Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo]

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo]

In all honesty for a two person project (coding\story\writing and artist) it’s pretty good. The character designs and personalities are interesting and some character powers are pretty unique. Like (spoilers) but someone being a siren was in my opinion a pretty under appreciated thing, and being able to sing people to sleep is pretty interesting. though my main gripe is in certain story skips and dialouge. Like for example, the protagonist is told in a huge moment of exposition that shit is wack and the world might end and that he/she/they might have powers. thing is somehow everyone else in the story knows this later on. Without the protagonist ever explaining that to them. there are also times where the dialouge is akward at point but i think that adds to the charm of it. Like characters are all highschoolers, it makes sense that sometimes the conversations are kinda stiff and akward cuz that’s how it would actually go in real life. Like if a goth girl who most likely is a fan of arson came up and started talking to you, of course you’d be a bit akward in your speech. But my last two complaints about it are the music and facial expressions. In all honesty, the music is terrible, it’s better than that royalty free ukelele from hell but im sure theres other stuff out there you can use without copyright. mainly the music I’m talking about here is the resting abd casual time music, it’s a weird mix of meowing and beeps and i often found myself turning the music all the way off and playing my own mix. And the complaint i have abnout the expressions is later on in the story, i don’t have any complaints about reused assets especially in visual novels, but (spoilers ahead here) maybe after a character like willow loses a loved one maybe don’t show a kind of ‘meh’ face when what she feels is true sorrow. You see that sorrow shown later on but my point still stands. other than those (admitibly small things for a game made by two people with one doing most of the heavy lifting) I think it’s a great game and absolutely my new fav comfort game. good work on the game guys hope you get episode two out soon :)

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Romance Games.

This is overall an ok experience. I’ve only played through it once and it’s not really that long but there are a lot of different choices and I assume tons of backstories to discover. The characters are overall pleasant to talk to but the story doesn’t really come together well. It feels as if every choice somehow expects me to have taken all the previous options as to create a more authentic group feeling from knowing the characters. That is to say, a lot of characters I hadn’t interacted with were friendly to me and I to them and I even knew their secret or something at times. This made no sense from what I had played. Usually visual novels circumvent this by having routes and a long intro section as to establish a backstory. This is not the case here at all and the game has tons of choices early on. I would assume that at least the first one is just for flavour but overall it starts too early for meaningful ones or doesn’t incorporate the choices made on future events. Another big problem I had was figuring out how fantastical the setting is. From the start I was expecting a normal world setting with abnormal characters but later on it seemed that supernatural phenomenons were actually canon and well known. This was quite a jarring switch for me and I couldn’t really figure out if the early events were just not the kind of abnormal people were used to or if the setting was inconsistent. The plot later on felt really quite weird but I was imagining some kind of child detective setting and therefore not as unusual for this group or something, even if I wasn’t even aware how close they were. Overall it felt like I was supposed to have read the web comic or played out each choice to be eased in. The story itself felt quite unengaging and frankly unrealistic from my point of view. The only truly engaging part was just at the end of the demo, which was too late. Apart from that, the art looked quite good but there were tons of small problems, some weird lines in some character’s drawings, some really rough edges on objects, a character’s art was extremely blurry and the way side character’s were displayed was inconsistent and the distance to the camera was very different to the main cast’s. Also there was a clock which was quite wide. There also was a night sky picture that certainly didn’t seem drawn and was fairly low quality. There was a rain scene in which the rain drops' position resetted on the next text box. I’m looking forward to how the finished release will be.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1 Demo] on Steam

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

very good game that’s it

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim RPG Games.

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Winning Love by Daylight Is a visual novel by Cutlass Boardgames. The game starts off quickly and puts you straight into class, introducing each character one by one. Winning Love puts you in one-one scenarios with these characters very quickly, and introduces important plot points immediately. Right off the bat, The art made a good impression on me, not being your typical visual novel fare. The artwork ranges from good to very pleasant, my only complaint being a few odd character features such as remarkably long fingers. The music was not as kind to my ears as the visuals were, as it was an annoyance as often as not.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2] on Steam

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League

I cannot say enough good things about Pixel Puzzle Makeout League.

The game itself has tons of accessibility features for solving picross, that you can adjust at any time. You can make the game horribly challenging if you want to, or you can make it a relaxed experience with plenty of time to think about how to solve the puzzles. The puzzles themselves are varied, well-themed, and really fun! There’s a good mix of easy, medium, and hard puzzles that make it easy to work up to the harder ones.

And oh gosh the writing. At the time of this review I’ve completed two of the character’s routes, and the writing in both is stellar! The jokes are funny, and there’s no sign of the edgy and grimdark humor that has come to plague a lot of otherwise very fun and upbeat titles. The characters are earnest and believable and very kissable!

Real player with 88.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Story Rich Games.

(update update) This review used to have a photosensitivity warning. The flashing images have been fixed. Thanks to the developers for responding.)

A delightful dating sim (with a bit of a slow start) with lots of funny lines. The pixel puzzles range from easy to challenging. A nice feature is that, as you progress the plot, there continue to be easier challenges mixed with the tougher ones. Two UI flaws: 1. You have to completely finish a “story” (sequence of dialogue and puzzles) before the game saves. If you’re two out of three puzzles done and you have to go to sleep, welp. 2. The cursor is shaped like a heart and the part you point with is actually the center of the heart. I have mis-clicked so many times because of this. Overall, though, I’m very glad I bought and I look forward to buying future games by these authors. Note: the maximum puzzle size is 15x15.

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

Pixel Puzzle Makeout League on Steam

Super/Human Identity

Super/Human Identity

Waking up with superpowers and no memory, five strangers find themselves in a struggle for survival and a search for answers. Pursued relentlessly, will their hardships bring them closer together or turn them against each other? And will everyone make it to the end?

Playing as Subject 5, the number designated to you is your only clue to a former life you have no memory of. On the run, fighting for your life, you join up with Subjects 1-4. Together, you must cross a ruined city to get to safety and find answers. Beset by an external threat as well as internal conflict, you have to navigate your way through alarming revelations and difficult choices before finding your freedom.

Superhuman or only human - you must reclaim your identity, or define who you are anew.


  • Choose your avatar, pronouns and name as you develop your main character into who you want them to be with frequent, nuanced choices.

  • Influence each of your companions' fates. Will they live or die? Who will they become if they survive?

  • Experience different group dynamics as a consequence of your choices. Any two characters can be friends or bitter enemies.

  • Romance one of 6 different characters – 3 male and 3 female – available for all genders.

  • Think fast and use your telekinetic powers on the environment to defeat enemies. Choose between 4 difficulty settings ranging from Narrative to Superhuman.

  • 7+ hours long, highly interactive, narrative gameplay. One story with vast variability.

  • Stylized, cel-shaded characters and backgrounds, with painted CG artworks illustrating key story moments.

  • Epic, emotional, original soundtrack from composer Edwin Montgomery (Warhammer 40,000: Regicide, Wasteland Remastered, Ghost In The Shell, Neverwinter).

  • Accessibility features: Opendyslexic font, large UI, self-voicing support with additional descriptive text, captions.

Super/Human Identity on Steam

The Curse Of Mantras

The Curse Of Mantras

The Curse Of Mantras is a dating sim with optional card battler gameplay.

You play as either Lily or Ace, and you wake up in a strange supernatural world known as the Afterlife. A strange man, Mantras, greets you and introduces you to the world’s rules and your companions.

Your companions are other dead people that represent an avatar of one of the four elements: water, fire, air, earth, and one of the two arcana: life and death.

Lily and Ace are the avatars of death. The most powerful avatar, the only one who has the power to activate a strange device, a music box, which can make them remember their past lives, and most importantly, why and how the died.

The Curse Of Mantras on Steam