

I have no words.

This game is truly a hidden gem. I cannot understand how this game has only around 30 reviews.

Sure the gameplay might not be that much, yet it’s still fun, but the story is just so good, I was literally excited to see how things go in diffrent paths, I got all of the 17 endings and almost all of the achievements. Nearly all details are there, even the smallest ones. There’s quite a lot of humour too.

There are so many refrences to pop culture and other games. I still cannot fathom how this game was made by ONE person, with little help from others.

Real player with 101.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Difficult Games.

This is a narrative game revolving around completing drone assemblies of spaceships made out of tetris-like pieces. The central mechanics are serviceable and make for some interesting puzzles and an alternately frustrating and satisfying experience as you try to get pieces to connect by bumping and pulling them.

Whilst that wouldn’t be enough to make a great game by itself, the narrative is the real draw here, running a pastiche of soviet-era space and sci-fi references into the exploration of various characters - and enables you to change how the story turns out as these characters vie for power and try to keep Space Force going in very trying circumstances.

Real player with 96.3 hrs in game

Kosmokrats on Steam

Lawnmower Game

Lawnmower Game

Ever since I played Lawnmower Game 2014, I’ve never seen anything quite like it in terms of immersion, intense close quarters combat, and satisfying gunplay. So when I heard there was a sequel in the works, I was interested to see how it turns out. And after months of playing the Alpha and Beta phases, the game is now finally released.


Lawnmower Game at its heart is a fast-paced tactical shooter. In order for the game to feel immersive, the HUD is minimalistic, and crosshairs are nowhere to be found. Firearms are a real threat and a couple of shots are enough to drop the enemies. For this reason, the gunplay is extremely satisfying. On top of that, an extensive arsenal of weapons is available to players to choose from. Currently, Lawnmower Game offers a Co-op mode vs bots and three PvP modes for small and large battles, with more content planned to be added after the launch. Other new additions include bigger maps, fire support, and vehicles.

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Memes Games.

Greetings to Jim Sterling fans.

Before this game was reviewed by Jim (and it was a pretty funny review), I had a thoughtful analysis posted. Most of the points I made were also made by Jim. Jim is known for making fun of bad games. I am not. I gave the game a weak thumbs-up because, though it has its problems, it does what it promises in the teaser video, and is cheap. It’s also a funny game to gift to a friend, or to leave running (along with Discord) when you’ve told your guildies you can’t raid because you’re “busy” that night.

Real player with 45.5 hrs in game

Lawnmower Game on Steam



Pretty good game. As soon as you start, it reminds you of an old gameboy RPG. The atmosphere reminds of old school Lavender Town from Pokemon, except with the creep factor dialed up. I recommend this to anyone interested in some eerie old school gameplay.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor RPG Games.


Grandma’s Footsteps

Grandma’s Footsteps

Inspired by the classic children’s game: ‘Red Light Green Light’… comes a… not so children’s game.

The Story

You are staying at your Grandma’s house for the weekend to keep her company. Now, your Grandma is famous in the family for her cookies! And being the ‘cookie-loving’ grandson that you are, you cannot keep your mind off of her scrumptious, freshly baked goods!

As you explore through the different rooms of Grandma’s house, you notice Grandma getting on with her day to day house-work and activities: sweeping the hallway, cleaning the dishes, catching up on knitting projects and so on…

You and Grandma are best of friends! She takes you to the park to feed the ducks, to the beach to build sandcastles together and she always has her renowned cookies an arms length away! You’ve always wanted to learn to make cookies with her, but every time you ask to she refuses, saying how she’ll take her secret cookie recipe to the grave with her!

As the years have gone by, Grandma’s eyes have been getting worse, as has her memory! She always forgets where she leaves her glasses.

She likes to joke when she tells you her bedtime stories, saying how she carries a shotgun on her at all times in case intruders try to steal her recipe!! Grandma does make you laugh, you love her silly stories!

The Game

So how do you play Grandma’s Footsteps?

Grandma’s house is made up of 6 different rooms (levels). To unlock the next room along you will need to approach grandma in the current room you are in to receive a cookie!

But Grandma is always on the look out for intruders after her secret cookie recipe!

Grandma isn’t wearing her glasses, meaning she cannot see her Grandson properly… So when she turns around… don’t move, or else her bedtime stories you so well know and love, may just become reality…

Grandma's Footsteps on Steam



This is as weird as I was thinking it was going to be, but I don’t think I’d consider it “horror”. Although, I guess I could see it maybe being almost horror in an abstract way, but personally, I was expecting something scary or even dark/suspenseful. It definitely is none of those things. But it does have very surreal features and the story is probably deeper than what I got (which was just some trippy adventure that could have been someone’s twisted dream). I loved the graphics (which was all handmade, and I very much love whenever games do that).

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

I’ve always been quite fascinated by claymation - I can really only imagine what a tedious and laborious process it must be, all for the sake of aesthetic - but from the couple minutes of Googling I did during the writing of this review, there really don’t seem to have been a lot of games which have been brave enough to adopt it (Hylics is one, and incidentally managed to become one of my favourites mostly because of that). Isolomus , then, is a game I find impossible to dislike: if you want to know whether this one’s for you, all you need to go is scroll back up and look and give the screenshots a look. There’s honestly not much to do other than click on things and then watch things happen (mostly very, very unpleasant things) and anyone looking for logic or sanity should probably look elsewhere, but on the other hand, well… you DID see that can-fly, right? Add in a strange soundscape featuring creepy ambient drones and wet squelching sounds aplenty, along with a surprising amount of replay value to see all the different outcomes that come from what you choose to click on (just as long as you’re not expecting any GOOD outcomes…), and you have a very pleasant(?) use of 20 minutes or so. While I can’t yet confirm if the rest of Michael Rfdshir’s games are any good (only that they all look cool as fuck), something tells me I’ll be compelled to find out soon enough.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Isolomus on Steam

LISA: The Painful

LISA: The Painful

LISA is polarizing by design, and simply playing through it’s introduction alone is enough to give you an understanding of why so many people never finish or play it at all. The plot is a pitch black, grim, and hopeless affair filled with only occasional forays into lighthearted and humorous territory. But the catch here is that these moments are designed to make the inevitable fall back down into the blackest pits of human cruelty imaginable even more devastating and impactful. You see, while LISA is a deconstruction of many common JRPG tropes, it’s main deconstruction is that of a trope found in many forms of media, not just video games. That trope is the notion of protagonist centered morality. What this trope means is that in a story, when the protagonist causes innumerable amounts of death and destruction in their quest, they’ll still be a hero and still be loved and praised by the populace, because although they’ve caused all this, their goal is noble so they’re relieved of consequences or responsibility for their actions.

Real player with 91.1 hrs in game

“Oh hello there! My name is Nern. I’m considered the greatest historian of our time… I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge about Olathe and what happened here. Many tales… Would you like to hear? Hmm… I wish you were more enthusiastic… Oh well, I’ll tell you anyway. Let’s see…. Oh right! It all started with what I like to call, THE FLASH. I was sitting with my wife, god rest her soul, sipping on sweet lemon tea. I believe it was homemade by my sweet wife, God rest her soul. Or wait… Maybe she bought it from the store in a bottle. You know, like a plastic bottle? Well hold on now, that would be ridiculous to buy a bottle of sweet lemon tea, then transfer the contents into a glass. Why not just drink it from the bottle? I guess maybe so she could put ice in the glass? But then again, making tea homemade would be just as time consuming, if not more! That sneaky bitch… Anyway, I’ll save that story for later! So, I’m sitting on my porch drinking sweet lemon tea. From a glass of course, ho ho! When suddenly… A great strangeness fills my body… Something was wrong… I’ve lived many years, and I’ve never felt something like this before. Do you know what it was? Yup! It was my rocking chair! That wooden son of a gun stopped rocking! So I looked down and realized a little rock had gotten caught beneath my chair! A rock under my rocking chair! What a day! I decided it was time for bed, I had had a little bit too much excitement for one day! Hoho! I slid into my jammies, brushed my teeth, and said my prayers. As I was climbing into bed I noticed my wife, God rest her soul, brushing her hair in the bathroom. As I peered across the hall my body swelled up with emotion…

Real player with 69.6 hrs in game

LISA: The Painful on Steam



“_That is not dead which can eternal lie,

And with strange aeons even death may die._” - H.P. Lovecraft

  • A frank, sometimes surreal, other times horrifying story with a good portion of caustic irony and grotesque..

  • Simple controls and no “platforming”, pixel-hunting or teeth-grinding puzzles allow you to concentrate on the main thing - the story and your participation in it.

  • A unique atmosphere woven from real photographs, bizarre plasticine animation, and enchantingly murky music by Serge Bulat.

Blood. Guts. Our own meat.

Here are the Great Ancients sleeping in each of us.

Should we fear imaginary monsters, or creatures crawling out of the depths of the sea? After all, they are only the wretched of this world.

The unknown and fleshy within us - is the true, underlying horror of which we may not even be aware. A horror about to break free…

Visceratum draws inspiration from the work of those who have been able to look into the abyss of humankind. Let’s honor those names: Lovecraft and Kafka, Beksiński and Giger; Cronenberg, Švankmajer, Lynch. And many other masters of the dark arts gave a bit of their energy to the seed from which Visceratum sprouted. However, the game does not try to parasitize on the greats - by paying tribute to them, it seeks to construct its own reality.

The strange visuals, сrawling at the bottom of the “uncanny valley”, combining serious themes and drama with outright absurdity - create a special surreal atmosphere of Visceratum. Will you dare to step into these dark waters?

Visceratum on Steam

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things

An early, somewhat drab, but fairly generous offering of VR experimental experiments. Easily worth a dollar, back then, and maybe even now too, but of course, you could consume endless amounts of this stuff in ways that are free. I like the scene where you get crushed in between the walls. Hell, you know what? This is all pretty good now that I’m remembering it. Fork over your dollar, idiot. https://youtu.be/XFuMWoaa6KY

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Absolutely wonderful!

Although the graphics are very simple, it creates the feeling of height!

Using the Ropes to swing through the city is superb!!!

Best 99 Cent spent EVER!!!

This will be the software I will present to everyone new to VR.

Developers please discontinue your space games and make a new and bigger version of this game!

  • Bigger City

  • Light effects

  • Better Textures

  • Game Modes where the player loses health when smashing against a wall ^^ !!! Important challenge swinging through the city.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

A Fear Of Heights, And Other Things on Steam



Challenging and fun game to pass the time. Takes a while to get used to the controls however once you get the hang of it the game becomes very enjoyable.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

I said I could beat this game in a weekend. One weekend later and I want to rip my balls off playing this game. 10/10.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Slimefrog on Steam

Bed Lying Simulator 2020

Bed Lying Simulator 2020


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Okay

☐ Bad


☑ Masterpiece

☐ Beautiful

☐ Good

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful


☑ Amazing

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad


☐ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☑ Everyone


☑ Just press a bunch of buttons

☑ Easy

☐ Significant brain usage

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Not so easy

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls

Game Time-

☐ Short

☐ Average

☐ Long

☑ Depends on you

☐ Endless


☑ Just buy it

☐ Worth the price

☐ Wait for sale

Real player with 1469.1 hrs in game

Ending made me cry


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Nothing special

☐ Okay

☐ Bad


☐ Masterpiece

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Will do

☐ Bad

☐ Awful


☐ Amazing

☐ Very good



☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad


☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Everyone


☑ Lovely

☐ Good

☐ Average

☐ Not great

☐ None


☑ Just press a bunch of buttons

☐ Easy

☐ Significant brain usage

☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master

☐ Not so easy

☐ Difficult

☐ Dark Souls


☑ Nothing

☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Bed Lying Simulator 2020 on Steam