Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~

Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~

It’s a really cute parody of American elections. But this game will be intersting even for those who are absolutely not into politics. I was so excited to play it being a great cat lover. We can hear those cats purring in the game which is so relaxing and enjoyable! Unfortunately I can’t say the same about barking sounds but even they helped to create a general nice atmosphere of the world ruled by cute animals because people became too corrupted. I find it so adorable that the photos of real cats are used. DJ Nibbles looks especially cute for me! Plus in every route there’re amazing cat pictures on the walls. It was a real pleasure for my eyes to play through this novel!

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Politics Games.

Tries to be Catoful Boyfriend, but doesn’t quite get there. A big part of why Hatoful Boyfriend works so well is that it starts with a one-note joke, but gradually reveals a complex story structure and lore, ending with a (probably well-spoiled by now) plot twist and genre shift. Cat President starts with a one-note joke and never strays far from it, so if you don’t find the idea of talking cat politicians inherently funny, it’ll get old really fast.

It’s a visual novel with no gameplay, and the choice structure is very simple (pick a cat, make some choices along a linear plot and have a sound effect tell you if you chose correctly, then reach one of three endings based on how many correct choices you made). Your choices basically don’t affect anything but the ending, so replaying involves skipping a lot of text, and the correct choice indicator should have been optional, because although it takes some of the frustration out of finding the good endings, it takes some of the fun out of it, too.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~ on Steam



In times of quarantine and inability of people to travel, we want to introduce digital tourism opportunity for people to experience a digital trip to a fantasy world Japan.

Visit the iconic Shibuya suburb of Tokyo, walk at atmospheric Japanese street markets, immerse into a new culture and other people’s way of living.

Famous areas of Tokyo and Kyoto, sky scrappers, capsule hotels, traditional Japanese food, Karate

Japan is a very beautiful diverse country and showing it fully would be impossible, but we gathered a lot of famous things about Japan, and compelled it into a short action packed tourist adventure videogame, making a tribute to the culture we love.

Read More: Best Dating Sim Nudity Games.




To be honest, through all my playtime of this game I noticed how inferior the actual GTAV was to this masterpiece. Firstly, this game is extremely cheap compared to the still expensive GTAV. I can even buy copies of this game for all my friends and it would only cost a fraction of the actual GTAV. Secondly, this game is extremely accessible to all computers unlike GTAV with its high PC standards to not have your eyes burn. Thirdly and lastly, NotGTAV shares all other aspects of GTAV such as the nudity, gore, police chases, story, etc. In the end, I realized that I wasted money on the actual GTAV when I could have got this game for far much cheaper and with more playablility. Thank you NotGames for bringing all this enjoyment!

Real player with 129.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Memes Games.

  • Quirky, endearing soundtrack; good for keeping a goofy smile on the player’s face as they play through the abstract experience

  • Audio design, both sounds and voiceovers, is infectiously charming and funny

  • Hand-drawn visuals fit the rest of the game like a glove; adds immesurably to the droll atmosphere

  • Gameplay boils down to obstacle avoidance, timing, and tail management; mechanics are simple, but the difficulty increases gradually, just enough to keep one on one’s toes

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

NotTheNameWeWanted on Steam

Romeo Must Live

Romeo Must Live

TL;DR: I can’t recommend this game due to the price versus the content, especially in the realm of the offered sexual content. If you’re here expecting porn, you’re going to be disappointed. 4 sex scenes with only 1 image per scene and lackluster dialogue during the sex scenes. Given the price tag, you’re way better off searching elsewhere for an erotic experience. If the “Lewd Romeo and Juliet” aspect sounded interesting to you, 3 out of the 4 sex scenes are with unique characters not from the original work, and the last is Juliet.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Short, fun and charming game. You wont find anything too deep or ground breaking story here, but the drawing is nice enough, music is fitting, enough choices for you to put in personality of Romeo. For the price, it is good enough. Though if author want to make more of VN may I suggest put a portrait of the character down next to to text so we can observe the change in facial expression.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Romeo Must Live on Steam

Santa’s Big Sack

Santa’s Big Sack

Perfect game to play at a relaxed evening during the Christmas holidays… at least if you like to read & relax, because there is no real interaction in the game. Great music in Christmas theme and also the graphics are pretty cute and nice. There are two choice nice or naughty, but not many difference when you replay the story, only a few sentences. No explicit things, but the sexual concept of this game is very unique, various and friendly…

3 hours to finish it…

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Would you be happy to let Santa himself “come (sic) inside?” If you answered yes, then this game might be right up your street.

The jolly intro-ho-ho

Yule log into this game as Rudy Noel, freshly hired full-grown human assistant to St Nick himself, charged with mediating disputes between elves and preventing reindeer from forming a union – although “forming unions” could be considered to be the main aim of the protagonist throughout.

After all, you may truly find a piece on earth that Santa really does jingle all the way in, or you might prefer to pa-rum pum pum pum with Mrs Claus' very own nutcracker. And let’s not forget the opportunity to exchange your chipolata for a snow-person’s carrot. Really, I’d have thought it would have been more seasonal to give the poor thing a parsnip..

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Santa's Big Sack on Steam

Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise

Quick and punchy like a 2 minute punk song. Tequila Sunrise isn’t an inventive VN, but its humor and brisk moving narrative held my attention the entire way. Personally I think the game is better without the patch… because the patched scene is a mortifying read.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

I’m kinda hooked on the trailer of the song, although it is short but there is beauty of this VN game

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Tequila Sunrise on Steam

Sexy President

Sexy President

A nonsensical visual novel. It has some (very few) cute/ engaging moments yet, all in all, I’m not satisfied with the whole experience. In hindsight, I should have called it quits very early in the game, so I could keep some interest/ esteem on it; now I’ve finished it, and it’s vexing how it all turned out.

Rating: Quirky visual style (sometimes nice, even adorable, sometimes grisly or flat-out hideous), adequate music and some groans and moans on the audio department. It tries to be porn, but it’s not alluring, tries to tell a story, but it’s not interesting enough. BTW, characters are (usually) not as repulsive as you would expect ‘em to be, so that’s a plus.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Definitely the hardest I’ve laughed and the hardest I’ve gotten playing a game this year. 5/5 votes, would vote again.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Sexy President on Steam

MetaWare High School (Demo)

MetaWare High School (Demo)

I found this game through a video of Alpha Beta Gamer and decided to watch it out of pure boredom. I stopped at about 15 minutes in because I was enjoying the dialogue and jokes so much I decided to experience the game myself without any spoilers.

All the characters have great designs and are very likable,

! even some of Nari’s lines made me smile and relieved me of some of the tension built up from the unknown.

The game has 10 different endings, and the true ending for getting the other endings. They’re not too hard to get and if you get stuck there’s a great guide which tells what you need to select.

! The dancing ending is the best one though.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world’’ - Gautama Buddha

What a deep quote huh? Definitely not the kind of words you’d expect to use for an opening to a review for a ‘demo’ but then again MetaWare High School (Demo) is not your typical demo. It begins innocently as a multi-character VN each with their own unique personalities to provide the Reader with some depth and variety during the first of many playthroughs. It then gradually morphs into a mesh of dark humour, philosophical ramblings & sardonic irony truly hooking the Reader into this multiple choice branching of five High School females who curiously try to interact with the Reader after discovering his/her presence.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

MetaWare High School (Demo) on Steam

International Affairs

International Affairs

What can I say, this game is flamin hot! Pretty sure I almost p’d myself laughing, and the graphics are tight. Well f*****g done.

In conclusion, this fire game easily deserves 10 out of a possible 10 snacks on the snack-o-meter, and that’s a Chester McCheese guarantee.

Real player with 104.4 hrs in game

Crude but hilarious

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

International Affairs on Steam

Vengeful Heart

Vengeful Heart

Great cyberpunk VN with a heavy, HEAVY emphasis on the ‘punk’, Vengeful Heart was a brisk, thrilling read! The aesthetic was great, the music is great, the whole novel is criminally underrated. The plot is exactly what I was hoping for and even more pulse-pounding than I expected. It’s not perfect - a couple of the plot beats fell a little flat, like Little Jimmy and the two romantic options' jealousy - but overall it was a worthwhile read.

Don’t pass this one up!

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

What Am I in For?

Vengeful Heart (VH) is a visual novel set in a futuristic dystopian world. The game is purely a reading experience, with only one choice players make close to the very end of the game. Outside of megacities, life is very difficult due in large part to the lack of water and heavily polluted desert sands. Players follow the story of a hydraulics engineer turned activist leader by the name of Josephine Lace, formerly employed by Nepthys, the largest water company in an unnamed city. She ends up losing both her home and job, then soon after begins her crusade against the many injustices her former boss slowly enacted over the course of the story.

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Vengeful Heart on Steam