Romeo Must Live

Romeo Must Live

TL;DR: I can’t recommend this game due to the price versus the content, especially in the realm of the offered sexual content. If you’re here expecting porn, you’re going to be disappointed. 4 sex scenes with only 1 image per scene and lackluster dialogue during the sex scenes. Given the price tag, you’re way better off searching elsewhere for an erotic experience. If the “Lewd Romeo and Juliet” aspect sounded interesting to you, 3 out of the 4 sex scenes are with unique characters not from the original work, and the last is Juliet.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Nudity Games.

Short, fun and charming game. You wont find anything too deep or ground breaking story here, but the drawing is nice enough, music is fitting, enough choices for you to put in personality of Romeo. For the price, it is good enough. Though if author want to make more of VN may I suggest put a portrait of the character down next to to text so we can observe the change in facial expression.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Romeo Must Live on Steam

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy

I’ve played it through twice. Its got good player interaction for a VN. It also has good character development (as deep as you can get in less then 2 hours), my complaint is that game gives us a variety about Imperial and other factions, but you give no information about them. A few blurbs of imagination that has already gone into the game would help players except the characters be more real. I don’t mind invisible histories, but I nice blurb about them can a long ways towards making a player more sympathetic to them.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Nudity Games.

It’s not bad at all but there are better options out there.

I’m really on the fence when it comes to giving this game a bad review. Here’s some points that stood out that led me to my negative review.


-The writing is pretty decent.

-Characters react in a realistic way to what you choose to answer.

-The character models are good, although with only 5 people ever depicted in game, that’s to be expected.

-The world and characters are actually flashed out a bit, which is rare for such a cheap and short game.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Space Bar at the End of the Galaxy on Steam

Confessions at Candlewood Lake

Confessions at Candlewood Lake

As I hoped, a new VN in the Line of These London/Bostonian Girls,

Yes I DO recommend it, as I do the Others. The Others Being Bahamian Rhapsody, Colorado Cocoa Club and Detective Rosie Morgan and Life Can Be Amazing, I recommend Playing them In this Order,

This one Involves The Ex girlfriend of Detective Rosie,, Jessie.

It is mentioned by Rosie’s best friend and co worker while at the Pub that, If you get the Lucia Ending, that Lucia

meets Jessie. Rosie’s Doctor friend says to “Stop pining over Jessie,, that’s long gone. " or close to that.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Sexual Content Games.

Boring, Boring Boring… Did i forget to mention that this game is boring…

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Confessions at Candlewood Lake on Steam

My Days with the Demoness

My Days with the Demoness


After losing his best friend, a fellow college student, Asaki Tomohiro, turned to the NEET life, and began obsessing with the idea of creating a portal to another world. One day, he managed to finish the prototype and upon testing it for the first time, caused quite the accident; the device brought a girl into this world, who introduced herself as the daughter of a demon lord in her own world, Nero Ei Vixonni.

With the prototype broken and trapping Nero in this world. Asaki promised to fix it; but with a catch - he’d have to do it in just one and a half months. However in the mean time, Nero refused to owe anything to a human, so she promised to help Asaki with his miserable life. As time ticks on, what hijinx with Asaki and Nero find themselves in? And will Asaki successfully return Nero to her world? What challenges lay ahead?

Find out in this rom-com visual novel!


  • Interesting story with multiple endings

  • More than 5 hours of playtime

  • +20 magnificent CG illustrations planned

  • +15 unique locations, set in modern urban Japan

  • +15 original soundtracks planned

  • Available on Windows, Mac and Linux


My Days with the Demoness on Steam

My Furry Dictator 🐾

My Furry Dictator 🐾

Overall, this game was a 7/10. The art and amount of variety in both characters and scenery was greater than in My Furry Neighbor, and I appreciate that. However, this game was severely limited by it’s story, which was quite frankly terrible. It focused too heavily on the structure of Corissa’s Government, and what the main cast would be eating that day. also, it still lacked meaningful choices on the users end. I had hoped that you would be able to choose to stay in Corissa, or return to the US, or pick between the two girls. But, this game wasn’t necessarily bad, I would just recommend My Furry Neighbor over it. I mean, this game did still have tits in it.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

the furries are taking over me, I need a psychiatrist NOW, wait a minute, I regularly go to the psychiatrist, because… I’m… A… D… H… D…. ADHD , very sad times… just BUY NOW!!!!! Paloma drives me crazy sometimes, WE ARE NOT OUR BOYFRIENDS Okay? JUST FRIENDS

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

My Furry Dictator 🐾 on Steam

White Flower

White Flower

anime girls

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

White Flower on Steam

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game

This game looks unfinished, big time! It has so many flaws that I can’t even know where to start. Gameplay is awful. The whole idea of the game is great (and it’s built on an awesome franchise) but it feels… slow. Really! It’s a SLOW car game, and not in a good way. I know it’s aimed for kids mostly (I actually play it with mine, the only reason I bought this thing) but yet, I cannot avoid yawning a couple of times once I get into a straight part of the circuit… soo slow.

Immersion is next to not existent. Sounds effect aren’t there (engine’s noise anyone?) Again: yawning. And I don’t want to even begin to talk about the scenarios. The tracks themselves are ok but… yet again, this is NOT FINISHED. One of the tracks has this big stands for spectators… and even though there are a couple of NPCs there it feels so EMPTY. Who would want to go and watch a boring slow race anyways?

Real player with 126.0 hrs in game

What can I say about the 571B Banana Slicer that hasn’t already been said about the wheel, penicillin, or the iPhone…. this is one of the greatest inventions of all time. My husband and I would argue constantly over who had to cut the day’s banana slices. It’s one of those chores NO ONE wants to do! You know, the old “I spent the entire day rearing OUR children, maybe YOU can pitch in a little and cut these bananas?” and of course, “You think I have the energy to slave over your damn bananas? I worked a 12 hour shift just to come home to THIS?!” These are the things that can destroy an entire relationship. It got to the point where our children could sense the tension. The minute I heard our 6-year-old girl in her bedroom, re-enacting our daily banana fight with her Barbie dolls, I knew we had to make a change. That’s when I found the 571B Banana Slicer. Our marriage has never been healthier, AND we’ve even incorporated it into our lovemaking. THANKS 571B BANANA SLICER!

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars 2: The Video Game on Steam

Shades of Sakura

Shades of Sakura

It took me a while to decide to purchase this game due to its unusual puzzle mechanic. I am glad that I finally decided to try it.

The Puzzles

Although some took many tries to solve, none of the 30 puzzles ever became frustrating. This physics-based mechanics seems to be very well matched to the pace and art style of this game. Further, there seem to be many ways of solving the individual puzzles. I tried multiple methods on each and they worked (or failed) in a logical way. Having an adaptable game engine like this is quite fascinating.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Although it is a Hentai game, My personal experience with it is quite surreal. The art wasn’t the best, but it was plenty enough. The moaning is sort of half-assed, though. You could hear that the moan wasn’t deep, nor was it passionate. Other than the fact that it was an empty moan, the moan lacks a massive amount of timbre. One thing i was puzzled by was the inexcusable fact that i didn’t even get horny once, instead i spent more time trying to figure out some of the levels the puzzle had and reading the dialogue. In my personal opinion, i loved the illustrations they selected for the background. The BGM wasn’t all that bad, but it gets pretty sour once it passes the 30-minute mark. But using the journey of a samurai as the story was a very interesting change of pace that left me baffled. It’s definitely not the best game ever. However, it’s fair to say i’m very much satisfied, and i have gotten my money’s worth.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Shades of Sakura on Steam

Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise

Quick and punchy like a 2 minute punk song. Tequila Sunrise isn’t an inventive VN, but its humor and brisk moving narrative held my attention the entire way. Personally I think the game is better without the patch… because the patched scene is a mortifying read.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

I’m kinda hooked on the trailer of the song, although it is short but there is beauty of this VN game

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Tequila Sunrise on Steam

Hero by Chance

Hero by Chance


In its current state, I wouldn’t recommend Hero by Chance. I completed the game after three hours of gameplay on the Hard difficulty setting, and then played around with the different combinations of troops and powers for a bit. Was I challenged? No, not really. Was I rewarded? Well, a little bit. There are better games out there, with better gameplay, and better rewards.


Where a lot of these “beat the girl, get to see some b00bs” games tend to overlook the gameplay, Hero by Chance actually has a good game mechanic. You fight the general of the enemy army by sending out troops from your base to their base. Take that base down, you win. They try to do the same. The resources needed for these troops slowly trickle in, so you have to manage your resources. You have one for the summoning of troops, and one for the summoning of powers. Beat a general enough times, and you are rewarded with sex scenes.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Première partie du test en français, second part in english.

  1. Jamais je n’aurais cru un jour pondre un avis sur un jeu de ce type.

Il y a sur Steam beaucoup de puzzle-games simples et ennuyeux, pas cher,

qui se targuent de mettre en avant leur côté sexy alors qu’ils sont tout simplement sans intérêt,

si ce n’est obtenir des trophées steam facilement.

Hero by Chance n’est pas de ce bord-là! Oui c’est un eroge (si on active le DLC), mais il est question aussi d’un jeu avec une histoire simple certes,

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Hero by Chance on Steam