I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator

I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator

This game, in a mere 100 hours, has taken everything from me…

I have sacrificed everything I know and love, just to look at that colonel smile.

My wife left me with full custody of the kids. My parents no longer talk to me. Im a mere month away from being

Evicted by my landlord. Ive stopped working, just to play this game. This game has ruined my life, but still, I love it. That sweet sweet colonel. The story is Immersive, and a roller coaster of emotions to play through. Ever since helen left me, this has been the one thing that I still find love in. This game shields me from the cold that is this planet. More importantly, the colonel protects me from the world. The sweet colonel. I never needed helen. All I need is right here, flexing his big muscles, making his next exquisite dish, and being the man I always craved.

Real player with 256.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Anime Games.

With stage 5 terminal cancer, the doctors told me it couldn’t be cured. I seen this game come up on my recommended list. I thought to myself “With only hours left to live, I might as well spend my time doing something I enjoy” Starting the game I was filled with immediate joy. The characters were absolutely lovable. The story line has the depth that can only be rivalled by very few AAA titles out there. Every click left me guessing “What’s going to happen next?” and “Will I get to try another one of the Colonels chicken wings of pure ecstasy?” Before I knew it, I was in the kitchen, cooking with the Colonel, helping him create Nan’s potato and gravy. It was absolute bliss!

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator on Steam



A brief review based on first impressions. A complete one will follow up soon.

If you looking for a beautiful and touching love story, you should check this one game asap.

Believe me on this one, you won’t be disappointed.

A big story starts from a friendly conversation on gamedev con, and you’ll be given choices as it unfurls, as well as some kind of “hints” regarding to what to do or what to say. But it’s not only about the dialogs, I was amazed that sometimes you’ll need to look for clues or “active points” right inside of… action area, where our heroes are in the game’s window. Please, do not use guides or walkthroughs, just try and find solutions by yourself. It’s not too hard, and satisfaction is guaranteed.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Great Soundtrack Games.

First when i read the reviews on the store page, I saw that people said they have cried with this game so I thought that there are some deep story or good Characterization in this game but the game doesn’t have a personality of its own. Its not clear that the game wants to tell a real story or wants just a story to play with our emotion. At the first story you see some tips to use on your real life relations but the story itself is far far away from being real, for the second story (which I have real experience in a long distance relationship) the story of game sounds like Hollywood movies and it doesn’t make sense with the tips in the game at all but its the best story in the game and touches some emotions. after all the last story is even the worst one and besides the very very bad story and story telling, its one of the worst P&C games i ever played.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

LoveChoice on Steam

Beach Love Shop

Beach Love Shop

A peaceful game. Perfect to rest your mind and do some click.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dating Sim Anime Games.

I’ll play any time management game… Except maybe for resource one, but this one isn’t it… Anyway! Beach time! First of all, this game doesn’t have resize screen options… I think it was made for a tablet? But it works well on PC.

It starts off slow… So you learn the ropes, etc… There is a time period where you will feel zen like spacing out… UNTIL you get your license! More products? Everything picks up! That’s where the fun began. I managed to get everything unlocked… So proud…

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Beach Love Shop on Steam



My review…the good and the not so good.

first off….it looks AMAZING…WONDERFUL!! the creators sure are on to something and really show you the possibilities of what VR can do and how much better it might get in the future with these type of VR demonstations. I MUCH prefer this type of thing rather than shooting games…because I think someday…people like these creators will perfect things like this even more and make it even more immersive.

the game boots up and you find yourself in a beautiful,comfy, brightly lit apartment of a highrise, and a fun pretty and bubbly girl is sitting there on the couch watching TV. so, this whole thing is basically a short VR technology showoff….this isnt a full experience along the lines of Kanojo. but even at only 12 dollars theres lots here to admire. so if you have a VR headset,why not pick it up. you play darts with her and then go up against her in a VR firefight and then sit at a dinner table with her feeding each other and playing rock paper scissors and then hunt for an envelope. its fun and I LOVE how the apartment changes from daylight to night. beautiful atmosphere.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

I recommend this game for the Dart game, the VR game (yes, a VR game inside of a VR game), and the eye candy. Rock, Paper, Scissors is cute, and a pleasant experience after the work it took to get there. I do not recommend it for anyone that is looking for anything overtly sexual, nor would I recommend it to anyone that is not interested in unrealistically proportioned VR girls. ;)

For the VR game, be prepared to face all 4 cardinal directions, and also prepared to move, duck, and shoot at the same time. I loved that game, if you are patient and keep your head on a “swivel” you can work your way through it easily enough. Darts were pleasant, and almost close to the right actions with a real dartboard, although the virtual distance did not appear to be “regulation,” you are too close! (or was I cheating? “Mei” complained that I was too close, but that might have also been because I was standing really close to her when she was throwing too.) :)

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game


Flower Shop: Summer In Fairbrook

Flower Shop: Summer In Fairbrook

I have to be fair about this game. So I try to play it simple. It is a dating sim or visual novel, whatever term you prefer. It isn’t exactly bad - but it also isn’t quite good either.

The story in short, you and your girlfriend break up at the start of a three month semester break. Your father is upset about you being a slothful , negligent and superficial way of life (what also was the reason your girlfriend was using to coerce you). So he puts you into his car and drives you to your uncle, who is a rural farmer. You have to cope with this, and your uncle … you might fight against those things and befriend other girls, or you see that your dad, uncle and girlfriend might be right and develop some reason.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

My rating: 3 / 10

This game has cute anime graphics, not so bad narrations for a visual novel (but also lack of voice acting), additional bonus in a form of “economic” mini game, and 5 different endings. But that’s unfortunately all that’s good there.

First issue is that the game is very short - you just need a few hours to finish with all the possible endings and all achievements to collect (which are only 5) - after that the game loses any replayability value.

Secondary, the whole relations system that is used for different endings is a little “unnatural”. There are two relationship counters: personal relations (changing based on your dialog choces, and your “characteristics” in areas connected with specific female characters you meet, you raise by just spending time with any specific person. You can max-up all the personal relations quickly, but to get to any relationship ending you need to balance some strange “interconnections” between characters, that depend on some simple numeric thresholds to be reached for the “pair” of characters, after which the ending starts and you cannot stop nor change it in any way (besides loading earlier saves - my advice: save at least once every game week!)

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Flower Shop: Summer In Fairbrook on Steam



So far am enjoying the game even though it has tons of bugs and lacks a lot of content. The characters looks very nice, the environment looks stunning, and the visuals overall are good. For a game rated as mature, it feels not like it. There should be the options to enable adult mode, Example: turn on nudity, etc… It’s funny to see the NPC’s taking showers with clothing on, using the toilet with underwear in place, etc. Quests are hard to complete when there is no guidance, you have to guess what to do or where to look for things most of the time. Car driving isn’t perfect but some what fun. Vehicles get stuck easy on rocks, etc. Characters voices are very badly recorded, sounds like they recorded the voices in a tunnel with echo and each female sound the same. Example: you would expect Vera to have a Russian English accent, Nana to have an English Asian type accent and Emily to speak kind of English British accent. Some weird body quirks animations on the NPCs at times. The game has potential and a lot of room for improvements. I love to support developers when I see a game that can meet my criteria and can lead to a success when we encourage the makers. I have a good feeling this game with it’s idea and concept will evolve to be a very good one. But please Developers, add the adult options! Without it, it turns this game into just another visual novel with a vanilla feel. Give us the naked chicks and a more adult taste we deserve. Besides, this is catered to adults right??? Looking forward to more content. Very little interaction with NPC’s at this stage of the game. Can’t do much conversation with the NPC’s. Where is the Adult Nude stuff? Not much to do after completing all the missions and Artificial Intelligence of the NPC’s is very simplistic. Huge open world and lacks wild life. I know this is very Early Access. It’s why I didn’t ask for refund and patiently waiting for more to be released and Adult patch is added. Game has so much potential. Already graphics looks outstanding. Also some kind of radio in game to play some music, etc, would be nice. More outfits, more dialogue with NPC is needed badly.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

i want to start this by saying once upon a time i had a positive review for this game. but upon further understanding of the sick, twisted and sadistic roots of NTR i can no longer support this. for those who are unaware, NTR, as a trope, is usually defined as cheating in a sense, cuckholding if you will, people really get off to the idea of so called “ugly fat bastards” sleeping with the protagonists girlfriend, usually sending them spiralling down a rabbit hole of depression and anger, rarely with a happy ending. what a lot of people dont know though, is the sexual assault roots that it has, usually the “pretty lady” doesnt want the “ugly fat bastard” and what ensues is often coercion, or even times, flat out rape. fetishes are fetishes, sure, but getting off to potential sexual assault is a line far crossed. and the addition of it to media is sickening at the very least. its blatantly disrespectful to survivors of sexual assault. its a shame as the time ive had in it was dumb fun, but i cannot and will not recommend a game or any media with NTR to anyone. i truly hope the devs see and genuinely understand the issue at hand, until then, not recommenced to anyone.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game


Personality Dating Sim

Personality Dating Sim

There’s something magical about only knowing someone by their words on a screen. This aspect of Personality Dating Sim delivers, but the second half of the game falls short.


If you want to be spoiled, go ahead and watch my video. The first half of Personality Dating Sim is about getting to know the five colors, and this part of the game shines, especially with the banter between the five personalities. It’s like being on one of the old dating TV shows with Bachelor #1, Bachelor #2, etc, except with the contestants smacktalking each other. I wish the game had expanded on this and included multiple sections, perhaps in a style similar to TV’s The Bachelor, where you come back to the group after going on a date.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Very cool concept for a game that sometimes delivers.

What I didn’t like:

1. The Story (if you count dating each color a story). It can get repetitive very quickly. At first it’s cool to see all the different options but it just boils down to picking a few options to get the ending that you want. I wish that there was a bit more mechanics to it and dialogue options. It would’ve been cool to see more branches to each storyline.

2. The Speed of the Dialogue. It’s especially slow when you get to the life story. I really think the game could benefit from adding a button to speed up the dialogue.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Personality Dating Sim on Steam

Sakura Spirit

Sakura Spirit

This should be the only game available on steam, I don’t understand how this hasn’t been a top seller.

It has everything anyone could want in one videogame:



-Wet Boobs

-Cat Girls

-Roleplaying boobs

-Stimulation boobs

-Suspense boobs

-Drama boobs

-Kawaii boobs

and the list goes on and on…

If you don’t own this game I think you’d be wise to just purchase this product, this company has really set the standard for PC gaming since this release and you can see it influence the develpoment of popular titles such as Crysis 3, Battlefield 4, Max Payne 3, Diablo 3, Bioshock: Infinite and much, much more.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

“There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.”

Mark Twain

Wait, a fox-girl?

Sakura Spirit is a wonderful story about one guy and some “special” girls. The situations are very funny and sometimes so absurd that you can’t not laugh. But and that is the point you have to know, its like you read a book or a manga or something else. A visual novel isn’t a “real” game where you can interact with your environment. You get some beautiful wallpapers from those girls that show you the current situation. But that’s all. You have only one decision in the whole game and the story ends always equal! So i only recommend it if you like to read, are interested in an unusual funny story and see some great wallpapers with some ecchi. Otherwise i can’t recommend this visual novel for you.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Sakura Spirit on Steam

C14 Dating

C14 Dating

This game is fun, friendly, and sweet in the right amounts. I bought C14 Dating when it came out, then got busy with other things. It’s been a delight to get to play it now for the first time (January 2021). I enjoyed the game and would recommend it to anybody who is in the mood for a slice of life, mostly non-angsty story with a bit of thinking thrown in. While the story itself doesn’t focus heavily on the diversity angle, it’s nice to see representation of both disabilities and less typical potential love interests. I fell completely for the (very) tsundere, overly-diligent Kyler, but I ended up being fond of everyone.

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

I am disappointed in this game. I’ve purchased a number of the Winter Wolves game in the past and never had a problem. But this game seems to be glitched up for me. I basically tried to pick the Deandre route so many times following the guide for the Deandre route. But it seems to be glitched up. I tried it a number of times with minigames active, but that seems to end up still with alone route doing well in the field of archeology… Then I tried with mini games off, which still ends up with the alone route but with character deciding to try a different field.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

C14 Dating on Steam




  • Cinders’s personality is up to the player via dialogue choices

– Consistency is rewarded, while random personality choices don’t serve as well

  • The art is beautiful, from the backgrounds to the characters

  • Morality is ambiguous, unlike what you expect from fairy tales

  • 4 different endings, all with many variations

  • The dialogue flows well and is interesting to follow

  • The stepsisters and stepmother are relatable, vulnerable people with real problems

  • Branches in the storyline feel like they matter for the events that happen no matter what

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

I enjoyed this game and got a number of hours out of it between multiple ending playthroughs (free flow and some with a guide to finish a few missed options). My one caveat is that you should snag this game on sale or as part of a bundle, as I’m not sure most people will find it justifies its full price.

First, you should know that this game is a lot of reading relative to the interaction time. As the game warns you about in the beginning, this is more like a book where you can make some choices to change the ending, rather than a typical point-n-click story where you are making choices constantly. Luckily, it has a very nice “fast forward” option for skipping dialogue you’ve already seen on playthroughs, which is something that is lacking in many similar games and is amazingly wonderful if you’re hunting down other endings.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

Cinders on Steam