Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator

Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator

What is Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator?



You are Erwin Lemmor and you have been transferred to a TANK School where you meet some tanks in your new class.

Pros and Cons


+An actual proper realistic tank dating simulator!

+The tank models seem to be pretty accurate.

+The story is very interesting and the world building is amazing.

+The game sometimes gives you freedom to choose your dialogue.

+The game makes you feel many different emotions and immersion is guaranteed.

Real player with 1032.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Anime Games.

Last time I reviewed the game was 2 years ago (old review down below) and since then I have grown as a human, or in other words I have played 300 more hours of this game for total of 500+ hours.

Where I once recommended the game, I can now only endorse and praise it. In my previous review I commented upon the various WW2 aspects of the game, but reflecting back on that my review was like a 9gag user reviewing sex positions.

I dont understand how I missed the social critical aspects of this masterpiece. It shows how corrupt and anti proletariat todays governments using clever tactics. The way you play as a young man in a foreign country forced to fulfill his military duty, but instead find yourself in tankgirl filled world, in which no one is willing to explain to you what is going on is a great analogy for how the government is just trying to use and punish us as soon as we make one wrong step. And before you ask, no, I dont just say this because I lost custody over my child for playing this game instead of going to my court appointment.

Real player with 1010.0 hrs in game

Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator on Steam

Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition

Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition

One of the funniest games I’ve ever played from one of the funniest web shows, “Hatfall” has a lot of strong points to offer players:

  • Funny dialogue.

  • The look on your face when you get suckered into getting squashed by anything that isn’t a hat during normal gameplay.

  • Gifts that come every 25 hats collected to ensure the player doesn’t get bored.

  • Funny minigames and screen-changing gimmicks via the Gifts.

  • Unlockable characters; they’re not playable but meant for good visual variety and to help just a little to tell the player apart from the other noobs running around aimlessly with the player.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Action Games.

Where to begin…

From finance management sim to dating sim, this game has it all and pulls each staggering achievement of a level off with stunning complexity and detail. There has been no game that could match the sheer and palpable amount of AWESOME eminating from this single piece of independently financed and painstakingly developed software.

I was skeptical at first, being a high-standing member of the academic community. But after receiving my free product key through my Australian National University Services connection, in order to present to my class of students… well, my mind was made up. I must say, as I mentioned in that same class; ‘Well fuck me sideways, and call me a pig-nosed donkey rapist! SHIT PISS ASS DICK FUCK! etc…’

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition on Steam

Chair F*cking Simulator

Chair F*cking Simulator

Erotic. Sublime. A wonderful experience with which to pass the time.

Chair Fcking Simulator, henceforth known as CFS offers a unique outlook into the lifestyle of sxually uninhibited, potato shaped being. Browsing through profiles on postcards, Potato-Like Man picks one perfect and sexy piece of furniture with which to do the deed.

Friends, let me tell you that I’d been quivering with anticipation up to this point but when the actual act began, ohhh, what art. Potato-man slams his vegetable groin into a variety of sultry seats. Thus far, my most beloved memory was Potato grinding his shapely buttocks (You can do that too in case you don’t feel especially thrusty) into a spitting image of Ol' Sparky complete with blue electric light.

Real player with 357.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Horror Games.

Absolutely my favorite experience that I have ever had with any f**king sim.


The graphics are pretty stellar for a game about chair… buffing. Your character really gives off the vibes that they are the last thing alive in the immersive world, but we’ll get to setting in a moment. Overall, 7/10 in graphics. Great, but I don’t necessarily feel like I’m buffing a chair.


The story is barebones, if there at all, but you can grasp the rough points:

*You are the last living thing that isn’t a chair

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Chair F*cking Simulator on Steam

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator

First of all, I DID like the game. But it was, at the same time, deceiving. I’d give it a 6/10, but if it were the right price, I’d give it a 8.5/10 for sure.

Let’s start with the good things about it: it is a very enjoyable, nice and light game. Most dads are also charming, the art is great, too.

But on the other hand… routes are extremely, extremely short. Takes around 45 minutes to complete each route. Not only that, but the endings are very limited, only having 2 endings, so there’s no room for replaying it to find the rest of the endings. I remember the Official Twitter promised multiple endings per dad. You don’t get to know the characters, and most of the time, it doesn’t really feel like you’re flirting with them. I only got that impression with Damien. It’s like you guys are obviously just friends until the end of the third date where you suddenly kiss and love each other. I was really excited to do Brian’s route, but was very deceived to find that his route is just… being rivals and at the very end kissing. Nothing more. It felt empty and superficial, despite the cute shirtless moment or the final kiss and hug at Amanda’s party. Didn’t feel like a real developing relationship. I think that it wasn’t only because of how short the route is, but because of how it was written as well. You could also have a short route where it does seem like they’re flirting, like Damien’s.

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Played Character Route Order: Damien ◈ Robert ◈ Joseph ◈ Mat ◈ Craig ◈ Hugo ◈ Brian

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator doesn’t really live up to what the store page tells you, nor to most of the positive reviews it received. You’re better off reading positive as well as negative reviews to get an idea of the actual content. I’m not going to say that Dream Daddy is a bad Visual Novel, it’s just not what one might expect at first.

I have mixed feelings about this game, and I can’t deny that I’m slightly disappointed. You see, it was one of those games I was really looking forward to since it claims to be a BxB dating sim. I know it probably sounds stupid, but I usually wait before I purchase a game that I really want, just to build up some more excitement, or to pass time until the game is running properly. The longer I wait, the more I’m actually anticipating the moment when I finally decide to play it. After seeing that this title is so hyped on Steam and YouTube, my expectations naturally grew to an extent where it is almost unavoidable not to feel slightly disappointed now and then. Nevertheless, after figuring out that one year after release was enough time of waiting, I finally started to play it. Alas, it didn’t turn out like I hoped it would.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator on Steam

Faith of Fate

Faith of Fate

This game is very well done! It has so many different levels you can encounter each time you play. So you get a new experience each time you play. There are puzzles inside of each level with some that are really tricky and unique. It is still under development so there are a few bugs that are being worked out, but there is enough game play that is established to make it worth the purchase. You are able to literally decide at almost any given time whether you are fighting with love or hate. The game is adorably created! I got to sit in with the developer while he played this game, and in turn he sat in with me while I played his game. Such a passionate developer he really showcases his talents in this game, and his love for what he is working on. So, in all, if you like puzzles and dungeon crawler types then this game is for you!

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game

The game is good to be a beta, it can improve, I like it, it is entertaining.

Real player with 14.7 hrs in game

Faith of Fate on Steam

Stay! Stay! Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!

Stay! Stay! Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!

went into Stay! Stay! with low expectations and had them exceeded. I didn’t think it’d be much more than a cheap cash grab, but I enjoyed my time more than I thought I would.

There’s still not a lot here as far as gameplay and content is concerned, but what’s there is pretty good. It’s not the best visual novel of its type out there, but it’s definitely far from the worst. The humor and surprisingly unsettling insight into True Best North Korea made this game much more intriguing and entertaining than I would have thought at a first glance.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Ah-ah, he-ey

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Ah-ah, he-ey

Ah-ah, ah-ah

Donald knows

Dirty secrets that I keep

Does Donald know he’s nuking me?

He knows, he knows

D-d-does he know

Another’s hands have touched my skin

I won’t tell him where it’s been

Trump knows, Trump knows, Trump knows

It’s tearing me apart

Kim’s slipping away

Am I just hanging on to all the words Kim used to say?

The pictures on Kim’s phone

She’s not coming home (I’m not coming home)

Coming home, coming home

I know what you did in internment (ah-ah)

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Stay! Stay! Democratic People's Republic of Korea! on Steam

Flix and Chill

Flix and Chill

Flix and Chill is a dating sim where you play in 5 dates, 4 new dates and the original one, wher you try to hook up with the other person. Each date is not that long as you chat with your date and play minigames, depending on which date it is. The choices you make will decide whether or not you will successfully take the other person to another date. This may be choosing an option or doing a minigame.

Though I did find some of them having really shallow reasons to go out with you. Such as the first one only dating you if you give out money. If you do not give a tip out or give a homeless looking man money (which he chimes in even if you have no money). Though I did find it funny that you can get drunk and understandably make the girl mad and another one is based on your attitude throughout the date. All the dates do mirror what dates would actually be (one is arguably not a date but a lead up to one). The only thing I had a problem with, beside some glitchy animations I ran into, was that some minigames did not register a click which made it hard to get an achievement for beating your date in all the games.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

At first I was hesitant tbh, because of the title, Sounded a bit like a tacky hookup game to me.

But come on, I thought, it’s 99 Cents, so I should try it out. And I was happy I did!

I really like the game. It’s interesting and really funny. I like the humor in the details, like the posters

in front of the nightclub, or the Whack a Tuber game. And the startup! Really made me laugh.

The dev had a lot of fun making this game, clearly visible in every episode!

The characters are well written, and each one is unique, and so are the dialogues.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Flix and Chill on Steam

Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star

Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star

Holiday Star is the not-quite-a-sequel, not-quite-a-prequel to Hatoful Boyfriend, the infamous “pigeon dating simulator” that turned out to be so much more than just a lulz-y joke. It takes place in an alternate timeline from the previous game (ignoring the events of what Hatoful players call “the BBL route”), and assumes that the player already has some basic familiarity with the characters.

Most notably from a gameplay perspective, Holiday Star abandons the dating-sim structure of Hatoful Boyfriend in favor of a straightforward visual-novel approach. The player is given a few choices to make over the course of the game, but most of these either advance the plot or result in insta-death, rendering the choices essentially false. In other words, it’s basically what fans of the genre call a “kinetic” (i.e. choice-less) story. This is a game for people who love the characters of Hatoful Boyfriend and just want to tag along with them on some silly holiday-themed adventures, rather than control the story from the driver’s seat.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Unlike the first Hatoful Boyfriend release, which is an otome game, this is more of a Visual Novel style, and much shorter than the first title as well. A bit more linear than the first, but still a great game overall. I’ll try to review this without spoiling anything.


  • Your favourite pigeons (And Hiyoko) return with more vibrant personalities than before! Especially the good doctor… Ho ho ho.

  • The dialogue is just as great as the first title! Still witty and charming!

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star on Steam

Lovers of Aether

Lovers of Aether

The Government is under a lot of pressure from gamers to pull out something new and amazing, due to the poor performance of Steam. The platform isn’t that exciting at the moment, so the pressure is on for global politics to be something special. Luckily, Steam and Microsoft are doing everything they can to get Steam-based gaming systems into the living room, and sometimes they even publish games like Lovers of Aether to try and do so. Lovers of Aether has arrived with almost no publicity and now the final build is ready for review.

Real player with 771.9 hrs in game

There are elaborate April Fools’ Day jokes, but making an entire dating – er, FRIENDSHIP simulator for April Fools’ Day, complete with a credits song, is several cuts above what is even remotely normal.

Seriously, what the heck?

As a joke game, this certainly doesn’t take itself overly seriously, and yet at the same time, it has about the same production values – if not somewhat better production values – than your average visual novel, even if it is quite short.

You are a student at Aether High, and tonight is the HOMECOMING DANCE. And you don’t have a date yet! Fortunately for you, there are twelve characters in this game for you to chat up and try to befriend in the homes of getting in their good graces and going to the dance with them.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Lovers of Aether on Steam

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics

Super Seducer 2 can be seen as an excellent combination between an amusing and interesting game. I find it to be an upgrade of the first game in the Super Seducer series.

The nature of the game is unique in which I cannot simply give a number of reasons to play it based on important game elements.

Game review: Super Seducer 2 is a tutorial game that gives you advice regarding social interaction (usually for sexual or romantic purposes) with as consequence that the topic of story cannot be addressed since there is not a real story but more a series of scenarios with possible instructions. It is up to the player to select an option among multiple ones in order to achieve the goal of the scenario. In these options there are 3 types of answers: the correct ones, the bad ones (they are incorrect but they do not stop the scenario) and the dead ones (which put a complete stop to the scenarios). The last category has obvious examples and thus it is not unlikely that the player would wish to explore those choices which is proof that the makers do not take themselves too seriously, which would otherwise make the FMV games less pleasant. I found the game to be a good source of information and of memorable laughter so I would really advise to players to play it if they either seek council for social interaction or if they simply want to test their knowledge and have fun with it.

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Super Seducer 2 is finally out on Steam!

This game try to expand the first one, so i give a brief description of Super Seducer.

Like the first game it’s a “dating simulator”. The structure of the game is very simple.

In the main menù you can choose between various chapters.

Each chapter is a movie with a real life possible scenario in which you meet women.

In this movie there are some interruptions in which you have to choose between various

possible action or responses. After your decision the next scene will be influenced by your action.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics on Steam