Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2

Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2

King Alexander XI is dead, and without heir.

Your parents want you to be that heir. Luckily for you, there’s totally an ancient tradition for electing a new ruler in times like these: simply lock eight children of royal blood (or the closest thing) in Castle Elsinore, complete with the ghosts of past rulers, and let them manipulate the living heck out of each other and the local population! Two shall rise above the rest: King and Queen (or Queen/Queen, King/King, King/Nobody, Queen/Nobody)! Everyone else that is still alive gets to go home! It’s a win-win for everyone (except those that died)!


  • Interact with eight different potential royal candidates! Sabotage or help them!

  • Decide what skills you want to learn as a potential ruler!

  • Part strategy, part dating sim, all royal bloodbath! This is more a dating sim than an election sim, though.

  • A variety of paths to go down, depending on what you do in the game! Who do you romance? Who do you backstab? Who do you romance and then backstab?

  • Invading armies? Political debates? It’s all in here!

  • Direct continuation of the story started in Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?, but completely separate from Furry Shakespeare and Dinosaur Shakespeare! Telling you why would be spoilers. Also, just a perfectly good stand-alone story!

Read More: Best Dating Sim Strategy Games.

Paper Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? 2 on Steam

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This game was a lot of fun, the way the characters play off of one another. Only issue I saw was that the character arcs were too short, ending just when things got interesting. I wanted more; lots more.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Romance Games.

Cookie Store on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

So this game is a ride! One that you realize is going to go crazy about 15 mins. into it. I’ll not spoiler anything, other than to say Its definetly different. I’ve no idea why the author took the story in the direction they did. And it left ALOT of unanswered questions about what happened to everyone from the original game! Questions I was not expecting a sequel to bring up, and all the usual questions you would expect some answers from in a sequel. No Answers given, just unexplained mysteries. This one created alot of loose ends, which i absolutely cant get into cause spoilers! but grrrrrrrrr I so wana ask why what and how now!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Romance Games.

Dementia the game! (A Friend bought me this game)

The plot is super confusing and all over the place but none the less sort of all makes sense at the end,.its 4 am so i mean i’m tired as heck but yea it was an overall weird? decent experience or something. Breaks the 4th wall a couple of times and has some humor in their like dragons going to space even though they have wings and can fly.


Wyatt is a sweet heart best character in the game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls?

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls?

Probably one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I laughed, I wept, I mourned. I will never forget the impact this wonderful game had on my life.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

I wondered why this game only had but a single review. I wondered if I would enjoy dating Cat Girls, when I myself prefer Dog Boys. I wondered a lot as I played it, what it was that I was reading? I wondered who I was supposed to be. I wondered if I was really trying to date one of these people, Or was I trying to solve some mystery here, Or just survive some mind twisting Thing…?

I still dont have any answers to any of that, but I do know there are now two reviews for this game. And I know I’ll walk down all its different paths until I figure out just exactly what it is I have read. or come to the end of the last one and realize that there is just me at the end of it all, wondering….

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls? on Steam

Beach Games - holidays flirt game - find love or have fun

Beach Games - holidays flirt game - find love or have fun

your Life Is Like A Fairy Tale…

You worked hard on your internet startup for the last few years. The dating site you created turned out to be a spectacular success, and you became a millionaire youngster…

Well deserved and long awaited vacations are finally here!

Women adore you and every single one of them wants your attention…

Using your dating site you have invited several beautiful girls to spend the holidays with you…

Now it’s time to fight for their favors…

Have Fun, Flirt, Use Life to the Fullest.

You are an exceptional guy who likes to play with fate.

Get the women to like you and you won’t regret it.

Be nice to them, do what they ask you to do and the will gladly spent pleasant time with you.

Get All Of them Or Choose the One and Only…

Every girl is different… Every girl has a secret… Every girl has that something that keeps attracting you…

Get to know all of them. Who are they? What do they like? What are their hobbies?

The time you will spend on the island will be filled with fun and games. The beach, the sand, the warm sea. All of this favours physical activity. Explore the island and learn its mysteries.

Play beach games and every win will increase your status and arouse girls' admiration of you.

After each win a pleasant surprise awaits you. You can count on an exotic dance, massage or a romantic evening in a beach cabin.

Although women like you a lot they still require your adoration. Be kind to them, fulfill their wishes and they will return the favor. Remember that women have their mood swings.

Be nice to every girl you meet or focus on a single chosen one. Your behaviour and choices determine girls' moods and actions.

Innocient flirt will become a real date before you know it. Take her to the beach bar and make her a delicious drink. Dance together to the tropical beats. Forget yourselves by the fire on the beach.


Meet girls - The time you will spend on the island will be filled with fun and games. The beach, the sand, the warm sea. Explore the island and learn its mysteries.

Play to win - Play beach games! Every win will increase your status and arouse girls' interest.

After each win a pleasant surprise awaits you. You can count on an exotic dance, massage or a romantic evening in a beach cabin.

Flirt - Although women like you a lot, they still need your attention. Be kind to them, fulfill their wishes and they will return the favor.

Date - Innocent flirt will become a real date before you know it. Take her to the beach bar and make her a delicious drink. Dance together to the tropical beats. Forget yourselves by the fire on the beach.

Get the girl of your dreams - Be nice to every girl you meet or focus on a single chosen one. Your behaviour and choices determine girls moods and actions.

Beach Games - holidays flirt game - find love or have fun on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

When it comes to Fantasy Visual Novel Dating Sims, I put this up there near the top of the list. The storyline is good, the characters have depth, and there is good emphasis on interaction.

If you looking for a X-Rated Visual Novel, look somewhere else, cause this story does not have that, nor does it need it. This means you are safe to play it without concerns about someone looking over your shoulder at the wrong time ;)

I wish more games like this existed, and am excited to see what the developer comes up with next.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

I really enjoyed this game. It was a short sweet “adventure” to another place. There are a few typoes that im sure will be caught and fixed in the next couple of days / weeks (i litteraly bought this on release so it is to be expected.) Other than that i cant think of anything that came off poorly.

On the positive side, all of the characters were interesting. The conversations were believable and managed both to move the story line and flesh out the character you are interacting with. When I finished the game, i was left with the sense that i really had gotten to know a bit of everyone. The only thing that could have made this better was of course MORE!!!!! lol but honestly thats the way I always feel when I’ve finished an enjoyable book of any sort.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! on Steam

Adorable Crush

Adorable Crush


A mix between dating sim and match 3 game. It looks like it was inspired by HuniePop. Nice characters, definitely worth a try.

Achievements doable, but partially annoying and exhausting. (High Skill Achievement)


Adorable Crush takes place in Cyberspace.

To be more precise: You are registered at an online/cyberspace dating platform.

You meet some girls, talk to them, learn about their (dis)likings, their attitude and try to get laid.


The user interface looks well made to me. Controls are convenient.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

At first glance this may seem like a Huniepop clone &, well…it is really. If you’ve played Huniepop or any other clone game like it then you can play this game immediately as it has the same premise & mechanics so you can get through this thing without much trouble, its easier then Huniepop in that theres fewer girls woo & screw & in some cases you can complete a date by using only one or two date gifts. Some of the things I want to point out are when you first go to sara the interaction between her & hina is funny in that hina asks “what are you reading? Twilight breaking wind?” Which is a comedy spoof film of twilight & I’m guessing that in the far east they might not know that breaking wind means farting so its probably a lost in translation thing on their part, theres two dates gifts called clover & firecracker which are both useful but they have their names mixed up as the clover is called firecracker & vise versa & should be switched around, also, theres one called “orange magic fruit” which looks suspiciously like Ace’s devil fruit the flame flame fruit from One Piece, I don’t know if its an easter egg or an honest mistake or what but they should probably change the name for copyright reasons. When you get all the undies from the girls you have to change the level setting yourself to hard to get the night hunter achievement, I thought that once you unlocked hard mode it switched automatically like in Huniepop but no & if your inventory is full you can’t buy anything else which is a pain because it hinders your completion so you can’t get the girls drunk or find things out about them which is something that should be changed to make things better. If your into gratuitous anime T & A then definitely go for this.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Adorable Crush on Steam

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date?

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date?

I guess I am one of the first reviews and I can see why. This game is not worth the asking price.

The game is pure nonsense. The self-awareness jokes are out of place and completely random.

There is no pacing, at all. The game is unnecessarily obtuse and convoluted in almost every facet of its writing and aesthetic. All of the clashing elements, which feel intentional, do not function well together and make the game incredibly difficult to follow or mentally gel together. The designs of the characters do not factor into their personality or habits at all. They don’t even seem to have a point or theme behind them. Beyond their interpersonal conflicts with each other, they are just “wacky and random” much like the game itself.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? on Steam

Paradise Beach Girls

Paradise Beach Girls

I played this for a couple hours with my husband’s black boyfriend. The first thing that popped at me was slow scrolling text, repetitive music, and spelling errors. There didn’t seem to be any options to change the text speed or music. Also no achievements or cards. The graphics are exactly what you see in the screenshots.

Aside from that, this game is average for this genre, 5/10 IF you get it on sale. I only give it a thumbs up because this is playable and there is worse stuff out there.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Paradise Beach Girls on Steam