Top Burger

Top Burger

Top Burger is so much more than a simple simulation cooking game; it’s an experience. Within my near sixty hours of gameplay I have discovered that Top Burger is ascending, when you play this, you automatically became better than anything else in this realm. I’ve played oh so many games on many different platforms, and I must say. There is nothing else like it, it is simply perfect in every way. And with the games very modest price tag, Top Burger is the most bang for your buck in gaming history; even if the game was $60+ I would buy it in a heartbeat! The mechanics, gameplay, character design and even the sound design is phenomenal. Truly, top-notch. Top Burger is oozing with charm and effort. First off: The gameplay . Top Burger’s gameplay is strikingly complex, yet simple. The mechanic of customers becoming impatient is ingenious, it strikes the player with a sense of panic and rush, it also adds much needed difficulty. The inclusion of boosts makes so even gamers of a lower skill can play. The other gamemodes provide a fun distraction aside from the campaign. Second: The characters. The characters are all full with personality, in their demeanor and designs. none of them seem remotely similar to one another, this shows the sheer effort that was pour into every single aspect of this marvelous game. There is also plenty of diversity bin the characters whether it be, race, gander or age. Top burger has plenty of representation for everyone. Third: the sound design. The sound in Top Burger, like everything else, is amazing beyond words. Although the sound track is admittedly small, it makes up in quality. The soundtrack is absolute delight to listen to in every way. It’s catchy, upbeat and even emotional at times. I personally adore the main menu theme. The sound effects complement the on-screen action perfectly, in a way very few games can do. From the completion effect to the error effect it all works together perfectly. Finally: The story. Top Burger’s story may seem simple at first, but to be able to understand the very complex story which is there, you must have a very high IQ much like my self. The game hints at the story with very subtle hints and evidence scattered in the campaign. To write this timeline I had to spend countless hours piecing together the story bit by bit. The timeline begins when you first open up your shop in 1987, after opening you continue to run the restaurant for a couple years. In 1990 you begin expanding with more locations and a more varied menu. In 1992 after you finish expanding your franchise, the restaurant hits peak business with huge daily orders and hordes of customers wanting burgers. But after that, between 1994-2000 is the begging of the downfall of the company. At this point there is a massive lack of customers and orders. To combat this you close most locations and cut the size of your menu, sadly this doesn’t work. In 2006 you file for bankruptcy and close the company. I think that having a sad ending is a good contrast the game’s childish appearance. In conclusion: Top Burger is such an amazing game that is beyond my capability for me to describe. Nothing out there can compere. Thank you for reading and have yourself a good one! :)

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Sports Games.

This game is just a pain. It had potential but ended up being boring. Also, if you try to go fast the game doesn’t keep up with your clicks and it just got me so angry! Tried to get to the end of the game, but it doesn’t even have achievements on steam.

Even with the cheap price I wouldn’t buy it again.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Top Burger on Steam

Sweety Little Witch

Sweety Little Witch

Sweety Little Witch is a “template flip”, that is to say, it’s a “game” that has been produced by copying a game template or using a game construction kit, and changing a few things. In this case it was a game construction kit/template for doing a simple jigsaw puzzle with less than a handful of low res images of Manga art girls. The developer here has done this over a dozen times now:

  • Sweet Halloween

  • My Sweet Ants

  • Mystical Lights

  • Cute Girls Love Books

  • Otaku Club

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Point & Click Games.

Sweety Little Witch on Steam

Love Language Japanese

Love Language Japanese

This game is the hub around which all my other Japanese learning resources revolve. I have apps, books, websites, but progressing through Love Language Japanese is my main objective.

! You play the role of a foreign student who lied on his application to get admitted to a prestigious Japanese school. His lie is found out, but they let him stay on the condition that he passes weekly tests. If you fail a single test, you are expelled from the school and it’s game over. Helpful hint: save your game right before each test. That way if you flunk out, you can easily get back to it to retake the test. It’s kind of like a harem game because there is only one other male character. The women at the school make the game fun and interesting. I did fail one test and got expelled. After that I buckled down and studied my other resources, then came back at a save point before the test and passed it. I’m developing a crush on one of the girls. She may be waifu material for me. The lessons are just right: not too hard and not too easy. You do have to be serious about learning Japanese to enjoy this game. I recommend you get supplemental resources to help you learn your hiragana and katakana. There are two things I don’t like: 1) When I go into settings to turn down the background music so I can listen to pronunciation, the change in the setting doesn’t stay. So I have to turn the music down every time I use the program. 2) Everything is timed. That is understandable for tests, but exercises are also timed. That is counterproductive because I need time to figure things out sometimes. Those minuses aside, I highly recommend Love Language Japanese for the serious weeb or learner of Japanese.

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Nudity Games.

Hello Everyone,

This review will be covering developer Papurika Moe’s first published title, “Love Language Japanese”. In this game, players will have the chance to learn the basic aspects of the Hiragana and Katakana writing systems, along with some rudimentary sentence phrases. With that being said, let’s get this review underway. Hope you enjoy

In the words of our best friend Max “Break a Leg”.

Love Language Japanese Is a visual novel style dating simulator that is focused on teaching the player the basic function of the Hiragana and Katakana writing systems. The game does this by enrolling the player into a twelve-week Japanese course where the player will learn the basic Hiragana/Katakana characters and some basic word/phrases in Japanese. During the first three weeks players will learn the 46 Basic Hiragana and Katakana characters; along with their alternate dakuon (20 characters), and handakuon (5 character) forms). To make things simple, you will learn 142 characters by week 3 in the game. From there, the remaining 9 weeks were spent learning numbers, how to tell time, rudimentary sentence congregation, customary pleasantries, how to ask for directions, how to state your likes/dislikes, and how to give a retelling of daily events. The game gives the player several opportunities to practice with the various materials that you learn through out to course of the game, which is always a nice edition to games that focus on teaching the player a new language.

Real player with 80.1 hrs in game

Love Language Japanese on Steam



Experienced on the Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers.

Full roomscale setup is recommended. Wish I could have tested this out with Vive Trackers to see if the feet move well with those.

So these are real dance lessons where you learn some salsa basics and then more advanced moves. You start out almost painfully slow. The tutorial is just you marching and then testing your balance. You can choose an avatar as well as his or her clothes. You have lots of options, in fact, I kept clicking randomly and never saw a repeat. The instructors change outfits with each lesson.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

looks like it should be a room in VRchat not good enough to be its own game. great idea and you can probably learn something from it but the execution is very bad. It’s not just the sloppy amateur looking graphics. Even the lessons are painful to sit through because the interface is clunky and lacking features.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Salsa-Virtual on Steam

Adorable Witch 2

Adorable Witch 2

















Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

I bought this game for my 4 year old girl because it caught her eye and she enjoys these “pin-pull” puzzle games on the mobile.

She enjoys it, but I dunno about some of the pictures and stuff… seems a bit weird to me, idk.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Adorable Witch 2 on Steam

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics

Super Seducer 2 can be seen as an excellent combination between an amusing and interesting game. I find it to be an upgrade of the first game in the Super Seducer series.

The nature of the game is unique in which I cannot simply give a number of reasons to play it based on important game elements.

Game review: Super Seducer 2 is a tutorial game that gives you advice regarding social interaction (usually for sexual or romantic purposes) with as consequence that the topic of story cannot be addressed since there is not a real story but more a series of scenarios with possible instructions. It is up to the player to select an option among multiple ones in order to achieve the goal of the scenario. In these options there are 3 types of answers: the correct ones, the bad ones (they are incorrect but they do not stop the scenario) and the dead ones (which put a complete stop to the scenarios). The last category has obvious examples and thus it is not unlikely that the player would wish to explore those choices which is proof that the makers do not take themselves too seriously, which would otherwise make the FMV games less pleasant. I found the game to be a good source of information and of memorable laughter so I would really advise to players to play it if they either seek council for social interaction or if they simply want to test their knowledge and have fun with it.

Real player with 51.7 hrs in game

Super Seducer 2 is finally out on Steam!

This game try to expand the first one, so i give a brief description of Super Seducer.

Like the first game it’s a “dating simulator”. The structure of the game is very simple.

In the main menù you can choose between various chapters.

Each chapter is a movie with a real life possible scenario in which you meet women.

In this movie there are some interruptions in which you have to choose between various

possible action or responses. After your decision the next scene will be influenced by your action.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics on Steam

Line Dance Virtual

Line Dance Virtual

Dance like you never have before! Line Dance Virtual transforms your gamespace into a stylish dance club, or honky-tonk, beach party & more! Twist, tap, and glide through 7 dances animated by the professional dancers featured in the Fear of Dancing film. Enjoyment not limited to Virtual world.

  • Shuffid Couple

  • Electric Glide

  • Soul Leader Boy

  • Scoot Bootin' Boogie

  • Copperhead Blvd

  • Loosefoot

  • Woogle

You can now learn from home and join the dance party outside it! Compare to your local dance studio and you’ll realize you will save a ton of time and money (and heartbreak) while starting your new and legendary hobby.

Our professional teachers will explain how movements translate from your virtual to a real world experience. Pause. Slow down. Rewind. Practice. With a level dedicated to dance fundamentals, even those of us with two left feet can learn to check our balance, and get used to dancing in VR, so we can eventually do it in the real world.. and have fun!

Line Dance Virtual on Steam

Tokyo School Life

Tokyo School Life

Go Go Nippon: Take 2, and no half-assing it this time. That’s the feeling I got from this game.

Among the practically nonexistent Japanese-made West-oriented kind of visual novels, this one is unmatched. But even if you know enough about Japan or simply don’t care, you may find it interesting as it has enough to offer to stand on its own feet as a proper visual novel.

But first let me talk about one of the key features of Tokyo School Life, that being the Japanese learning component. It is several steps ahead of Go Go Nippon which simply featured a second text box in a really tiny font where you’d ruin your eyes reading kanji. There was no furigana either. Now you can choose to set the main and auxiliary text boxes (the latter appears in a corner of the screen, can be disabled) to display the language you want, be it English, straight-up Japanese or Japanese written in all hiragana/romaji (don’t do this, seriously). My only complaint here is that furigana is always enabled, it’s actually pretty distracting as your eyes tend to wander towards what they can easily read instead of the complex characters. From a learning perspective, it’s like trying to revise something with the cheat sheet in front of you.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

EDIT 2018: I still reccomend TSL, however after a few years of VN experience I must add: be wary of poor writing, etc.

I bought this novel late at night because I had nothing better to do. I don’t particularly regret my decision, though.

Tokyo School Life is a Visual Novel of the bishoujo variety (It’s basically a dating sim where you choose between several dialogue lines and those affect the girl that falls in love with you).

If you’re here for Hentai, go play a shitty Sakura game. This is an all-ages VN.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Tokyo School Life on Steam

Chinese Parents

Chinese Parents

Chinese Parents is an ultra-lite puzzle RPG. There’s a child, and you schedule activities to develop that child’s characteristics (IQ, EQ, Constitution, Memory, Imagination, Charm and Face). This gives you currency to play a minesweeper-like puzzle, which in turn gives you currency to buy new skills to schedule. Rinse, lather, repeat.

The gimmick behind the game is that, after passing the final high school exam, the game loops and you start with a new kid who gets passive stat boosts based on your success. The boost is fairly modest and is mainly determined by your career path and whether you married your high school sweetheart. But, after playing through a few generations, the stacking gains traction and skills become easier to purchase sooner, leading to a better career later. Just like real life.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

A review for curious non-Chinese speakers:

This is a turn-based game in which the aim is to guide a Chinese kid from birth all the way to the dreaded College Entrance Exam. Along the way, you’ll have to decide which personal attributes to develop (through playing a light-puzzle game), decide what to study, who to hang out with, and try to balance the expectations of your parents with your own happiness (slack off too much and you’ll provoke their ire, study too hard and you could suffer a nervous breakdown).

Real player with 45.4 hrs in game

Chinese Parents on Steam