Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

I played 35 hours of this game in the last 5 days. I’m hooked.

There’s a severe lack of guides and information on some of the game’s aspects but the Developer and the small but loyal community are quick to respond to players' inquiries which is nice to see. There’s also a lot of carry-over knowledge for people like me who have played a lot of farming games.

Hopefully new art gets put into the game soon. The lack of portraits on some characters is a bit disorienting and ruins the immersion.

Music is great and simple. Art style is nice and pleasing. Story is there but needs to be expounded on. The dating aspect is also begging to be updated as, from what the Wiki provides, each candidate only has one romantic heart-event.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim RPG Games.

The developer was gracious enough to provide players with a demo with which you can play until Summer. I strongly recommend any fan of agricultural/farming games to try this beautiful and enchanting game.

I played the demo and loved the experience, the graphics are beautiful, the farming experience is there and I will add on this as I progress through the seasons.

One important thing I want to underline is that the game is in Early Access, things can and will change so please take that into account before deciding to take the plunge, things such as townspeople story events don’t seem fleshed out yet, we are expecting cooking to be introduced and a major update for the animals. Again, try the demo and ask questions, the developer is like a mother hen on the forums ^^

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season on Steam

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

This game is fucking art. I had to swear just to emphasize this. This game had me gripped from the moment I pressed Start. I couldn’t stop playing it from beginning to end and if it wasn’t 1 am as of the writing of this review, I’d go in for round two. The music, the voice acting, the art, the pace, and tones of the story were so BEAUTIFULLY well done that I couldn’t put it down! The sx scene, not having it is a MAJOR disservice to this game because it isn’t shallow “pron”. I came into this game expecting the usual fan service you’d get with this type of co-ed lifestyle these two are having and despite one fan servicey scene, that is not here and that’s okay! It’s a beautifully captivating love making scene displaying love and emotion set free from their hearts. Yes' it’s somewhat graphic but it isn’t material you would want to use for self pleasure unlike their other games like Crush Crush (of which I gave way too much of my time on :D.)

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Romance Games.

I got all the endings and all the achievements. Imma do a review because I want to.

Overall complements:

The voice acting, writing and dialogue are pretty damn good. (I used the male VA) The artwork is probably my favourite aspect of the game. It’s always well done and immersive. The atmosphere ranges from wholesome contentment to unease and worry, peril, even. The art supports that feeling a lot. You want so much for things to work out and you’re constantly looking for how it will go wrong in a paranoid way so you can prevent it. It’s draws you in as a result. Because of this wariness, I picked up on honestly well hidden clues as to what was coming. It wasn’t a terribly shocking turn of events simply because of circumstances and knowledge I could presume that the game couldn’t really do anything about, but it did a great job at hinting at it without making it blatantly obvious.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Cabin Fever on Steam

Kitty Powers' Matchmaker

Kitty Powers' Matchmaker

Kitty Powers' Matchmaker is fun and addicting! This game is completely unique to anything I’ve ever played before, and it combines so many elements! Let’s start with clientele! First you choose a location (disco, gym, comic book store, ect.) for Kitty to set up fliers to attract customers. The locations you pick determine the type of clients that arrive; for example, choosing the comic book store will bring in the “Geeky” types. Each client is different, varying in looks, personality, and interests. Because of the uniqueness of each character, it can be hard finding the right match for your client, but that’s what makes it so much fun! Will your client swing a home-run of strike out on their date(s)?

Real player with 99.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Simulation Games.

I was meaning to write review for this game for some time, but I always wanted to finish it first. That took me quite a long time (and about four approaches), but finally I got to

! pair-up Kitty, so I consider it some form of ending.

“Kitty Powers' Matchmaker” looked like a perfect game for me - it didn’t take itself seriously, it has great style, it has humor, romance (with LGBT options), fun minigames and aspects of pure randomness, which I absolutely love. Sadly, something didn’t quite work out for me.

Real player with 45.9 hrs in game

Kitty Powers' Matchmaker on Steam

My Dream Sport Dating Simulator

My Dream Sport Dating Simulator

Stop that! It’s silly!

What the hell was this? Sport dating… as in dating sports… After dating pigeons, cats, bunnies, monsters… eh, why not? It could be fun, I thought. It could be wacky, I thought. Well, it was wacky alright, so forcefully wacky that it wasn’t much fun at all. My Dream Sport Dating Simulator is a comedy game, but my god, I don’t think I laughed once.

You’re a sport(!) and you enroll the school for sports to become the next big thing. Then you meet others and hilarity ensues :| That’s it. That’s the story. Except, I didn’t find it very hilarious. Oh, and this is supposedly a dating sim. Well, there’s no dating either. There are 7 characters you can interact with and they will react positively or not to your choices (so like ‘love points’ in a dating sim), but ‘routes’ are extremely short. To get one ending for a character takes 20-30 minutes. The ‘dating’ consists of random jokes, some references and a lot of 4th wall breaking. You also get one mini game per route of varying annoyingness. Actually I loved the 80s training montage and the library one.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Great writing, very funny and witty.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

My Dream Sport Dating Simulator on Steam

Shoujo City

Shoujo City

Frequent updates, okay graphics, doesn’t run too laggy.

I just really wish they hadn’t decided to make it a yuri exclusive game in the middle of development. Was kind of excited for the male player/boyfriend feature to come in at some point.

I also think some danimakura mode exclusive features would be nice as well as a system for multiple save files.

It sucks that you have to make a new save to make new characters.

Real player with 321.1 hrs in game

According to v1.0 update ; It add a story mode, a brand new way to play Shoujo City.

Very good concept, required that you have to plan out all activities and routine that you need to do everyday in order to complete certain objectives and criteria which is needed to win a game. Objectives including paying your apartment’s rent, achieving academic score over average (50 Points) and most vital is excessing your waifu’s affection point (150 Points).

Looking forward to more updates and features that’s yet to come in the future.

Real player with 57.1 hrs in game

Shoujo City on Steam

A Warmer Shade of Summer

A Warmer Shade of Summer

I decided to try out this because its free to play and seemed somewhat interesting wile I also like visual novels. I can say that I did enjoy the time i spend playing (please don’t mind the 18 hours, I left it running in the background) however I can still say it wasn’t the most interesting thing I’ve seen. There’s a pretty linear story line for the majority of playthrough but does still have branching pathways. For the price of free though, I’d say it’s worth your time if you like stories that aren’t quite what they look like on the surface. It’s also a pretty short play if you aren’t looking to sink fifteen hours into a single visual novel.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

I have very mixed feelings on this game. Truthfully, even as I write this I don’t know whether to recommend this game or not. I suppose it’s partially my bad for missing some of the warnings but either way, it’s definitely a complicated reaction (pun not intended). The game goes far darker than even the warnings would lead some to believe. I enjoyed many of the characters, the story, the art. But I find myself leaving very unsatisfied. A comparable game DDLC, visual novel that tries to look innocent but is very dark under the surface, does one thing better in my opinion… there’s a “True” ending. in this game, there’s essentially one ending with slight variations, always leading to consequences so dark and tragic I find myself not enjoying the game as much. There are even some obvious signs it’s going that direction, or choices you aren’t offered that would’ve helped fix it (ex: protag leaving the bags in the garage knowing he could’ve thrown them out before going out.) The other “ending” is a perfect wholesome ending, but knowing the game essentially berates you, questioning if it’s okay to take the happy ending if it’s just a dream, I’m left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. There are lots of things to love about this game, and I think it touched on some very interesting themes with the characters and story, but a the end of the day it kind of ends with a “I want you to be sad, because that’s a better ending” style of ending. Forgive me for wanting more I guess.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

A Warmer Shade of Summer on Steam

Better Boyfriend

Better Boyfriend

This is a cute time killer game. I play it while I play mt cell phone games. I am hoping for the Devs to add more to it like shopping for house hold items, a date night, and to be able to talk to my BF. Some trading cards would be nice too! 4.5/10

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

At a Glance

| (Adult) Content | No. |

| Censorship | Not applicable. |

| Hours of Gameplay | One hour. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | No. |

Better Boyfriend is a game about getting your lazy-lazy boyfriend to make your bed without telling him to. Sounds like my childhood.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Better Boyfriend on Steam

Felix Jumpman

Felix Jumpman

This could be an excellent game, but the dev dropped the ball on the main aspect of the game. Felix Jumpman revolves around jumping from one asteroid to another… and by some reason they decided that the jump will be done automatically.

I mean… I was hoping that you’d have to calculate your acceleration to not under or overshoot and become stranded in space. Maybe the gravity would change every level, according to the planet’s gravity? According to each asteroid size? But no. You look to the asteroid and press space and there you go. Take off and land automatically. Boring.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Very simplistic game with no depth to it whatsoever.

The idea is fun and intesting for about 10 minutes at which point you have seen enough of it, learned how it works and are waltzing through the levels with ease.

It’s one of these “run to the goal before time runs out” kinda games in which you jump from asteroid to asteroid in search of your ship’s missing parts to leave the level before your oxygen runs out. That’s it. There is nothing else to it.

While this may be fine for people who look for a way to burn a bit of time every now and then, players who look for a challenge will find themselves to be disappointed. There is nothing new to see in this game you didn’t already see during the first 5 minutes of gameplay. In other words, unless you like the core gameplay of this game A LOT, it will get boring REALLY fast.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Felix Jumpman on Steam

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload

Kiss Upload is a futuristic-themed romance visual novel. It features four involved story paths with even more outcomes.

You play as Tobias, who begins the story in present time, living a below-average life on his own. After receiving a flyer from the owner of an innovative company, Tobias decides to participate in a life-changing science experiment which would land him 500 years in the future. That is, if all goes according to plan.

In Kiss Upload, you can choose between three female and one male love interest. Each are connected to various sides of a conflict. Will you take the side of the FBI? Or will you side with a robotics engineer who calls herself a mad scientist? Maybe you’ll fall for a cute robot. The choice is yours.

Kiss Upload on Steam

Lovers of Aether

Lovers of Aether

The Government is under a lot of pressure from gamers to pull out something new and amazing, due to the poor performance of Steam. The platform isn’t that exciting at the moment, so the pressure is on for global politics to be something special. Luckily, Steam and Microsoft are doing everything they can to get Steam-based gaming systems into the living room, and sometimes they even publish games like Lovers of Aether to try and do so. Lovers of Aether has arrived with almost no publicity and now the final build is ready for review.

Real player with 771.9 hrs in game

There are elaborate April Fools’ Day jokes, but making an entire dating – er, FRIENDSHIP simulator for April Fools’ Day, complete with a credits song, is several cuts above what is even remotely normal.

Seriously, what the heck?

As a joke game, this certainly doesn’t take itself overly seriously, and yet at the same time, it has about the same production values – if not somewhat better production values – than your average visual novel, even if it is quite short.

You are a student at Aether High, and tonight is the HOMECOMING DANCE. And you don’t have a date yet! Fortunately for you, there are twelve characters in this game for you to chat up and try to befriend in the homes of getting in their good graces and going to the dance with them.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Lovers of Aether on Steam