Until Sunset

Until Sunset

Until Sunset is a stealth puzzle, you need to think carefully before making any decisions.

You find yourself in a school shooting, you need to go out and also understand what happened. There are clues about what happened throughout the school, use this to your advantage.

There are several shooters in the school, try not to confront them, stealth is always better. Are you ready to escape this?

Main Features

  • Puzzles

  • Stealth

  • Story

Read More: Best Dark Survival Games.

Until Sunset on Steam

Flicker of Hope

Flicker of Hope

I really wish I could recommend this game. There are some very interesting aspects to this game that I’ve never seen before. Unfortunately, however, the gameplay is just too poor to recommend.

First the good: So, the first thing you’ll notice is that the main character design is absolutely adorable and beautifully representative of the themes of light, hope, etc. that is visually expressed throughout Wick. Additionally, the way that Wick and the candles that he lights are the only light in the map (and how the light changes as you sneak and run) and the idea of the light being what leads Sister Mara to you is gorgeous and elegant (and can only really be expressed in the form of a video-game). Finally, the method by which Jean Wick revives is by possessing one of the candles that he’s lighted, which once again is beautifully representative of the the theme and story of spreading light around the cathedral.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark 3D Games.

Pros and cons are down below) Check out the gameplay here (the game is the 1st there):



1. A very cool stylee! It’s so adorable but terrifying at the same time! Reminded me A LOT of Little Nightmares. Such a great job on this one!

2. I absolutely loved how the story is unravelled through the environment! Game mechanics are also fascinating, I never ever played as a candle! I think the whole concept was amazing!

3. The game was terrifying! I loved it! It’s so cool! I didn’t expect that I will produce high pitched screams playing this at all!

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Flicker of Hope on Steam



“Dark” is a third person stealth game, conceived and rendered in the tradition of games like

the Thief series and the Splinter Cell series. The gameplay, basics of operation, and plot points most closely resemble the Splinter Cell series. The storyline contains the ghost of the Vampire the Masquerade Series. In an effort to fairly review, I’ll compare the elements of other games like it and what made them successful with the elements of “Dark.”


You are Eric Bane. (Incidentally, the name Eric means “ruler” and Bane, of course means

Real player with 31.0 hrs in game

I felt compelled to write a review for Dark mostly because I saw so many bad reviews. From what I can tell, there are primarily two types of people that hate this game: People who paid $50 for it and stealth game enthusiasts who were looking for another stealth game to play. While stealth is the primary combat tactic in Dark, Dark should be described as a vampire game that happens to use some stealth… rather than a stealth game where you happen to be a vampire. So if you are reading this review and you don’t play a lot of stealth games, but you like Vampire games, then you will probably like Dark. Overall, this is a solid game if you can get it for $10. I would say $20, but with a 7 to 9 hour campaign, it is really hard to justify $20. Especially when you can buy Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines for $20 and it will give you 140+ hours easy. Details:

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

DARK on Steam

Hideout: Face your fears

Hideout: Face your fears

I haven’t finished the game yet, however, it seems pretty cool, the graphics is promising, voice acting it perfect, story seems to fit the atmosphere… I’d never say I’m going to enjoy in any stealth game, but here I am.

EDIT: It feels like I’m almost at the end of the game, still no complaints, there was one bugged door which I went through and fell, not a big deal though… Still enjoying it!

EDIT 2: I’ve completed the game today, and I can say that I’m quite disappointed at how the game ended… Looking forward for the updates (if there will be any).

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Its a great game! Decently put together, has a lot of potential. The sneaking is a really cool aspect and how you use devises is super sweet. Overall great game! Beware if you go through the door at the end boss (fountain entrance) instead of jumping off it will glitch the game making the robot spin in circles and not see you at all. Got stuck on the end for a solid 1hour and a half lol..


Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Hideout: Face your fears on Steam



This game is tight, the gameplay concept is so cool but it doesn’t match up with the setting of this game, it’s almost a waste. The atmosphere is awesome, the sound design is really good and again- it’s a shame. The game runs like a charm too, you would only find trouble running this if you played it on one of those touch screen calculators.

Buy this game if you want a cheap scare for a little bit, but unless you’re really into it I doubt you will finish the game because it follows a cheap gimmick, that’s the biggest problem I have with SEDOMAIRI. You have to sneak behind the ghosts, the level design doesn’t help you because it’s a maze, you could use the radio but it only shows you a general direction and in some cases with the convoluted map design it will work against you. The AI doesn’t follow an obvious pattern, their view distance is larger than yours so if you’re in front of them but can’t see them, they will still spot you and trigger a hunting sequence. Here’s the gimmick, you NEED to trigger the hunting sequence to reliably eliminate the “child”/ghost, you will trigger it and then run into a hiding space- that’s if you can remember where they are, then hide until they lose you, leave the hiding space and then sneak behind them and drive a nail into them (you need to find these nails which isn’t so bad but a really cheap way at motivating you to explore).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Starting to think it is impossible to find the dolls. in 35 minutes i played i was not able to find single one of them and you have to find 5 of them if i remember. take in consideration i was playing in the easiest difficulty. also the ghosts seem to go back to place where they spawned always that restricts you from exploring and trying to find dolls there.

Might give this a another try, when the frustration has worn off, but if you are looking challenge that seems nearly impossible go for it.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

SEDOMAIRI / せどまいり on Steam

Suicide For Him

Suicide For Him

It is a dream come true to see this game take shape like this, and I am very excited to see it grow!

Although it is an indie game with a small team, it has so much to offer such as:

  • A beautiful and original soundtrack

  • Brilliant voice acting that brings the characters to life

  • Entertaining extras that add more variety to gameplay

  • An anime/manga, stylish art-style that is appealing to look at, especially for fans of the genre

  • Customisation of the main character which will expand further

  • An engaging story with the first act being a great introduction to the game’s character and universe

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

I want to know what the connection between this game and the simulator is? Because the style is kind of similar.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Suicide For Him on Steam



Thief is an Action/Adventure/Role-Playing/FPS (First Person Sneaker) game, set in a Victorian Gothic world but, with primitive electric lights and machinery typical of the early 20th century, as well as some unique and very imaginative devices. The characters are a blend of aristocracy, soldiers, commoners and beggers, some with British accents and, some who sound like they came from the streets of Brooklyn. The theme casts a hint of paranormal hope in a disease-ridden city of despair. The player is a thief named Garrett, who lost his female counterpart, Erin, in an accident which resulted in Garrett’s near death. After his recovery, amnesia swallowed most of his memories of the past year. So begins his search to find out what happened to him and, to learn Erin’s fate.

Real player with 1322.5 hrs in game

I really wanted to like Thief - and so, in a way, I did. But it helped not to think of it as a Thief game but rather more Batman - if Batman couldn’t fight and also was a relentless kleptomaniac.

The game is a quick eight chapters, some better than others. For example, one takes place in a brothel, and is so predictable with its silly attempts to be lurid that it’s laughable. Another takes place in an abandoned asylum and is actually unnerving. The deeper into the game you go, though, the more pat the levels are, the less finished they feel, and the less engaging they are. And the less you care because the character development is so lackluster, and the dialog so poorly written, that you cannot get involved in the story, even if you want to.

Real player with 161.0 hrs in game

Thief on Steam

Dark Existence

Dark Existence


The year is 2036. You are a survivor living in an underground bunker alongside other survivors. The bunker is home to an organisation of scientists who conduct research and experiments on unknown phenomena related to the extinction event. It is your job to ensure that supplies are brought to the bunker as well as test subjects for the scientists to operate on. This requires going to paranormal sightings and capturing whatever objects or creatures you come across.

The world is full of these creatures and it is up to you and your friends if you choose to go with others, to make sure that you successfully capture one of them.


The underground facility where you currently live is classed as the ‘Multiplayer Hub’. All players spawn here together when hosting/joining a server. In the bunker, you will have the freedom to explore and investigate cases. You will also see the creatures that you have previously captured.


One of the first places you will travel to from the bunker is the Old Manor, located a few hours away. There are reports of paranormal activity within the Old Manor from passing survivors. They have reported a strange figure staring out the window, and strange sounds coming from inside. You have been tasked to go inside and investigate the cause of this activity.


In Dark Existence, you will play as a survivor who is trying to fix some of the damage made from the extinction event. You will be checking out places close to the bunker to see if anything of value can be resourced. Your main task however will be investigating paranormal activity which will involve a lot of stealth within dark and dangerous environments.

In the Old Manor, there is an old woman that has had her body taken over by an evil presence, she is smart, she can see very well. But she doesn’t hear very well. So stay out of sight.

As you work through the stages of investigating, you may find she becomes harder to evade. Discover her weakness. You must find a way to capture her, just be careful; she doesn’t react well to being hurt.

You can play alone, however, this is not recommended. You may play with up to 3 other friends that dare to enter the halls of hell with you. Look out for wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, anything with a door as you might just find something that will allow you to progress further.


  • Play Alone

    A chapter-based singleplayer mode where you will play through the chapters of hellish nightmares.

  • Cooperative Solo

    Deciding on helping out the world by yourself? You sure can, but bear in mind, this will be extremely challenging and terrifying alone. Grab a team.

  • Cooperative Mode

    This would be the smart choice to make, play with up to 3 friends to help you, but don’t let your friend get you killed! Work as a team.

Dark Existence on Steam

LIGHT:Black Cat & Amnesia Girl

LIGHT:Black Cat & Amnesia Girl

In the adventure of “LIGHT”, you take on the role of a mysterious black cat who leads an exciting adventure for a little girl who has lost her memory.

Set in a dark and spooky fantasy, explore this world with care as you face the omnipresent dark monsters.

As a cat, there’s only so much you can do, so do your best to guide the little girl to solve the puzzle that leads to the exit.

Look around carefully and be careful not to let her make the wrong decision.

LIGHT:Black Cat & Amnesia Girl on Steam

Plaguepunk Justice

Plaguepunk Justice

Great mix of roguelike and squad based strategy. Unique setting and mechanics for a zombie game. Love the art style and the music is very enjoyable and gives a nice tone. Very polished with no crashes or issues so far. Has that addictive “one more turn/mission”. Glad I found this hidden gem.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

recently got this game on sale, got completely hooked within the first three missions

the style, dialogue, combat, and crafting system are all top notch, 10/10

some of the things that hold the game back in my eyes is the movement, often times passing through another person (or vice versa) can mess up my placement, but to be fair thats just a learning curve

the combat enforces high mobility because of the healing combat, and i think thats really interesting. It makes positioning, resource management, exploration, and map awareness very important. Also requires a little bit of tracking which “patients” you have already treated, etc

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Plaguepunk Justice on Steam