Button Pressing Simulator

Button Pressing Simulator

If you want to press a button for 5 minutes straight then this is the game for you.

I did it for an hour straight ‘cause I’m just built different.

An honest opinion thought? Well written story that was both intriguing, and funny.

WARNING: the graphics may hypnotize you.

I played this game for YouTube so if you wanna check out some fun gameplay be my guest!


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Funny Games.

This game Cured my Cancer and granted me infinite pocket sand!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Button Pressing Simulator on Steam

Pandemic Shooter

Pandemic Shooter

Lock & Load

Pandemic shooter is an action-packed first-person zombie shooter. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some massacre. Hordes of mindless undead are heading your way. Collect and upgrade your weapons, grab some power-ups and let the bullets fly. But don’t get too cocky. Every level gets more challenging and more zombie-packed!

Flat Earth

Ever wanted to kill some mindless zombies? How about some mind-controlling, humanity-manipulating reptilians? Yes, there are reptilians in the game as well! And they are as influencing as ever. Have you ever heard of flat-earth? Their idea. Fake moon? Also them. Deadly 5g waves? You get the idea. Fight those bastards and save the Earth from more of their dumb conspiracies.

Zombies, zombies, and more zombies!

No protagonist is a real hero without a true villain. The same goes for a zombie killer. In Pandemic Shooter you will face many different zombies, all with unique skills and posing a different kind of challenge. Combine them all together, and you’ve got yourself some trouble. Oh, and beware the special NASA troops - they protect their lizard overlord’s secrets with all the tools necessary.

Key Features

  • Up to 8 hours of the FPS zombie massacre

  • Unlimited level unlocked on completing all levels.

  • Original dark humor. All major conspiracy theories included ;)

  • Multiple in-game achievements

  • 16 different pistols, guns, and grenades

  • 20 collectible power-ups

Read More: Best Dark Humor FPS Games.

Pandemic Shooter on Steam

Mentai Uncensored

Mentai Uncensored

god a fucking damn great game guys, i’ve been playing it nonstop, and these c0ck teases are just something else.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Casual Games.

Mentai Uncensored is a joke game, that the developers hope you pay for and I highly urge you not to do that. Since there’s no story we are jumping straight to graphics:


Well the graphics are just a bunch of stock photos of fat dudes. Literally that’s all it is, it’s repulsive photos of fat people you have to put back together. So yeah that’s about all I can say here.


The audio is awful, it’s nothing more than a stock song playing on a loop and dudes moaning constantly. It’s not funny at all and it gets annoying after the first minute and if you do end up buying this game then well you will mute the game and play in either complete silence or just listen to your own music while playing.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Mentai Uncensored on Steam

Punch It Deluxe

Punch It Deluxe

This game has beautiful assets, really challenged my trigger finger control!!

Almost reminds me of one of the harder, longer games off the classic Work Time Fun psp game!

Fun Visual, Intense music- and the grunts~ stupendous lol

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

I achieve a Zen like state by beating joe roegan. I could’nt beat santa little fucker cuz I ended up roflmaoing into over 9000 evrey time the twist made it shat istelf. The brain is pain but it was no grain on my refrain.

I give this game 10 ramen noodles.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Punch It Deluxe on Steam

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things

An early, somewhat drab, but fairly generous offering of VR experimental experiments. Easily worth a dollar, back then, and maybe even now too, but of course, you could consume endless amounts of this stuff in ways that are free. I like the scene where you get crushed in between the walls. Hell, you know what? This is all pretty good now that I’m remembering it. Fork over your dollar, idiot. https://youtu.be/XFuMWoaa6KY

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Absolutely wonderful!

Although the graphics are very simple, it creates the feeling of height!

Using the Ropes to swing through the city is superb!!!

Best 99 Cent spent EVER!!!

This will be the software I will present to everyone new to VR.

Developers please discontinue your space games and make a new and bigger version of this game!

  • Bigger City

  • Light effects

  • Better Textures

  • Game Modes where the player loses health when smashing against a wall ^^ !!! Important challenge swinging through the city.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things on Steam

Hell’s High Harmonizers

Hell’s High Harmonizers

Simple, but a lot of moving parts, some of which may not mean anything but maybe they will? Creepy, but pleasant. A good sense of humour, but not wacky. An enjoyable time-kill.

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

Extremely charming, relaxing, level-grinding fun. You create an avatar from many disparate options and join your fellow Harmonizing co-workers in Hell- a very chill, stylish, monochrome Hell with lots of varied characters to interact with- in order to maintain peace and (relative) quiet. New characters appear, new levels with shops, break rooms, taverns, training areas, and labs are unlocked the longer you play, and new pieces of your overarching quest are revealed the further you go.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Hell's High Harmonizers on Steam

Simona’s Requiem

Simona’s Requiem

I like it allot!

This game has an atmosphere that is hard to come by. It reminds me of the atmosphere in games like Knytt. It’s a relaxing experience I can highly recommend. Stunning visual elements a true pixel-art adventure.

Also, a big plus for the dark humor!

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

I have a love-hate relationship with platformers: I really love playing them, but I get very frustrated if they are too difficult, even more so if I am completely immersed in the game. Simona’s Requiem proved to be not only a fun, entertaining and overall a wonderful metroidvania, but in terms of difficulty it also managed to find a balance between being overly challenging and ‘I can do this in my sleep’ - you know, it just constantly hits the spot which forces you to push your limits without making you want to pull your hair out.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Simona's Requiem on Steam

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure

It would be in my best interest to give a glowing review since I want to see this game completed but I need to be honest about the progress made so far. I do realise this game is considered Early Access and I know the budget for this game is pretty small, and you should keep that in mind too (if you end up reading the in-depth review linked below), but ultimately, is it something I would recommend to my friends or the gaming public in its current state? Considering the artwork still needs some touching up, bugs were encountered way too frequently, the UI needs fixing and the first chapter is way too short, probably not. I’m hoping that Adventure Mob will eventually prove me wrong though, as I really want this game to succeed.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Bolt Riley is a well-intentioned but uniformly misguided proof of concept.

Presumably the developers naively underestimated the effort required to achieve the level of quality best suited to their vision. Instead, they opted to release an embarrassingly short and painfully butchered appetizer.

One should be easily inclined to forgive unrefined details in Early Access but no update in over a year severely burdens the game’s credibility.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Bolt Riley, A Reggae Adventure on Steam

Bouncy Bob

Bouncy Bob

11/10 !

Gameplay: Just perfect, very fun to play and challenging. The difficulty it’s good, a fast paced platformer!

Art/ Visuals: Great style! creepy and cute at the same time, the characters are funny, the colors, i love it!

Music/ Sounds: The music gives a cool ambient for the game, goes hand in hand with the art, the sounds are perfect, so consistent and creepy too!

Great game, so much fun.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

Very nice looking game with surprisingly addictive gameplay. Super easy responsive control. Pretty fun gameplay with nice mechanics. Graphics well polished. Climatic music. Pretty neat multiplayer mode.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Bouncy Bob on Steam

Divide By Sheep

Divide By Sheep

If you like puzzle games, specifically math puzzle games, then I really recommend this. This is a brightly colored game that doesn’t take itself seriously and has cute sound effects and animations paired along with it. There is a vibrant positivity to this game, despite drowning and killing your sheep!

You will constantly be counting your sheep (and soon wolves, and later pigs) in order to figure out exactly what needs to happen and in what order. The order in which you do things is also very important, so there is a lot of shuffling. While it may seem repetitive at first, the game pretty consistently throws in new animals, platforms, and mechanics to keep things interesting and you will often be trying out different combinations of animals and mechanics to figure out how they work together. I found it kept my interest with all these things.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

First things first. I am not 100% sure, but it seems it is a mobile game’s port (made in Flash). Both versions released quite at the same time but it still feels like a mobile game. Why is that even important? Well, if you tend to play on mobile devices as well, perhaps this is important because the game is way cheaper on mobile platforms. So check your app store and maybe you’ll buy it from there if you like the game and reviews about Divide by Sheep give you any assurance : )

That being said. This game looks cute in any possible good way. Gameplay works, graphics and artwork are great, plus music and sounds are not annoying. This is a puzzle game and I thought why write another review about puzzle games. But I really liked it and spent quite a bit time there, so I might as well share my experience.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

Divide By Sheep on Steam