Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times

Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times

Finished my first run of the game in 100 minutes exactly.

First thoughts going in: nice comedic writing, realistic dialogue, very funny concept, pleasant art

Early in the game: I found that the mechanics of actual gameplay are not well explained in the beginning, causing me to no longer pass any skill check no matter what by act 2. The scenarios of deciding which attribute to use to solve a problem were fun little guessing games.

Late game: I’d given up trying to actually win at this point because of a mix of the problem in the last paragraph and because i seemed to hit the point of no return on how low my score got. By this point I’m already thinking about which character I want to get to know in the next play through, each of their unique personalities making me want to know more. I am still appreciating the comedy and writing.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Life Sim Games.

Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times on Steam

Heads Will Roll

Heads Will Roll

Summary: A text-based RPG with static graphics, but beware that even on normal difficulty it is challenging and has a high degree of randomness, which is just as it should be for a game about a mediaeval foot soldier. If you are OK with that then give it a go, its a lot better than one of those walking simulators that pretend to be RPGs these days.

Summary for those who have played A Legionary’s Life: The obvious differences are that HWR has graphics and you can save and reload, but the main gameplay difference is that in LL an attack only costs stance/energy if you miss, while in HWR it always costs stance/energy. Hence in LL you often end up just making the same low-risk attack every turn, whereas in HWR you can’t do that, and this plus the varying attacks for different weapons makes combat in HWR more varied than in LL.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Choices Matter Games.

A lot of game for the money.

A hybrid cross between a “Choose Your Adventure” and a single character, turn-based battler.

It’s an engaging mix and when it works, it works quite well.

Unfortunately, the game is quite buggy. I have yet to make it through an entire run without encountering a game breaking bug ( usually at the end of a battle ). Since you can’t save during battle, you are sometimes forced to replay the same battle multiple times. This can be tedious or frustrating depending the difficulty and length of the battle you have to repeat.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Heads Will Roll on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War 2

Agarest: Generations of War 2

Agarest: Generations of War 2 is the third installment of the Agarest series, which are coming from the Playstation 3 console. It’s a tough RPG with many different elements from another ones of its type, and it’s really tough to learn to play. And it has dating sim elements, which are the main feature of the Agarest series.


The graphics are ok, the characters animations are simple, like almost 16-bit animations, but when the characters speak with each other, their animations are a lot better, with good quality anime animations featuring their facial expressions while their dialogues are shown at the lower screen. Also, the CG pictures you earn through the game are really well done, showing the girls at sexy situations (but without any full or partial nude).

Real player with 947.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim JRPG Games.

TL;DR Version

  • I like the game but cannot recommend you playing as its a love it/ hate it kind of game. Proceed with research in hand before contemplating whether you should buy it (MasterLL’s channel has a playthrough of the PS3 version of his youtube channel if you want to see the game in action.)

Full thoughts

Ok so this is a weird one.

The game has a fun combat system that can take a little time to get your head around. The flashy attacks, and fluid sprite animations are a joy on the eyes. Despite the fact some attacks can take a silly amount of time to complete, you may just end up never skipping them because they are so over the top, they’re fantastic. Japanese anime like attacks at their finest.

Real player with 175.7 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War 2 on Steam

Typing Hearts

Typing Hearts

Typing Hearts is an original dating sim where you meet cute anime girls. Your objective? Typing your way into their hearts!

Combining visual novel mechanics with fast-paced typing gameplay, Typing Hearts will allow you to get to know different girls, each one with a story to tell.

Typing Hearts features a unique typing game and an immersive operating system to enrich the experience of meeting girls!

Your story begins when you receive an official invitation for the first beta of PulseOS, a revolutionary operating system dedicated to dating.

This OS comes with a customized assistant that will teach you the basics of dating girls, and then, it will guide you along your journey to find your perfect match.

Just like in real life, all decisions count. Depending on what you do or say, your story could completely change. Choices matter and your journey will depend on them.

Typing Hearts on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War Zero

Agarest: Generations of War Zero

Agarest: Generation of War Zero is a prequel the Agarest: Generation of war game that came out back in the 2007. If you played the other agarest series you know what you’re going into but if you haven’t well lets just say it’s gonna be pretty interesting. Now onto the breakdows:

The Pros

(+) Tons of skills combination to choose from

This is self-explanatory I think. As you progress the story and complete side quest you will unlock more skills to improve you’re party. Always check the estorica book for combination list. Don’t just throw random skills in each character. If you do that you won’t survive the end game.

Real player with 180.3 hrs in game

As with the Origional, Zero is a true work of art. The Generation system is vastly improved from the original, and the affection system adds its own level of stratagy. The gameplay, while at first glance appears simple, is, in a word, “Multi-Layered”. Mastering Esoterica and Combination arts is key to not only surviving some of the most difficult battles, but also recieving some of the best items in the game. With that in mind, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Agarest Wiki that contains truely invaluable information on the game itself.

Real player with 164.9 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War Zero on Steam

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc

Recommended : Ratings 5/10

Originally this game have a number of instability bugs, but the developer has been actively trying to fix them. I changed the ratings from “Not Recommended 4/10” to “Recommended 5/10” as a result.

This game is in Simplified Chinese only, which is fine with me.

This game is also really fun and has lots of potentials.

However, my main complain is that this game is rather unstable right now. It freezes randomly during long battles, and forces me to restart always. Although this game is interesting, I have not been able to get very far into the game because of the random freezes. I have already wrote a post in the forum, hoping that the developer will fix it.

Real player with 259.4 hrs in game

It is a game with broken dialog yeah but the game play is fun the story once you make sense of it is good. It can be a little bit of a challenge at times. Well even after I figure out how its played it’s all great I love the broken dialog it makes me laugh. I shouldn’t be mean but when I see stuff said wrong but know what they meant it makes it fun for me. My brother saw me play he was like Put Arrows What….. then we both bust out laughing. Please don’t take it to heart creator of the game we know you where trying to make it easy for us. I loved it so yeah I recommend it to others just hope no one is harsh on you game creators. I mean it makes it more fun when you see games like this I mean it from my heart. The leveling system is great so is the idea of leveling the gathering areas to get better stuff. Dungeon play is cool too I have not gotten far enough to where I’ve seen equipment break on you yet but it is over all great loved it. Loved the ideas makes me happy every time I play and at times like this man it makes me so happy.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Tactics & Strategy Master:Joan of Arc on Steam

Adorable Crush

Adorable Crush


A mix between dating sim and match 3 game. It looks like it was inspired by HuniePop. Nice characters, definitely worth a try.

Achievements doable, but partially annoying and exhausting. (High Skill Achievement)


Adorable Crush takes place in Cyberspace.

To be more precise: You are registered at an online/cyberspace dating platform.

You meet some girls, talk to them, learn about their (dis)likings, their attitude and try to get laid.


The user interface looks well made to me. Controls are convenient.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

At first glance this may seem like a Huniepop clone &, well…it is really. If you’ve played Huniepop or any other clone game like it then you can play this game immediately as it has the same premise & mechanics so you can get through this thing without much trouble, its easier then Huniepop in that theres fewer girls woo & screw & in some cases you can complete a date by using only one or two date gifts. Some of the things I want to point out are when you first go to sara the interaction between her & hina is funny in that hina asks “what are you reading? Twilight breaking wind?” Which is a comedy spoof film of twilight & I’m guessing that in the far east they might not know that breaking wind means farting so its probably a lost in translation thing on their part, theres two dates gifts called clover & firecracker which are both useful but they have their names mixed up as the clover is called firecracker & vise versa & should be switched around, also, theres one called “orange magic fruit” which looks suspiciously like Ace’s devil fruit the flame flame fruit from One Piece, I don’t know if its an easter egg or an honest mistake or what but they should probably change the name for copyright reasons. When you get all the undies from the girls you have to change the level setting yourself to hard to get the night hunter achievement, I thought that once you unlocked hard mode it switched automatically like in Huniepop but no & if your inventory is full you can’t buy anything else which is a pain because it hinders your completion so you can’t get the girls drunk or find things out about them which is something that should be changed to make things better. If your into gratuitous anime T & A then definitely go for this.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Adorable Crush on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War

Agarest: Generations of War

Since this is currently my longest played games on Steam and maybe you won’t find a person with a longer hours count in the review section, I think I am kind of obligated to give this game a bit of review. The recommend vs not recommended system on Steam is fundamentally flawed. I would only point out what kind of games this is, and you decide for yourself whether you like it or not.

1. This is the type of “Wikia for the win” game. Don’t let my hours count fool you. I spent at least 50+ hours on researching for all the tricks, crafting and story route on Wikia. And this is very typical of your old-school RPG or JRPG in general. You need to do homework, you need to do research. The hours you spent outside the game is MUCH MUCH more important than your gaming hours. If you are the kind of person who just go and immerse yourself in the game world and you don’t care much about research game mechanics, this is bad for you.

Real player with 688.7 hrs in game

After 213 hours and reaching the “normal” ending, it’s time for a review. To start with, it wasn’t a perfect experience. The game is rough around the edges and you should only buy it if you enjoy grinding a lot. There’s plenty of it. Endless hours of mandatory leveling and gathering materials. But Agarest has enough redeeming traits to make up for this.

Short version

  • fully voiced

  • lots of fan service

  • huge selection of characters

  • nice character animations and good music

Real player with 371.3 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War on Steam

Queen Of Thieves

Queen Of Thieves

Now let me start off by saying I am a huge fan of this genre (visual novel w/ RPG elements) and of the developer, Winter Wolves. However, I cannot recommend anyone this game unless it is on sale. It seems that as the developer starts chugging out more games per year, the quality of them keeps dropping. None of his latter installments can stand up to the original Loren The Amazon Princess.


_Artwork (decent; not as good as previous games)

_Good soundtrack

_Diverse and distinctive characters.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

The interface is confusing, but it’s a good game once you figure it out.

Important notes:

You can select the type of heist (from the start) by pressing on the things that don’t look like buttons at all, this lets you take more challenging missions and level up faster.

The weapon comparisons are a little hard to read, but all the weapons are basically equal so it’s just up to your fighting style.

Another non-obvious thing is that you can remove gems from clothes.

And finally the story is a bit “much” with everyone wanting to do “it” with everyone else at the drop of a hat, but if you can get over that, it’s quite fun.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Queen Of Thieves on Steam

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

I bought this game less than a week ago, now look at my hours. And I have a dayjob. Speaks for itself aint it?

Well if you want details read below:

Tale of Immortal (Gang Bang Guang in Chinese:)) is a great sanbox with persistent story, choices, and endless character build customisation possibilities. Set up in the world of classic Chinese martial arts, you are to go from a useless nobody to leader of one of the sects or more. The world here is alive, and is not centered on your character - it has similar system to what Space Rangers 2 have for example - your character is merely one of the actors, NPC’s are not static, they have dynamic relationships with each other, then clear bosses, missions, factions fight each other and develop and compete with you. Kill each other, too. The game is still in beta, but is already fully playable.

Real player with 179.0 hrs in game

UPDATE: Chaos is the real game, the rest is a tutorial. At Chaos you are forced to juice everything out of the realm (grind and min/max red skills, get the best consumables, buffs from encounters/quests), and the transcendence fights are still challenging enough. Also, disregard the note about permadeath. If you, as me, are not a hardcore player and just like grindy gameplay, then you simply have to adopt and follow the Dao of Alt+F4.


In general, the game is very addictive. There are always lots of things to do, so it is head to leave it and go tend to other stuff.

Real player with 160.2 hrs in game

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal on Steam