Not Tonight 2

Not Tonight 2

Immigration Enforcement Case #112: You are under arrest. Unless your friends can cross a broken America, retrieve your identifying documents and stay out of trouble… this is the end of the American dream for you.

In an alternative broken America, where capitalism and political greed have taken center stage, your friend has gone missing. Snatched during a protest, Eduardo Suarez has been seized by the authorities, and now sits ready for processing in the Miami gulag.

Not Tonight 2 is an American document-checking road trip, fusing a time-pressure RPG with a politically charged, dark comedy where every decision matters. Will Eduardo’s friends Malik, Kevin and Mari manage to locate and deliver his documents to Miami in time, or is this the end of the American dream?

  • Three branching stories, written by a team of POC authors

  • Make your way across America, making terrifying decisions along the way

  • Work the doors of clubs, churches, race tracks, casinos, and cults

  • Check IDS, while completing a variety of silly, poignant minigames

  • Rhythm games, word association, serving burgers, assessing religion, checking chickens, and more

Read More: Best Dark Pixel Graphics Games.

Not Tonight 2 on Steam

Our America

Our America

Our america allows the audience to experience life as a Black person. This VR experience follows a father and his son on the way to school. The audience experiences the branching narrative from the fathers point of view while they make decisions and interact with the story. In the VR headset they will battle overt and subtle racism as the story culminates at a climax where they must make the correct decisions to get to school on time.

Read More: Best Dark 3D Games.

Our America on Steam



So I found this game in my qeue (a bit by surprise). And since I really like political-sim and strategy games, I decided to give it a try. Yes, it is really early access but under it’s surface is a good strategy game. You have to constantly run polls and ads, so you win over a state on several topics. But at the same time keep an eye on your money. First few turns took a bit of figuring out what to do, but after that I found the perfect strategy. Won my first game fairly easy with 430 - 108 electoral votes. I do hope they add more elements so there’s more gameplay.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Early Access Games.

Good game in development. A bit pricy for the state it is currently in now, but I trust that as updates come out and it leaves Early Access, the game will be higher quality. Definitley a good game if you’re into political stragety.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Electioneering on Steam

Beholder 2

Beholder 2

I love this game. The dark setting, the artwork, the way the characters speak. If you are reading and wondering if you are going to buy it or not after watching the videos just go buy it already. Good value for the money.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

I really love this game!

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Beholder 2 on Steam



Full Review Curator Site

Video Review:

Headliner caught my attention with a simple tagline “What if you control the national news?” Interesting premise and a question that made me wonder “What if I did control the national news?” Fact-based reporting? No slant? Spread the writings of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense… I could do so much. So what would Headliner allow me to do?

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

I recently got this game for free from a curator connect offer. This 2D simulation game with 2D side-scrolling adventure game elements by Unbound Creations features a custom male/female protagonist Dianne Kalushky who is married to a custom male/female spouse Andrew or Sasha and has a daughter Amber(names of any character can be changed). Dianne has just started work as a Headliner at a news broadcaster Galmedia in the fictitious nation of Galixia.

Amidst the backdrop of a deep polarised divide between the genetically modified population and the non-modified minority known as Purists and an ongoing war in the neighbouring nation of Lerisia with a subsequent influx of refugees to Galixia, Dianne must manage his/her company’s expectations as a corporate entity which needs to rely on broadcasting the type of news to attract interest and subscribers, the conflicting interests from the pro-modified and the Purists as well as on whether to allow or control the number of Lerisian refugees into Galixia, Andrew/Sasha’s declining health, job security and concerns over Amber’s idea on having fun at a festival in a week’s time as well as Amber’s plans to enrol at a secondary and study biology which is beyond the family’s finances.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game


Through the Darkest of Times

Through the Darkest of Times

Through the Darkest of Times is an immersive, story-driven game that gives you a first-person perspective of Germany slowly coming apart by the growing Nazi regime.

The gameplay is simple. You start as a tiny resistance movement whose ultimate goal is to reveal the truth of the Nazi government and to help those persecuted by them. Your group grows as you gather supporters, raise funds, gather resources, and recruit more members. Your members can also use their background, affiliation, and traits (Ex: Athletic communist baker, Social democratic lawyer) to their advantage by doing missions that favor their certain trait. In the meantime, you also have to watch your back carefully and to ensure your members heat doesn’t go too high, otherwise they might get a knock on their front door from the Gestapo and be arrested.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Through the Darkest of Times sees you play through the events of Hitler’s reign from the perspective of a small cell of political dissidents. These may be disgruntled trade unionists seeking to protect the people, or they may be religious conservatives looking to end the persecution of Jews. The gameplay segments are interspaced with visual-novel style narrative sections that see you interacting with scenes of police violence, book burnings and more.

The gameplay itself isn’t a novel invention, to the point that if you’ve played similar games about talent-management a tutorial is not needed. Each in game week you can assign your 5 resistance members to missions either alone or in groups with the core stats of these team members impacting their ability to succeed or limit the risk of failure. Some missions are ticking clocks that require immediate action, others will be goals to work towards as opportunities and resources come available. The balancing of the resources in my three hour play session does a good job of reinforcing the despair of being unable to combat the nazi regime on every front.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Through the Darkest of Times on Steam

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1

Amazing game, makes me laugh every time I open it up. There is one problem, and it is that the game is only like 20-40 minutes of gameplay, on all of the eps for all options. Still a good game though. I would expect it to be at least $2 each

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

A short but sweet visual novel. Has a surprising amount of historical accuracy for a moe-styled retelling of the Nazis' propaganda efforts. I’d recommend not posting anything about it on YouTube if you value your channel (I’ve learned this the hard way).

You can reach an ending in about an hour if you don’t rush it and listen to the dialog.

Translations are very well done and everything is perfectly understandable.

One playthrough has me wanting to buy the sequels, if you’re interested then pick it up!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Genius! NAZI-GIRL GoePPels-Chan ep1 on Steam

Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)

Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut)

This game was really interesting, if you can take the time to read. It acts as one of those “choose your destiny” types, but your actually choosing the destiny of this country Galia or however you spell it. Every person you encounter effects the story in some way or another, and also, what you choose to say to each person effects the outcome also. I love telltale games, Shenmue, indigo prophecy, heavy rain, games of that nature. So if your like me, then most likely you will love this game too. At first I got kind of irritated at the length of dialogue, but then it I realized it became harder and harder to “pick my victim”. It also became more and more apparent that what I was saying to these people, and what they were saying to me, was actually the hints and clues needed to determine which character threatens this countries stability the most. You will encounter bigots, sheep, and possibly a serial killer… But every character you meet, if you choose to meet them all, will play an impact on how the game “ends”. Personally.. I loved it.. For a “first run”… I see the overwhelming potential. Give the gamer multiple “maps or scenarios” with different back stories…. Id accept 15-20 dollars for 4-5 scenarios just like a Telltale game. This game really sparks my interests, dialogue, moral choices, and the ability to effect the outcome of a story HUGE way. Like I said, for a first run, not bad… 8/10.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

The indie scene is more prominent than ever boasting a diverse selection of games that often serve as bite sized reprieves from major triple A releases. While the indie scene isn’t immune from uninspired copy and paste designs, there have been a string of recent releases that depart from traditional game design in a major way, challenging what we think of as games. One of the more overlooked releases that fits into this growing segment of games is Postmortem: One Must Die which tries to test players by forcing them to make a single decision that promises to have far reaching consequences. While major releases have tried to accomplish this same goal on a large scale, most have come up short. Does Postmortem’s smaller and more focused scope deliver more satisfying results?

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Postmortem: One Must Die (Extended Cut) on Steam

The Last Dogma - Wilder Wein Edition

The Last Dogma - Wilder Wein Edition

Game: The Last Dogma

Genre: First-person Exploration Game

Developer: Sasha Darko

Publisher: Sasha Darko

Copy supplied by developer

The Last Dogma is a first-person exploration psychological game developed and published by Sasha Darko.


The game tries to mimic other games (such as The Stanley Parable) by creating a satirical story that is way too much “in-your-face” than other games of the genre. You play as Sebastian, an ATF special agent tasked with the tracking and eradication of local firearms dealers. You will find yourself in a village of cannibals, sewers, hellish landscapes, abandoned Christian schools and in Medieval times. It’s a weird, non-sensical, satirical story that falls apart from the very beginning. If you really are interested to understand what happens, read the topic created by the developer who explains the story. Something that shouldn’t happen.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Joke review: This game is probably to complex for you, it will confuse you unless you have a 120+ IQ and are a experienced pro gamer that plays a lot of casual titles.

“Serious” review: People give bad ratings to The Last Dogma but theyre totally missing it’s point. This game is pure satire, making fun of the Walking Simulator genre with their unnecessarily complex stories and convoluted and yet predictable plot twists. Oh and the unnecessary use of “big words” just to seem smart and deep.

I enjoyed The Last Dogma for what it is and it had me chuckle from time to time.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

The Last Dogma - Wilder Wein Edition on Steam



Disclaimer: Trailer & screenshots are early work in progress


Choose one of 102 countries and guide character-driven national intelligence agency through rough seas of the Cold War. From Soviet KGB and American CIA, up to Israeli Mossad and British MI6, expect different approaches to grand strategy gameplay.


  • Espionage finally made as it should be

  • Precise modelling of views & ideologies

  • Direct links between causes and effects

  • System of geopolitically active actors

  • Emergent multipolar simulation

  • Operation plans, campaigns, and opportunities


  • Prioritize grand scale and leave micro to your operatives

  • Establish contacts, threaten, exploit, and trade

  • Manipulate public opinion, support and establish political factions

  • Launch coups and proxy wars, falsify casus belli

  • Hunt spies and terrorists, protect internal stability

  • Form alliances, prepare all-out attacks, break rules

  • Advise country leader on critical decisions such as military interventions


  • Nuclear race: first atom bombs, thermonuclear revolution, mutually assured destruction

  • Huge progress in technology, simulated in the game with Kuhn’s paradigm shifts

  • After-war poverty, civil wars, controversial past

  • Configurable balance between alternate history and determinism

Espiocracy on Steam