Kraken Academy!!

Kraken Academy!!

I’m still playing through the game so I will try to return to this review and update it upon completion!

So far, the game has been really fun! I love the soundtrack and the art style. The characters are all very quirky and unique, and I think the lil profiles you get in game are a nice addition. The mechanics of the game are interesting; I love the time travel and mystery solving aspect. I played on stream, so it was nice having other people help me because there are definitely lots of different details that you may miss on first pass.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Funny Games.

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

The first day at the new academy turns for a shy guy not into a noisy party, but a quick collision with reality. And the academy is strange, and some bum is yelling at you, a huge talking Kraken is floating in the lake. Most importantly, now it is not your parents, but only you who manage your time. Literally. Making the time loop the main gameplay element is a very risky undertaking, but it worked out just fine. Returning to the past does not get boring, does not become some kind of foreign element for the grind of currency, but allows you to deeply feel the game concept, build complex secondary tasks, competently divide the game into chapters, while not formalizing it with banal inscriptions “Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc. “. Because of this, the presentation of the plot feels so smooth, so crisp that there is simply no time to get bored, you are constantly in the center of events.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Kraken Academy!! on Steam

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded

A poor attempt to cash in on the success of the previous game, about 25% of the locations and dialogs are from the first game, when I started playing at first I though I’m playing the first game again. puzzles are TOO easy to the point where you just need to visit all the locations a couple of times and youre done. The story line is very weak, basically one of the heroes gets some brain implant and they travel to the future to get it removed via plastic surgery, thats it. Most of the characters are reused, there are maybe 3 new characters in the entire game. The game itself is very short,

Real player with 54.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Hidden Object Games.

This game is more of add-on, than of sequel in a full meaning of this word. Much of game’s sprites vere reused, especially in the first location, but some new characters appears as jusk reskins of those from the “Red Comrades 1 ”. Also, albeit this game is stand-alone, it’s much shorter than the previous insallement, and can be easlily done in under in 50 minutes.

Conceptually, this game is mainly focused on how in the late 1990s developers saw “the land of the free” throught the prism of the Soviet folklore. They were also making fun of some “western realities”, that have been a fashion in Russia back then. Previous installement seemed to reflect briefly the same theme whilst our stay on the “Brothel level”, and this adds more.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Red Comrades 2: For the Great Justice. Reloaded on Steam

What Lies in the Multiverse

What Lies in the Multiverse

What Lies in the Multiverse is a story-driven 2D adventure that one could call a dramatic comedy. Filled to the brim with hilarious, cartoonish hijinks, the narrative also presents the player with mature and deep themes like death, envy, and obsession.

Things inevitably go batshit crazy very fast in the Multiverse when you discover the ability to travel between parallel worlds. These worlds are alternate versions of each level and differ in aesthetic, theme, and physicality. Switching between them allows you to solve logical and spatial challenges and to progress the story.

Seamless Transformations

Would you like to change the game world on the fly? Now you can! Can’t reach a ledge? Bam! Switch worlds mid-air. Afraid of sliding around in an icy environment? Alternate to another universe for firmer ground! Just be careful when messing with gravity…

Diverse World

Embark on a journey across a variety of gorgeous pixel-art worlds, each offering something unique. Explore temples, towns, harbors, the wilderness and more as you race to unlock the secrets of the Multiverse.

Colorful Cast of Characters

Meet a bunch of quirky but compelling characters such as Everett, your eventual genius companion. Picture a sarcastic, eccentric Albert Einstein. Then there’s EZ, a mysterious figure everyone fondly remembers but can’t describe. Or ZENITH, a group of enigmatic and shadowy figures always breathing down your neck.

A Deeper Story

While staying true to its light-hearted nature, the story’s poignancy builds as you progress. A rollercoaster of laughter, joy, and sorrow awaits.

Read More: Best Dark Humor Puzzle Platformer Games.

What Lies in the Multiverse on Steam

Red Comrades 3: Return of Alaska. Reloaded

Red Comrades 3: Return of Alaska. Reloaded

This game is AWESOME! If you liked any of the monkey island games or any old school point and click/combine you’ll love this game. It has a different feature of detaching items you have previously attached so you have to really think about it. It’s a long game at least several hours as you change areas so much. It has extremely funny humor that is thrown in here and there and funny situations. If you like point and click games then you need this one for sure! 9/10!

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

It’s not a bad game, much better than the second part, but not great either, I feel like at some places it was a cent short of a dollar, and some non game breaking bugs were left in the game.

With some places the puzzles made sense but even when you figure out the solution there was an iillogical way to actually apply it, for example

! the puzzle with the magnet where you had to shoot it with the bazooka, clicking on the magnet with the bazooka didn’t work, yo had to click with the bazooka on one of the players in the room with the magnet And some puzzles made no sense at all, like the way you had to get rid of the dog.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Red Comrades 3: Return of Alaska. Reloaded on Steam

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded

Point and click adventure game with a quest to find a Russian symbol.

True to it’s Russian nature you’ll see a lot of Russian stereotypes and clichés which can be fun and annoying.

I do wonder whether I’m walking through some sort of mini-Russia

! with drunks on the streets and being poor with almost everyone asking for money and many things just broken or in a worn down state. To come accross Very rude and impolite people is something I didn’t expect, actually.

The game has a very usable system to interact with the envoirement and a handy map that will transport you trough the game if you don’t feel like taking your characters walking. Beautifully drawn backgrounds and freshly designed lead characters. Still has that olden days Russia look of course. With Russian voices make it sound true to it’s Russian nature. It’s was hilarious to hear them talk in Russian for the first time, luckely the English subtiltes made sense. That’s where this game differentiates from other point&click games, it’s Russia style of handling things.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Well, it’s a russian game. Its main characters, Peter Isaev and Vasiliy Ivanovich Chapaev, were real people who served in Russian Civil War. Then, in 1934, came a very successful and popular film “Chapaev”, so this pair became the stable character of jokes and folklore, being popular for decades the USSR existed. They only lost their former glory in in 1990s-2000s, because of changed times and morals.

And, this game was made first decade after vanishing of that country, in a dark time for millions of people. Among questions that arose then, there was one, kind of philosophical - whither to move? For some people the way to get to the answer was - since the Union’s return in the nearest years seemed to be highly improbable, it’s reasonably to sum up all the previous experiense that country, consisted of every inhabitant, had, to highlest its best, to use it as base for building something some suitable for new circumstances, and then to move on.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloaded on Steam

Dinner with an Owl

Dinner with an Owl

Saw it was an odd game, decided to stream it with some friends for a laugh.

Originally beat the game in nine in-game days and about 20 mins. Decided to fuck around after that point and see what happens… and see what happens we did, the game has quite a few scares an odd behaviors when you start breaking it and doing things at strange times. Quite some spooks and some laughs… and some glitches like the magic phantom knife… game loves calling you out on your bullshit when you start fucking around.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

I absolutely LOVED this game! It’s a short and sweet point and click game with a wonderful little creepy story. Took me half an hour and 11 in-game days to complete! Not sure if you can do it in any less but it was super fun and I really did like it. The artwork was so lovely and it gave me some Rusty Lake vibes (without the puzzles!)

10/10 enjoyed, highly recommend to anybody that wants a nice little interactive story with some lovely music too!

Big props to the devs & co! Would love to see any more games you come out with!

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Dinner with an Owl on Steam

Deponia Doomsday

Deponia Doomsday

Lotta mixed reviews for this game. Lotta negative reviews for this game. Some have valid points, some have invalid points. Thought I would write this review to clear up some things that I didn’t find to be true.

I assume that if you plan on buying this game, then you’ve finished the trilogy. So it would only make sense to compare it to the trilogy. Staight up, this is the worst Deponia game. And that makes sense. It was supposed to be a trilogy. Everything was planned out, the story wrapped up nicely, everything worked. But then they made this game after they though they were done, and it clearly shows.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this is Deponia at its finest.

See. I went into Doomsday with great trepidation. I didn’t know if I would like it… to the point I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to play it at all. (btw I’m assuming people who are reading this review have played through Goodbye Deponia).

When I heard about the fourth game, I thought that Doomsday was a CONCERNING idea… would Daedalic be throwing away what should have been the end of a story for more money?

I love the trilogy: its characters, its art, its music, its humor, its world, its creativity, its absurdity, its story. And… I especially adore the ending. Yes, many other fans got furious, but for me, it was the perfect way to end the story. It’s heavily foreshadowed, start to end, through the trilogy. It’s been set up with intention the entire time. It stuck with me, and I had to think about it for several days. The fact that Deponia Doomsday, at its core, seemed to be a story that would retcon the ending… looked to me like a way of erasing the ENTIRE HEART AND POINT of the trilogy’s storytelling.

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Deponia Doomsday on Steam

Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack

Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack

A point-and-click adventure about time traveling, love, and scary-looking robots

  • Multiple playable characters

  • Puzzles based in logic with a wacky edge

  • Sleek animations and voice acting

  • Built-in hint system

  • Ron Gilbert himself backed the Kickstarter :O

Is it true that the dinosaurs are actually eating cave folk after nightfall?

Do you accept responsibility for Kloot’s education in today’s world?

If you really want to cure that cat allergy, you’re gonna have to do some serious traveling…

Should you get stuck, you can always ask Daela for a hint. It’s OK, she won’t tell.

Justin Wack and the Big Time Hack on Steam

Critters for Sale

Critters for Sale

Na ez egy érdekes történet! Szokásos felütés, megnéztem Steam-en a játék előzetesét, majd a közösségi felületére megírtam a szokásos „magyar fordítást a népnek” posztot, ami alá szokás szerint nem érkezett válasz. Majd néhány nap elteltével felvett ugyanitt egy brazil srác, akinek a profilképétől és a profilleírásától legalább 5 percen keresztül sírva röhögtem. Megtaláltam a helyi Ricardót! //Ricardo Milos egy ismert mém volt a 2010-es évek végén// Ezután elkezdtem vele beszélgetni, és azontúl, hogy Pedrónak hívják és iszonyat gyorsan összehaverkodtunk, kiderült ő is szeretné lefordítani a játékot, csak ő nem egyedül, hanem kábé 3 másik spanjával együtt. Merthogy szeretik a szürreális játékokat, amit egyébként én is, ezért is írtam a fent említett posztot. De ő már előttem járt egy lépéssel, és a fejlesztő e-mailcímét is megszerezte, amire levelet is írt, amiben kérdezte a fordítás lehetőségét, amire kapott is egy megerősítő igent. Majd a beszélgetésünk után írt egy másikat, amiben írta lenne egy magyar fordító is. Másnap kaptam egy továbbított levelet a brazil haveromtól: ZÖLD ÚT! Lesz projekt! A fájlokat viszont nem kaptuk meg, ezért az e-mailcímet kiszedve én is írtam neki egy levelet, próbáltam lelkesedés mellett komolyságot is sugallni a projekt iránt, amivel nemcsak azt értem el, hogy megkapjam a fájlokat, hanem egy elég jó kommunikáció is kialakult közöttünk. Ezt követően belevetettem magam a fordításába, azonban hamar kiszúrtam, hogy minden fájl 1-1 pálya szövegét tartalmazza, de így is hiányoztak belőlük bizonyos sorok: Konkrétan a menüpontok megnevezése és egy teljes fejtörő szövegezése. Erről először Pedrót kérdeztem, amire csak annyit írt vissza, hogy tud róla és reméli a fejlesztő ezeket is elküldi majd, mert időközben felállt egy prioritás sorrend, amiben az orosz és kínai nyelv élvezi az elsőbbséget. A választól pöppet sem megnyugodva, írtam egy levelet eme fejlesztőnek, amire kaptam egy hidegrázós választ: a hiányzó sorokat (mondatokat és szavakat) gépifordítással szeretné megoldani. Ezután még annyira sem lenyugodva beleástam magam a játékba, amiből kimásoltam a fejtörő összes mondatát, és lefordítva mellékelve elküldtem, levélnek pedig marketingest megirigylő érvekkel alátámasztottam miért jobb a kézi, mint a gépi. Amire rövid időn belül kaptam egy választ, ebben mellékletként elküldte a maradék gépifordítás veszélyének kitett szöveget, amik immáron már csak egyszerű kifejezések, megjegyezve nagyon lelkes vagyok, és akkor már nyugodtan nézzek rá ezekre is. Ránéztem, kicsi átírás után visszaküldtem, és közösen szummáztuk, hogy jó ez, de nem fogja kiváltani a fordítót. Ezután Pedrónak elmesélve a sztorit lesütött fejjel (vagy legalábbis úgy megfogalmazott üzenetek formájában) elkérte ezeket a hiányzó szövegeket, átküldtem, lefordította, elküldte, siker. Majd a fejlesztő írt nekem egy levelet, amiben leírta igazam volt és nem fog több gépifordítást használni. Hadd ne mondjam nagyon örültem neki. Telt-múlt az idő, lefordításra került a teljes szövegmennyiség, ezt bátran elújságolva kedves fejlesztőnknek, aki meglepődve mondta, hogy a versenyt én nyertem, mert a többiek még közel sincsenek ott, ahol most én vagyok, had ne mondjam mennyire meglepődtem ezen, mert a többiek csoportban dolgoznak, tehát nem egyedül. Nos, mit lehet tenni, a munkát elvégeztem, így elérkezett az idő a búcsúzásnak. Én megköszöntem a lehetőséget, ő pedig a kitartó lelkesedésemet, és ha a közeljövőben is szeretne magyar nyelvet a projektjeibe, akkor engem fog ezzel kapcsolatban megkeresni, aminek nagyon örültem. Végszóként elmondta a tervét: meg szeretné várni a többi fordító munkáját, majd egy nagy szeretetcsomagban beilleszti az összeset. És itt véget is érne a történet… három hónappal később …de a frissítés nem történt meg. Elkezdtem aggódni, ezért újra felkerestem Pedrót, hátha tud valamit erről, és mit ad ismet ők MÉG MINDIG a fordításnál tartanak. Ennyi idő alatt befejeztem az Amnesia: Rebirth és a Hidden Folks fordítását (aminek mondjuk a fele kész volt már ezelőtt), szóval úgy voltam vele, hogy írok ismét a fejlesztőnek és kiderítem mi a helyzet. Levélírás pipa, és válasznak megkaptam, hogy már ő is szeretné letudni a dolgot, de még két csapat szöszöl a végső simításokkal, de október 28, írjam be ezt a dátumot, az a végső határidő. Pedrót ezután békénhagytam és egészen 25-ig hozzá se szóltam, utána ráírtam pöppet feszkós „Kész vagy má’, bruh?” megszólítással, amire kaptam egy „Igen, elküldtük”-et. A megmaradt uccsó csapatból se én se Pedró nem ismertünk senkit, szóval együtt vártuk ki a maradék 3 napot. két nappal és 22 órával később Levelt kaptam lájf, a fejlesztő megírta, hogy minden készen áll a frissítésre holifákk. Utána Pedró is írt, hogy minden készen áll a frissítésre holifákk. Majd elértük az este hét órát, és mint kiderült, tényleg minden készen állt a frissítésre, holifákk! Három és egy kicsivel több hónappal később megtörtént végre, aminek meg kellett történnie: bekerült a fordítás. Ójebébi! Ráadásul szóltak, hogy ha a Steamet átállítom magyar nyelvre, akkor a promóciós pillanatképek is arra a nyelvre fognak átállni, és mit ad isten, tényleg a saját munkám nézett vissza rám. Hidegrázós pillanat volt ez, mert SOHA nem találkoztam még ilyennel, de ez egy olyan pillanat, amit szeretnék ha minél több fordítós kollegám átélne. Azt is tudnám mondani, hogy már ezért a pillanatért érdemes volt belekezdenem a projektbe és megismerkednem Pedróval.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Firstly, this game is NOT for anyone who doesn’t want/like games that are purposefully abstruse or extremely weird. That being said, I really love strange and weird games/stories and I don’t mind being led down a confusing plot so long as it’s enjoyable. This game is a combination of point and click and visual novel type gameplay (both genres that I love). The story is a bit confusing even to the end (although you can get the gist of it by the end) and there is a big theme of

! satanism/demonism in the game. I honestly didn’t find any of the puzzles unsolvable or extremely difficult, though a few can be annoying to solve (such as the piano puzzle requires recognizing tones) but the bulk of the “difficult” puzzles are in the Dragon story and everything necessary can be found simple enough with looking at everything possible. I will note that I played the stories left to right and see a lot of complaints about the people who started with Dragon as the first or second story, so I definitely would wait to do Dragon last (the others don’t matter in order) and it’ll make the most sense sticking to Dragon as last, promise!

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Critters for Sale on Steam

After School Murder Club!!

After School Murder Club!!

it may look a bit different but let me tell you: this was the most exciting and fun visual novel game I’ve played in a while and it’s 100% worth trying!

and yes, with 9 hours I’ve only got one ending so far (still gotta get the other one’s!) so.. if you take your time with reading the dialogues, you get a lot for a free (!!) game.

ps. Pain(t)-kun still haunts me in my dreams (and I ain’t complaining)

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

I wasn’t sure about this title at first, but I ended up enjoying it in the end.

Apparently this started out as a practice/joke visual novel, and it definitely shows, but it knows what it is: a satirical jab at anime tropes with an overall silly plotline. There are references to popculture and memes throughout. Heck, one of the first things the main character says is “Gotta go fast!”

The artstyle isn’t really anything to write home about. The characters seem to have been made with some kind of anime dress up doll programs, which causes a bit of whiplash when the actually drawn scenes show up thanks to how different they look.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

After School Murder Club!! on Steam