I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gambling 2(K)

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gambling 2(K)

The float on the drop sucks and the minigames are a chore really - good try tho.

Also the spin is so damn slow that I just want to leave my computer alone while it clicks for me.

As a note, I enjoyed the previous installments of the franchise; but this one has too many waiting mechanics that I can’t get myself to play it.

Not worth the asking price for a idle clicker

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Arcade Games.

K so after finishing the game here is my Review comparing it to the first game!

Over all a bit of a let down i feel…

ill give a score and quick breakdown :)

(tldr)Score 6/10

+8 for the memes.

+1 Low Price.

+1 Nice Skin/Machine Textures.

+1 Chill Sound.

+1 Washed Hands.

-1 Lack of Machine types(3) compared to the boxes in the first game.

-1 No way of Knowing how many Spins have been Taken witch is also less content vs the first game which a LvL up per draw.

-1 Minigame was far to inconsistent and personally i found Boring but maybe I’m just a snake fan i guess XD

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

I Can't Believe It's Not Gambling 2(K) on Steam

Rodent Warriors

Rodent Warriors

If you check my reviews you will find out the most of them are negative.

But it will not happen here :)

I really enjoy this game even in early access state. Game is easy to understand, you can feel a progress and enjoy finishing more and more difficult dungeons.

If you are looking for simple roguelike game where you will not cry after dead - i can recommend Rodent Warriors.

Cya in dungeons rats ;D

Real player with 234.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor RPG Games.

Early on I found the game to be rather frustrating, and at times I still do, but in general this game is fun and has a hell of a lot of potential. Also I have round that the dev is willing to chat with you one on one to talk about the game, make suggestions, etc and that resonates a lot with me. The tips the dev has given me has been giving later runs for me a lot easier to unerstand and is starting to make the game more enjoyable. Thumbs up so far & I can’t wait to see where these games goes from here. Good luck! :)

Real player with 160.8 hrs in game

Rodent Warriors on Steam

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold !

Well, we can throw dynamite in this game. Usually throwing dynamite under your feet would be a stupid idea but hey, this is a video game. And yes, it gets boring after 5 minutes.

Beside that this a logical game with a bit of platforming where you need to gather all of the pot items (whatever that is) and get back to the entrance after that. You have a limited amount of dynamite that you need to use to detonate dark blue blocks in order to gather items or find a way back.

Not much more to write about this one, really.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dark Humor Puzzle Platformer Games.

This is a fairly austere looking indie puzzle platformer that requires you to collect bags of gold in a two-dimensional upright grid based playfield by jumping around and blasting obstacles with a finite amount of dynamite. This limited resource adds a strategy layer to an otherwise unexciting game.

The visuals are not what I would expect in this kind of game. I think the designer was trying for a puzzle game “feel” in a 2.5D action game aesthetic. The underground cavern background is nice, but the rectangular playfield is suspended in the air like a bunch of stacked blocks in an ant farm. It would look better If it was attached to the ground and background as if it was hewn out of the earth. It would look equally better if it was surrounded by a border like a browser-based puzzle game. Trying to do both (or neither - I honestly can’t tell) fails on many levels. The graphics are downright jarring.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

! That Bastard Is Trying To Steal Our Gold ! on Steam

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

The game’s good but some of the shit that can happen really bites… take for example the whole of Fight for Sanctuary. Also if you are coming into the game expecting Jack to be one of the best villains of all time then you are sorely mistaken. While my initial rating may be misleading as I do think this is a true masterpiece, I should warn you that many things you hear about it are ill informed.

Real player with 313.1 hrs in game

I’m going down to South Park

Gonna have myself a time

Friendly faces everywhere

Humble folks without temptation

I’m going down to South Park

Gonna leave my woes behind

Ample parking day or night

People spouting “Howdy neighbor!”

Heading on up to South Park

Gonna see if I can’t unwind

I love girls with big fat titties

I love girls with deep vaginas

So come on down to South Park

And meet some friends of mine

Real player with 306.7 hrs in game

Borderlands 2 on Steam



The potential of this game is incredibly strong. The art style, world and characters are making me eager to see more from this game. There’s a solid gameplay loop that’ll keep you experimenting with different builds throughout different playthroughs. Very good stuff!

Obviously, there’s a lot to improve and balance. Combat isn’t as in depth as I feel it could be. Ruins, while fun to progress through, are quite basic in level design and detail, and the game can be finished in under an hour if you know what you’re doing and/or lucky enough from the RNG loot.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Bias: I’ve playtested this game.

While my “hrs on record” do not reflect it, I’ve spent hours and hours playtesting this game - breaking it, finding bugs, dying over and over and over… and I love this game. The art, music, atmosphere, and humor all work together in creating this wonderful game world filled with intriguing NPCs and clever enemies. I am not particularly good at this type of game, but I enjoy the hell out of Ruine in spite of that. I highly recommend checking it out.

Edited to Add: The dev continues to update this game with new content - enemies, areas, treasures, equipment… Ruine just gets better and better.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Ruine on Steam

The Chronicler

The Chronicler

Yes this is very early access but I like the artwork and overall theme a lot. I will be playing this more when further updates have been released.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The Chronicler on Steam

Borderlands Game of the Year

Borderlands Game of the Year

Big maps filled with a horde of enemies, Millions of gun combinations and dark humor all fit into one large barrel o' fun.

I have gotten my hands on this game way back in 2012 and back then, i didn’t know what i was doing at all, but after a long break without playing the game, to then buy it back on Steam, i don’t regret getting back into it at all.

This game has it all if you’re looking for a loot-and-shoot game. There’s weapons ranging from simple repeater pistols, to rocket launchers and alien weaponry (Eridian weapons may be a little disappointing). They can shoot flames, shock or acid too! On top of that, there’s a bunch of different shield types, grenade mods and class mods, which, along with each character’s skill trees, allow for dozens of different character builds. For a game from 2009, this game looks very good for it’s time in terms of graphics. If your computer isn’t that great, you can always optimize it further than normal. If you plan to buy this, your best bet is getting the GOTY “Enhanced” version. The “Enhanced” edition brings new features, but also new bugs, like memory leaks. However, it’s more ideal if you will only play through the game once or twice.

Real player with 1150.3 hrs in game

FPSs aren’t really my thing and I hadn’t played an FPS for maybe 10 years when I accepted trying this out because of a friend’s insistence and my honest intention was to tell my friend “it’s fine but you know, not my thing”, so that I would’ve complied with his request and lose like half an hour playing an FPS. That’s how biased I was against playing Borderlands when I started.

But boy was I in for a ride. The cut-throat atmosphere, dark humour and especially the loot system right away from the get go got me interested. I kept playing and realized I wasn’t that bad of a shot, it was freakishly fun, the skill system and the player characters you get to choose are super cool and the game in general is well super-badass-cool. A wasteland world full of drug pumped bandits, mutated vicious animals and the best part is, well, you’re no better, you’re a cut-throat mercenary in search of legendary lost alien riches and technologies. The friendly NPCs or “good guys” you get to meet during your travels are also shady characters fitting the premise incredibly well.

Real player with 467.3 hrs in game

Borderlands Game of the Year on Steam

Monsters Domain

Monsters Domain



Your objective is to stop any visitors to your Monsters’ Domain. Start from simple monsters and skeletons and with time build up your defences. You can play any monster from your army and give them specific orders to follow. Every killed hero makes them stronger and gives you an opportunity to equip them better or develop new skills or monstrosities. You can reanimate fallen intruders or collect pieces of your slain warriors and research new ways to use it.

Develop your preferred Style. You can focus on specific Style or mix them together to create a unique army of loyal Monsters. Choose from Necromancy, Vivisection, Mutation, Runes, Elixirs, Talismans, Forge, Techie, Strategy, Roguery, Drilling or Sorcery and different schools of Dark Magic.

Grow your beasts and monsters, make them unique or identical with others to unlock specific skill trees, upgrades and abilities. Combine unique equipment and skills and create your Bosses or Swarms.

Styles are complex systems focused on specific areas but combined with others allow to create more powerful weapons and upgrades. The vivisected finger of the mage combined with some elixirs can be a very powerful upgrade for your simple skeleton. Reanimated corpse of a fallen hero with some fresh mutations and newly forged weapons can make a really nice new Boss for your realm.

Loot all you can as bodies decay and some treasures can be lost to nasty imps or other thieves. Store you treasures as a lure for visitors or forge them into powerful objects. Every piece matters. Study new materials and runes, develop schematics for your traps and devices, collect limbs, flesh and bones for your experiments and new creations.

Learn and experiment. The way your monsters kill new heroes can be entertaining but also eye opening. Develop your Strategy and new Roguery tricks. Teach your zombies to play dead (sic!) or Drill skeletons to fight in formation. Experiment in your Forge with loot and spells and combine them into unique crafting materials.

Do all you can to defend you Monsters’ Domain!

Monsters Domain on Steam

Junebug vs. Evil

Junebug vs. Evil

Super fun!! Great mechanics, cute animation, cool music, and it gets pretty challenging after a couple nights. Love the different weapons and zombie types, they keep you on your toes! Can’t wait to do some more runs… I gotta beat my son’s record lol

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

I gave this game a shot and initially I found it to be extremely hard and a bit confusing. Being a developer myself, I reached out to the developer about some of the issues I had with the early game mechanics and interactions and they were very receptive to my input. The next day there was a patch available with a lot of early game fixes and tutorials making it a lot easier to figure out how to play and the mechanics are a lot better, while still being challenging.

I look forward to improvements and hopefully expansions in the coming months. It’s a fun little game for now that has a lot of potential.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Junebug vs. Evil on Steam

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning

A choices matter Visual novel full of offensive humor, staring two degenerate morons and how they deal with surviving a zombie apocalypse.

+graphics are pretty good cartoon style.

+Story line is funny(THE FIRST TIME)

+Soundtrack is relaxing, but not necessarily good.

-Saves. This saves after every chapter. There’s no other save option. Should save after every chapter, so you can go back in case you mess up. This is super punishing for mistakes.

-Lack of options. You can literally only change them at the beginning of game. And there’s literally nothing for sound or graphics. Just to show the text in the talk bubbles. If you choose to not show text, it still shows the stupid bubble over everyone’s head anyway. Oh and language settings, which only has about 8 options.

Real player with 33.5 hrs in game

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning is a freaking hilarious adventure game, that was created for people, who are seriously in love with funny characters, dark humor and witty dialogue lines.


  • Good engaging story

  • Great nonstop humor for the whole game

  • Choices really matter here with many different outcomes

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning on Steam