-garde animated art style. That’s when the game finally aggrandized and I was completely stupefied. You could have lived a thousand years of isolation trying to predict the plot twist and you would never even scratch the surface of what actually transpires in the game. I was so bewildered that I actually had to stop playing the game so that my existential crisis didn’t dive too deep inside of myself. Even restarting the game was surreal. It’s almost as if life restarted with the game. I felt as though I had actually become a cinematic tangent quantum. The effects are still wearing off and I haven’t been able to play the game in several days.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

Bean Battles on Steam

Hiveswap Friendsim

Hiveswap Friendsim

A surprisingly essential story of love and friendship in our modern age.

Hiveswap Friendsim shocked me with the depth of its characters, worldbuilding, and the power of its message. For those new to the series, Friendsim is a charming and newbie-friendly introduction to the world of Alternia that’s been catching fandom attention for almost a decade. For experienced veterans, this game provides vital worldbuilding detail, crucial context for both Homestuck and Hiveswap, and a bevy of characters to engage with and grow invested in.

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Simulation Games.

I am a Homestuck fan, by extension a HiveSwap fan, and this game is good supplemental material for before the second act!

Fairly cheap: each installment, two “friend-able” trolls in each, cost $0.99. That’s one $0.99 for the base game, and it seems like an extra $0.99 for each DLC set of trolls. Try the base game and see if you want more. It won’t exactly break the bank.

People looking for a straight up dating sim kind of experience won’t get that here, I’m afraid. The character routes themselves are very short and easy to navigate. It’s more about introducing these characters to us and seeing more of the world of Alternia before the release of HiveSwap: Act 2.

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Hiveswap Friendsim on Steam

How To Date A Magical Girl!

How To Date A Magical Girl!


Denial can be a great way to cope with the various events that occur around you. Sometimes it is through denying the existence of the things that go on around us that can help give people the strength to move forward as they stand in a seemingly never-ending nightmare. Eventually, however, everyone has to come to terms with the realities that they are forced to live but what if you did not have to? What if you could lock yourself away in your fantasies forever? While never having to face harsh realities may seem nice, even the most idealistic of worlds has their vices. In Developer Cafe Shiba and Publisher RIVER CROW STUDIO’s 2019 game release of “How to Date a Magical Girl” players are whisked away into a world where our main protagonist is placed into a situation where despite everything they refuse to accept the fate of their reality and thus fights to create a new fate that allows them to continue to chase after their ideas, no matter the consequences that occur as a result of them.

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Anime Games.

Where to begin with this….

When a novel present itself in the cover to be about a certain topic. Usually it’ll be about that and just that. Sometimes a few twist will happen and only you have to take action upon it to overcome the challenges. Nothing should prevent you from doing what you are meant to be. That being said, this one was really only focusing on someone’s psychological mind. The lazy protagonist who couldn’t even run a few centimeter on sand and complains more than any sane human in this world. I totally lost hope for him. Oh? I said him? Well, that is because if you choose the gender of being female from the start of the game. The entire thing is being told in a male’s perspective

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

How To Date A Magical Girl! on Steam

Vampire Slave 1: A Yaoi Visual Novel

Vampire Slave 1: A Yaoi Visual Novel

Vampire Slave 1 and 2 are a beautiful interpretation of the original yaoi novel Vampire Slave by Yamila Abraham. The writing is reverent, tongue and cheek, self aware! There is a clear emphasis placed on consensual love between two characters that want the best for each other. Thank you to Yamila Abraham for creating the brilliant piece of modern literature that inspired this game, and thank you Y press for making the next chapter sexually explicit.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

It would be a neutral review if I could write one. I was contemplating to review the game after buying all the available chapters or when the story is finished completely but…the store page claims it’s a free game, right?! The next chapters are sold separately, have their own steam store pages, so I guess it’d be appropriate to put into words what I’ve experienced for now.

I’m a huge yaoi fan and adore vampire stories, submissive relationships are quite alluring to me, so when I saw this title Vampire Slave. A yaoi visual novel I knew I was gonna try it for sure. I’m grateful to the developer for creating such games, it’s not their first similar story, I even once was their backer at Kickstarter, participated in their discord until I was…disappointed:( I think it’s not right to mention any personal reasons, it’s a review about the game, not about the developer. I just decided for myself not to support them at Kickstarter anymore but games… I want to believe their work should be judged separately. Tho sometimes it’s hard to be unbiased. When I downloaded this free first chapter I didn’t pay attention by whom it was created. And as yaoi visual novels are still a rare case, I just can’t miss it.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Vampire Slave 1: A Yaoi Visual Novel on Steam

Blossoming Yandere 満開 ヤンデレ

Blossoming Yandere 満開 ヤンデレ

“I recently had purchased an apartment online. It was the first home I’d ever bought for myself. I was happy to finally have a place of my own away from my family, who weren’t great for my mental health. I moved in as soon as I could, and planned to never look back on that decision. From this point onward, things would be different. My life could finally be worth something."

Blossoming Yandere has you playing as a young man who’s moved into his first apartment. As he settles into his new home, a girl named Miki approaches him, a bit of an obsessive gal who seems to treasure having him around. What happens from here on out to him is in your hands. Your words and actions are being paid close attention to by a loving admirer; try to keep your situation stable, act on your own volition and interest, maybe try to seduce Miki, or you can investigate the mystery of these apartments. No matter what you do, something is blossoming here, and sooner or later it’s going to envelop you…


  • Your actions and words play into your fate.

  • A short experience paced to keep things interesting with some twists and turns.

  • Be the person of affection to a rather unique yandere girl.

  • Explore an apartment as you slowly put together a greater mystery of the history of this place.

  • Strange sound design is crafted to allure you to immerse yourself into an odd atmosphere.

  • A number of secrets to find, along with a few unlockables to incentivize replay.

It’s like a ROSE

Blossoming Yandere 満開 ヤンデレ on Steam

雨音スイッチ - Amane Switch -

雨音スイッチ - Amane Switch -

There are a ton of repeated, nonsensical, random dialogue that is annoying and very distracting from the story line. Words are split in half between two lines, which is also distracting and you have to play over 2 hours of the game to get to a choice (I’m not sure how long because I saved and then fast forwarded to the choices to get an idea of what to expect and haven’t gone back to my save yet because the extra text makes it almost unbearable to play).

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Can someone explain why the game is full of lines like “In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site” or “this is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your money”? Like, come on! This is INCREDIBLY disrupting.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

雨音スイッチ - Amane Switch - on Steam

9-nine-:Episode 4

9-nine-:Episode 4

Episode 4 is the first game I’ve played of the series.

The story is so good that I want to read all of the chapters. Except I don’t, because that would mean I wouldn’t see Noa and Kakeru together anymore.

The creators did a splendid job at helping you understand the plot without having to read the previous chapters. This was definitely one of my bigger concerns because nobody likes experiencing things where they’re left completely out of the loop.

I find the quality of this story to come close to some of my favorite novels: Chaos;Child, Steins;Gate and ISLAND. Many events in this novel seem to be centered around personalities and it shows you how much thought went in to every single character, but the main story revolves around the concept of time travel with their own fascinating twist added to it.

Real player with 28.1 hrs in game

This is not a proper review AT ALL, I am just typing what I have in my mind.

9-nine series, definitely masterpiece-tier visual novel for me. Who would have thought a simple story about investigating the truth behind a crime would lead up to so many messed up things. Truth to be told, I thought 9-nine is just another visual novel that talks about daily life with the heroines, having dates, sharing first kiss, saving the heroines in dangerous situation and so on. Hell no, 9-nine brought me more than that, of course one thing that surprised me the most is the game breaking the fourth wall and involve you as much as possible into the story.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

9-nine-:Episode 4 on Steam

Army Gals

Army Gals

Well, fellow Gamers, ARMY GALS really surprised me !

I was expecting a quick casual anime-Visual Novel with a few ‘Chievos in which the guy tries to romance every gal in the story and be done with it.

Not so fast there, Eider ! There is some meat on these VN bones !

And just to make it clear that this is not a “compensated” review, I paid $16.99 for it in April 2017. That is more than the then current price in the Steam Store ! And I do not feel bad about that. I got more than my money’s worth of entertainment from ARMY GALS !!

Real player with 334.4 hrs in game

Released in April 2017, and published by Dharker Studio, Army Gals stands with a Very Positive review mark on Steam, and it comes with no surprise, considering all previous games from the same developer. Army Gals however, take things considerably far from every other title previously released under the now-well-known-name that is Dharker Studio.

We assume the role of Kyle, a young adult who travels to a very special place, one where he he’ll join the Aggressive Rehabilitation Missionary Youth Program. The name does not sound like anything good can come out of it, and truth is, it’s one of those camps where young delinquents get to learn their ways in society, a second chance before prison! As if wasn’t bad enough for this camp to be in the middle of nowhere, with dense forests surrounding them, Kyle is actually innocent, and was framed by his so-called friends. Now, with all evidences against him, he was branded a pervert pyromaniac, who set his school on fire, while hiding in the girl’s locker room.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Army Gals on Steam

Second Warfare

Second Warfare

9h update

So I have been playing to this cancer for some extra time and I made it to the 4th mission here are the findings and bugs:

  • sometimes the game crashes and you stay dead unable to do anything and you have to close the game.

  • Water insta-kills you

  • You can get stuck between cracks and you have to go to main menu

  • I found that sometimes the game doesn’t register the keyboard (need to close the game)

  • The AI hits you from afar and 90% of the time is headshot (I call BS to the June “update” they didn’t rewrite anything)

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Second Warfare is a FPS game made in 2015 by Kobra Studio.The game with Unity Engine and oh well…this is bad.

First of all, the graphics looks weird as hell.I mean I know that made in 2015,but come on,there are other games then looks more better than this in Unity (for example Car Mechanic Simulator 2015,Verdun or even Dead Effect 2 looks much better than this).At least you can “customize” the quality of the graphics.

The controls are fine.You can’t change the buttons or change the sensitivity,but atleast you get the instuctions from the menu.The sounds are just…oof.Music is really feels stock and the sounds are repetitive as hell.You can’t even change the volume in game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Second Warfare on Steam

Our End of the World

Our End of the World

Ceritanya bener-bener butuh pemikiran keras. Bikin gue deg-deg’an dan otak gue di suguhi berbagai idealis tentang cara supaya survive…. Merinding ke bawa mimpi dan endingnya bener-bener gk bisa di percaya…. Gue gk nyangka orang misterius yang menuntun gue ke shelter ternyata gue sendiri! Mind blow banget! Sumpah ini Game awalnya bikin gue kesel dan jengkel karena dapet bad ending mulu. Gue nyerah dan akhirnya mencari guide supaya bisa happy ending (tapi waktu itu masih bahasa china) pupus sudah harapan dan akhirnya gue Un-instal ini game. Sampai setelah 3 bulan, tiba-tiba waktu gue iseng nyari game VN yang mantep di mainin… Eh nemu guide nih Game versi english Dan tentu saja gue bahagia!

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

7/10. A push for gameplay in a medium largely bereft of it and a story with interesting lore and surprising twists are thwarted by a poor translation and uncertainty on where perception ends and reality begins.

First: There’s some post-story content that is currently untranslated. I made a machine translation for it, which you can find if you check the Steam guides for the game. I strongly recommend not looking at it until after you’ve completed the full story (it won’t make a lick of sense otherwise), but it should be mentioned.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Our End of the World on Steam