

How… should I describe this… Your child left you a bunch of Tamagotchis and asks you to take care of them. But you end up fighting for your life. How did my child collected so many possessed Tamagotchis?!

10/10 Would pet again

No not really. Please take these things away from me :*(.


Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Retro Games.

The experience of owning early 2000’s virtual pets,perfectly replicated in all its terror.

There are 5 little Horatama to take care of for your kid while they’re at a sleepover,each one has unique needs that you’ll have to meet,fail to do so and there’ll be a price to pay…one that gets steeper each time you screw up.

The game eases you into learning the mechanics over several levels,but you’ll need to remember them.,once you’ve got em down,the game is fairly easy…but HOO BOY that last level was rough.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Horatama on Steam

Blind Drive

Blind Drive

What an interesting game. Blind drive puts you in the shoes of Donny… A guy who is blind folded and cuffed to the steering wheel of a vehicle and sent on his way down a highway against traffic. I will say nothing more on the story as I don’t want to spoil. Anyway, the gameplay is simple enough… You hear a vehicle on one side of the road, steer to the other! That’s not all though. The story takes some wild turns and puts you through many different and sometimes unexpected situations to test you. In all, the sound design is great and story is funny. For it’s price, I’d certainly have to recommend this insane and wacky journey. Sit back, relax, and happy steering!

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Arcade Games.

It’s not everyday one discovers a new genre - and what a pleasant surprise it is!

Playing eyes closed, flat on my back with surround sound headphones and a wireless keyboard, Blind Drive is a wild narrative-driven adventure.

The sound effects and spatial design create an immersive atmosphere, complemented with excellent voice acting and often hilarious one-liners (“Give me a break; I’m driving blind! Can’t you see?"), while the graphics make a complete mockery of my 32:9 monitor.

For gamers who think they’ve seen it all, Blind Drive is like playing VR with your eyes closed.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Blind Drive on Steam

Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest

Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest

This game had been on my radar for a long time but bad reviews always put me off. I finally saw it on sale for just over €2 and bought it.

The dialogues are a bit simplistic but there are a couple of funny moments. The game flows well, the in-game help is good (no need to look for walkthroughs) and, thanks to the nice voice acting, the two and a half hours or so are worth the full price of the game.

Although the game is short, there is never the impression of seeing something cut or rushed. Everything is very clean, without bugs. Most of the game follows a sharable logic, except for a couple of points where you have to read the mind of the developers. Points that we can solve thanks to the (aforementioned) in-game help.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Point & Click Games.

Very nice, but somewhat flawed game.


  • Artwork. It’s top-notch. Splendid characters on splendid backgrounds. Animation is somewhat simplistic, but nice nonetheless.

  • Voice acting. Very good for an indie game. Even the Ben’s voice matches the original perfectly.

  • Puzzles. Very good. Challenging enough to please a seasoned adventure gamer. Rare find nowadays.

  • Plot. It’s OK. Good pace, nice ideas.


  • Writing. Some characters and their stories aren’t consistent enough. Some are plain silly.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest on Steam

Knee Deep

Knee Deep

Knee Deep is a point and click adventure game revolving around a murder mystery. Set in a small backwater town called Cypress Knee in Florida, you control the three main characters as they investigate an actor’s murder, digging deep into a world of political corruption, blackmail, intrigue and even a bit of sci fi weirdness. The story is accompanied by nice graphics, atmospheric music and a unique take on gameplay where the story takes place as if it was a theater play complete with moving sets and all. The game is available on PS4, XBox One, and PC via Steam, which is the version I played for this review.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

DISCLAIMER: This is a review of the first episode. No score will be given. A full review of the entire season will follow once all three episodes have been released.

It’s a good thing that I’m playing this game on a hot summer evening. It’s also interesting that I live just a few miles away from one of the largest swampland areas in Europe and the humidity, as always, is unbearable. It’s just curious that there are no mosquitoes tonight. All in all, a perfect situation to immerse myself into Knee Deep, a self-proclaimed swamp noir in three acts. And I am immersed in a matter of seconds. The first thing that strikes me is the music, a brilliantly moody mixture of American folk and blues. I start the game up and I am immediately seated in a theater. I silence my mobile phone out of respect for the actors. As the curtain rises on the stage, I find myself in a backwater Florida town of Cypress Knee. It’s a grim start as a washed-up actor has hanged himself from a tower next to a local inn.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Knee Deep on Steam

Destroying The Asteroids (Along With Unfair Hurdles)

Destroying The Asteroids (Along With Unfair Hurdles)

  • There are 2 Asteroids in this Game. For Destroying each of the Asteroids, You have to go through many Hurdles like mazes, droppers, spinners, etc.

  • Collide with any hurdles before the 1st Asteroid will result in respawning You at Starting Point.

  • Collide with any hurdles after the 1st Asteroid and Before the 2nd Asteroid will result in respawning You at the 2nd Point (Where You had destroyed the 1st Asteroid).

  • Find the Asteroid and Destroy it by Colliding with it (only Asteroid).

Destroying The Asteroids (Along With Unfair Hurdles) on Steam

Seeking Evil: The Wendigo

Seeking Evil: The Wendigo

Персональный рейтинг - 4 из 10

Желтоглазый демон, или Жги, молись, беги

Леса Северной Америки хранят в себе множество тайн. Одна из таких - таинственное создание вендиго, питающееся живой плотью и, согласно поверьям, вечно ощущающее неутолимый голод. Как героя игры Seeking Evil: The Wendigo вообще занесло в североамериканскую глухомань, история, однако, умалчивает. Четко ясна лишь задача - сжечь 9 тотемов, чтобы снять проклятие вендиго и как бы между делом положить конец тирании монстра. В непростом деле борьбы с лесным чудищем нам поможет зажигалка с бесконечным запасом бензина, факелы и еще фонарик впридачу. На кой в игре столько источников света, учитывая, что свет привлекает монстра - вопрос, конечно, хороший. Помимо вышеперечисленной дребедени, у игрока в распоряжении есть по-настоящему толковый предмет - древняя реликвия анк, которая способна сканировать окрестности и подобно компасу указывать нам на ближайшие тотемы. Архиполезная вещь, которая заметно облегчает поиск тотемов.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Reviwed in Virtual Reality, link to review at bottom.

I’m into horror games, and there is something legitimately unique here. I’ve played a lot that involve a chase, Amnesia, Outlast, Alien Isolation. There’s something extra in Seeking Evil: The Wendigo.

Despite being Early Access I think it’s pretty much done. There’s just a few things that might not have the required level of polish.

The Good:

VR is implemented with no grief.

Looks great in VR.

Seriously the visuals are amazing, it’s appropriately very dark, but the way things sillouette is bordering on genius at times.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Seeking Evil: The Wendigo on Steam

Phantasma VR

Phantasma VR

Hello Everyone, I just finished this game.

I am glad I finished, If this was a Hard copy of a game I would of put it in a bucket of Gas, and set it a fire.

This was one of the most Aggravating games I have ever played on VR. If I didn’t pay so much for my vive, I would of smashed my Controllers into a wall a long time ago. Not only did I want to get to the next Head banging puzzle so badly, just to stop me from slamming my Headset into the walls, but I wanted to get to the end, to find out what kind of reward I would be greeted with since I went through all of this Madness. There was none, None end line story finish, no what is going to happen to me, NOTHING!!! it just ends…… I am searching for a highlight of my day into the night, back to the day Aggro blast, the only thing I can come up with is standing in front of the hall door listening to the couple Screwing.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

I have decided to completley re write my review of Phantasma. when I first played this game I really wanted to love it but to be honest , and this is hard for me to say because I pride myself on my puzzle solving ability and proudly wear the “I solved obduction without cheating” badge. but before some updates and reworking this game had me beyond frustrated. The dev has completely reworked the second puzzle,. the infamous Paris and added a few clever hints in a couple of the other levels now that make this game much more accessible. The puzzles will still challenge you. But every thing you need to solve the puzzles are right there in front of you. you will solve and when you do you will feel pretty damn smart for it. Graphically the game is gorgeous. the sound is great and free locomotion works fantastic. Currently the dev is working on an update to fix the teleport from pushing players back from the edge of tables and the like. That’s another thing. This dev is listening to his customers and has been working like a madman to give us updates and fix anything that may have been over looked in playtesting. You should easily be playing the game for 3 to 5 hours depending on your puzzle logic,. I initially didn’t think there was any replay value but have found myself going through again and just absorbing the atmosphere of the game and feeling the narative. It’s really twisted. this is definitely worth your time and money! we need more interesting titles like this and less wave shooters.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Phantasma VR on Steam

Race To Sanity

Race To Sanity

Dear Developer,

I wish you a very unpleasent day for opening this horrendous gate to hell.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

This game is not finishable under current circumstances. The last level has a bug with some invisible obstacles that are unavoidable and knock you off of your wheelchair instantly. I’ll be happy to revise this review when this bug is fixed, because the game was okay otherwise.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Race To Sanity on Steam

Squeaky Clean

Squeaky Clean

This game is really good. It has a basic UI with easy to get used to game play helped with initial level tutorial texts. The controls are responsive and fluid, making the challenge of this title about you and what you are doing or not doing in some cases.

For the jump scares, it does the job well. While playing, a constant feeling of dread is present, an uncomfortable unease that won’t go away. While cleaning up, it is always random if you are pestered to near insanity or practically left alone, both of which only add to that unease you feel, keeping you anxious. This I personally feel when far into any Day of any Victim and my eyes fall onto the number of what I am finishing up on for wash area. Seeing 53 of 100 you would think would make you feel awesome that you are near done, but it really just adds more stress to your brain as you start thinking you will get really harassed by the baddies during that last time.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Tried this out for a spoopy stream and it didn’t disappoint! Carrion Wave was nice enough to provide me with a code to try it out and, IMO, I’d say it’s worth the $4.99! It’s a bite-sized game that should run you about 2 hours according to the devs, but RNGesus is never on my side when it comes to horror games of this variety, so i’m clocking in nearly 5 hours on it (that, and I got into a debate with my stream about how long one should take to bathe and wash their hair LOL). I’ve played the FNAF games, so this is definitely right up my alley! I’d say give it a go if you’re a fan of FNAF-esque games, give this a shot!

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Squeaky Clean on Steam



This is a great game, especially with the new multiplayer addition, but the multiplayer is terrible buggy. I randomly get thrown 1000 miles in the air, I get soft locked, I fall through floors into an endless void unable to do anything, and all sorts of other fun stuff like that. Its a great game but please, Pillow Castle, fix the multiplayer.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

10/10 holy god this was an experience. probably my favorite game like this. Second play through and it still felt like I was playing it for the first time. I can’t believe how innovative this game is and I would 1000% recommend this to anyone. Amazing job to the developers, the voice actors, and especially the music. Absolutely worth any amount of money.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Superliminal on Steam