Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?

Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date?

So far I’m having a great time, clever writing, the art is very good, and I’m enjoying the premise. A more substantial review will come later but I wanted to leave a quick endorsement!

Real player with 24.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Comedy Games.

Bought this for the dinosaur mod. Worked out so far for me. I wrote a much longer review but it wasn´t sent so I keep it short…

All together:


  • Game has really well drawn characters (in my case dinosaur mod)

  • You get to know other characters ask them questions and eventually date them (was dancin´ with my fav. dinosaur a few times)

  • If you are into that dinosaur / creature stuff this is a really good VN for the pictures and the conversations

  • Sound effects and musik are good, and at least at the beginning it feels like someone´s taking you on a hand and helps

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Paper Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date? on Steam

New Town Needs Tamer

New Town Needs Tamer

Become a champion tamer for a newly formed town, full of people eager to meet you.

Settle down into the tamer life, going out on adventures to tame all kinds of creatures and becoming acquainted with the people of the town.


  • A number of creatures to tame.

  • 3 Alternative looks for each creature, plus 2 color schemes for each.

  • 12 Dateable characters.

  • 6 Zones to explore.

  • A number of minigame moves for your creatures.

  • Over 300 customization items for your character.

  • 3 Different UI styles for you to choose.

Expect to see more as development continues…

Read More: Best Dating Sim Character Customization Games.

New Town Needs Tamer on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

I do so enjoy these quirky little stories! Oh and I totally am not even slightly biased at all about the cast of this one all being dragons ; p

What can I say if you have played any of the games by Stegalosaurus and enjoyed them, this one will bring you more of what you have enjoyed in the past. Humor? Check! Strange unexpected plot twists? Check! The option to take things seriously and try to make the right choices, or say to Hades and blow it all up on purpose? You bet! Opportunities to meddle in other peoples lives and relationships, while pointedly ignoring your own? lol of course! hmmmm here’s a new one, love triangle???? Well some one does mention the idea…. But I havnt found it yet (although the two who “play” brother and sister would really make for an incredibly confusing one! lmao I can see it now….. but yeah that doesnt happen).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Dinosaurs Games.

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons! on Steam

Love Decision

Love Decision

i really love this game. it has such a great background music (BGM) also its dialogue are amazing. i’ve only been on Valentina’s Route so far… oh man it’s amazing.. i’m crying qwq this game really worth to playing.. although the options that offered are limited in story development but it’s okay you can easily reached the true ending I have bought and played several series from this developer and this one came up with live2D animation system. the visual has improved as well

i’m looking forward to new series…. keep the good work (developer)

Real player with 23.2 hrs in game

Nice game, Nice music. 8/10 - (-1 for “always smiling even if sad”) (-1 for not much decision but i guess its fine since story is amazing)

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Love Decision on Steam

Dawnbreaker - Aeon’s Reach

Dawnbreaker - Aeon’s Reach

I am in love with this game. There was sex, nudity and fun. I do admit that the ladies are cute and sexy, the creators tempt you with sexy outfits and promises of fun. Over all 5 out of 5 Stars, but you have to buy the the +18 patch. This game has so many possibilities. Lets see what happens next…

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Solid Sci-Fi story with a nice Plot twist and sexy girls. :)

Played around 1,5-2 hours for the first ending of three.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Dawnbreaker - Aeon's Reach on Steam

Women of Xal

Women of Xal

This game has so many layers to it… the plot twists… the stakes riding on your decisions! I am in awe. I went through so many ““bad”” endings to get to the ‘true’ good ending but having to work for that ending made it so much more satisfying. Not to mention that the ““bad”” endings still had brilliant content, and I enjoyed playing each time as there are so many different decisions to make. And so many people to woo…. heart eyes

Real player with 31.4 hrs in game

Feminist brain: This is an excellent use of the visual novel format with amazingly complex worldbuilding, distinctive characters who are easy to love (or hate, as the case may be), and while the dream-dropping doesn’t seem to be integrated into the game so far it’s an interesting concept I’d like to see. All in all, I’m very much looking forward to the finished product.

Queer brain: hehe purdy ladies

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Women of Xal on Steam

Cursed Lands

Cursed Lands

An outstanding VN-RPG-quest crossover

I was expecting another bland, unnecessarily dragged out visual novel with uninspired, repetitive missions, but I was taken for a real treat here—kept replaying with different initial conditions (race, job, supporting character branching choice) over and over, enjoying every single play.

Visual Novel (VN) perspective: Story branching is rich and, as general VN WinterWolves titles go, you have an almost immediate option to go back—typically less than half a minute in gameplay, couple minutes or hours in the game world—to the last choice and change it to study other outcomes. I like this unique branching feature—it is like a quick time machine, or a very smooth and synoptic reload action that permits me to change my choice without having to repeat a known portion of play and grind once again.

Real player with 132.6 hrs in game

I bought this game on sale, and I’m glad I did, it wasn’t worth the full price. I bought it because it was created by the same team who did Loren Amazon Princess, a game I loved. It’s unfortunate then, that this game is average at best. There are a few problems I have with this game that I feel affected my enjoyment of the game:

1. Characters/Romance

This is the big one, so i’m putting it first. The characters all had great introductions, and are really interesting. Unfortunately, the game screws this up deeply as it progresses. You don’t get to chose when to talk to the characters, their icon’s pop up when the game decides it’s time for their event to start, so you never truly get to know these characters beyond their surface introduction. The game prides itself on giving you romance options, and even advertises that you can trigger more then one romance scene. It isn’t hard, it’s like the game WANTS you to be a serial skirt chaser, and even when you do trigger these scenes, there’s no build up. Characters will spontaneously confess their feeling for you, claiming they always felt something for you. Your character will reply in kind, but you know this is false. Your POV character never felt anything of the sort, their lying.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

Cursed Lands on Steam

Errant Kingdom (Chapters 0-5)

Errant Kingdom (Chapters 0-5)

I’m at Chapter 3 for now, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish this game so I’ll write my review now.

I can’t not recommend it because the game is beautiful, the characters are nice and diverse, the story is interesting, the writing isn’t boring, the music is fitting. You can choose your character’s gender and race, you can choose your backstory.

But. And this is my one big but - the romances. There are 6 “love interests” out of which 4 are involved with eachother. 2 were a couple that you can help get back together if you so wish and other 2 are implied to sleep together, without a lot of romantic interaction. You have the option to go “poli” with these 2 couples as well as just pick one. I’m not a fan of this - two’s company, 3s a crowd. I always feel like I’m third wheeling when there’s already couples in the game or that I’m breaking them up or butting in where I don’t belong.

Real player with 109.1 hrs in game

I Cannot recommend more highly

Errant Kingdom, by Lunaris Games has easily become one of my favorite visual novels despite its status as an early access game. Yes, the game is still in development, and yes, content for it is still being produced, but what is there is quality. The art is stunning, the story is engaging and mysterious (It takes a good few chapters to finally realize why you are in Novus), the characters are unique and enchanting. I cannot get enough of this game.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Errant Kingdom (Chapters 0-5) on Steam

Leap of Love - Safe Edition

Leap of Love - Safe Edition

Leap of Love is a visual novel with a dash of stat raising, you will follow a story and make choices leading to one of the many good and bad endings of the game. You will have 30 in-game days to do so, resulting in a tight yet rewarding story and playthrough.

During this time you will raise your character’s Prowess, Charm and Knowledge to be able to survive the story and seduce your chosen princess.

Leap of Love is a fantasy game where you play as Kaheroux a frog turned prince by a shady wizard. The catch of that spell is that he needs to find and marry a princess within a month or go back to being a frog.

Luckily for Kaheroux the local king as three daughters and a lovely wife.

So strap on for 30 days of adventures in our fantasy kingdom, may you find love and marry your chosen princess.

  • 4 lovely princesses to seduce

  • 100+ beautiful artworks

  • Full voice acting for the princesses

  • 20+ enchanted locations to visit

  • 42 fun and surprising random events

  • 9 good endings

  • 15 bad endings

  • 20+ achievements

Leap of Love - Safe Edition on Steam

The Princess, the Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart

The Princess, the Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart

If you play with the restoration patch, I’d surely recommend the game.

The story itself is pretty decent, and it has a good quality, yet, I’ll agree with everyone who’s complaining, the normal version is really bad. I don’t know what they were thinking when they decided to bring such an incomplete game. This isn’t one of those eroge that you can easily play without the H-scenes.

With that said… I’ll give a review because I played it with the restoration patch.

First of all:

-If you decide to buy it, do it when it’s like 50% off, don’t even dare to buy this game at full price

Real player with 66.3 hrs in game

Target Audience: Those needing a smile, or want good characters to connect to


While I understand the controversy surrounding the “cut content” dealing with the console versions and the licensed work from Japan, I believe the strength of the game’s core story ends up overcoming that regardless: because it’s a series of characters that are easy to connect to, and touching scenes and moments in the story that end up pushing Stray Cat into a must get in the romantic comedy visual novel pool. Yes, the game may have reasonable line work, alright music, and can be all over the place, but it’s the charm that lifts it to new heights. There’s something down to earth despite some of the super natural elements of the game, and it’s thanks to some EXCELLENT voice acting that the game is able to sell the ridiculous yet emotional elements of the game. I’m going on record that the japanese voice acting is some of the best I’ve heard, especially from Yuuki and Michi. Which by the way, Michi is best girl and no one can tell me otherwise.

Real player with 46.0 hrs in game

The Princess, the Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart on Steam